Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kamanga Forecasts Good 2024 for Zambian Football


AZ President Andrew Kamanga says he is expecting 2024 to be a good year for Zambian football.

In his weekly column, Kamanga said this year Zambia is targeting to qualify for the FIFA World Cup and Olympic Games.

‘Happy New Year to you all our loyal fans. Thank you for walking with us in 2023 and we can only promise to serve you better in 2024. There is already so much for us to look forward to in the brand-new year. We are already in the thick of the Chipolopolo preparations for the Africa Cup of Nations which kicks off in the next few days,’ Kamanga wrote.

‘Finally, as we roll into 2024, we expect that it will be a year that we will take to even greater heights. Our scorecard in 2023 was above board with the Copper Queens qualifying to the world cup, the Chipolopolo qualifying to the AFCON while the U17 and U20 boys qualified to the Africa Cup of Nations,’

Kamanga urged stakeholders to support FAZ in improving football in the country.

‘There are greater targets in 2024 with the Copper Queens fighting for a consecutive Olympic qualification while the Chipolopolo have their sights on world cup qualification. We have every reason to believe 2024 will be better in football terms. We can only urge everyone to jump on board and ride with us as we aim to take Zambian football higher. Once again Happy New Year,’ he stated.


  1. Ba Kamanga please sit down. Zambia’s largest sports arena has been designated as a cholera center, Fashion Sakala just bailed out a stranded national team so which bright prospects are you seeing? The game is witnessing the worst refereeing ever. Can you work on the many shortcomings before you hallucinate?

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