Friday, March 14, 2025

Chitimukulu Impressed With Good Crop Performance


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba People has expressed happiness with the good crop performance in the Northern Region.

The paramount chief noted that the performance of the crop in the Northern Province is impressive and encouraging.
He attributed the good crop performance to the favorable weather pattern and the timely delivery of farming inputs to the region.

ZANIS reports that Chief Chitimukulu said many farmers who are on the government supported input programme planted their crops on time as they were given inputs early.

He praised the government for supporting the growth of the agricultural sector in the region.
The paramount chief encouraged more people in the region to take advantage of the favourable rainfall pattern and engage in farming.

He also called on agronomists to do some research on other crops that are drought-resilient and can withstand the weather being experienced in other regions of the country.
The paramount chief urged farmers in the region not to sell their produce to briefcase buyers but leave enough for their home consumption.

Meanwhile, Alfredo Mutila, a beneficiary of the Food Security Pack (FSP) program under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Security, said he received the inputs on time and his crops are performing well.
Mr Mutila said he is confident of a good harvest this season, which will also result in more food for his family.
He said the FSP programme is a good initiative by the government that is changing the lives of vulnerable people in society.
Mr Mutila further encouraged other beneficiaries to ensure they conserve food for their families so that the program can achieve its intended target.


  1. 100% of the SDA church members hate the pig but it still remains to be fat. What were they saying about Chitimukulu when God is favoring him as opposed to these others.

  2. I recall the Chitimukulu, my mbuya refusing to meet HH during the campaigns when he wanted to pay a courtesy call. Today HH’s govt is a darling.

  3. Zambia’s northern region must increase the yield per hectare as it is poised to be the country’s bread basket because of good rainfall and perennial rivers and streams. Tongas that migrated to the North are doing well with cattle which was earlier said as not possible to be kept in the area. Many noticed, as far back as 30yrs ago that the Southern province was slowly becoming a desert because of poor rain. The MOA must enhance extension services in the area to achieve that.

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