Friday, October 18, 2024

President Hakainde Hichilema commissions Anderson Mazoka Party Secretariat


In a significant milestone for the United Party for National Development (UPND), the party officially opened its new secretariat accompanied by a fervent call for unity among its members.

The newly unveiled secretariat, named in honor of the party’s founding President, Anderson Mazoka, stands as a testament to the dedication and perseverance of UPND members over the past 25 years. Party leaders expressed gratitude to members nationwide for their contributions towards the construction of this remarkable edifice, urging them to utilize it as a cornerstone in the realization of the party’s vision for the future.

Addressing attendees at the inauguration ceremony, UPND President Hakainde Hichilema highlighted the arduous journey the party has traversed to attain governance, a path marked by sacrifices, including the loss of lives. President Hichilema emphasized that this is not a time for complacency but a call to redouble efforts towards enhancing the well-being of Zambian citizens.

Dispelling calls for an early election, President Hichilema asserted that his administration has delivered on its campaign promises, citing the establishment of a peaceful environment throughout the country. He warned against reverting to previous administrations, cautioning that it would risk the resurgence of violence, particularly in public spaces such as markets and bus stations.

President Hichilema urged UPND members to remain peaceful and united, highlighting the party’s role in fostering a harmonious co-existence among citizens. He encouraged members to familiarize themselves with the party’s history, documented through images displayed within the new secretariat, and to actively promote the party’s agenda, including initiatives for free education, civil service recruitment, and timely pension payments.

Vice President Mutale Nalumango echoed President Hichilema’s sentiments, calling on UPND members to continue supporting his visionary leadership. She lauded the President’s efforts in creating job opportunities and championing initiatives such as free education and the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

UPND Secretary General Batuke Imenda expressed gratitude to President Hichilema for his vision in urging the party to acquire property and become self-reliant. He credited the President for facilitating the realization of the new secretariat.

The event also witnessed the defection of several notable figures, including former Socialist Party Spokesperson Frank Bwalya, Patriotic Front member Patrick Samwimbila, and Democratic Christian Party Deputy Secretary General Cosmas Chileshe, who joined the ranks of the UPND.

UPND Lusaka Province Chairperson Obvious Mwaliteta welcomed the new members, urging them to collaborate in upholding peace and unity within the party and the nation at large.

The inauguration of the new UPND Secretariat signifies not only a physical infrastructure development but also a symbol of the party’s unwavering commitment to progress, unity, and service to the Zambian people.


  1. Power is sweet…late FTJ made a confession…now the Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema the Almighty has tested what made Chiluba try to seek for a third term…..and by the way Mazoka could have been a much better President than demagogue HH

    • @Anonymous: Do not mention Mr. Mazoka. You mathafakas swindled him out of the the 2001 presidential election victory and then murdered him with arsenic poison. Talk about the tribalists and thieves from your area, like Titus Chabala Kafupi; ie Frederick Chipuba. Your fake and feigned praise for Mr Mazoka will fool us by who you are.

    • @Anonymous: Do not mention Mr. Mazoka. You mathafakas swindled him out of the the 2001 presidential election victory and then murdered him with arsenic poison. Talk about the tribalists and thieves from your area, like Titus Chabala Kafupi; ie Frederick Chipuba. Your fake and feigned praise for Mr Mazoka will NOT fool us ABOUT who you are.

    • It’s better to build a bar than a party secretariat.
      In whose names are title deeds, because that will be owner of the building in 2026, when UPND turns into UKA.

    • Was there a train station on Mr Mazoka’s farm? You see all you useless people who think that cattle are a miracle envy and hate those who have cattle. Mr Mazoka had his own cows, like any Tonga does. The raising of cows is what we do. We have never stolen cows from anyone. Practically all the cows in any other part of Zambia and Zimbabwe were stolen from us. Fact: we Tonga historically have had more cows per man than any other tribe in Southern Africa. The Ngoni raided and stole cows from us. The Lozi/Sotho/Kololo raided and stole cows from us; the Ndebele raided and stole cows from us. The Bemba, according to Francis Coillard, stole cows from us, though from the evidence, they appear to have eaten them all, within 100km of where they stole them. We Tonga do not steal. Period

  2. @TIKKI
    Mazoka was a Politician and stealing is one of the hallmarks of being a Politician… wonder they fight to remain in Politics because once you’ve in power then there’s free money to steal and waste

    • Just you people steal does not mean that we steal. Do not compare us to you. We feed you, we fix messes you made, and leave things better than we found them. You sold other tribes to the Arabs during the slave trade; you sold other people’s land to the Arabs in this current age; you have looted Northwestern and Southern Province to build tribal universities in your provinces; You borrowed US $33 billion and looted it, leaving the rest of us in debt slavery. We do not subscribe to the “Eating from the field” or “I did not steal, I just picked it up” mentality. Some of us come from cultures where the abhorrence of theft is deeply inculcated into our souls. Mr. Mazoka never stole anything from anyone.

  3. Founded in December 1998, the UPND failed to even have a decent office in the 23yrs that they were in opposition even with funding from Anglo. Within 2yrs in government they’ve found resources to build a structure and name it under the founder of the Party. If you had any doubt as to whether Kainde is running a corrupt government, here’s the proof! Musa Mwenye, if you have any credibility to defend please move in and investigate them else resign. Mutinta must defend her late father by rejecting to have his name used on a structure that will soon be seized as it becomes a subject of investigations. This isn’t the correct way to honour anybody

    • We funded UPND from our own money. Unlike you, we are industrious and resourceful. We paid for your independence with our money. We fed you for 60 years from our industry. UPND did not win before because after each victory, you rigged. The only reason why it was different in 2021 is that we prepared for your rigging. You came into government poor, living in Kanyama, and left as billionaires. We came in having more cows per man than any other tribe in Southern Africa. We can pay for anything we want. For example, when the legendary traditional musician, Austin “Nsabata” Mwiinga died, UPND members came together and gave his 2 wives 36 cows, and may be a house. This family will multiply these cows, and be rich. We are not like you, where you steal, we work hard.

