State House has refuted the headline story that appeared in today’s edition of The Post newspaper alleging that President Michael Sata, President of the Republic of Zambia, held a private meeting with former president Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda after a luncheon hosted in honour of the Chipolopolo Boys last Tuesday.
This is contained in a press statement made available to the media.
“State House is concerned that the newspaper went as far as basing their editorial comment on a story that has turned out to be untrue,” the statement read.
“This is indeed unfortunate and injurious to the persons accused and therefore an appropriate retraction is required,” the statement went on.
The statement further said that, for the record, the Head of State has never held any private talks with Mr Banda or indeed anyone to discuss his immunity or any matters related to the on-going investigations on corruption against some members of the previous regime.
On February 12, 2012, President Sata sent ex-presidents Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda and Mr Banda to join the Republican Vice-President’s delegation that went to cheer the national team during the African Cup of Nations final in Libreville, Gabon.
After the team won the trophy the First Lady extended an invitation to the two former presidents to join the over 300 other guests at an open luncheon on State House grounds.
The luncheon proceedings were open to the media right through and at no point did President Sata and Mr. Banda engage in any private or exclusive conversations.
But quoting “well-placed sources” The Post alleged that President Sata, in the company of Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba, Home Affairs Minister Kennedy Sakeni and his deputy Obvious Mwaliteta, met Mr Banda who they claim pleaded with the President not to send him to jail because he was too old.
state house has started reaping what they sowed in mmembe. he always quotes “reliable sources” that are fictious. It is obvious Mmembe hates RB so much so he is trying to make sure MCS does not invite him again.
i posted a comment on the post website and told them to stop peddling lies and they have not published my comment, shame on you the post for misleading innocent Zambians who deserve to be well informed on such matters.
They don’t publish comments on that website… save your energy!!!
yea dont waste your energy i think they only post what they like anythings that points a finger at there wrongs they wont bother
Yeah dude save that energy for your madam.That site will never ever produce your comments.
Why are you so quick to respond to an editorial of the Post about BUFFO0N RB if its untrue, why don’t you respond as quickly to developmental issues!!
tel ur mo money in the pocket to put up developmental programs. RB is out, its now Sata. let him develop this country. we are not going to eat these illy concieved investigations and com of inquiries.
Post Balange……………………..
State House should ignore some of these accusations and focus on the job at hand; putting more money in our pockets. The Post will remain The Post regardless of who is in State House!
Whoevers believes evrey thing the Post News says is duffed.They are unreliable source.They are a Gossip News paper.This is just the beging of Membe and the PF govt They are yet to the Hell out of that paper
I think Zambian WatchDog has lowered itself even more in matters of gossip; they don’t even bother to write a story, they just copy and paste or post a link. And they don’t publish comments blame them for trashy writing unless they don’t see it; I don’t use bad language or indecent remarks, but I’m critical of the website, so now none of my comments are published. The Post just seems to ignore all comments, for the most part.
Now we know the person behind all this hatred in the country, its Fred mmembe. Why is he not happy that Sata and banda put politics aside at that moment to enjoy the chipolopolo victory? Banda’s time in court will come, but please they should not be enemies because of that. Honesty I gave banda thumbs -up for lowering himself to accept the invitation to join the president for the lunchon and dance to the Dont Kubeba song, not for PF, but for ZAMBIA. But these things didnt settle well with Fred Mmembe, who wants his enemies to be PF’s enemies too, just like Kids do “dont play with that one if you want to be my friend” Childish Mmembe
Good you have woken up. Many people realised The Post brews hatred in Zambia many many years ago and stopped reading the paper. You cannot read the Post and remain without hatred.
Not a while ago, some MMD official come on the media and called “SOME” journalists cockroaches, many people reacted to his statement. So lets ask ourselves, did he lie? There is a big cockroach at the Post.
Its indeed membe is homos coz its only sadst who behave like that and homos are the worst sadat. DA POST has not apologized to KENYAN Govt for another lie just few days ago and again brings another lie what type of news paper which does not preach peace in da country MEMBE CHIKALA WAAYA SANA ULISHILU UBU HOMO NAABUFUNGANYA
It is obvious that Membe is a satanist. Someone who thrives on lies and insults. someone who has no regard but himself. a person who thinks he is the all knowing and the all mighty. self exalted man. tribal dvision fan. antagonistic man. arrogant man. why can’t this man promote unity? Its because he is an agent of the devil. We want a break to this hate promotion. if he goes on in the manner he s doing, he will destroy the oposition and we will be in for dictatorship. Membe just die.
surely, Membe for once should be ashamed of himself…. Comrade Sata is not bad hearted as our membe and its just a matter of time and we shall see them differ
You Reap what you sow.
