Saturday, February 1, 2025

People of Western Province should blame themselves and not Sata


File:Mongu residents gather at Limilunga to witness the arrival of the Nalikwanda during the Kuomboka ceremony.

By Elisha K Musoma (ZRP president)
Our people from Western province should blame themselves for allowing themselves to be fooled or lied to by President Sata and PF during campaigns because there’s no single person or political party in Zambia that can decide on behalf of all the Zambians on whether Barotse land should secede from the rest of Zambia.I believe it’s even time we begun as Zambians to air our views concerning this issue truthfully and without fear.

Of course president Sata and Pf made a very big mistake to mislead our people in Western province by lying to them that if they voted for, they would honour the Barotse agreement which in natural meaning meant Barotse separating from the rest of Zambia because this is what most of our people from that province have been crying for, for a while.

However, the ones to blame are the people themselves because like I said no single person or political party can determine on behalf of the majority Zambians concerning Barotse issue and the answer that president Michael Sata has given regarding Barotse land issue though not welcome, is the correct and an honest one and I feel it’s also even time our people from western province knew the truth once and for all that Zambia will always remain a unitary state forever.

I do not say that with pride or jealous, but if the truth has to be said, there will be no secession in Zambia or it would have already happened and those who will come from anywhere and promise our people in Western province of Zambia would just be lying to them. So what our people from western province like those from other provinces should be asking for is development.

President Sata said if he went ahead and allowed the secession of western province from the rest of Zambia, what would prevent for instance Mwata Kazembe,paramount chief Chitimukulu, Paramount chief Mushili or Paramount chief Kanongesha among others to ask for the same.It is quite true because even they, were all kings before independence who were just reduced to paramount chiefs and senior chiefs respectively by the UNIP government after independence and some of these chiefs like Kazembe, Chitimukulu and Mushili have larger areas of land than that of even western province.

Further more in law there’s a doctrine of IMPLIED REPEAL, a concept in a constitutional theory which states that where an ACT of parliament
conflicts with an earlier one, the later ACT takes precedence and the conflicting part of the earlier one is no longer law.

What am trying to say here is that whilst we may agree that Barotse land was one time a separate entity, there is also over whelming evidence in our constitution of Zambia that clearly states that Zambia shall remain a unitary state, rendering any claim for the secession of western province null and void.

So as ZRP, we would like to urge all well-meaning Zambians not to give false hope to our people in western province that one day they will be
allowed to be separated from Zambia, but instead help them understand so that, that is settled once and for all in their minds to avoid bloodshed like what happened.

Lastly we would also like to urge our people from western province to stop wasting their energies on asking for secession, but instead ask
for development of the province and allow other investors to invest in that part of Zambia like in any other province.They made a mistake to buy into the lies of president Sata whom they have known for years and instead of them keep on crying, they should learn some good lessons from it so that next time no one fools them again. Zambia is a unitary state and shall remain so forever so don’t be fooled again.

God bless Zambia!


  1. in other words, the people of WP must put up and shut up… is this your solution sir? This akin to a wife or husband asking for divorce being told to put and shut up… What nonsense – is this the level of Zambian leadership we have? Every right thinking Zambian understands this disaffection from our WP brothers has resulted from unequitable development due to the domination of national leadership by northerners in recent years. This is their perception (rightly or wrongly). This is what needs to be addressed in mature and visionary ways. Not what we have seen being done to SP – chirundu and ITT. If this foolish trend continues every part of Zaambia will want to leave – in other words your “put up and shut up” will likely lead to war

  2. What’s this SECESSION you people keep talking about, no where in the report does it state that; let’s not mislead the masses BUT it only mentions DECENTRALISATION…there is a very big difference between Secession and Decentralisation. Decentralization is the spread of power away from the centre to local branches or governments where as Secession is the action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body.
    Why doesn’t the gov’t release an audio version of BA64 report for the president and lazy authors as people can not bothered to read the report in print version.

    • Jay Jay, spot on. I think there is a major misunderstanding about this issue. I suggest someone does a fact sheet so that the public fully understand the BA64 report

  3. Well said Mr. President. The issue of having voted for Sata to me doesnt come in strongly. There is statistical proof that they made him win though they contributed to his winning margin. Look at the Voting statistics on the last presidential elections. Western Province did not vote ‘overwhelmely’ for Sata and therefore they were not a ‘deciding factor’ in his winning.

    Indeed, no one shud raise hopes of our friends in Barotseland, its too late, its been over by events and of the two options (Secession and not Secession) the greater good is not Secession One Zambia, One Nation.

