Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government urged to dialog with Southern Province Chiefs


National Restoration Party interim president Elias Chipimo Jr is flanked by vice president Charles Maboshe at a press briefing in Lusaka
National Restoration Party interim president Elias Chipimo Jr

THE National Restoration Party (NAREP) and the Southern African Centre for Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) have called on the Government to dialogue with the traditional and political leadership over the realignment of Chirundu and Ithezi Thezi.

Chief Government spokesperson Fackson Shamenda could not immediately comment on the matter as he had just returned from Gabon with the Zambia Soccer team. NAREP president Elias Chipimo said in Lusaka yesterday that while the ideal of realigning the two districts was good for enhanced service delivery and development, the government must dialogue with the stakeholders so that decisions are all-inclusive.

The Southern Province Royal Foundation, an organisation of the traditional leadership in the province, has opposed the Government’s decision to separate Chirundu and Ithezi Thezi from the province.
Mr Chipimo said the Government should make the people of the province understand why the decision was being made.

“The government probably wants to promote the local governance structure that will make elected leaders more accountable. However, it would not be a good idea to just ambush the people of the province.

“While the idea may promote enhanced service delivery and development, there is need for greater consultation because there is so much speculation,” he said.

The opposition leader said the Government should explain the cost implications of the district realignment exercise on the 2012 national budget.

“There is also some cloudy on the issue of expenditure as this was not budgeted for in the 2012 budget,” he said.

SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma said the Government should engage the traditional and political leadership in the province.

“The government should engage various stakeholders. It may be a good idea with good intentions but they must engage in dialogue with the people of southern province,” he said.

Mr Chibuluma advised the Government against threatening people opposed to the idea with arrest.

“The Government must not threaten those opposed to this decision with arrest, we are in a democracy,” he said.

The Government has realigned Chirundu from Southern province to Lusaka, while Ithezi Thezi would now be under Central province.

The decision has however received some opposition from the traditional leaders in southern province.

Meanwhile sources in the province told the Times yesterday that some Members of Parliament (MPs) were scheduled to meet today in Choma with traditional leaders to discuss the realignment of the two districts.


  1. It is so strange that we spend all the time condemning colonial masters for spliting up Africa on resource lines and not ethnicity like is the case in Europe. Now, if you look at the provincial boundaries, they are clearly done on ethnic lines and we have done well this way in that every Zambian people have been able to keep their own identity in a unitary state. However, this move of taking away the two richest districts out of Southern province smells of weakening Tongas at the unitary level by dilluting their strength. This is recipe for war and if you look at Nigeria’s River State and how is was cut out from Biafra, you can see where this Satanic move is going to end, conflict

    • what do you mean by richest districts?Zambia does not have a federal system ! Whatever moneies are generated in those districts does not remain in there it goes to central government 

    • People that easily talk of war are not the ones that are ready to fight. Bloggling from the confort of your office or home; am sure you will not be the first one to go to war over “chirundu” or Itezi – tezi. If you really want war, come foward.

  2. Lack of due process in way things are done can cause more problems than providing the intended solution. Even in a home, if the father does not make children understand first, his decisions can meet resistance, even if it may be out of children’s ignorance. It is just better to ensure we are in the same boat before we set off sail.

  3. Will Sata listen? Look at Obama the leader & how admin accommodated the Catholics just this week – why antagonise people kanshi?

  4. Sata continues to show his dictatorial tendencies with each decision he makes. Doesn’t he know that land is the most important of natural resources??? You play roughshod on people’s concerns and opinions just because you are president; even threatening to arrest those opposed to your view! Consult, negotiate, compromise… If he can’t do that, then he might be better suited to Syria or North Korea than my beloved Zambia!

  5. I think the question of re-aligning provincial and district boundaries is too sensitive to be left to government alone however well-meaning. We need to nuture a culture of consultation, I mean meaningful consultation with the people affected. Here in RSA, the government has lost two cases in the Constitutional Court for altering provincial boundaries without consultations with the affected communities. So with all respect to the issue of service delivery we need to engage and consult with the affected people. Unilateral decisions will not deepen our democracy.So even as celebrate our CUP victory it is never too late to consult with the affected people.

  6. look! any1 who haz a titledid to any land and some1 is trespasing,should take such a1 to court.period! let sata rule…tribolizm and regionolizm wil neva neva take us anywhere…

    • Mubanga,i do agree with you on putting aside tribal ,religious,class ,racial,political e.t.c.differences we may have as Zambians.I nevertheless hold different views when it comes to your use of terms. LEADING the nation is different from RULING.All countries on planet earth need leaders not rulers .I would be more comfortable if you said let Mr Sata lead the nation.

    • Puma, I have always followed yo comments on issues surrounding Tongas. Puma, in all yo comments yu’ve exhibited serious hate against Tongas; WHY. it is all because yu ar very BAD Puma and all yu need is to kneel down and pray for forgiveness so that yo heart can reform in readiness for salvation. Issues of land have created wars and hate and distress not only in Zambia but the world as a whole. Consider such cases as those in Palestinian Gaza, Nigeria, Serbia, Sudan, South Africa, 1994 Tribal challenged Satanists in Rwanda Genocide, Ancestral Villages lands within our Zambia, Plots in our compounds; with due respect Sata needs to consult the southerners if he can be a good Leader. Such rhetorics like yoz Puma just confuse some already confused politicians even more.