The party and its govt …..oh sorry the Post and its Govt..
Post is always right.
If they are wrong they will force the event.
Manje Yazanda! ” well placed sources” could be anybody including George Chella, but certainly not RB. How he can he reliably reveal how he cried about not being sent to jail? But wait a minute! PF and the ‘Post’ used these same tactics against MMD then, and we the people were urged on to believe these stories by them. This time around PF is saying its not true and the ‘Post’ is saying its true. Who is fooling who here? In this case I believe the ‘Post’.
The ridiculous circus between the government and the newspaper continues!! This is embarrassing or has the government beyond embarrassment given numerous similar incidents of flip flopping in recent past? Still the question begs, who is telling the truth?
Mmembe needs Jesus! Why promote hatred? You will surely reap what you sow.
All this drivel over a highly corrupt thieving political BUFFO0N, just place him in front of a firing squad do him then close investigations..we have more pressing issues to attend to!!
Jungle law. Civilisation says you are innocent until proved guilty. otherwise you’ll kill innocent people.
Jay Jay,
You and Membe are the same….LOST
Post newspaper has spread enough hatred in the country. And they have got Mrs. Wina with them to run the Greed Brigade in Zambia. They want everything that other Zambians earn. Mmembe wants to become the President. How silly. And Mrs. Inonge Wina will be her vice President. What a shame.
The bloggers I dont expect yoy to be anoyed with Meembe.You build him and into a monister you will fail to controll.Learn to be principled and be objective.You be ready to swallow him he is part of your meal you prepared.
This might be the end of this marriage then. PF have divorced The Post. The Post are lining up MMD as their darling now.
Fred M’membe is a devil’s sis en he must be punished by well meaning Cambian…plz. RB and SATA be friends guys for peace in the country. UPND en HH too are not tribalist bt M’membe himself
The Post has no logically thinking: RB has not been charged with any crime so how does he plead to be spared jail; RB’s immunity is still intact and PF has no numbers in Parliament to remove it, so how does he plead to be spared jail: RB has not been accused in any crime, so how does he plead to be spared jail? Indeed, there is something amiss with bo Fred … and I thought he was a lawyer?
RB and MCS belong to the same generation, born same year and were both Governors of Lusaka under UNIP and KK. They know each each more than most of the bloggers, so post or no post the two come a long way, it will be a test case to see MCS send RB to the gallows. Unless you do not understand Zambian politics, especially in the hands of the old guards.
The government or Banda should take the Post to court for telling lies. Otherwise it is hard to know who is not telling the truth between the two. Zambians should not be surprised if this cimbuya government will not sweep these cases under the carpet. A snake can never be trusted.
This story is stage managed because there have been lots of media attention to the fact that Sata hired a lot of Staff from the Post and Fred Mmembe is a pseudo President.this story is meant to show that the Post and the state are two different entities.Well tried Mmembe but we know the truth.
Ba post your info engine has been swapped, don’t play with cobra.
Imwe nomba ni getting Smoke and leaving fire.
Fred M’membe is a homosexual……..he approached one of my friends to be paid K20m for having sex with him.
Even myself given an opportunity I can say Mbuya ona naiwe, osanimanga, ni mawanu. Sure ufuna neo nikafele mundende? Osacita so naiwe, ibalako cabe vamene baku uza kuli Kambwili nabayeke.
RB was grovelling at Sata’s feet.
Were you there and saw RB’s tears or is your imagination as wild as M******’s?
You work for the Post?
MCS will soon finish the post.first he got all the sharp journalists and now he’s planted member ‘informer’to feed him stories that will always be lies.walapwa iwe homo…you can some pipo sometimes but you cant fool all the pipo all the time.@Jay Jay you among the few that membe will fool 4 lyf
Zambians are so so gullible; you see BUFFO0N RB on TV celebrating with the boys at AFCON finals and you suddenly start to sympathise with the thief…give me a break…return half of what you stole and we will pardon you some are saying…utterly disgusting. Accounting Clerks do the time in jail and lose their property for misappropriation of pennies.
