CHIEF Mwanachingwala of Mazabuka has said that the resolutions by some chiefs in Southern province who met in Choma over the re-alignment of Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi districts by President Sata should be declared null and void because the resolutions were politically engineered by the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND).
Henry Chibulu reports from Mazabuka that Chief Mwanachingwala said government should not take the resolutions seriously because they do not reflect the views of the chiefs but the UPND leadership.
He said traditional rulers who attended did not know the agenda and were forced to travel by the opposition UPND which also paid them allowances.
The traditional ruler said government should call for an Indaba and explain to chiefs the benefits of re-aligning the districts as most of them are ignorant on the matter adding that the opposition is taking advantage of government’s failure to allow dialogue on the matter.
Chief Mwanachingwala said the Choma meeting was political and did not represent the aspirations of the traditional rulers and their subjects but was meant to drive the hidden agenda of the UPND.
He wondered what could be expected from a stage managed meeting, stating that the chiefs who attended the meeting did not think on their own but were being pushed by the UPND to issue such statements.
Chief Mwanachingwala has disclosed that Mazabuka central member of parliament, Garry Nkombo called him to fix an appointment to discuss the issue regarding the re-alignment of Chirundu and Itezhi Tezhi districts to Lusaka and Central provinces respectively.
He said chiefs in the province should not allow themselves to be used by the UPND to fight government without exhausting dialogue.
Chief Mwanachingwala said chiefs in the province are eager to meet President Sata to discuss the matter and help them understand the benefits of re-aligning the districts.
The traditional ruler has since advised his colleagues to take advantage of the newly established ministry of Chiefs and traditional affairs to express their grievances to government instead of being misled by the opposition to fight government.
And Chief Mwanachingwala has advised the UPND leadership to stop issuing statements without consulting him.
He said he is disappointed with the UPND for misinforming the nation that he attended a meeting for chiefs in Choma when he did not.
Chief Mwanachingwala said he is aware that the UPND want to create friction between him and the government by using his name.
He said he will not allow the UPND to destroy his good image before the government.
Meanwhile, Chief Mwanachingwala has invited Southern province minister, Miles Sampa to visit him at the palace.
The chief said Sampa is free to work in the province adding that no one has the right to order for his removal except the appointing authority.
????? Ba chief!!
This guy described Sata as a thug very recently. I wit to see with interest how PF supporters will exploit this opprtunistic statement. Mwanachingwala has never stood with his people, ever. His pocket is empty with the demise of MMD
Chief Mwanachingwala the opportunist. If there is a chief who has lost respect in Zambia is this one. He has always been known to be the most corrupt chief in Zambia. Some people have no shame. He didn’t attend the meeting. What right has he to disrespect the resolutions of what brave people have agreed. Even his name means somebody with a dogy background. He has terrible genes and he should not be allowed to bear children…
Too many ignorant people It buggers belief
I am busy doing my PHD and these statements make it impossible for me not to comment
… beggars belief. Do you mean Ph.D. or is it just that – PHD. Pull Him Down?
Mushota twapapata, to hell with your PHD. If you have got nothing to comment you better Zip up your Mouth. I hate your Bragging.
So what with your PhD fimo fimo…………
Buggers belief??? mmm ba PHD lelo chizungu chavuta ka?
we chingwa we
Mushota i can bet my last dollar that you do not hold any of the qualifications you claim, or are you a Ph.D. student. One can tell the reasoning and contributions of people who are educated. No substance in what you say. You just like attention.
Bwana PHD Scholar – there is no comment. Please speak your mind out.
Chief Mwanachingwala my relative is just a disgrace without any principles at all. We know him very well. He is a bootlicker of every government that comes in. Remember he was Rupiah Banda’s chief bootlicker in southern province, soon he will be bootlicking Sata. He is a disgrace.
SATA do not re-align ITT and Chirundu for political Gains, instead champion real democracy and fight corruption to bring sanity to country
haaaaaaaaaa,thats how tonga chiefs look!.Please,consult the BRE for a united approach on reallignments in barotseland ,chirundu and itezhitezhi.
