Friday, March 28, 2025

And now MMD sues Bob Sichinga over fake K3.1 trillion


MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe
MMD National Secretary Richard Kachingwe

Commerce Minister BOB SICHINGA has been sued over revelations he made that the MMD printed three trillion KWACHA fake money in CHINA prior to the SEPTEMBER 2011 tripartite elections.

The suit has been filed by MMD National Secretary RICHARD KACHINGWE.

Mr KACHINGWE has also sued the attorney general as second defendant in the matter.

He has demanded tangible evidence and proof to that his party printed fake notes in CHINA.

Mr KACHINGWE has contended that the allegations are defamatory as they have an inference that the MMD engaged in criminal activities with CHINA to print the alleged fake notes.

He also says the allegations are capable of turnishing the cordial relations between his party and CHINA.

This is according to the statement of claim filed in the LUSAKA High Court.



  1. Uncle Bob, I thought you were one of the sober ones!!! Kambwili or Musenge we would have understood, not you the so-called intellectual…..


  3. This what we chose as a nation. Despite showing such traits in opposition PF still won as if the nation was blind. How can they behave better now in power. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

  4. Soon the ministry of commerce will be withdrawn from Bob….guess who it will follow….maybe Chikwanda…hehehehehehehe commedy coming up live.

  5. There is no difference between Bob and ‘Bragadacio’ George Mpombo. By the way, what are Bob’s qualifications?

  6. The MMD and Kachingwe should also have taken time to analyse situation before rushing to court. Suppose someone produces the evidence and the people they gave money??? What if the 2 billion cash crop from Liato can be traced to this alleged printed money? When you live in glass houses, do not throw stones!!!


    The allegation by Bob was outrageous.He alleged K3.1 trillion when infact in circulation,the quantity is less than what he alleged.Its time he became responsible for his utterance since he now a minister.

  8. If PF tries to cook evidence, forensic science will expose them. They should not even take that root. Let them just bear the evidence for all of us to see.

  9. If PF tries to cook evidence, forensic science will expose them. They should not even take that root. Let them just bear the evidence for all of us to see.

  10. If PF tries to cook evidence, forensic science will expose them. They should not even take that root. Let them just bare the evidence for all of us to see.

  11. If PF tries to cook evidence, forensic science will expose them. They should not even take that root. Let them just bare the evidence for all of us to see.

  12. A cabinet Minister, Nominated for that matter? Musebanya uyu mwebantu. Efyo fyaba ifyakusalana mulupwa. Where is our chilandelande kateka? speak now.
     I regret my vote for these visionless party and it’s govt. Shame or sorry ni don’t kubeba aini?

  13. Oswell Munyenyember MUZ president has just died in a car crash along the Kitwe Ndola dual carriage way. Very sad day indeed he really fought for the miners.

  14. MMD i salute you for suing Bob, mebbe it will be a lesson for all of them. Bob be careful otherwise you will be termed as the most stupid Havard educated economist.

  15. yaba..we knew this cabinet will just be wasting our time..what a waste of resources..BOB ..once smart n sharp..gone crazy n wild by the pf manifesto!!wapya munzi!!

  16. This is a shame…i fill so enbarrassed as a Zambian, BOZ conntradictin his Boss, what is at the Bottom of this..we surely need a press conference from Bob and Boz…we cant go on like this Guys, when are we going to reach a level of Professionalism…this is so upsetting…

  17. Well done MMD.Bob was speaking in his official capacity as Commerce Minister.The court action should be directed to the whole Kaponya Government.

  18. How Imis KK`s days! This sueing is just getting out of hand now. Never Sues, Mrs Ala Bee sues, bonse ni sue beshu kanshi when are we going to stop this nonsense?

  19. Now sue the Post for all inflamatory stories about Mpundu Trust when the money for the Trust was borrowed from Access Bank.

  20. Some of these Ministers have made the post of Minister very cheap. We no longer know whether to listen to the Minister or wait for the correction and the counter correction and so on and so forth. Can’t they sit down!

  21. Not only would the irresponsible PF utterances turnish the cordial relation between MMD as a party and China,but most importantly Zambia as a country and China.Can these so called ministers enrol for some diplomacy study programme before they plung this already impoverished country into problems.Or atleast even some night school would help

  22. HE MCS shouldn’t hesitate even for a second, HE SHOULD FIRE BOBO!!! People like him are what will bring down PF. We voted for PF becoz we believed they would be honest & forthright, NOT WANTONLY OPENING MOUTH’s JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT!!!!

  23. Good action MMD,atleast it will shut up the motormouth.What qualification Does our fake “Economic consultant” have apart from ACCA?


  25. There is no smoke without fire its not the first time we are hearing about fake notes in the system, MCS said something about fake notes in the system early, and MMD has just reacted with reference to the revalations at BOZ who are also seeking for information, Bob its time now to let us known about this fake notes !!!!! pls

  26. MCS Please send ba sebele to a small inconsequential country like Zimbabwe as ambassodor if you are too shy to fire him. Better sacrifice him than this threat to your governance and his total insubordination after you clearly are trying to mend fences with China even in your humble education and zero diplomatic training (at least you are trying). Nomba if ba ‘Harvard’ can embarass himself and you like this is there hope that your cabinet isnt the complete catastrophe its proving to be? Please fire him and Kambwili and a couple of others and focus on development not ifya kula chusha abantu who clearly are now proving to have been more effective and being vindicated everyday for it.

