Thursday, October 24, 2024

President Hichilema Embarks on UK Visit for Bilateral Talks and Keynote Address


President Hakainde Hichilema has departed for the United Kingdom, where he is set to visit Scotland and England for a series of high-level engagements. The trip will include bilateral talks, academic visits, and a significant keynote address.

In Scotland, President Hichilema is scheduled to meet with First Minister John Swinney for discussions aimed at strengthening bilateral relations between Zambia and Scotland. These talks are expected to cover a range of issues, including economic cooperation, education, and sustainable development.

The President’s itinerary also includes visits to two prestigious academic institutions. At Heriot-Watt University, he will engage with leading academics and investors to discuss opportunities in the mining, agriculture, and energy sectors. Similarly, his visit to the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University will involve meetings with eminent individuals and potential investors, aimed at fostering investment in Zambia’s key industries.

President Hichilema will also deliver a keynote address at a conference organized by the Rhodes Trust Zambia Constituency at Oxford University. Themed “Standing up for Zambia: Zambia at 60,” the conference will celebrate Zambia’s progress and address future challenges as the country marks its 60th year of independence.

This visit underscores President Hichilema’s commitment to strengthening Zambia’s international relations and attracting investment to boost the nation’s economy.


    • You follow Bally more than an average Praise Singer….kikiki. You are a fan!!!

    • He’s run away from Ceril Ramaphosa who’s about to be sworn in for a 2nd term. Maybe he doesn’t want to fly over Zim. Why should he conveniently shun Ramaphosa’s inauguration? He’s the current Chair of the SADC Troika on Defense & Security. I don’t know what goes on in his head

    • Apparently, you know nothing about geography and even less about politics. It has not occurred to you that HH can fly, drive, run or walk to South Africa without ever seeing any part of Zimbabwe. As for being at the inauguration of Ramaid1ot, was he at the inauguration of HH? Who told you that the South Africans make a big issue of the swearing in of their president, who is nothing more than a glorified prime minister, since he can be removed and replaced next week if the leaders of his party so decide? Ramaid1ot is wounded and weakened; the ANC is in an inexorable death spiral having committed the Hara Kiri of going into a suicidal coalition with the apartheid parties DA and Freedom Front..

    • Everyday niku Britain! But I have never seen Rishi Sunak in Zambia. That means he doesnt want you beggars at his door-step everyday. To show how unimportant or fawningly gregarious your president is I Have seen Sunak in Austria, Estonia, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, United States. Never in begging Zambia

  1. And i quote “Bilateral talks”….like seriously….Bilateral talks with a country failing to provide even the basic needs for its own citizens…water and electricity….HH overates himself way too much…he is just going shopping and buying more properties in the West….ZAMBIA NO ELECTRICITY 60 YEARS AFTER INDEPENDENCE

    • If your relatives, Simon Chushi Mwewa, Frederick Chipuba and Michael Satan had not destroyed the infrastructure of Lusaka; if your relatives had not borrowed and looted US $32.5 billion, the repayment of which has completely emasculated and bankrupted the country; if you relatives had not stolen everything from the government; if your relatives had not fired Zambians from all over the country with any semblence of competence and integrity, and replaced them with their relatives and tribesmen whose modus and casus operandi was theft and indifference, perhaps we would let you talk. But as HH said 2 weeks ago, “How do you soil the village well, and then stand back and watch call those who are trying clean it as failures?” Everything you have touched has been destroyed

    • ECL & PF boasts of infrastructure projects, forgot to construct a power plant that was going to increase revenues, job opportunities, and enhance service delivery in all sectors including small business owners. Instead they stole the money borrowed and only a few benefited that money, more especially those tasked to with the procurement. what we have seen is Chalala and Shantumbu houses going up rapidly

    • “a series of high-level engagements.” What high level?
      And that neo-colonial Rhodes Trust. Which emancipated African wants to associate with it? The Rhodes Trust is clearly a white Supremacy gang.
      Cecil Rhodes’ beliefs in white supremacy and his role in promoting British colonialism gave birth to criticism that the Rhodes Trust Scholarships just sustain a legacy of privilege and racial inequality.

  2. He is going to deliver a keynote address at a conference..Those addresses should be reserved for high achievers, not this failure of a President in almost everything. The economy is in tatters, he has taken us back to colonial days in terms of democratic credentials, his police force is now camping at churches to ‘observe’ people who are leaving the premises!!