  4. You can NOT blame the victim, these people did not understand fully that Sata originates from a culture of lies.

    They trusted him but their trust was misplaced as they are now beginning to learn.

    If they trust him again in future, I would put all the blame on them. Not now, these are just good people who were deceived by an evil man.

  5. Dear Mr ZRP fimofimo
    The Barotseland Agreement is a real issue and no amount of waffling from the likes of you can make it disappear. Produce or comment on any other agreement! You cant because there isn’t any other apart from the Barotseland Agreement. You are one of ignorant misguided missiles spreading lies about the issue. Michael C. Sata as President has the authority to resolve the matter without your influence, and he shall. KK did not consult you when he appended his signature. You are irrelevant in this matter so stay out of it.

  6. More than President Sata, the ones to be blamed most are Mmembe and Inonge Wina, for advising Sata on WP. Mrs. Wina and Mmembe lied to the President just so that Inonge Wina can win the saet and then keep her livelihood alive. Through Inonge Wina, Mmembe wants to rule in proxy.

    Mrs. Wina and Mmembe have betrayed the people of WP. 

  7. It is said the majority win and this is what happened to Westerner. They voted willingly and this is what they voted for. It is not too late or early for them to start complaining. Voting is to choose someone you want to lead you, this what you did westerner and everyone else who voted.

  8. I can solve the Barotseland agreement single handedly. Can ALL the Lozis and concerned Zambians please answer me a number of questions:
    1. Is the Litunga, King or Paramount Chief? 2. If he is King, which tribes fall under his establishment and why? 3. Which exactly are the Borders of the Lozi Kingdom? 4. How many Kingdoms do we have in the land now known as Zambia? What is the History of these Kingdoms? 5. Is the Barotseland Agreement about Money or Seccession? 6. Seccession from Who?
    Please leave your email address if you want to communicate with me and and if you know anyone of the activits please refer them to me. Thank you

    • Check the map boundaries, any land on the western part of the railwaline demacates the map for western power. He is the only King in this Country, Even Sata Knows that. The only problem here is its too late to bring this matter, those who brought this prolem like Kaunda has shut their mouths down simply because they know the consquences this can lead to. Did you hear him talk? he knows he blandered. Full stop. Dont show your Ignorance in Public.

  9. Hey did they surely vote for Sata? How many votes did Sata get from WP. How many PF MPs are their in WP? If WP was Lusaka or Copperbelt Province their cry would be justified.

    The decision to restore BA64 would disadvantage the people of Northern Rhodesia, and this idea is not the best at all. BA64 CEASED through a referendum and the Lozi people were their. With the coming of multiparty democracy people need to sell themselves in order to rule Zambia. I for sure stand for Zambia to remain a unitary state as it has always been. Zambia shall will be saved.

  10. Lol! Zambia is full of comedians!Who is this clown? If honouring the BA64 means secession, one wonders why three govts appended their signatures to it rather than letting things as they were! Mr ZRP President Sir, go back to school and do some Special Papers 1 and 2. Your logic sucks! Certainly this issue is beyond your station. And please stop the generalizations about Lozi people. Fact is; the majority of the people voted for the MMD who got 10 seats, UPND 4, PF 2 and ADD 1.So wena spare us your nonsense!

  11. Your excellency, bwana President, Mr elisha Musoma!! Please, in the first place do not raise emotions at this hour by bringing about stiuations that are not at hand. From your little education, if at all you passed through any, what do you capture from the phrase ‘I shall be Reluctant to look into the issue’. I, for one do not know what your conclusions are but I am made to understand that the matter has not yet been looked into although the president is a little hesitant in tackling it.

  12. Mr Elisha Musoma’s article contains some elements of truth while he is being economical with actual truth. The point is that Mr Sata duped Zambians that he would bring development to Zambia within 90 days. This has been proved by now to most Zambians. To assert that people from western province were lied to by Mr Sata was a sample of the grand schemes of endless lies Zambians have been subjected to by Mr Sata and his PF govt. Your assertion for people of western province to blame themselves sounds like a replica of those lies mr Sata made in western province. You too would easly dupe Zambians as you claim to be president with similar aspirations of Mr Sata who has ascended to presidency at all costs including lies to Zambians.

    • Well said. But what is the actual background of this lunatic to even call himself president- Elisha Musona. I feel his presidency only extends to his bedroom, as I wonder if even just his children would stand the taste of time to always listen to such nonsence. For sure he is a disgrace to this party.

