Thursday, March 20, 2025



By Leemans L. Nyirenda

Don’t pass judgment on President Hakainde Hichilema before the final whistle. He has 90 minutes to play the game and the Coach is not Uka or A Lungu. It’s the people of Zambia who decide to substitute a prolific striker like President HH at a general election.

How do you substitute a Mbappe or Barbara Banda who is scoring in every game putting Zambia 30 points clear on top of the league?

Does it mean when you are in opposition, it’s just to oppose everything?

I however, I wish to 100 percent agree with our colleagues in the opposition that space for the opposition to oppose has shrunk. But for which reasons? Soon they will have nothing left to oppose. I do not know what Kalaba, Lungu and Nawakwi would have been opposing if the Lord had blessed the country with good rains because HH fixed the loadshedding and we even forgot
about Load Shedding in Zambia.

He revives a new mine Mopani: you oppose.
He builds a new solar plant in Kitwe: you oppose.
Provide free education: you oppose.
Meal allowances for university students: opposed.
Student allowances to be removed when “alebwelelapo” comes back to power. UUUHHHHH Wena Man? Which power? Where? Anyway dreams are allowed.

The game started in August 2021 and will end in August 2026 giving us 60 months. 30 months which half of 60 is February 2024. We are now in April 2024 meaning the game has just begun its 2nd half.

Tekanyani! Imwe Ba Lungu Naba Uka. Bola ni 90 minutes


  1. Its been 3 solid years that the people on the copperbelt have been suffering with no opportunities coming there way and the mines have not been operating what they expected have not been fullfilled and they have been very silent and dont take silence for granted come 2026 someone will come and cry.

    • Have they been suffering only for the past three years? If you acknowledge their suffering even before these last three years, then where is the guarantee that reinstating those who were in power before would resolve the issues of the Copperbelt people? At least in the past three years, there has been hope, unlike the previous ten years which failed to address their problems.

    • They were suffering when he came in. They were suffering because of the thieves, Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu, that they voted for. Things will get better. The debt deal he struck last weak will free up US $4.5 billion of the US $5 billion we would have had to pay on our enormous US $33 billion debt, this year alone. The budget of Zambia is US $7.5 billion, so as you can imagine, we would have had only $2.5 billion for all our expenses if we paid US $5 billion like that. Now we will only pay US $500 million, which we can do. Just do not put Lungu or his friends back because you know what will happen to the US $5 billion/ year if that thief comes back to power

  2. PEOPLE are NOT stupid man, they have already tasted his rule. Let’s go to the polls now & see, arrogance & pride will always blind & destroy people

    • Are you among those Zambian intellectuals misled by the sly opposition into believing that an early election is possible? Educate yourself; the Zambian constitution does not allow for early elections. You will have to wait until 2026. Rather than the opposition focusing on building their organizational structures, they are squandering time delivering speeches at police stations.

  3. Governing a country is not bola. You keep people failing to feed their families for three years and liken their lives to a game. How heartless can you people be. Continues commissioning Toilets, telling lies, increasing fuel and selling mines while we sharpen our voters cards.

    • You should have thought of that when you put thieves in power. All the problems you are talking about are because your relatives, Michael Satand and Edgar “Johnathan Mutawiri” Lungu borrowed and looted US $33 billion. This year alone, we were supposed to pay US $5 billion to service that debt, and we would have defaulted because our national budget is only US $7.5 billion. The debt deal struck last week has reduced the amount we have to pay to US $500 million. This will leave us and additional US $4.5 billion for developmental needs.

  4. Destroying anything is the easiest thing anybody can do. And that is the only thing ECL and his friends can do, destruction. ECLs Uncle, destruction, destruction! ECL is the professor, and genius of destruction. Look at his uncle how ECL has destroyed him. If you do not have eyes to see, we will be very glad to give you a nice pair of glasses for to see clearly.

    Wait a second Zambia, making any thing, takes time and here we are seeing ubuluba blossoming all over the economic shores of Zambia and the bees have cross pollinated the flowers. What next? The fruits will be seen soonest.
    Zambia back on better economic truck!

    • What economic truck is Zambia on when mealie meal is at k350, fuel at k29, fertilizer is at k1500, no FISP, loadshedding is at the peak and promiscuous Minister of Justice is being shielded a Toilet commissioning president. You must be dead in the head.


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