    • The economy is in tatters because your tribes men took the economy cleaned up by Mwanawassa and Ngandu Magande, and saddled with an unimaginable and unpayable US $32.5 billion debt in a mere 10 years, which in their nature, they stole, like everything they ever came across. If the police is outside a church, it is because the stupid organisation allowed itself to become a place where tribal violence was being preached. It is the fault of your tribalistic ministers who were condoning violence in those purported houses of God. As in everything else, you have no one to blame but yourself. The difference we have you to blame for everything wrong with the country, because you are the ones who created the mess HH is trying to fix.

  3. When you hear europeans praising me, just know that i have betrayed you – Samora Machel.

    HH haya hagain. hafilwa huyu. He loves the spotlight, uku imwenesha

    • And yet he received Russian arms, money and support. Like Mnangagwa, a Russian puppet. Russia is not a friend either, Wake the F up!!!

    • Frederick Chipuba is the one who brought Boers and homosexual Lebanese into Zambia. Michael Satan is the one who made a man of European heritage the vice-president of Zambia. All these things brought copious praise to Chipuba and Satan from the same Europe you revile today.. Your relatives are the ones who sold the mines, looted government assets, divided the country on ethnic lines, built universities in their own villages with money stolen from the rest of the country. HH is going to speak in England because he has to appease the people that your leaders, Michael Satan and Edna Lungu borrowed US $32.5 billion and looted it, that is now crippling Zambia because we cannot pay it.

    • Samora Machel’s country Mozambique was not even ready to fight an informal sector band of fighters which had started a looting and killing spree in the northern tip of the country. Where was the military of a country whose leader had not betrayed his people? And why was the Mozambican army unable to fight?

  4. actually, solutions are here at home provided one clearly understands their deliverables, one certainly does’t require such bilateral talks to improve maize production, electricity generation (in a land of plenty water and hours of sunshine), water reticulation etc. Governance is not about attending prestigious meetings, its about understanding the basic needs of the citizenry and identifying homemade solutions, it starts from here, government commitment and collaboration with local investors.

    • Simpleton. A lot of our mines trade in UK. The owners live in the most expensive addresses in London.

  5. Late President of Tanzania John Pombe Magufuli only had 2 international trips the whole of his term sorting out many challenges at home and the whole world was able to see economic progress in Tanzania. I am just saying, nalakwa cha pamene apa

    • True. But Tanzanian people are united in everything they do. Only one party has ruled that country because people are honest and united. Here the MMD had agreed on two terms but after two terms Frederick Chiluba refused to pass the power to another person. This single act was the beginning of the end of the MMD.
      Another thing is that there are no chiefs in Tanzania…. therefore no tribalism.

    • Magafuli walked into a Tanzania in which the Swahili language had already killed tribalism, and had little debt of any kind. HH walked into a country deliberately riven on ethnic lines by people who fired everyone else from other provinces from the government, and hired only those from their ethnic groups; HH walked into an insolvent country completely emasculated and immobilised by US $32.5 billion borrowed and looted by the unscrupulous, brazen and cold hearted criminals to ever rule the country. I am not sure you understand what that debt means to Zambia. Michael Satan and Edga Lungu saddled Zambia with a debt it will never be able to pay, while succeeding in reducing the size of the economy of Zambia from US $28 billion to US $21 billion

  6. Very disappointed with HH…i thought he meant well for Zambia but it turns out he is just in office to fill up his own pockets….very unpatriotic President…

    • Fill his pockets how? The man does not get paid. He works for free. The government of Zambia does not have any money. He is doing what he thinks will help to revive Zambia from the death sentence imposed on by the looting of Michael Sata and Edgar Lungu, who borrowed and stole and outstanding US $32.5 billion in the name of every man, woman, child and baby in Zambia, that we will never be able to pay, and is being used to make us dance to the tune of westerners, to say nothing of extracting all of our precious natural resources. It IS THE FAULT OF THE PEOPLE YOU SUPPORTED AND SUPPORT.