  13. @Kwanjula P

    Good points. Have you read R. Chongwe ‘s article over the matter. They answer all your questions exhaustively. However, there is a simple answer to this I found today……its here below:

    BA64 + Northern Rhodesia = One Zambia One Nation (Zambia). Zambia – BA64 = ? You can fill in the empty box.

  14. Secondly, I do not know what type of a president you are going to be. If you are not yet versed with an issue, in your status (as president), please dot yap about it because you may just end up exposing the highest level of your ignorance in national affairs. Issues such as this one are not for ‘brainless’,incompetent leaders like your Excellency (Mr.President). Start with, the BA 64 read inside out upside down and in what ever position you may understand to read it with Mama Musona, never makes mention of any secession. All it talks about is unilateral and doctrinal binding relationship between Northern Rhodesia and Barotse land to form up the unitary state of Zambia.

  15. Get your facts right and stop misinterpretting information to gain simpathy- we already know your problem. For now, Mr. President, Sir!! Please do fly your zip in the right direction before you are found with your pants down. I repeat, Elisha, you do not have the calibre to comment on this issue. Your ‘B.A.L.L.S’ still have to fill some little bit more. People like the Dude KK, Malimba Masheke, Grey Zulu, the Winas, etc.. were all there when this thing was done but have not yet any single view over the issue. Why only you a ‘diferently abled president’ should be the first to spill the beans. Today you are talking shit about Barotse, tomorrow you might want to go to the same peaple for your upheaval. Please listen if you got ears!!!!

  16. They will be no government in Zambia which will ever recognise the Barotse agreement. You can vote Sata today out of the office and bring in someone else but the Barotse agreement will forever remain on the shelves

  17. Too many dull presidents in Zambia (I thought education was free during their days!). Who said restoration of the Barotse Agreement means seccession by lozis? This agreement is what brought Nothern Rhodesia and Barotseland to bcom one country called Zambia; to put it simply for dull pipo, its like a marriage certificate which brings a man and woman together into one union called a marriage. So its actually the none recognition of the BA64 that would result in rhodesia and barotseland being legally separated; just like the non-recognition of a marriage certificate by one party can result in the annulment of the marriage. The issue at hand is therefore the need to recognise the terms of the agreement that formed one country; its not about seccession.

  18. They should blame Sata and blame themselves. We told them that Sata was lying to them but they believed the King Snake’s lie like Eve believed the Snake’s lie in Eden. Our people in NWP should just demand development and not vote for PF in 2016. Question: was BA64 for separation or for unitary state? If the answer is for unitary state then they are wasting their time asking for separation. If it was for separation, then let them be separated.

  19. very nice article!! tell these lozis what it is to be a politician.imwe ba lozi you have just made things worse for yourselves because PF now knows that you are not going to vote for even the development you have been crying for will not come.instead it will go to provinces like eastern and southern so that come 2016 it wil be just like last september will continue complaining and nothing will will even demonstrate but to no effect.just be humble like your fellow easterners.Zambia will remain a unitary state.One Zambia One Nation

  20. The trust the people of Barotseland put on Mr Sata was in very good faith but have been betrayed. The problem is the traitor and he must be reminded that he is destined to be a one-term president, it’s as simple as that. You don’t mess about with the people and expect to get away with it. Mr Rupiah Banda tried it and was taught a lesson.

  21. I did mention it last year that the thug in state house can not bring any single latrine in any area,my fellow tribes men get a lesson by not analysing,Sata is a joker,a criminal to our society dont allow here in western province this time around the old man has no morals at all…how can an old person at his age promise things he cant do all because of money,we told you HH is the best but you joined criminals in the boat shout thuggery,am hate with what you pipo did,why cant you chase even that MP of his…..i hate PF

  22. ….Lozi’s seem to be growin wings in ths country, its stupid of you folks 2 stand up against the rest of Zambia. Just read what your stupid leader is sayin  “there’s no single person or political party in Zambia that can decide on behalf of all the Zambians on whether Barotse land should secede from the rest of Zambia”.
       He clearly knows that lozi’s are out numbered such that even a referendum would be favour of the rest of Zambia (Non- Lozi’s). Without full support of the other tribes mostly those in W.Province, u r  f**kn Losers!!!

  23. Could someone please post the voting statistics again? I would like to confirm these assertions that WP indeed gave up the vote in exchange for secession. There is something in law that speaks about two defaulting sides…

  24. You r the worst tribalist’s, tonga’s r civilised folks thn u morons!!!! Jst look at ur desires “we want a cut of Zambia” it doesn’t make sense.. faggots!!!!!!!!