  27. Liars are increasingly creating instead room for a Generation change leadership. A leadership of moral pragmatists with vision and national purpose will soon bury into decadence these vacuous hollow hoax relic. Lies have gotten to the head of Bob Sichinga because Zambians have ignored his counterfeit tale of credentials and content that never exist. Other than fooling a few innocent Zambians Sichinga’s self over flaunted academic credentials are neither here nor there. If anything, Mr. Sata has even more credible credentials than Sichinga thinking Zambians are daft to buy his lunatic behavior.And this is the chap maneuvering to take over from Mr. Sata.

  28. #13 Liato’s K2.1 billion is not in circulation, it is exhibit in court so does not count towards the R3 billion Bod Sichinga alleges is cruising aroind circulation in Zambia now. MMD there has every right to be aggrieved and done well to drag this lousy alarmist lumpen to court to account for his silly and malicious unfounded allegations. Let the courts convict him so that he loses his seat in parliament, “buhata mani!”

  29. # 36,
    Other than being a Chartered accountant who worked for Nchanga mines where he was fired, Sichinga is not an economist nor does he have basic qualifications of one. He is a failed business corn artist that has lived flaunting what he is not. Recall his rants on Windfall tax and FDI. Do you see a credible or reliable demagogue in Sichinga?

  30. Sichinga is trying to create economic sabotage on the Sata regime. He knows that his behavior is tantamount to acts of economic sabotage so he has ranted to create economic panic, financial flight, in-confidence and investment freez.

  31. And PF carders before elections were claiming that SATA will be advised by tecnocrats like Bob,shit. Are these the advisers to the serpent president or may be they have been contaminated by the filthy enviroment in which they work.Like the scripture says, “by beholding you become like”

  32. The secret service need to correlate a lot on Bob Sichinga and see his clandestine activities since he established contacts with some 2 or so chaps in the UK fooling him he could be connected to some foreign agency to usurp power from Sata.

    I’m glad Hon Chikwanda Minister of Finance has dishonored Sichinga as a lunatic with ill intents against the country.Let him bear the fruits of lies and reckless mouth diarrhea.

  33. At last there is reason to be brought to the opposition PF party. It is time the ministers in Mr Sata’s part woke up to realise that they are THE government and not opposition. Could President Sata please move the Commerce portfolio from Sichinga to Simuusa!
    Give Sichinga Information and Broadcasting.


    Minister of Finance Hon Alexander Chikwanda dishonor lunatic Bob Sichinga’s mouth diarrhea saying there is and has been no fake money in the Zambian economy.

    NOW the lunatic Sichinga justify ill intents against the country.Let him bear the fruits of lies and Sata relieve him now more especially after betraying Zambians on windfall tax, we will see what lies he will have to seek sympathy on. His only option is to concentrate on his Mormon ministry.

  35. MCS can’t fire Bob because he is the first one who first lied to nthe zambian people just after he was elected presido that there was fake money in circulation which MMD printed. Foolish Bob was just following the footsteps of his pay master but indeed he must be made to pay for his careless statement since he has no immunity.

  36. thats y as a holder of ZDA and Acca i appreciate ZDA for making me a proper accountant, only did acca cos its fashion in zambia. All the primitive people including Bob woship this acca which has exams papers set like grade 7 exams. All u need to do to ve your acca is mastering the rev kit, no research work done. One day Bob was on tv trashing all zambian originated accountancy qualification but look at whats coming from his mouth; no moral,proffessional ethical consiousness. Even this zica body must be scapped for promoting useless acca and let zambian companies with equally primitive HR Managers look for acca only.

  37. The Problem with Bob is that he likes the limelight BUT thinks through the bottom before talking. He is as louse as the appointer

  38. Nadabwa awa wa minister. He talks without thinking. Iam happy that he has finally been sued.Lets wait and see the outcome of this process.

  39. The fact is money was secretely printed in China by MMD. BOZ has done the right thing to disocciate itself so that the ball remains in MMD hands, that is why they have even rushed to the court to convince people that they are innocent. Akanwa Ka milandu……….Very soon heads will roll. I am sure BOZ talked with BOB and they agreed to issue a press statement, Meaning the fake money was printed illigally by MMD as a party with RB on the driving seat. Watch this space.

  40. Minister of Finance Alexandar Chikwanda has just refuted the story of fake K3 trillion in circulation. He asked journalists at State House today to show him any fake note. He was quoted on Radio Pheonix and the voice was his! He has trashed off his colleague, Bob.

  41. Let the PF government just make piece with the Tonga people. These are innocent technocrats who talk less and do more. God will certainly chastise us for humiliating people of his own heart. What will happen is that God will allow the ‘kingdom’ to collapse from within. No weapon sharped against God’s people will ever prosper. This is the reason we are seeing all such things and they are bound to continue until we know the power of reconciliation, love and unity.

