Sunday, September 8, 2024

When Was The Last Time You Tasted Amashola


Just seeing “Amashola” evokes a sense of nostalgia in many Zambians. It’s a reminder of their childhood and their time growing up.
Amashola was a snack that many Zambians ate when growing up. Making Amashola was a great adventure for children of those days because it was usually made when parents were not at home. In those days most parents saw Amashola as wasting food and so they discouraged children from making it and parents usually locked away some of the ingredients to prevent children from getting to them. Children would have to be crafty in order to make it and they usually took advantage of the times when parents were away and usually one of the children would be assigned the role of a lookout to alert others when parents are coming.

The main ingredients for making Mashola are: Mealie meal, water, salt, sugar and cooking oil.

The process of making it starts with mixing mealie meal with some water in order to insure that the mealie meal is wet. Then you put the mixture in a pan and put the pan on a heat source like a stove or brazier. The next thing is to stir the mixture and add some cooking oil in order for it to fry properly. You can then add a little bit of salt and a little bit of sugar. As the mixture begins to fry you should continue to stir so that it doesn’t stick to the pan. Let the mixture fry until it turns slightly brownish. Once this happens then the Amashola is ready for eating.

Try it and revisit some of those interesting memories of your childhood.

By Zambian Footprints


  1. This year you’ll taste GMO amashola and that’s when you’ll realize that the privatization genius is just a fraud.

  2. Dude just try to be positive for once, the poison you’re generating in you will damage your vital organs. It’s not helpful to be bitter all year. There is a tap at your house go & plant a few grains in your flower bed. After four months you should get some maize there.
    As your maize grows just make sure the maize & your lawn don’t cross polinate.
    Genius, you can only limit the extent of contamination by the GMOs. You ingest them all the time.
    Relax bozo, you’re already a moving corpes.

  3. I can’t wait to hear testimonies on how GMO Amashola taste or Amashola made from fake mealie mixed with GaGa “Amashogaga & gmomashola”

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