  25. #10 Mmembe fueled the whole situation, just to provoked the emotions of the malozi.Inonge could be a minister, but the current atmosphere is not worthy it.

  26. How did the President cheat the Lozi’s through the ballot if they didn’t vote for him, didn’t he just get Mongu Central?

  27. Good evening

    How long will this debate go on? Can”t we just accept the fact that Zambia is a unitary state and move on to push for the development of Western Province instead, as the author argues? Why can’t we draw lessons from places like Nigeria where Boko Haram is currently causing so much unnecessary suffering and making the state ungovernable?

    I totally agree with the president when he questions what would stop other Chiefs like Kazembe or Chitimukulu from also asking for secession from Zambia once the Barotseland issue is granted. Is there anything that makes Lozi land & people so special and so different from the rest of Zambia?

    • @ Nine Chale. Get your facts right. The BA 64. Does not at any point advocate for secession. On contrary. This a binding matrimony between Northern Rhodesia and Barotseland to form the unitary state of Zambia. What pains the peolple of Barotseland is that there weret some conditionalities that were set forth in order for this to be enacted. In short, the Britons did not want to liberate Northern Rhodesia alone but bonded with Barotseland. However, non of the conditionalities were meted, from one government to another- this issue has always been on. If you check, The big Dude, ba KK knows very well about the fuss he made. That is why ka mudala kali chee ZIIIII, kwati tapa citike po na fimo. Let him open up

    • Nine Chale, I am really disappointed in your post i expect better from you, please download the BA64 and read it then come back and debate objectively!!!

      Good night!!

  28. Mr.Sata should just tell these people the truth…Just tell them that ” I needed your votes,sorry lied to you”. Zambia is not for one particular group of people nor tribe,Mr Sata was naive by promising these people what he does not own.He promised them as if he owns Zambia,as his personal property,this is a lesson to all you selfish politicians don’t make  such foolish promises.Now instead of developmental issues we have silly-squabbles.Look at him he has even failed to fullfill simple promises he made to the youths who voted for him-I mean to the people of Zambia.The issue of  BRE is too big for Sata to handle even if he created so easily.He needs some help from people who can think properly.WP must remain party of Zambia!!!!

  29. Whether they voted for him or not,he made the promise.ZRP leader should know that its not obvious at all that your zambia will remain so called unitary forever.Do you know what forever is?Barotse will be liberated however long it will take.Others will also leave because of retrogressive Kolwestan tricks

  30. Just allow them to separate. Sata is selfish and must be blamed. After being declared winner, sata thought of taking development to his home area instead of W/P which is least developed. The truth is that a bemba cannot vote for a lozi, tonga luvale lunda or kaonde.

  31. By the way,what would be wrong with Chiefs from other regions demanding independence to rule themselves?Is it a fear by Kolwestans that they can not survive by themselves considering their lazyness to toil the land?

  32. @ island

    Lie you lie, Mazoka almost won the elections. If it were not for fate he would have led the country. Tell me from which tribe is he? Sakwiba pulled out of the pact with PF Sata. Had he been consistent he would be Vice President. When it was time for HH to liberate us the man went it alone would Tongas be complaining?

    It is all about wrong moves poor judgement lack of humility and wisdom. Look at HH behavior currently? Is he selling himself well? or he identified with his tribesmen? He could not even congratulate Chipolopolo, Is he with the masses? And when that time comes when he loses elections he will blame who? …………… Muchinga Province

  33. @ Problem is

    Greed greed greed all the way. that is why you demand separation. Even if it happened poverty will always be with you.

    Thank you

  34. Mr.Sata should just tell these people the truth…Just tell them that ” I needed your votes,sorry lied to you”. Zambia is not for one particular group of people nor tribe,Mr Sata was naive by promising these people what he does not own.He promised them as if he owns Zambia,as his personal property,this is a lesson to all you selfish politicians don’t make  such foolish promises.Now instead of developmental issues we have silly-squabbles.Look at him he has even failed to fullfill simple promises he made to the youths who voted for him-I mean to the people of Zambia.The issue of  BRE is too big for Sata to handle even if he created it so easily.He needs some help from people who can think properly.WP must remain part of Zambia!!!!