Chief Mwanachingwala ….sell out.
The statement that Mwanachingwala is refring to simply said that “chiefs in southern province” and not “all chiefs”. Fred Mmembe can have mwanachingwala on their side if they want. He is of no use to us in the province. Actually we are just waiting for the red eyed, night flying professionals to bewitch him and do us a favour.
please ITT and chirundu are in barotse state,its responsility of bre to make decision
keep it up chief mwanachingwala for your stance then i see upnd going no where > God gives and takes , if pipo can not get sense from this chief then expect southern to remain bantustan area and soon we shall see down fall of upnd
mwanachingwala ko zwa you do not deserve to be a chief.can a chief be impeached i think this one should be impeached useless chief we shall insult you next time.they want to grab our village and you are silent about it.alimwi uli mu hubahuba what a disgrace.
Hamutekanye sana. Hakasuba Hekokachili. The chief is just Hexposing a scandalous and false meeting perpetuated by people who have little Hinterest Hin the nation and more Hinterest Hin destabilizing Donchi Kubeba Hand Hestablishing Hech Hech Has the national plezidenti, but that wont work. Heverybody sensible knows that Hech Hech His onry voted for by a small margin Hon tribal nanikane, Hand that tribe His not the majority Hin this lovery country. Happy Halloween.
what a useless chief, people in Mazabuka have even lost their respect for this ***** coward. Let Zanis come to Mazabuka and find out for themselves. When a serous Chief like Nalubamba is against a move we should listen because he is one of the most reasoning chiefd we have in Zambia, not this fool Mwanachingwala.
This so called chief is not worth to be a chief of Mazabuka, he will soon sell Mazabuka to Lusaka Province. A Political Prostitute.
I think Mazabuka should go to Lusaka. Perhaps the chief will wake up and realise that this governnment is trying to EXCLUDE people from matters which affect them. How much money was put in his brown envelope for him to betray his people in this fashion and support dictatorship. PF is undermining the democracy that Zambia has developed since 1991 and should be ashamed of themselves. What a bunch of losers we have this time. The poverty of their governance capabilities becoming more and more visible.
Stop insulting chief mwanachingwala.We all know that the meeting was initiated by UPND and that HH has a hand in it.Chief Mwanachingwala is right.No one should force him to agree to resolutions that he was not part of.UPND has made this issue political and has managed to convince a lot of Tongas that they are about to lose their land.I am sure the President is fully aware of all these concerns people have about this matter and soon he will provide answers to the many questions Tongas have on the realignment of Chirundu and Ithezi-tezhi.
UPND is playing a game they cannot win.When the government explains the benefits of this realignment Iam sure the noble chiefs will understand and they will lose trust in UPND.Just wait!!
The only point delivered by the chief is on the need for the President to dialogue over this issue. This issue is not going to be wished away. Let the President put these realigning ideas on hold and proceed later after consultations and reaching consesus with all stakeholders. I fail to understand how the president finds it difficult to consult. Maybe it is the constable backgound where he received orders without questions. Sir wake up you are now the President of the Republic of Zambia. You need to be more inclusive on national matters
Nevers Mu mba is a lia r and a mon ey lau ndering ma chine
Him and the de puty Mr Nz oya are ste aling tax pa yers money. They had fired Mr Tem bo beca use he knew about this sc am and was aga inst it. They also have a office slut , Caro lina Rod- riguez who is also abus ing the money. The Ottawa Zam bian mis sion are th ieves
though I do not trust this chief he is speaking sense. chiefs in soutehrn province should not allow themselves to be used by upnd for their political expedience instead engage the government who have the instruments of power to go ahead and impose this on the province. I am looking forward to see Hon Inonge Wina meet these chiefs and then the President if necessary. consultation is the way to go and not confrontation. we are one zambia one nation. the problem with HH is he thinks he is the president of southern province….noooo….mr. you are an opposition leader and accept that move on.
