Sunday, September 8, 2024

North Western Province Tour a Reinforcement of a People’s Love Affair with HH


By Chris Haambote SNR

President Hakainde Hichilema’s three-day working tour of the North Western Province was an inspiring and perhaps unprecedented event since the days when the United Party for National Development (UPND) was in opposition. This region, which is rapidly becoming Zambia’s New Copperbelt faces its own internal challenges among diverse groups. Yet, President Hichilema has emerged as a unifying force, transcending these divisions and seamlessly connecting the diverse communities of the province.

Outpouring of Love and Emotion

North Westerners are known for their heartfelt expressions of love and affection, which they offered unsparingly throughout President Hichilema’s tour. From Solwezi to Chavuma, Zambezi, Kasempa, and Mufumbwe, thousands of people gathered—chanting, ululating, singing, and dancing in the streets, markers and stadium. This was not an orchestrated display, but a genuine, spontaneous outpouring of emotion, love and respect.

Historical Context and Support

The people of North Western Province have consistently shown their support for the UPND and President Hichilema. If there’s a region that truly owns the President and the UPND, it’s this Province. This loyalty is rooted in the province’s history of marginalization, abuse, and ostracization by successive governments, which labeled them as “backwards” and “unworthy.” Some leaders had even dismissed them contemptuously; notably, one past President derogatively referred to them as “buttocks.”

Insight from the Market: A Youth’s Analogy on Leadership and Recovery

A random question was posed to a young person in a market, regarding his passionate support for President Hakainde Hichilema despite the rising cost of living. His response was both intriguing and revealing.

“President Hakainde Hichilema is like a mechanic fixing a wrecked vehicle that was involved in a severe traffic accident. This car had been stolen. How can a vehicle, with its twisted metal, look good while still under repair? How can the very thieves who stole and crashed it praise the repair work? The PF was an accident that occurred and they are also the robbers who stole the car. Our country was stolen and wrecked. Let’s allow Hakainde to repair it. It may look ugly now, but it will be alright soon, as a matter of fact, there are signs of recovery”.

Shared Struggles and Development Promises

Development in the province has historically lagged, mirroring the struggles President Hichilema himself faced, including false accusations and a 127-day unjust imprisonment on charges of treason stemming from an alleged traffic offense by his driver. His experiences of abuse and persecution resonate deeply with the people of this province.

Since declaring his political ambitions, President Hichilema has faced relentless abuse and false accusations. The people of North Western Province, understanding the pain of disrespect and marginalization, see a kindred spirit in him
In response, he has pledged to prioritize employment opportunities for locals in the province’s mining and investment sectors. On Labour Day in Solwezi, he directed mining companies and other investors to prioritize hiring locals. This directive aims to ensure that the people of the North Western Province, who view him as their own son, benefit directly from the region’s endowment and opportunities.

Commitment to Regional Empowerment

The people of North Western Province deserve development and empowerment. President Hichilema is committed to delivering this, just as he is to other parts of Zambia. His connection with the province runs deep, and his dedication to not letting them down is very clear.


    • Transfer 1000 teachers from Choma to Chipata and let’s see your comments. Zambia is for all of us.

  1. How does one qualify to be called local? Is it by tribe? , by birth? or by name?
    Hamoonga , Mweemba , Mulenga, Mwanza and Muyumbana….will they be considered as locals in Kalumbila? Does kyanyemesha have more previleges over them in kalumbila.?

    • Zambia survives by the grace of God. There violent currents moving underground….it just reveals what certain people think of others. It shows there are so many bad things said about other people.

    • It is by residence. If the work is in Chipata, then people who reside in Chipata and not someone who reside in Monze should be employed.
      This is a simple and straight forward thing.

  2. Why is it that certain people get wound up when small pockets of development are announced in NW province. Sometimes when you point at people thinking they are backwards, look at the number of fingers pointing back at you reminding you of your backwardness. The people of marginalised provinces have suffered enough, they deserve a share of the Zambian cake. Development of our provinces should be seen as diversification of our assets and heritage. Every province in Zambia has the potential to become mega cities but we need to set minimum standard requirements such as international airports, clean water, general hospitals, universities and good road and rail infrastructure. Let’s make Zambia great.

  3. And its a fact that most Managers and Supervisors at Lumwana Mine are Bemba or Nyanja spaeking…. AND even at Maamba Coal Mine.

    • Those mines are not owned by Bembas so what could be the reason to have Bembas as managers? Simple most locals don’t fancy working in the mines. They prefer ventures that give daily returns. So it’s not the fault of the owner of the mine. Some chiefs have actually asked the mines to employ locals…. unfortunately after getting their first pay only 10% of them remain.

  4. “This was not an orchestrated display, but a genuine, spontaneous outpouring of emotion, love and respect.”
    In short you are telling me that the crowds are normally artificial.


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