  4. The political parties need to have permanent structures to operate from. These are organs that eventually govern the country. Even though the
    UPND has significantly deviated from the original national character as a national popliteal party. Anderson Mazoka would have had a more balanced ideology and less tribalistic than his son Hakainde. It is also hoped that Mazoka would not have run down the economy to the extent his son has done within a very short period.

    • The structure you see as the New Government Complex in Kamwala that also houses the National Museum and Zambia Development Agency on the other side was what UNIP began to build as their Party Headquarters. As the Bemba scheme to take over the UPND from HH, it’ll be the beginning of its passage to oblivion

  5. The issue of personalizing Political parties should come to an end….no one claims to own UNIP and MMD and thats how it should be…. but not these pompwe parties PF…UPND….NDC….Citizen First etc….all useless

  6. It is essential for political parties to act as guardians of the constitution, reminding the government and the world of the fundamental importance of upholding the rule of law and protecting intellectual property rights. By doing so, they contribute to the maintenance of a fair and just society, where individual rights are respected and innovation is encouraged. This is particularly relevant in the modern era, where technological advancements and intellectual property play a significant role in driving economic growth and societal progress.

  7. The display of M-Pesa at the Museum of History and Technology serves as a poignant reminder of the impact that innovative ideas and intellectual property can have on society. It underscores the significance of protecting and nurturing such advancements, highlighting the importance of legal frameworks, including the constitution, that safeguard intellectual property rights.

  8. @Tikki, anonymous, Egle’s eye, dobo, Kaizar Zulu etal give Zambians a name of a good Zambian president, just one recent past or late past one. Just one……….

    • @MunaDekhane
      Late Mwanawasa was a little bit ok though we didn’t see much of his Potential….i think Kaunda was the best in terms of uniting Zambians…Kaunda brought all Zambians together you can imagine even Indians were feeling more Zambian and they even started joining Politcs ……if things continue the way they are then HH will be the worst President in terms of division…..imagine hiring Kambwili to insult his own Tonga people just to dent Lungu’s image

    • Yours is an imposible question to answer it would have been easier to ask who has been the worst ??
      To me although I did not like him at all was F. Chiluba we should be thankful he had the courage to abolish exchange control and should he remember for that

  9. I remember how we used to sing ” Tiyende Pamodzi ndi mutima umo” during Kaunda’s era back when I was in Primary school during Independence day celebrations….labor day celebrations…Youth day celebrations etc…i thought the song was also our National anthem

  10. All Zambians in the diaspora want things to improve back home so that we can return home and help our country……we’re not in the diaspora permanently…HOME IS HOME

  11. The reason our president has forsaken the electorate is that he wants to solidify and prolong his stay in power. The money they have used to erect these office buildings was meant for the people of Zambia who have braved high cost of living. Underhand deals, low and zero mine taxes have enabled UPND to line their pockets at the expense of the citizenry. Kasenseli Gold Mine is closed to all, but open to the ruling party cadres. Shame.

  12. And Kaunda didn’t believe in imingalato like these modern day greedy Politicians….now HH is busy scheming how he maintain power beyond 2026….and we have plenty crocodiles like Kambwili who can be bought for pennies…A crocodile is a very strong reptile but it has a very small brain….very very tiny brain that is why its easy to term a Crocodile

  13. You build the structure and power hungry chaps come and claim ownership of the building. The case of lunatic, Miles Sampa. He even has the audacity of locking up the offices which were built from the sweat of the party.

  14. ..tame the crock..You mean?

    Imbwili is already domesticated in a jail cage, in Kasama at the Milima Correctional Facility, but on vacation in Zimbabwe. Since when did we ever have a jailboy on holiday? Unless they flock together. kikikikikikkk.

  15. Fellow country men and women, tone down the fervent rhetoric and complaints. The Kwacha is appreciating now. Nurses and doctors have been employed, free basic education, and more is yet to come.

  16. Just reading a book by a Zambian author “Zambia’s Fall-Back Presidents”. In it, late president Kenneth Kaunda was almost declared stateless by late president FTJ Chiluba. It had to take presidents of the neighbouring states to let MMD and Chiluba sober up to respect KK. The rest of the past presidents were pandering to Zambians as it was their turn to rule. In my view late Michael Sata was the worst president who missed the opportunity of being best having served in colonial government and KK and Chiluba presidents. Second worst presidents is double ECL and Chiluba. Late Anderson Mazoka would have been second best president to KK. We are yet to see how HH will perform his tenure in office.

  17. KK being the best what are you on about ??
    He absolutely destroyed a viable economy and still held in high esteem
    The gods must be crazy
    He was nothing more than a dictator

  18. During Kaunda we didn’t have cadres but we had ” Vigilantes”…..they were affliated to UNIP but they never attacked innocent people…they used to act as neighborhood watchmen protect ALL members of the community from petty thieves and unruly youths. .they used to keep neighborhoods safe and in most cases they used to help the Zambia Police……and we had no junkies during Kaunda because rhe youths were given things to do

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