  7. Would it not make more sense to have bilateral talks with whoever will win elections in UK later in the year?

    • We do not have that power. We are dancing to whoever is ruling England now. We will dance later to whoever is ruling England later. Everytime you see HH do anything, think of an unpayable US $32.5 billion that was borrowed and stolen by Michael Sata and Edgar Lungu. This is the big bait in the mouth of Zambia. This things has entered our mouth and come out on the other side where it is stuck in our buttocks. We are not escaping it. Whatever they say, we will do; whatever they want, they will get. We have one sliver out of this mess. I know exactly what and where it is, but I am not saying it, until HH wins in 2026. If your kind comes in power, and knows that it is, we are finished, because they will do what they always do, and steal it.

  8. How does his Excellency expect foreign investment to flow in when the Rule of Law is under threat in Zambia? Aside from KoBolt (USA) and Delta Mining (UAE), there are no investments and nor will they be whilst Rule of Law issue’s persist in Zambia. Misuse of the Police for settling commercial matters and outright corruption within his own Cabinet make this administration a risky proposition.

    • What misuse of police for settling commercial matters is there? Your identity is anonymous so you have nothing to fear, tell us what you know or shut up with your lies. This is the first president since Kaunda who has followed the law. Some of you wanted to abuse the freedom provided under the rule of law to start formenting ethnic strife, and to threaten tribal violence, and he brought down the law on you. The dances of cadrerism are over. The days of tribalistic violence are over. HH has said he is going to have the US $32.5 billion borrowed by Lungu and Satan audited. The criminals who looted it will be discovered and prosecuted, with each case taking no more than 5 months to sort out.

  9. Wow ‘bilateral’ talks meeting with ‘academics’ to discuss ‘investments????” please Sir…stay home sort out the issues that are affecting us…upscale the rule of law and above all ensure we stop this lack of energy you are the Chairman of IDC …Take the lead…your relative failed to produce even a simple strategic plan…come on man! Are they no academicians in your own country you need to go abroad? You want to lecture on Zambia at 60 abroad?? Zambia at 60 cannot even produce a matchstick…duh..but we know the drill ‘rule of cadres…we have done but then anyother before us…blar blar

    • There is no strategic plan to produce when all your resources are going to be confiscated because the two criminals who preceded you in power borrowed US $32.5 billion and stole it, leaving you in debt that you will never be able to pay. Do not cry to HH, cry to Lungu, go and defecate on Michael Satan’s grave and aim for the position where you think his rotten toothed and open mouth is prlaced, and hope some of your sheet will seep into the ground, through his rotten coffin and straight on to him. These are the people who borrowed and stole the US $32.5 billion that is responsible for all of your problems today. On the way, you can stop at the grave Frederick Chipuba and urinate on it because he is the one who begun this bullsheet

  10. Please Hichilema, do not come back. We have suffered enough. We are now in the stone age under your rule. The white people are mining for free just like during slavery, we have no power and God is indirectly telling you that you need to leave office by not providing rains. For the f0olish blind followers who can not see the price of fuel, mealie meal, fertilizer need to understand that you have cursed us with man.

    • You can leave Zambia. HH is coming back. You and your relatives who borrowed and stole US $32.5 billion are the ones who deserve to be kicked out of country. The white people are looting the minerals of Zambia under contracts given to them by ediots like Frederick Chipuba who believed that white people solve all problems and gave them all of our companies and mines. Do not cry to HH, the damage was already done when he came to power. Yes, he gave Vendatta the mine back, but he is not the one who sold it to them for US $20 million. Her had to give the mine back in order to get relief from the US $32.5 billion that your relatives Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu borrowed and stole

    • Frederick Chipuba is the one who brought them back. He is the one who gave them everything, in his stupid belief that white people sold all problems. Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu are the ones who made their stay permanent because they borrowed and looted US $32.5billion from them, meaning you cannot say anything to them, much less kick them out. You thought Kaunda was a fool, when he Zambianised everything. You thought bringing white people would bring development. We told you and you thought you knew better. You even made one the vice president, the highest post held by a white man in our country since Welensky. You cannot cry to anyone, except the ugliness you see in the mirror

  11. “DELIVER KEYNOTE ADDRESS “…..we should be ashamed of ourselves having such kind of individuals as our leaders….very selfish….3 years of motivational speeches….20 hours NO ELECTRICITY….and some conman claimed that he had ended loadsheding

    • You should be ashamed of yourselves for stealing. He is going to England to dance to the tune of the people whose US $32.5 billion your borrowed and stole. and Zambia can never pay back. If you angry, punch the ugly thing you see in the mirror. The reason why load shedding is 20 hour is that in order to pay on the US $32.5 billion you stole, the electricity of Southern Province has to be exported to gain the dollars needed.

