Friday, October 18, 2024

Cholera Outbreak Claims Five Lives in 24 Hours as Government Implements Preventive Measures


The Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo, has confirmed that five people lost their lives to cholera in the last 24 hours as the outbreak continues to escalate, affecting a total of 12 districts across the country.

During a press briefing in Lusaka on Thursday morning, Minister Masebo disclosed that since the beginning of the year, there have been 2,473 reported cases of cholera, resulting in 74 fatalities. Currently, 207 patients are admitted to various Cholera Treatment Centers nationwide.

The affected towns include Kapiri Mposhi, Kabwe, Petauke, Vubwi, Chadiza in Eastern Province, and Mumbwa, Chibombo, and Mpulungu, among others.

Minister Masebo urged citizens to prioritize preventive measures, emphasizing the “3 C’s to kick out Cholera”: Clean Water, Clean Hands, and Early Care. She emphasized the importance of drinking clean water, practicing proper hand hygiene, and seeking early treatment to control the spread of cholera.

Health Minister Masebo provided an update on the latest cases, revealing that 111 new cholera cases were recorded in the last 24 hours. She expressed concern about the geographical spread of cholera, with cases now reported in Eastern, Central, and Northern Provinces.

In response to the escalating crisis, the government has imposed a ban on street vending. Local Government and Rural Development Minister Gary Nkombo enforced Statutory Instrument number 18 of 2018, criminalizing the buying and selling of goods on the streets. Minister Nkombo highlighted the need for bars, bus stops, churches, sporting facilities, and other public places to maintain high hygiene standards.

Water Development and Sanitation Minister Mike Mposha outlined government initiatives to address water and sanitation challenges. The government has placed water tanks in underserviced areas to provide water, and plans are in place to empty 20,000 pit latrines in Lusaka.

The three ministers delivered their statements during an Inter-Ministerial Briefing on Cholera in Lusaka, underscoring the urgency and coordinated efforts needed to combat the outbreak.


  1. It seems Garry Nkombo hates street vendors with a passion. Is it because he perceives them as the PF stronghold? Kapiri Mposhi has cholera, but how, under the able leadership of HE Kainde, have they allowed a piggery next to a filling station? There are no vendors on streets of most towns but we still have a cholera outbreak. The most probable source is contaminated water, especially from shallow wells in Lusaka’s high density areas. Fumigate pit latrines with lime and that will solve the problem. That’s what Chitalu Chilufya started to do before the onset of rains. Seek advice if you’re stuck

    • Please cover those road drainages with movable concrete slabs to prevent litter clogging. Our newly constructed roads look like unfinished works.Simply appealing to citizens not to dispose of their litter carelessly will not work.

  2. It seems Garry Nkombo hates street vendors with a passion. Is it because he perceives them as the PF stronghold? Kapiri Mposhi has cholera, but how, under the able leadership of HE Kainde, have they allowed a piggery next to a filling station? There are no vendors on streets of most towns but we still have a cholera outbreak. The most probable source is contaminated water, especially from shallow wells in Lusaka’s high density areas. Fumigate pit latrines with lime and that will solve the problem. That’s what Chitalu Chilufya started to do before the onset of rains.

  3. It seems Garry Nkombo hates street vendors with a passion. Is it because he perceives them as the PF stronghold? Kapiri Mposhi has cholera, but how, under the able leadership of HE Kainde, have they allowed a piggery next to a filling station? The most probable source is contaminated water, especially from shallow wells in Lusaka’s high density areas. Fumigate pit latrines with lime and that will solve the problem. That’s what Chitalu Chilufya started to do before the onset of rains.

  4. Under the able leadership of HE Kainde they have allowed a piggery next to a filling station in Kapiri Mposhi, how can they blame vendors for the cholera outbreak? Fumigate pit latrines with lime and that will solve the problem. That’s how Chitalu Chilufya prevented cholera for 3 consecutive years

  5. 60 years after independence we still want Bazungu to come and teach us hygiene…cholera is as result of dirty and unsanitary surroundings….i saw a picture of ZRA building in Lusaka surrounded by dirty and feces and non functional toilets…the Toilets at the High court are all filthy ….UNZA students go to Manda Hill to relieve themselves…marketeers use plastic bags to relieve themselves….lets wait for IMF to come and teach us how to wipe our butts

  6. It seems Garry Nkombo hates street vendors with a passion. Is it because he perceives them as the PF stronghold? Kapiri Mposhi has cholera, but how, under the able leadership of the great economist, have they allowed a piggery next to a filling station? There are no vendors on streets of most towns but we still have a cholera outbreak. The most probable source is contaminated water, especially from shallow wells in Lusaka’s high density areas. Fumigate pit latrines with lime and that will solve the problem. That’s what Chitalu Chilufya started to do before the onset of rains. Seek advice if you’re stuck

  7. It seems Nkombo hates street vendors with a passion. Is it because he perceives them as the PF stronghold? Kapiri Mposhi has cholera, but how, under the able leadership of HE, have they allowed a piggery next to a filling station? There are no vendors on streets of most towns but we still have a cholera outbreak. The most probable source is contaminated water, especially from shallow wells in Lusaka’s high density areas. Fumigate pit latrines with lime and that will solve the problem. That’s what Chitalu Chilufya started to do before the onset of rains. Seek advice if you’re stuck

  8. This is what you get for voting in a white people’s puppet. Someone who spent his childhood steering at at cows buthole. We did not have cholera in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Next we will see him taking selfies for floods in Kanyama the same way he did last rainy season without doing anything to resolve the matter.

    • I take great exception to this kind of insulting. You really have no argument. The UNIP government, the Catholic Church and the UCZ are to a large extent to blame for attitudes such as yours to fellow citizens.

  9. @ Gunner in Zambia, when do you truly become a Zambian for once instead of always finding excuses in blaming others instead of owning up and accepting you and your party UPND, have just failed the Zambian people. Taking great exception my foot when people are dying!! Really??

    • When the UPND government was moving street vendors what did Zambians say? Now Cholera has broken out ati UPND has failed the people. It is the people who have failed themselves. Do you expect Hon.Gary Nkombo to move all over Lusaka telling people to practice hygiene?
      Imwe fyonse ni government. When are you going to become responsible for your untidiness on the street?

  10. PF trolls dont discuss ideas and solutions. Just tribalism and insults. Very annoying. We have cholera because we live like pigs. Cholera can be prevented so easily. UNIP created unplanned settlements (shanties), MMD expanded them; PF entrenched them; UPND has no clue what to do. Councils need to reclaim their role as providers of affordable well planned settlements.

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