Sata himself was to blame for inviting RB to join KK and the Vice President in Libreville in the first place as that was a PR disaster…what message are you sending to the ZP, ACC investigating him…if anything this worked in BUFF0ON RB’s favour.
Leave Meembe alone that’s what he does, all papers have their agendas…about time you chaps woke up and smelt the coffee.
man-let the man RB enjoy wat he worked for,if he stole show us tangible things not innuendos. that hate you have 4 RB my friend let it come out please. he is my former president so let the law enforcement agencies do the job. he knew how to steal even you you have manipulated a receipt somewhere.deep down your heart you know it but you went scoot free!!!!!!!!
yep sure its ok to take a few billions out of the coffers as long as you are not caught, my advise let SATA get scotland yard do a detailed forensic audit with solid evidence, sit RB, KK and proper legal advisers, tell old baffoon to surrender all his assets and spare him jail time after the FTJ fracas, if he refuses institute legal proceedings…. but key note here is solid evedence. Let scotland yard come and do the job.. not those Grade 12 chaps with 6 months training at Lilayi camp…
Very stupid Jay Jay. Stop this hate you have. RB was not accused of anything. Tell me what offence he committed. Fool
Poor zambians, we have now relaised that what the Post says is not gospel truth. At least I have been vindicated. It was until now to believe that what ever the Post said was authority. Let the Post tell us what the PF has done in more than 120 days. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First they lied that henry is been hidden in the kenyan state house.Now they have written another lie.The post should just merge with kachepa 360.Its a good for nothing paper but to be used as toilet tissue.Sata is smart enough to know that what they are doing to rb they will do to him.
Rb will never go to jail.Sata will not instruct the police to investigate rb in the name of letting them do their job and the police will not touch rb without sata instructing them.ZAMBIANS BEWARE OF MEMBE!
The Post is responsible for the hatred you see in Zambia. Whoever reads The Post catches the same spirit of hatred.
And the drama continues. Kalebalika mukwai
Ba Jay Jay### Are that sadist???? Could you be kind enough to tell me what exactly RB stole? How much did he steal and where is he keeping it? Remenber its not all of us who read those court session conducted in your post to know exactly what our old man stole. And there are some of us who are not in any way excited about PF government that we have to start killing other peaple. Unless you tell me you have never sinned in your life then your rantings will be justfied. Goodnite my friend and remember not to harber hatred in your heart. Its unchristian and its not health.
RB has not done anything wrong under the law and no one has accused him of any crime apart from insane generalisations from Fred Mmembe which the Catholic Church has already dismissed and have instead requested for specific charges. So there is absolutely no reason why RB would ask MCS not to send him to jail. Zambia is not a banana Republic. Any one going to jail has to be tried in a court of law and proved quilty beyond any reasonable doubt. No such thing has happened to RB. Fred we know you have to sell your newspaper but maintain some decency please.
If you asked me: I don’t think the post is telling lies bane; except they have made a mistake to publish the issue. We call that poor Judgement. State house knows thats true; but they are amazed that the data has leaked. Granted, they would not have liked the leakage. I strongly feel that the rush to defend the issue is in fact why its true he went to beg.
@JayJay, it seems you are a very angry person. Show us what Banda stole. Are you a police officer or private investigator? Mere political accusations are not enough to declare someone guilty. The rule of law demands that person be given a free and fair trial after being formaly accused and charged by the investigative wings. You are suffering not because of Banda who only ruled for three years. Just work hard. I know where you derive that hatred for Banda. its from the information from the Post. one thing you may not know is that the satanic post hated Banda long before he became president. that is how Membe operates. his agenda is placed on those who gullible like yourself who then comes to view without critical analysis, that whatever is in the post is the truth. Learn to philosophise
I’m not suffering, I’m doing fine thank you very much….
and question truth claims.
Jay Jay! you are very dull.
Don’t be conned, this statment from State House is intended to deflect the obvious. The Post is in the same bed with Sata, and because the truth is increasingly becoming obvious, State House, or former Mmembe’s minion, Chellah, wants to mislead the public. The Post and State House are one and the same. I am sure most intelligent readers won’t be fooled by this statement. This is actually an effort for The Post to regain credibility.