Charles Malambo ( aka Chief Mwanaachingawala) Smokes tombwe…he supported rb now shiiiii!
# 4…mushota ur aG7 drop out…how can ur doing a Phd? Pure Hule Diploma?
Steering people from real issues of development. UPND where is development in your motives. Your fiendsd are saying lets improve administration of areas. What is in your heads? Colonial boundaries? Think out of the box. That what PF is doing, thinking out of the box and see how to redistribute the country’s wealth, improve local areas through empowerment, encourrage locals to be more imaginative, and have properly managed localities. Why are you so stack in tribalism?
Chief your statement is very clear and loud and indeed logical.Tonga or not, his thinking has shown that he is above politics.His adivse to the president is the correct thing and that is what should have been done before making any pronoucements.Mr.President most of us voted for change because we want changed way of doing things which the PF Government is trying to do,but the SATA led government has failed us for lacking capacity to conusult concerned stakeholders.It is not only on this issue but many noted before.In this case the chiefs statement is on target as this will prevent unnecessary confrontations.Let’s try to avoid regionalism because zambia is united state and should remain so for many years to come.Thanks ba Chief for this key advise
for the first time he has spoken sence…
agreable and period
This thief called sata a thug. The money rb dished to this dog to insult sata is finished. Now he is going back to the thug. Interesting. Politics of the belly
Well HH so there u have it,he has made sense on the need for GRZ to sensitize pipo on the benefits of the re-alignment….by the way congrates PF on scooping the msanzala seat
A very informed chief indeed.
Feel pity for this chief. All his sons must be castrated. He has terrible genes
Even A disgraced Chief John Malambo alias Mwanachingwala abamwenamo. Mwanachingwala has show how he changes sides. He has seen how mwine Lubemba Chitimukulu in his sick state has re conciled with Mr. Sata through Mpezeni. Now John Malambo wants to cash in also. A few Months ago he used to insult Sata. Tonga’s dethrone this crazy chief though I’m not supporting the Tonga resolution of Choma.
Actually we need to move the capital city…. let Lusaka be the commercial capital, kafue would make a lovely city with the river and the hilly terrain…like geneva or Victoria in the Seychelles1 GO COBRA GO….!
Have the people of Chirundu ever demanded or requested to be moved to another province? If not why in hell create so much hallabalu about a problem thats not there. The problem of service deliverly affects everybody here in Zambia. Can we now declare Chelston a District just because there is poor service delivery? or Makululu because the Kus and not the Kwas get better service?
We easterners usually align with the ruling part after change has happened. Any byelection in the east will now go to PF. Even after PF has been dumped we will remain until taona kuti mweo bantu ayasu achinja ka!
Charles malambo ino kayi tata!
Kamundileka thandiyeyi kabotu…ndafweba matokwani…lubanje!
kudya nikusheta mwandi…let the people with teeth eat not these toothless chiefs of southern province.
Ma rubbish!
the art of decentralisation:at one point the provinces will have to manage their own affairs financial and social which means provinces will make their own revenue and be responsible for managing that revenue.southern province has the chirundu boarder post and ITT has the power station which are revenue generation points.moving them to other provinces will deprive sothern province of the much needed revenue to manage the affairs and only make lusaka and central provinces richer thats the cry of the Tonga’ addition,tonga’s move cattle from Namwala to ITT for greener pastures closer to the kafue river.however moving this district to another province will imply that farmers will have to get permits to take their cattle for grazing and subsequently pay for animal movement licences.
