Friday, March 7, 2025

Government Imposes Ban on Small-Scale Mining at Sensele Open Pit Mine


In response to safety concerns, the government, through Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo, has issued a ban on small-scale mining activities at the Sensele Open Pit mine. This decision comes following recent accidents at the mine, prompting the need for heightened security measures and evaluation of mining operations.

Minister Matambo announced the ban during a media briefing held in Chingola, emphasizing that the government has taken steps to secure the pit, and no mining activities will be permitted inside or outside the designated area. To enforce compliance, police officers have been deployed to monitor activities and ensure the safety of the mine.

During the briefing, Minister Matambo revealed that the rescue operation at Sensele Mine has been scaled back due to heavy rains and the unsafe conditions within the mine. The government aims to minimize risks during adverse weather conditions, prioritizing the safety of rescue teams and potential hazards to miners.

Addressing the families of the remaining missing miners at Sensele, Minister Matambo assured them that full-scale rescue operations would resume once the weather conditions improve. The decision to temporarily halt the operation is a precautionary measure to avoid further accidents and protect the well-being of all involved.

Chingola District Administrative Officer Stephen Monze provided an update on the families of the missing miners, indicating that 67 families have come forward, claiming to have relatives among the remaining missing miners at Sensele. The government remains committed to ensuring transparency and communication with the affected families as the situation unfolds.


  1. kkkkk who is suppose to make this pronouncement? Minister of mines or Copperbelt minister or chief govt sporks person, which one amongst the the three?

  2. In other parts of the country, such as northwestern province, and central province, where there are large and rich ores of copper, the government does not have to resort to these sorts of measures, because the people do not steal..

  3. When we called for this all f00lish praise singers were telling us it was not government responsibility…. now that our call has been heeded the f00lish praise singers will change their song to GOVERNMENT HAS DONE VERY WELL TO SAVE LIVES.

    • @Deja Vue: No id!ot. We did not call for the government to not do it; We stated repeatedly that it was not the job of the government to protect thieves from the hazards of stealing. The government is merely reiterating something everyone should know. Do not steal. People in other provinces are not stealing from the governmetn. Now, if the private owner of the mine wants to build a fence around the mine, let him do so at his expense. The government should not be spending money it does not have to subsidise the activities of business owners, or to block thieves from stealing which they have been told is illegal and wrong. But then again, Deja Foo!, you are apparently one of the kaponyas who attempted to appropriate land on the temporarily dried Kafubu river illegally.

  4. After hh and his gucci mutinta wlfe have used illegal miners to make millions in gold, now they want to close After lives have been lost. Sacrifice of lives by feeemas0n hh

    • @Kaizar Zulu: No motherf, HH does not steal. The Gucci his wife wears comes from money he has gained illegally. HH is not like you. He comes from people who have a strong aversion to stealing, or crime of any kind. They believe in honest hardwork. They rejoice success and lament failure, but do not attempt to compensate for the latter with larceny, unlike the criminal likes of you, a grade 7 who was boasting last week that having US $1.5 million is poverty. For context’s sake, when Bill Clinton left office, he was in debt; Joe Biden was so broke as vice President of the US, that Joe Biden had to lend him money to pay for expenses of his son who died of cancer. Meanwhile, you, and illiterate thug, are boasting about being a multimillionaire in dollars, F@ck off

    • @Kaizar Zulu: No motherf, HH does not steal. The Gucci his wife wears comes from money he has gained legally. HH is not like you. He comes from people who have a strong aversion to stealing, or crime of any kind. They believe in honest hard work. They rejoice success and lament failure, but do not attempt to compensate for the latter with larceny, unlike the criminal likes of you, a grade 7 who was boasting last week that having US $1.5 million is poverty. For context’s sake, when Bill Clinton left office, he was in debt; Joe Biden was so broke as vice President of the US, that Barack Obama had to lend him money to pay for the funeral expenses of his son who died of cancer. Meanwhile, you, an illiterate thug, are boasting about being a multimillionaire in dollars, F@ck off

    • Too Late ba Kambwanga!: No Kaponya, It is not the government’s job to follow you everywhere so that it can stop you from stealing. It is up to you to be like Zambians from other provinces and stop stealing. Honesty is good, and moral. Stealing is wrong, and immoral. You Kaponyas who were stealing from that mine did so knowing that you were stealing, and that stealing is wrong and illegal. Stating the obvious common knowledge by the government changes nothing. When no one is looking, and sometimes even when everyone is looking, you will steal. That is how you are. The government should simply expand the number of jails to match the enormous number of you who have a stealing nature, so that we can deposit you where you belong, with Kaizar Zulu.

  5. How long has it taken them to abandon the unpopular monthly fuel review? Since when did echoes sound to reopen Kasenseli gold mine in Mwinilunga to to help in kwacha confidence erosion? There is a lot of innertia in most of the actions taken. In a mine accident, however lucrative or money spinner that can be, it must be sealed off to allow for investigation and smooth rescue operations in case of an accident or to gather evidence and learning from the occurence. That is standard practice.

    • My friend there will be no investigation. That mine is Upnd owned and that’s people in government are not saying what is supposed to be said when a huge number of deaths are recorded in a mine accident.

    • @My Zambia: The review is not in the hands of HH. He did not remove the fuel (and maize) subsidies. The IMF which has total control of our economy is the one which took the subsidy money to pay the foreign lenders of the US $33 billion that Michael Satan, and his nephew Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu, borrowed and looted. Please understand that this debt is so enormous that if we open all the mines in Zambia, and operate them at full capacity for 50 years, and surrender every penny in royalties we get from them, we will not make a dent in this debt. We are 150% of GDP in debt. This is worst GDP to debt ratio in Africa by a wide margin; it is also one of the worst in the world. This time the tribalists have done it. They have sold Zambia on the market of debt slavery

    • @Deja Vue: If there is an investigation, the only thing that will happen is that your kaponya relatives who were stealing from that mine will be imprisoned. No one else did anything wrong. Everyone in most other provinces in Zambia lives life according to the principle that stealing is wrong, and does not do it. Also, UPND does not own any mine. You kaponyas like to project and accuse others of being just like you. As you can see, we do not tolerate corruption. Stanley Kakubo- gone; Anthony Bwalya- out of State House. That is how we roll, and in the case of Kakubo, he might become the cell mate of Kaizar Zulu for his shenanigans. Stealing is something that roils our soles. We are not like Michael Satan and Mutawire who borrowed US $33 billion and looted it.

  6. Here where I stay such a place is called a crime scene. It is sealed off from the public until Police finish with their investigations. In Zambia Police cant seal it off because which policeman will want to guard a place where he wont get any bribes?

  7. Too little too late. That mine is now a graveyard. Those bodies buried there will never be retrieved. Just put a monument there to mark their final resting place.

  8. Someone is spending time wastefully insulting other bloggers who make more sense than him. What a shame. Instead of countering logically he’s resorting to insults.
    We also know how to insult… badly.

    • @Deja Vu: I may call you the mofo, that you are, but it does not detract from the soundness of my logic. You are nothing but a Kaponya from the Copperbelt, who is deeply driven by tribalism. This understanding explains everything about you; the lack of it renders confusion to deciphering the gibberish that you pollute this forum in your daily rantings with

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