Well well when we say the Post is running government we are accused of player hating ,The truth be told at the rate rumors and fabricated stories are popping up between the Post and State house, its an open secrete that the two organs of government are running a well orchestrated conspiracy to hoodwink the Zambian masses.
@Madea, you’re absolutely right. I am glad to note you can see through the smokescreen.
There was a lot of excitement over the Mphundu Fund but after investigations revealed no wrong doing the sensention is slowly fizzling out. The paper work is all at the task force of how the millions of dollars was sourced. Remember the Post carried a story where President Banda was saying his worry is not himself but his children who became so involved in corrupt activities.
Two things.
1. The Post – or at least its credibility – is dead. Redemption will be as easy as my missus of 22 years giving me oral tonight.
2. Today’s crossword puzzle in The Zambia Daily Mail’s got be stupefied. Anybody know what the word is for 6 Across?
What’s the clue?
Banda was too cavalier in his conduct as president and seems to have encouraged his sons and inner circle to to indulge in unfettered greed bordering on criminality. Despite his senior age he could not muster enough wisdom to learn from late FTJ’s (MHRIP) mistakes & tribulations. If there is any loot with the Bandas, GRZ must just get the loot back.Negotiated settlement/commission of inquiry act can be used. No need for lifting of immunity and task forces on corruption where lawyers will now make a court cases into a money spinner and newspapers will have sensational stories to keep their papaer sales high. Keep it simple and civil. Most of all we need to move on as a country.We cannot cotinue to taking each and every ex-president to court. However, Henry must answer for his misdeeds.
Mmembe believes he’s an angel and everybody must believe him. When he hates someone he has no room to forgive even if that person dies like Chiluba, he will continue insulting that person in his editorial comments even when that person can’t answer back. Who doesn’t know how he hates Kalu, Renhard, Chilbua and HH? Even if FAZ wins the cup, he’ll still report the other side of the story.Sata is clever, he did well by getting all his potential staff and gave them GRZ jobs!
The only reason why State House has very quickly denied these matters is not because they were never said, but because the statements made by Ala Bee amount to admission of guilt.
As for me and my house, we are awaiting the Post to publish a recorded unedited transcript of what transpired and what was said. They will not take this sitting down. It will also prove my theory that Sata and the Post are NOT bed-fellows inspite of all those appointments. The Post is not partisan and will oppose wrong-doing even in PF ranks as high as Sata himself.
Jelita and Mulenga – I belive that’s the text book that was in use in Grade 1, after Janet and John. It seems you never went further than that Grade 1 hence your naivety. I’m sorry for the rest of your house.
Jay jay (our man or woman) ,the words Pathetic front BUFFOONS is sorely reserved for the PF and The Post cronies.RB as expounded by other commentaries and posts is not yet be proven guilty.Its only members in the family forest and other Post sponsored cronies demanding for the removal of his immunity,At the rate the Pf is going it will be the worst government in Zambias history-The nepotism(tribalism in a more palatable word) is unprecedented take a hard look at the diplomatic posting ,prominent and those that are silently appointed and employed .the STATS are chilling and the size deals that are being cut in government are mind blowing.WAIT and see.Mmembe’s Job is to keep the Zambian masses busy reading dull tabloid lies and stories whilst the plundering is going on unabated.
Mmembe got his windfall when Sata won the election. So did his entire staff. Don’t be fooled by this statement. What should really worry Zambians is the fact the current government has killed the media. Sata has turned the media into his mascot. In a democracy, that is dangerous.
I keep saying we are in the age of WikiLeaks. Carrying recording gadgets either for voice or video has become so cheap it is no longer an 007 stunt to gather information. Even our mobile phones are lethal gatherers if you don’t curb them beforehand. I would be careful with this report…
hahahahahaha wapya munzi let the post report beyond partzan politics
Good evening
This is what we were talking about the other day: we don’t need to read rumours in the newspaper, we need facts. Rumours are meant for the streets.
Professional journalism should be centered on facts, facts and more facts. A balanced and fair reporting is the benchmark of every successfull newspaper in the world. Everything else is nothing other than “gutter journalism” which is characterised by sensationalism and drama reports, character assassination and misrepresentation of facts. Gutter journalism seeks to shut down facts in order to promote certain presumptious views. It is a serious threat to media freedom in a democarcy. And I hope the Post is listening!
those gays at the post are just like that!! Zambia is on fire becoz of them..