  7. I wish to salute on the bloggers on this site for your intelligent comments. May as Jonathan has put it, we need to go to court to determine the constitutionality of the reallignment. The excecutive powers the president is using can be challenged, especially if the interested parties are not consulted and not even agreeable to the idea. I mean, what difference does the renaming of airports made to the average zambian. How will this reallignment of districts bring development?????????????????

  8. I cant comment because some soccer extremists are still celebrating their unexpected achievement… But seriuosly this is a senseless exercise,very soon Livingstone will be realigned to lusaka because thats where the minister of tourism & whatever its called now resides

    • Are you a Zambian or is it sour grapes from last September? There is a time for everything. This boy speaks sense yes but sorry the timing here was very wrong.

  9. Chipimo is more mature than Sata…..Sata thinks just becaue he is the president he can do what he want… CHILUBA said it, not a presidential material

  10. Chipimo is more mature than HH. He is not attacking or trying to draw attention. His approach to solving issues like this one is so good.

  11. There is no maturity about Chipimo, why speak later after everybody else has talked? To me this is cowardice, real men speak out their minds there and then even if it makes them unpolular. Chipimo is just an opportunist, no charisma, no appeal-belongs to the archives. Milupi is more mature if you have to be honest.

  12. The Skunkustans are still suffering Sour grapes syndrome from September elections. This is a done deal, the head of state has spoken end off.
    If still in doubt please do look up the lands act 2002, then you may just know that the President has the power to align as he sees fit,, In the meantime the chiefs can go for another bungee jump ! But to save on dry cleaning bill,, please allow chief Mukuni to go commando this time

  13. Lusaka Province was created by getting land from Central province. The lenjes were split into two provinces. Muchinga Province was created by getting land from Northern and Eastern Provinces. The Bembas have been split into two provinces. Why can’t Southern province be split and give land to Lusaka Province? Sata has a better foresight, a bigger picture of Zambian development than most of these guys around. Can Kavindele tell us what he has done for Zambia, apart from his own companies and getting money from government to run his businesses? Let new ideas prevail other than those of the old colonial masters who are by now dead. Do you like the way the colonials mapped copperbelt province. Katanga was supposed to be part of Zambia, but because they partitioned wrongly.

  14. Mr. President, this action is leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths. Please explain your intentions to all stakeholders. Do not gloss over or bulldoze your way over this issues. You have created tensions in the country. As said by Mr. Chipimo there is too much speculation and this could have been avoided if you explained your intentions. Chiefs are worried they will lose jurisidiction in areas they control and the population thinks your are depriving the affected provinces revenue. Mr. President on this one please consult. You may have the power to do this but you are president of Zambia so engage in dialogue. There is still a lot of goodwill for you and your government please do not waste it. May the Lord be your guide and Light

  15. Tonga chiefs have already said not even a millimetre of land will be taken away from s/p. It is only mpezeni who kneels for sata-n

  16. Sata needs to reflect on this issue, issues of land have a potential to bring civil strife. Leave southern province as it is for the sake of peace.

  17. Puma, I have always followed yo comments on issues surrounding Tongas. Puma, in all yo comments yu’ve exhibited serious hate against Tongas; WHY. it is all because yu ar very BAD Puma and all yu need is to kneel down and pray for forgiveness so that yo heart can reform in readiness for salvation. Issues of land have created wars and hate and distress not only in Zambia but the world as a whole. Consider such cases as those in Palestinian Gaza, Nigeria, Serbia, Sudan, South Africa, 1994 Tribal challenged Satanists in Rwanda Genocide, Ancestral Villages lands within our Zambia, Plots in our compounds; with due respect Sata needs to consult the southerners if he can be a good Leader. Such rhetorics like yoz Puma just confuse some already confused politicians even more.

  18. At 27 Best, in total agreement with you. Mr. Sata needs to dialogue with the chiefs and all stakeholders. Nangu ma presidential powers nifi. That is why the new constitution should clip some presidential powers. Why proceed with an issue that has the potential to create strife? And those that just support the president blindly are not in any way helping him. I need guidance, is the demarcation or the so called realignment of districts at the discretion of the president or is cabinet or parliament suppose to sanction this action of the president? Okey even if it is his discretion he must be wise in how he uses his powers. Unnecessary tension in the country is harmful. Moreover these activities are not budgeted for

  19. they should be careful as PF..these are problems..when it comes to land never rule by force..people would fight you!!dialogue is the on Chipimo..!

  20. He is not consulting that is why he is making such *****. Running a country is not like running a party. Chiluba was right when he said this man is not presidential material. Less than a year in power and the country has been turned into a big circus. Anyway Zambians made their bed and they have to lie in it.

  21. Sata thinks Zambians are still in the Kaunda era when the president’s word or decision was final. This is 2012 and Zambians have awoken from their slumber to embrace democracy hence they have a right to question anything that they think is unreasonable. Please learn to dialogue with stakeholders and consult widely.

  22.   Field Marshal Tungulu  you are right plz come to zed and be a president  good point ma man…i think the problem is with our president…he does Things alone ….and in african contest if one does Things alone is refered to be a witch,,,,John Mbiti with his thoery ,,, iam because we are..its wat is lacking in our president


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