  35. Cock brains do not make the effort to digest issues. Simplifying the intricacies woven in BA64 is sitting on a time bomb and wishing it was fake. And when it does explode … all will know that cock brains in our country are to blame. Ask yourself who the driving force of BA64 restoration demands are. The youth, in case you didn’t know. The young who were not even born when KK was lying his way into a uniter, not born when KK was diverting attention from internal issues to the war of Southern African liberation. These are the youth who do not even know how things were duriung Welensky’s period. A period old people remember with fond memories. These youths want to experience the glory of their people, now only in near to fairy tale bedtime stories. You can kill and maim all you can, b

  36. You can kill and maim all you can, more more youths will arise to restore the glory they hear about. It has happened in too many countries just in the last three decades. History has a force of itself, pulsing like a river. Let’s act wisely or lose our beloved Unitary State of Zambia, where Chipolopolo has started bringing some pride in our nationality. But no one will be proud to call themselves Zambians with cock brains.

  37. There is virtually nowhere in that agreement stating that WP will seccede if the BA64 is restored. That any politician worth his salt can go to such lengths peddling and festering ignorance just proves one thing, Zambia is doomed. That civil war is breaking out from the West is but a foregone conclusion.

  38. Honestly, Elisha Mupoma is a fool. The Barotse Agreement being honoured does not mean cecession. You are dull and you are a rumour mongered wannabe politician, relative of Chiluba. You will never be president because before we can consider you, we have Elias Chipimo to scrutinize. Styopet!

  39. Dont please yourselves. Ask what happened in sudan. Barotseland agreement is an issue of law. Don’t be cheated, Zambia will have a big fight on this issue. It will not die a natural death.

    Lozis, like south Sudan, are ready to shed blood on this one. It’s their land and they were not foolish to choose to marry northern Rhodesia. It’s been a bad marriage. 

    The issue of Barotseland can only be solved by Louis, even by blood.

  40. It is sad for a so-called leader to write such provocative articles. The BA 1964 is a very sensitive issue. From the submissions one observes that there are divergent views among the peoples of Western Province. Clearly not everyone agrees with its re-instatement. I was rather taken aback by the Chongwe commission finding it appropriate to recommend reinstatement, ignoring totally the submissions of groups who hold a contrary view. What I propose is a debate to see what would satisfy the proponents of the BA 1964. There is no need to debate the BA per se but the implications of having a state within a state. It is pertinent that other regions have a recognition and their traditional rulers become equally recognised because the Litunga is not a special ruler and no special sovereign status.

  41. its funny how much noise my lozi brothers make over this ba64 and all this secession story! Here is my challenge to all my beloved lozi friends: you all pack your bags and heard for your beloved land ( leave lusaka and go settle in wp for example). Pipo like Milupi and sakwiba should lead the way! Stay there and prove to us that you want it that bad! You will all require visas to travel to the rest of zambia! I’m sure bo sata will then give you your beloved land.

  42. Mr.Musoma if that man in state house as we have all come to know is a liar,why should Southern Province tolerate his schemes to steal Chirundu and Itezi tezi?

  43. first things first WP voted rb out by giving hh an impressive vote.MCS was voted in by the unemployed youths,so he must sort out the youths wherever they are.WP wl forever remain part of zed,the place needs development n not those disgruntled elements calling 4 somethng that isnt zambia one nation.

  44. There is a lot of ignorance being shown in some comments about this issue and also a lot of tribalist sentiments. If Barotseland was a Protectorate before 1964, it means KK and UNIP were aware it was a valid legal entity. Other Chiefdoms and Kingdoms were subsumed under the Northern Rhodesia colonial territory. Why was it found necessary to sign an agreement with the Barotse Kingdom? Political expediency? The viability of Barotseland as a separate state is questionable within modern day statehood, however, the kingdom had and has a highly developed social,cultural and political structure. The structure is both centralised and decentralised. A federal type set-up may have been an option for Zambia, but a weak state with weak institutions meant UNIP,MMD and PF needed/need centralised power.

  45. My question is that can Barotseland stand on its two legs if given independence?? Ofcourse NOT.. These people must ask for development fund instead of agitating for seperation. This can led to dead end :(

  46. Pure ignorance Mr president. Barotse agreement in the natural does not mean separating from your country. Please stop lying BA must be honoured. As kamalasha ive follwed this issue, pliz bembas stop changing goal posts. You guyz luck principles.

  47. the people of the Western Province should just start listening to the Maiko Zulu song ‘ Mad President’ and they will know….

