Friday, October 18, 2024

There will be no Barotseland independence – HH


President Hichilema has urged Simon Akapelwa, the Permanent Secretary of Western Province, to dispel notions of a Barotseland independence.

Emphasizing Zambia as a unitary state, he underscored the importance of unity among regions, particularly Western, Luapula, and North Western Provinces, which possess significant potential for fish production to meet national consumption needs.

In a bold declaration, members of the Linyungandambo movement have emphatically asserted that the Barotseland Kingdom proclaimed its independence from Zambia in 2012. Expressing their discontent with the Zambian government, the visibly irate members challenged the authorities, stating that Zambia has not contested the declaration on the international stage. The group firmly insisted that Zambia must promptly vacate Barotseland without further delay.

The Linyungandambo members convened at the Mongu Police station to show support for their fellow members who were summoned by the police for questioning. Last week, Zambia State police apprehended four Linyungandambo members on charges related to the issue of Barotseland. Although released from police custody, they were instructed to report back to Mongu central police for further questioning under the scrutiny of their superiors.

State Counsel John Sangwa has proposed a constructive way forward for addressing the breaches of the Barotseland Agreement. During the “Let the People Talk” radio program on Phoenix FM, Sangwa suggested a national debate or, alternatively, subjecting the matter to a referendum to determine the fate of Barotseland’s historical privileges.
Drawing parallels with historical examples, Sangwa pointed to instances where debates or referendums played a crucial role in resolving complex territorial issues. Notable among these is the case of South Sudan, where a referendum in 2011 resulted in the region gaining independence from Sudan.


  1. Double standards: if it was Munir Zulu saying this he could have been handcuffed and charged within seconds.
    But this Linyungandambo movement “have emphatically asserted that the Barotseland Kingdom proclaimed its independence from Zambia in 2012” And the Police are busy mounting roadblocks

  2. Careless man. You don’t deal with such a sensitive matter in this way. Clearly this guy is under 5 and lacks experience. He will cause a war. Can someone with some sense in that govt advise him

    • @Kaizar Zulu. That’s the biggest problem! There’s no one with any sense in the entire cabinet and their advisors so this is the cr@p we get. SMH

  3. Ma Lozi have failed to accept the fact that Cecil Rhodes deceived them that they were a kingdom when their coward Litunga failed to deal with insurgency. He was literally begging for British protection while his friends fought against mzungu rule. HH please deal decisively with the sponsors of this illegality as they’re known. When they’ve positions in government they become very quiet. Shall they continue to live off government jobs? Some are too old to be employed. They’re just misleading the misguided youths

  4. The same muzungu is busy causing confusion in the background to sow the seeds before they finally finish with us. Even the name itself Barosteland was given by a muzungu. Ati Northen Rhodesia…what was it called before that thief Cecil? Let him go to Scotland and rename it to Linyungandamboland and see how far he will go. Stop the nonsense.

  5. To put this to rest KK appointed the Litunga as Member of the Central Committee of Western Province. So there was no this Liyangambo would fight the Litunga who was government.

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