That mmambe thing nauseates me, like a dirty toilet! But what is worse is that it doesn’t end at nausea, he is as infectious as dysentry.
This time around this news article from “State House” has no name of who released it.They always passionately mention George Chella.I can see more between the lines,afterall,am an Assassin
What ever the case,they are both of the same reasoning.Chicken brains
A Government of Kaponyas, by Kaponyas for Kaponyas. PF Kaponyas condeming the Post are hypocrites. Your lies used by the Post were employed as false publications to hoodwink Zambians that you will bring democracy and prosperity in Zambia. Your lies have found you by now and Zambians know Kaponyas with Dont Kubeba as utter lies as an ideology of PF govt. You built up the Post and to withdraw your lies will imply employing the Post to create lies for you to feed on. That’s the shame and legacy of PF govt.
It is very likely that RB uttered the words attributed to him. It is also true that MC and RB come from a long way back, and it will be difficult for MC to jail his friend. The reaction from State House is just MC trying to calm muddy waters. Obviously RB’s purported remarks were leaked by one of the goons who were present in the meeting. This shows immaturity on the part of the mole. My advice to MC is; get rid of ministers who are obviously not fit for the job else the will continue embarrassing you.
Wonders and lies shall never cease
The Post may not always be right,differing or differences are normal,information is gathered by human beings who may overhear or under hear certain things,note that most Post insiders are in govt and they are also bound to know when certain information is based on unfounded suspicion or not.The Post is also learning on how to exist without Sata as a lead story,forgive them,citizens we all in this together
Can someone clarify the story the post had carried that Matongo from FRA had been fired!Or was it just another bunch of hot air?
i also read that meanwhile matongo is still working there, i got surprised that the Post lied,whether to.
I agree with comment number 36. Pleading is only done in court. And State House know what they’re talking about. But something is still bothering me: I know that few, if any, publication(s) from the Post comes out without refinement. I’m sure the editor had checked it to make sure that all incriminating appendages have been removed. The Post editor knows what DEFAMATION and or SLANDER is!
Is it another case of refuting another Wikipedia leak?
Jay Jay, You are right!
Don’t worry about bloggers who are just too shallow minded to understand current affairs in Zed.
imwe ba post are not foolish to just publish such a story and do an editorial,state house is just trying to coverup the will see if the post will apoligise,and state house wont even take any action.
why does mmembe hate RB so much? I’m sure there is something hidden between them. However R.B has never said anything bad towards Mmembe. Mmembe for the past 5 years he has put all his energy on RB. From the time when he was elected vice presdent.. RB has been on headlines in the post.. There is somthing Mmembe is either Afraid of RB or Just hate him.. mybe its his tribe he hates..SURE there must be something.. You can hate someone like that…concetrate on praising PF now the post…write and sing praises not RB everytime..he is turning into a hero now….
The post is a factory of social engineering which is the Art of Influence, Manipulation and lying. PF is the main product of this factory and they are testing the power of their master. The post is almost succeeding in divinding the Tongas and Bembas, but for whose benefit. I have always known that this division is being engineered by the post. It is time Zambians united over this kind of division before things go hay way. Sata and PF supported must not follow the Post’s machinations of promoting tribal conflict. Unit among tribes in Zambia is the only way the country can positively move forward and develop.
I am happy the post are back to their digging ways. Hahahaha I was getting worried there PF campainning weakened them.
Fred M****** Kiss my……………….
one of the two is a big time liar: the Post or State House. This country lacks morals as the truth should be the foundation of the nation. No wonder there is no development but lies in the morning, lies in the afternoon, lies at night.
Why do you want to argue with the Post when they have their own insider malupenga the informer – Ministry of INFORMATION BROADCASTING and Tourism permanent secretary.
There is no way every time you write articles about an individual and his family, in this case the former Head of state mr. Banda you take the negative path.Is the post honest in projecting the negative image of the former haed of state? THE POST MUST BE OBJECTIVE AND IT MUST BE SEEN THAT IT IS OBJECTIVE BY writing balanced articles.SHOW THE POSITIVE SIDE AS WELL SO THAT PEOPLE CAN MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS. DO NOT PROJECT AN IMAGE THAT YOU WANT PEOPLE TO BELIEVE.YOUR JOB IS TO INFORM PERIOD.THE DECISION IS FOR THE READER.DEMONSTRATE TRUE PROFESSIONALISM THAT WILL ENCOURAGE SCHOOL LEAVERS TO PURSUE JOURNALISM.