  48. My Zambia i agree with you H.H has done all the wrong things the bembas  like  sata have just mastered the tricks of the game of politics and than tongas like H.H.I Know that if someone is good leader and can sale them selves people will vote for them,
    As for the article my dear tribal cousins lets be reasonable this barotse issue aint going nowhere.

  49. Why should Sata be concerned with Lozis? Just leave them alone, let them form their country. Mistake was with the colonial masters, why did they have to include Lozis to the other regions? Let them be on their own.

    • @ Kwekwe – youre very right my Brother. Even this independence of 1964, I think it OUTDATED mwe, it should not be honoured surely! Yike!

  50. Wee #31 Nine Chale mbona umesahau kwamba Uingereza,Canada na China pia wamekuwa nchi zilizo na historia ndefu kuliko zambia lakini majimbo kadhaa wamejaribu kujitenga.Hivi karibuni jimbo la Scotland wataamua 2014 kama watajitenga na Uingereza.Sio kwamba walozi wanajiona watu muhimu kuliko wengine bali ni historia ndio inawaongoza.Vinginevyo sioni shida wala sitalia ati majimbo ya zambia yakiamua kujitenga.Zambia ni mojawapo wa nchi ziko “failed state” na umaskini,uchafu,kutawaliwa na wageni kibiashara na mengine mengi yaonyesha wazi kwamba nchi ikivunjika hakuna hasara sana sababu hakuna mengi ya kujivunia zambia. Walozi wendelee hivyo hivyo hata kama ni kuvunja hii nchi ya failures.

  51. seccesion will eventually be the goal if given an inch,being cousin to both lozis and tongas not of tribe but blood i ask my cousins to wake up and gear up for development.Govt has a key role of keeping zed 2gether,the only solution send more reps to paliament for regional development,open up your regions and sale yourselves, ruling not 4 a particular region but its the marketing and openess thagives resultst .Govt do it the kaunda way of posting teachers Lozis to the north tongas to east and visevaser to promote unity and avoid regionalisation.Deliberatly we should have close friends from across the country to avoid alianization and thinking western belongs to lozis,one of my grand fathers settled in namwala when he is bemba,Encourage that PF…One zed one nation.

  52. Come to think about it, I now understand why a technical report such as the Gabon Air crash Report will never be released as our Presidents from yesteryear’s generation can’t digest and interpret such documents. The worst part of all this is that the selfsame leaders also assume we the people can not interpret such documents. The utterances coming out from Sata’s gob are just unbelievable, where are the State House OP advisers, I thought Cabinet Office head hunted the crème de la crème from UNZA campus. Is there a brain drain at State House or is Sata just too stubborn and thick to be advised or has he started smoking spliff again??

  53. For all those who claim restoration of the BA64 will create a state within a state, I would berg to be shown where in the BA64 this ‘state within a state” is started? These people are the same parrots that kept on regurgitating the misguided myth that “Chiluba should be allowed a 3rd term to finish his programs”, programs which even themselves had no clue about. I do not know whether its a flaw in the education system of Zambia or a gift of stupidity that god has endowered most Zambians with but from all I can see, it is a tragedy that most of our countrymen are often soo earger to “float with the tide”, even excremental tide. It vexes me deeply and with a lot loike this, Zambia has no future. The earlier we butt out, the better.

  54. Chinyo chako, did the other so called paramount chiefs sign any agreement with any govenment talkless of anybody.
    Think before you talk, u *****.

  55. The preliminary comments from the President on this sensitive issue of the Barotse Question were unfortunate. In my view, he should not have said anything that indicates what position would take. As far as i know, Cabinet has not yet sat to review the report and recomendations and making his position known pre-empts the Cabinet meeting.

    I also honetsly dont think our brothers from Western Province are bent on secession, it is handling this matter with respect it deserves and making tangible efforts to spearhead developent in the area in line with tha Agreement.


  57. wena musoma nyo ya maho.the matter is simple,no BA64,Barotseland is not zambia.Barotseland does not need the permission of zambia to go away.its simple,just sue zambia at international court and the matter is settled.these manyukunyuku cant kin`i linja ze.litochi lahao musoma.we dont need your permission to stay in our home freely.wait.lozis are not like you.your asshole musoma.

  58. There have been over 9 million refugees & internally displaced people from conflicts in Africa. Hundreds & thousands of people have been slaughtered from a number of conflicts and civil wars. If this scale of destruction & fighting was in Europe, then people would be calling it WWIII. Contrary to popular belief, Africa’s civil wars are not due to its ethnic diversity. Using recently developed models of the overall incidence of civil wars in 161 countries between 1960 & 2000, you can draw poignant lessons with special reference to Africa, showing that the relatively higher incidence of war in Africa is not due to the ethno-linguistic fragmentation of its countries, but rather to high levels of poverty, failed political institutions and economic dependence on natural resources.

