Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND will be voted out in 2026 – PF


Former Government Chief Whip in the Patriotic Front (PF) regime Stephen Chungu says the people of Zambia have resolved to vote out President Hakainde Hichilema and his UPND Government in the 2026 General Elections.

Mr. Chungu, the immediate past Luanshya Member of Parliament, said Zambians will vote out the UPND administration because it has failed to govern the nation accordingly.

He cited the high cost of living, unemployment, high fuel prices, mealie meal crisis and declining democratic space as failures of the UPND regime.

Mr. Chungu said all the UPND strategies that include the ten-point plan, the calculator, the graphs and ‘increasing in order to reduce’ plan have failed.

“Assessing the UPND Government, I would quickly say it has failed in many areas because nothing has come to fruition from the many promises they had made. There was a time the UPND told Zambians that they would be buying a mealie meal at K50 and that we were going to buy fuel at K12 per litre and that the dollar was going to sell at a single rate. That promise of the Kwacha gaining from 10:00 hours to 14:00 hours I don’t know when it will come to fruition. Maybe the clocks on the walls have all gone off. They said they were not going to be travelling when there is a crisis but we have seen the President traveling all over even when there is a crisis like we have cholera at the moment,” Mr. Chungu said from Luanshya.

He has since advised opposition political parties to unite and field one presidential candidate in 2026 to dislodge the New Dawn Government, a regime he branded as a common enemy for all Zambians.

“Zambia is never short of leaders, even now we have leaders that are vying for these positions but they are being squeezed by the current Government. If the Zambian people have to decide I know for sure that they will make a decision and they have already made a decision, which I can tell you. The decision that they have made is to remove the UPND, though they have not placed their vote on any other party as at now, their vote is hanging, the sympathetic vote that made UNPD go into Government is still hanging.”

“The UPND must be aware now and I am telling them that the decision has already been made by the Zambian people who are just waiting for the time of voting to come. Zambians are very peaceful people. They are waiting for 12th August 2026 to go and vote against the UPND, that decision has already been arrived at whether the UPND like it or not UPND is on its way out. It is a fact because the Zambian people have already decided,” Mr. Chungu said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Chungu has declared that he is ready to serve the people of Luanshya Constituency again.


  1. The upnd know this. Why do you think they are panicking. Upnd was an experiment gone wrong. Zambians have learned a tough lesson.

    • Kaizer Zulu or whatever you prefer to be called. Just continue licking your wounds and inform the rest of PF losers that envy and wishful thinking do not amount to reality. You and people like me should just not disagree that HH is loved by so many Zambians and, the same people will support him now and in the future. Your conscious always inform your honest decisions that you deliberately suppress the truth. Hence, you consistently regurgitate falsehoods to sustain your devilish thoughts and, those of other PF losers. Keep on watching HH and he will improve Zambia for all Zambians including yourself. Cheers

  2. The problem with current the crop of politicians they dont offer solutions to the problems which the country is facing so that the voters see them that they be the best to be voted in govt against voting for UPND. All they need is the vote from a poor Zambian so that they can be voted in and start there corruption and stealing from govt coffers. Please offer solutions and people will be attracted and vote for your party.

  3. Its only in Africa where someone can become a president without executive experience. Based on that criteria the presidents that qualify are: Kaunda, Mwanawasa, Banda, Sata and Lungu, Chiluba and the current intern are excluded. For example Ruto in Kenya was a deputy president.

    • Chiluba was a bus conductor iwe what executive experience did he get from unions, Kaunda was a teacher. HH comes with executive experience from business. Bitterness will kill you.

    • Kaunda did not have executive experience but his work as a teacher and working for the Rhodesian govt was equivalent to executive experience. I did not say Chiluba had executive experience. I wrote Chiluba and Bally were excluded. All the others had worked in govt except the later. Experience matters!! So let me break it down: Kaunda-Rhodesian govt, Chiluba-Union (Others say conductor), Levy-Vice President, Banda-Vice President, Sata-Minisster, Scot-Minister, Lungu-Minister, Bally-Businessman. There you are.

  4. Where is PF, who is head of PF………is this Chungu related to another fugitive Saviour Chungu. I would camp in Luanshya to debunk lies of Stephen Chungu with his non exist PF. Move on, PF will never return.
    More crying in 2026 – 2050

  5. Voting based on emotions and euphoria. A vote determines the country’s direction. Any slight mistake, takes the country backward. Lies should not be the basis on which a vote should be cast. Developmental outcome depends on who you put in power. If you put a liar in power expect lies throughout the term of such a liar. If you put in power a joker expect jokes in governance.Never, play with the power of the vote. You reap what you vote.

  6. PF created a mess.UPND is also creating another mess. They both don’t deserve to be in office. We need someone else with good ideas

  7. And what solutions are the PF offering? please explain how that will be made possible. We certainly don’t want sticky thieving fingers about. You certainly cant talk about subsidies when the kitty is empty. Its about time we thought of being progressive as a country, our entire existence should never always be around basic requirements of life. Kaizer, grow another brain in the lab. Put your skills to good use.

  8. The problem PF caused where deliberate ones, getting loans and eating the money. UPND is facing problems they did not create. They found a huge loan that needs to be paid. Lets give them a chance. Development is a process and cannot be realized in 2 years. Let us wait and see the impact of CDF and the impact of free education. This will show after 10yrs. Teachers and health workers are recruited. I want to see more agriculture extension workers also being recruited.

  9. They would have definitely been voted out if there was any credible selfless opposition which zambians can trust to pull them out of doldrums but with the current opposition consisting of recycled and tested crooks there is no chance of that happening.

  10. Zoona I miss my old time commentators such as abena Mushota the lady from Scotland married to her white guy Nick lol, then there was Kudos and Jay Jay where you are you guys??? Jay Jay finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a souless cretin and became a robot just like his profile picture and is working for Tesla, assembling computerized toilets….this life ka..we will never know what happened. Mushota underwent an operation and became a man called Kaizer Zulu

  11. In your dreams………

    The one in opposition to replace HH is not yet born……

    The majority of Zambians can see the way forward

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