The chief is saying he was also not consulted by UPND. You can’t go into the meeting without knowing the agenda and Why should HH give them allowances for what? That is bribing the Chiefs. HH if you want to be popular dont drag the chiefs into this without also consulting them. Mr HH that was bribery and you failed to attend a court issue in Chisamba and yet you claim that you are leader NO. You deprived those orphaned give them their land. And you are careful all Tongas will chased from central province beacuse you talking as if Itezhi-tezhi will be lost but most Tongas are in Central province. In fact that alnd you are claiming is not even fertile. You run away eg Chilala is in central province. We will chase there and GO BACK TO YOUR PROVINCE. IF YOU ARE REFUSING ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION
if a chief like that mwana….. can not understand this logic and read between the lines that it is only meant on making southern province poorer for they have realised that so that tonga’s can vote for them then the chief is misguided.the bembas have never voted for a tonga aswell .this tribal hatred between MCS and HH should stop now as it is costing the nation development.I am not in support of both but i only plead that they come to their sense.Meembe should stop being the catalyst blowing the fire. this is dangerous.
Everyone is talking against this realignment what brings HH is the matter is what buffers us.Leave HH from this whole issue.
Chief Mwana wa chinangwa ala…..
UPND leadership trying to ‘breach peace’ in Southern and Western Province. HH your tricks have been exposed!!!!!!!!
I will still stick to the view that these so called chiefs should not be given unnecessary authority apart from conducting ceremonies.
So HH has been ‘busy’ whilst the entire nation came together in supporting the Copper Bullet.The guy needs to get a life
Are these tonga chiefs being used like the way the late FTJ ( MHSRIP ) used the Luapula chiefs under the pretext of development in the province?
Wow ! At least there is one Tonga chief thinking beyond the tribal crap.Way to go chief.
TB Joshua Phrophesised wait and see
Whats the purpose of realignment anyway? ,yaba, these leaders. They love it to confuse people. The kwacha continues to lose value!
So what if HH or UPND are telling people to read between the lines of Sata and his PF circus? Is it not the duty of the opposition parties to sensitise people on any critical issues? Unfortunately in Zambia the rest of the opposition political parties are toothless. Sata should learn to consult and not make decisions on his own as if he is managing a kantemba in Mpika.
Consult with chief Monze and hear what he says!!! Remember he has a shrine!!! The Tongas from that area know how to consult God and they only speak after thinking. I’m not sure if ba mwami Mwanachingwala does the same.???
Chief Mwanachingwala, just about time, Mpezeni needs company in the newly formed NGO of discredited chiefs, sorry did I say thiefs?
His statement is sickening to say the least. Cant comment further than this.
Chalesi Malambo , we know you to have no principles. if Bnada has failed to keep him on his pay roll , cheat yourself that the cobra will do so. K EEP QUITE AND LOOK AFTER YOUR COWS SOO THAT THEY DO FINISH OFF FROM DENKETE.
This fool of a chief amazes me, in the same breath he calls for consultation with stakeholders!
HH is claiming that Sata doesn’t Consult, the chiefs are also condemning HH for failure to consult them and you think HH is better than Sata? HH is the most undemocratic opposition leader at the moment.The guy just use very diplomatic terminologies to just appease us but the guy is an imbecile, period. Well said Chief.Â
The chief Malambo should engage fellow cheifs on benefits since he seems to understand very well,Problem with democracy too much in fighting before moving forward even foolish views given space at the expense of development,govt engage pipo thru leaders for efficiency ,Not easy lived with them myself.
This man is not of royal blood hence his stance on this matter. It is only a few months ago he was a dear to RB. I am sure he has associated again with another govt he is sure to eat from. This chief needs govt backing at all times to maintain his caretaker position. He needs Sata more than Sata needs him. It is good he is joining the dochi kubeba team as they will show him their true colours and he will be left in the cold soon. All things have they end.
Chief Mwanachingwala, Oiyeee. Bootlicking, a covenant vow or stomach fulfilling vow?
I feel the people behind all this shit will one day realise that what they are doing is not in the interest of the nation. Northern province has been realligned and we never heared chiefs and policticians coming together to denounce the move. What is so special about southern province? Myself I see nothing special all provinces are in Zambia and the president has the powers to do things which he feels will help him deliver the promises he made to the Zambians. Let him fail which I doubt. Lets avoid the mentality of pulling people down. Lets give him time to push this country further rather than always critising every move that he makes.