This M’membe Kingdom has to come down, it has lived its usefulness.Bravo Watch Dog.
the post should show us a clip of that on tv or the recorded discusion on radio,i for one believe in evidence and not this bullshit of expecting people to guess
I used to like the post but not at all, they peddle lies if you did not know and hatred promoters.
Though the story is true which is very likely, State House response is wise.
God be praised enough of hostility towards each other our children are observing everything we do reconciliation is the way forward to stop this spread of hatred from one generation to the other…… big ups to the President and RB
Infact membe is one causing much hatrage between Bembas and Tongas . HE Sata is truly not as bad as people potray
Very soon this Membe chap will cause trouble to this nation.And those of you brain washed by this hogwash journalist to even defend the undefendable are actually you think Membe was true to report that Kenya state house is harbouring Henry?You are trully fools and no wonder Member takes advantage dudnerheads like yourselves,woke up and smell the coffee.Ask the murdochs what brought the News of the World down.The Post will go down the same way.
I thought RB was also a human being who deserves association with anyone. What is wrong for him to meet the head of state after all he is a former head of state. Please let us learn to reconcil as Gods people. i for one,am really tired of this newspaper.
Theoretician makes a lot of sense though I would rather the dual process of the Law takes it’s course. This is not an exceptional case to any other criminal cases handled by our courts of Law. A criminal is a any person involved in criminal activities, and they should have known better.
Useless politics and only in Zambia!
Sata,RB,KK are good people.We need unity and not hatred.
i agree with Kay love .. Zambian politics are indeed rotten
Sata should be last man living to start complaining about what ever the post writes. To him all what is reported in the post should be the gospel truth, why has he forgotten? Go Go post Go!!!
RB just taking advantage of the moment zed lifting cup,anybody can plead at right moment,not that the meeting had apology for agenda.Post on track.
If this satanist mmembe brings trouble in zambia he should be informed that we are going to alquaeda him. I hope he understands this. He is going too far
Very foo.lish of The Post newspaper, digging shallow??? The Media in Zambia can be a problem. We want unity in our country, our Leaders showed us that we chipolopolo won. Are you not happy to see pictures of our leaders together?? Mmembe better change his dirty tricks. paper.
For starters Zambia has a DPP who has tax evasion cases before our courts of law and this is first of its kind in the commonwealth of 54 nations(prove me wrong). The current DPP has companies that failed to remit statutory NAPSA contributions which is criminal case. This is the man mmembe nominated and supported for the post of DPP. Zambian justice is rotten to the core. I am not an apologist for former President Rupiah Banda but a good judicial system must have this rule: “presumed innocent until proven guilty” and the purpose is to protect citizens against witchcraft hysteria from individuals mmembe, lynching, and government oppression through police agencies.
PF was helped into power by The Post and it will be them who will destroy them too. This story is from some base remember Chella has some royalty for the Post. Uwenda na ngoshe nokubeya eumubeya.
Mr president it’s a good time to deal with Fred Mmembe……it’s giving us a wrong information on newspapers.Honesty I gave Mr banda thumbs -up for lowering himself to accept the invitation to join the president for the lunchon and dance to the Dont Kubeba song, not for PF, but for ZAMBIAN PEOPLE. But these things didnt settle well with Fred Mmembe, who wants his enemies to be PF’s enemies.
The Post cannot publish such sensitive issue without verifying. It shud be true that RB and Sata met. State house has a moral obligation of defending its reputation whenever it is brought into ridicule. Any media house looks for interesting stories to sale, that’s their nature and they ll publish anything deemed saleable but of course it calls for authenticity and ethics. Don’t demonize the Post coz its undeniable that it has contributed positively to the development of this country. This is not to say it has not done any harm, no it has but that’s life. Life has got pros and cons. Mmembe has made blunders but he has equally done some good.
RB will not have his immunity lifted….this is politics….Sata is good at this…It worked for levy …for the is just selling the paper …what ever the story..Mmembe is business man he cares less about the truth private life…
Rb’s imunity will not be lifted.president micheal sata has alread demonstrated and shwon to be the leader we have been looking for he is the man for hes words so shame to those who are now fabricating lies about him. Well let it be if the former president has a case to answere, let it be the law to judge the former president.
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