  59. The best & fastest strategy to reduce the incidence of civil war in Africa & prevent future civil wars is to institute democratic reforms that effectively manage the challenges facing Africa’s diverse societies. To promote inter-group cooperation in Africa, specially tailored political governance & economic management institutions are needed, & below are some hypotheses on the nature of such institutions. Africa’s ethnic diversity in fact helps – rather than impedes – the emergence of stable development as it necessitates inter-group bargaining processes. These processes can be peaceful if ethnic groups feel adequately represented by their national political institutions & if the economy provides opportunity for productive activity.

  60. Sata’s ethnically imbalanced govt. is without any doubt the one factor most injurious to the fabric of ‘One Zambia One Nation’, it has excluded whole provinces & thus opened up old wounds & also created new ones. That North Western & Southern will soon be joining Barotseland to butt out of Zambia is but a foregone conclusion. Giving press oxygen to mercenaries like Elisha Musoma to verbaturize vile excrement like this will just hasten the onset of civil strife in Zambia. Watch this space, time will much sooner than later tell the tale!

  61. asking the president to honour BA64 is infact just a matter of showing respect.barotseland never got permission from any president to be part of zambia and they don`t need sata`s permission to go long as constitution leaves out the BA 64,barotseland may declare its independence.this is a fact,only the jelousy and greedy people are saying this lot of bullshit.kuzaluka.inthe otherhand you oppress people in the other hand you call them you know what the people of imusho are going through.linyo zamina bakwetu,buthinu bwenu shangwe.

  62. One correction, PF only have 2 MPs in Western Province, how do we say Western Province voted PF? They never did! PF generally won because they perfomed strongly in their traditional stronghold of Copperbelt, Lusaka, Nothern and Luapula. Offcause, they got some votes from elsewhere, but the big wins from their strongholds mattered most. Therefore, Sata owes western province nothing, in case their vote was for sale because they never voted for him anyway! Let them take Sata on on other issues, not because they should pretend that they voted for him.

  63. Donchi Kudabwa, you got it right. We should look at the terms of this agreement. Are the terms of this agreement (BA64) being respected? answer is NO. So there is no agreement and there is no Zambia. Our name should revert to Northern Rhodesia and Western Province reverts to Barotseland. Any way it is up to the Barotselanders to take this matter to the high court and seek redress or do they feel they will not get a fair judgement??.

  64. Lozis have made life very difficult for themselves. WP has not been develped not because the gvt does not want to, its because these peopl are so difficult. Most of the investors are turned down all in the name of protecting thier land. Shoprite in placed in the out sketch of town. So they should not blame the government for developing ther province.

    • The location of Shoprite does not define development you id.iot. Beside it is Shoprite who wanted a Greenfield site where they could also build a wholesale outlet. Go and confirm with Shoprite than chanting recycled myths you stinking monkey! Repeating a lie a 100 times wont make it true! You are the morons who think that Lusaka would have been more developed if Arcades and Manda Hill were located in the city centre. Honestly this rubbish you continue insisting on just describes what sort of mo.rons you are. Give it a break…you dont sound intelligent at all!

      When are going to start to think in terms of manufacturing, producing and processing raw meterials…you can have 50 state of the art shopping malls in Lusaka that does mean its development…you are merely consumners moreover all shoprite profits go to some boers in RSA…who wouldn’t even invite you for dinner in his home. What skills do you obtain from being a Shoprite shopping assitant??
      WAKE UP

  65. People of my mother land.
    What is it that we want?
    Western province is a part of this great nation; and so it shall be forever.
    PF or no PF. “One Zambia, One nation. Our founding fathers so said”.
    God bless all Zambians.

  66. you fools will always blame us for everything.we dont need you.leave us alone,its better to be under developed as free people than with wicked people like you one can trust you.crooked kk and kapwepwe are not our founding fathers in barotseland,our founding father is mboo muyunda and not your dangerious will be very shocked seeing barotselnd leaving while you continue with you curses.barotse people never want to called zambians.aluyeni kwa hae.

  67. There has never been an Agreement between Zambia and Barotseland. The only agreement I know of was between Northern Rhodesia and Barotse Land. The moment this was signed, Northen Rhodesia was no more and so was barotseland. All we have is history about these two regions and a new child called Zambia. So what is this noise about secession. 