  42. On a sober note: The statement alleged to bave been made by Hon. Sichinga had far reaching consequences. As Minister of Commerce Mr. Sichinga should have gauged the negative impact of such a statement in respect to the global monetary systems through which Zambia uses in the complex world trade. Zambian currency interracts with US Dollars, UK pounds, the Euro, the Rand, the Yen. Sichinga’s alarming statement must have attracted the attention of the IMF,and World Bank, who provide Financial assistance to Zambia in times of need. This time around President Sata & his Ministers should learn to respect top-ranking Civil Servants who are supposed to provide highly-researched data to Govt for consumption of the Nation. Sebastian Zulu, Mwenye and Mutembo must give sound legal Counsel to PF Govt

  43. Sichinga thinks he is more clever than the president ( that is why he once said he is more educated than HEMCS). Sata once brought this issue, maybe from sichinga’s advice, then it was shot down and he kept quite about it. Now sichinga, wanting to prove that he is more clever again, he bring it up with serious allegations.
    Yes MMD take him to court in his personal capacity and if found guilty please let him be fired. PF dont help him

  44. I knew Bob’s reasoning capacity when he was brought on Muvi Tv programme called Special assignment when he was talking about windfall tax and variable tax that Bob is another of those educated illiterates. Though he was boasting of having learnt at havard, Awe mwandi coz Muhabi and Situmbeko explained perfectly well at which even now PF has failed to impement windfall tax. Ba Bob bakopo and those that hold him in high esteem do not just know him better. Ask his brothers, they know him! I am not surprised that he can make that alarming and rageful statement, efyo baba

  45. Imwe bantu, why villify Bob alone? It’s the whole ‘rot’ except perhaps the sober Acting President Alexander Chikwanda. kekekekeke

  46. Well, WELL WELL. Good Luck with your Case MMD, we will also Sue you for plundering our Resources. WE HAVE NOT FORGOTEN & FORGIVEN. SO HOLD YOUR GUNS

  47. Let the court case begin and will see who will laugh the loudest. I hope Kachingwe was privy to the cabal in MMD. Wina azalila

  48. Sadly the law suit has no merit. No one was injured or defamed by the statement. There was no quantifiable loss on the part of MMD as a party and suing anyone on this matter is baseless and just open up some Pandora’s box. Probably this case will help us know where MMD got the money they were flashing. This is really a very dangerous move on their part and it is likely to backfire/boomerang their direction. Watch this case. Someone will be hurt and names will start flying left right and center. In fact, if I was part of the defense in the plunder cases, I will run away far from this law suit. Someone is likely to be hurt in this case. THANKS MR SICHINGA, You got them were it matters most. At least they are bringing themselves to the courts on their own.

  49. # 29 Italian Bunga Bunga. What do you expect from a govt full of NEDS+. Courts will remind them of civility in the world. You dont tell lies every day and night and fail to govern blaming Bla bla bla bla over 90 days bla bla bla where’s the beef?

  50. Please stop this issue of money printed in China, and ignore Bob Sichinga otherwise he will think he is popular and he’s being discussed.
    At the end i fear Zambia will loose extra money as Sata is likely going to send Kenneth Kaunda to go to China and apologise for turnishing China’s name in the claim that fake money was printed by the Chines. Kaunda just came back from there when Sata sent him to starighten our Zambia china friendship after it was dented by Sata while in opposition and just when things are looking good here comes Bob. Kaunda prepare for another trip to China.

  51. Absolutely John (72) I doubt that China is impressed with such pronouncements especially that these are coming from top brass of new government, China being a major cooperating partner of Zambia. That is how economies collapse, also such statements send negative signals to outside world including investors projecting the Country as being unstable. Sad that this is coming from the very people that are vested with the duty of promoting inward investment, retaining and consolidating existing partnerships. It is stuff like this that sends stock markets tumbling in the west. I recall how arrogant uncle Bob came out during the December meeting here in London at the Zambia High Commission, people need to learn from other fallen heroes, one needs to humble himself in national service.

  52. SENIOR CITIZEN is back, why? Because MMD is back in action on this fake money.
    Suggestion agreed: Dissolve the all cabinet and prune all some krezi one, starting from Kabwili.
    Did anyone remind you that son of BOB-Robert Sichinga is marred to Sata’s daughter, from one of his early marriages, not Dr Kaseba’s anyway. So firing Sichinga will same as pulling a horn from a cobra.

  53. Nangu cali shani, MMD twalikwete cabinet. Remember what Bob used to say? Let him perform better than Hon Mutati, let him brake the record of wooing FDI’s. MMD did it and these jokers are busy causing capital flight.

  54. Bob has never been wise relatively .He just talks too much. This time he is aware that he needs to align himself to the polarity of the caliber of his colleagues if he needs to maintain his job.
    He speaks vehemently before he thinks as if they are in opposition. By this time he should have spelt out the economic agenda for zambia but he/they have none in the name of ifakaisova kuntashi.

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