  12. ” KEYNOTE ADDRESS” …and 50 billion dollars goes to Ukraine so that they can kill more people….money that’s being stolen from Africa using it to fund endless wars…and uncle Tom the house negroeeee thinks they like him

    • HH is trying to stay out of international politics so that he does not displease anyone. While Ruto’s Kenya, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Benin, and such useless countries were busy signing Zelensky’s communique demanding that Russia leave the Russian lands it has liberated from Ukraine, Zambia was safely away from the debate. Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu borrowed and stole US $32.5 billion that we will never be able to pay. We cannot afford to antagonise anyone, since we owe everyone. What we can do is to go there when we are summoned, so that we can dance to their tune.

  13. And Africa is now living up to its name…THE DARK CONTINENT….for sure because now 90 % of the continent has no electricity for more than 20 hours a day despite having abundant water and natural resources….meanwhile the West is only interested in Wars and killing innocent civilians…..50 billion dollars to fight poverty around the world….thats a BIG NO….but 50 billion dollars to kill more innocent Russians….YES LETS DO IT….
    Indeed we live in a very strange world with wicked Politicians

    • Is there water in the Kariba dam? Do we have mountain glaciers supplying us water even when it does not rain? If not shut up. The electricity of Southern Province that lights up the whole country is being exported in order to pay the US $32.5 billion that your relatives Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu borrowed and stole. When they were building universities in your village, you should have asked where the money is coming from. Now we are in a debt trap. As for those provoking Russia, they are not going to win. They will simply cause life on earth to disappear.

  14. Let’s hope Bally will come back with some help
    From his friends on how to sort out our load
    Shedding crisis.

    • Nope. Expect no help for load shedding. They are the ones demanding that Zambia export electricity in order to pay off the US $32.5 billion borrowed and looted by Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu. The relief will come in 2026, when they they try to help HH get reelected. The suffering will be long and painful. There is no easy way out of this one. If you remove HH and put in someone else that dances less to their tune, they will inflict even more painful suffering on us….

  15. Can we please quickly factor in a ban in the constitution where each time our leaders who when asked by journalists at airports how their trips abroad were, they start with the word successful. If it means us putting this in the constitution so be it. We cannot allow the word successful to be continuously abused when our people continue to wallow, to penga noku languluka daily and our leaders continue globe trotting with mostly nil results

    • Successful is the right word because it means that when they played their tune, he danced to every not as correct and beautifully as when our Congolese cousins used to do, when they played good music. The US $32.5 billion that Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu borrowed and looted, that Zambia is now unable to pay, is why our president must dance to the tune of the people we owe this money to.

  16. Chief praise singer Lumbani madoda Spaka has gone into hiding….kikikikikiki yabija makani….probably loadsheding has followed him to his base in the UK

    • Load shedding is the result of the US $32.5 billion that your relative, Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu borrowed and stole, that Zambia is unable to pay, and must export the electricity of Southern Province in order to service. When I told you that electricity exports have been the only thing that has kept Zambia going since the 1980s, you fools did not believe me. Even when the crimnal Ian Smith was slaughtering thousands at Chikumbi, he was remitting millions to Zambia every month for electricity imports.

  17. BELEFYE KU CHIMPWENA: Hichilema is too self-centered, insensitive, and devoid of empathy- Fred M’membe

  18. The Republican President and/or his advisors have got it wrong on his no engagement with Zambian community in Scotland.
    Its also utterly not right to get out community members only queue like zambian school children as he passes and waves at them and go away. Why shouldn’t our community members know why he is coming here?

  19. Reasons for his visit have been given. He is getting an honorary doctorate and has an appointment with Swiney. Ok understood but he should be having that time to meet Zambians in Scotland for obvious reasons expressed by others.

  20. Ba upnd muli bansele bad.You are abitter terrorist group in government .Your time to vacate leadership is knocking at the door. Your being in government is just a litmus paper in the lab and your red ligalia symbol for massive blood will haunt you for ever you heartless human beings.

  21. The main reason Hakainde fought so hard to become the seventh Republican president was not for Zambians but for himself. All he has been doing is to use gullible Zambians as ladders to climb to whatever height he wants to that is all.
    people have even stopped counting his INTERNATIONAL trips which do not mean anything to ZAMBIA. And HAKAINDE CARES LESS.

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