  68. We shall remain united as the country Zambia and will not allow this country to be divided by few self individuals. “One Zambia One Nation” Bravoooooo KK. many tribes but united. United we stand divided we fall.

    My president, thanks because you set your heart on the majority Zambians and not few selfish individuals.

  69. Everybody knew that Sata could not have fulfilled his 90 days promises but they went ahead and voted for him because they wanted to hear what he was saying it sounded melodious their ears, in the same vein, the people of Western province voted for Sata along the same lines, he told them what they wanted to hear and now they are reaping where they sowed, I am sure you will not be easily duped come 2016, try HH, to me he make more sense than any of these aspirants. Despite myself being Lozi, I do not sympathize with these self destructive beings.

  70. Zambia as a country cannot boast to have any degree of nationalism. We instead have mini nationalisms based on tribal inclinations and ethnicity. When particular ethnic groupings feel margilised by the state and find themselves alianated to it as in the case of western province, the obvious outcome is struggle for autonomy and self determination. To those who still comfort themselves in one zambia one nation…too bad, the situation as it is just needs a leader to channel all the peoples’ frustrations and that’ll be it. No one will be called to recognise the ceded Barotseland other than the locals themselves. Ignorant bloggers please take note and don’t escalate the situation.

  71. I didn’t know there was only one king and kindom in Zambia.Looking at my roots I would be placed in the Luba-Lunda Kingdom which is recored in history as extending from Angola,DRC,Zambia and a bit of Tanzania.But having moved and become civilised the notion of a chief should not be welcomes in the 21 centrury.I know of one great Shaka,great Mwati Yanvwa etc.

  72. The BA64 has been overtaken by events. Lozis you should have established your monarch then, like Swaziland, Lesotho etc, now, its too late. The issues of boundaries are all too contecious and they are other people from other tribes who have settled in your province and vice versa. It is too too late. No one will allow you to change the status quo

  73. One Zambia One nation is a myth. kaunda never ‘united’ the so called nation. Kaunda was just a selfserving manipulator. If Kaunda had indeed united the Nation we wouldnt have ended up with a rabid Bemba supremacist in the name of Sata. The next time you shout ‘One Zambia One’ ask yourself why not so long ago you were saying ‘Tuleteka’ or after ‘Sata’ it should be a young leader like ‘Chipimo or Mutati’?. Remember Scotland has been a member of the UK for 300 years but the Scots want out now and a referendum is slated for 2014. And the so called Zambia is only 47 yrs old. Think!

  74. Please can all those fools who continue bringing up the location of Shoprite in Mongu shut up. That myth has been over recycled. Besides the location of a multinational supermarket does not define development. Shoprite wanted a GREENSITE on which to construct both a Supermarket and a Wholesale outlet. These were constructed 10 minutes out of the congested Mongu Town Centre. This does not denote that ‘Lozi dont want devt’. It is a moro.nic conclusion. It is akin to saying Solis in Lusaka dont want development because Arcades and manda Hill are located away from the city centre! There are far too many i.diots in Zambia!

  75. Accusing Sata when you did even vwe ote him. Cry to RB and HH these they people you voted for. Someone is even saying should not vote for Sata in 2016. They did not vote him why should they vote for him anyway. Even the 43 579 votes were from the people- aliens who work there not Lozis.

  76. There is so much ignorance over the issue of BA64. It’s even more worrying that even purpoted presidents of political parties who were supposed to be articulate and well informed are exhibiting ignorance over this issue.

    Who said the BA’64 is about secession? The document brought two independent places together in a union that gave birth to Zambia as we know it today. You can’t accept Zambia without acknowledging this document. Is it that diffiuclt to understand? This document only gave autonomy to the Litunga over the governance of Land and his people. Not Secession… Please don’t mistake Mutangelwa for BA’64. It’s better to be quiet if you don’t have a complete grasp of what you are talking about.

  77. Mr. Musoma Sir, you very dull and you lack historical knowledge. I think next time to avoid embarassing yourself research and consult further before you make a comment. I wont even waste my time to correct your article which is too voluminous for its emptiness.

    The BA64 issue to beyond your comprehension. And for all you arguing without understanding nor basis please read more about the issue coz its bigger than what the government or the past governments have been arguing…. I strongly support that the BA64 debate is not about secession but mare developmental programs prioritization in Western Province.

    You think Lozis want their own president? try giving them the basic needs which are lacking so much in the province and see if they will continue crying! Noti na ati shani..!

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