The Southern African Centre for the Constructive resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has advised government to open dialogue with all stakeholders on the recognition of homosexual rights.
SACCORD Information Officer Obby Chibuluma has noted that the debate on homosexuality has been received with mixed feelings adding that the nation should be allowed to debate for resolutions to be made.
Speaking in an interview , Mr. Chibuluma says as an organization fighting for human rights, SACCORD suggesting for dialogue to be opened where both the negative and positive views can be heard.
During a meeting with former President Kenneth Kaunda, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon called for countries to recognize and respect homosexuality.
And commenting on Mr. Ban’s isit to Zambia, Mr. Chibuluma says the UN chief’s visit to Zambia will help remind the country of its obligations towards human rights.
Mr. Chibuluma says Zambia has committed itself through a number of international instruments to promote ant protect human rights and states it should ensure that every citizen enjoys their rights.
And A resident of Chadiza district in the Eastern province has received with mixed feelings United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s call for Zambia to respect gay rights.
Misho Kamanga of Chadiza said the statement by the UN’s Chief Executive Officer were misleading because Zambia was a Christian nation that does not allow gayism and lesbianism.
Mr. Kamanga expressed disappointment at Mr. Ban for suggesting that the Zambia should recongise gay rights when he knew very well that Zambia is a Christian nation.
He advised government not to compromise Zambia’s cultural and Christian values just because of foreign aid from western countries.
During his three day state visit to Zambia, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon called on the Zambian government to respect the rights of
every individual including those that wanted to practice homosexuality.
Meanwhile, Hope for Human Rights has added its voice in opposing United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s appeal to the Zambian Government to recognize or decriminalize Homophobic practices in Zambia.
Hope for human Rights executive director Smart Chanda says as much as all people are born equal and are therefore supposed to freely enjoy different rights, it must be realized that practices which are against cultural beliefs cannot just be imposed on Zambians.
Mr. Chanda says there is need for Government to approach the issue of HOMOSEXUALITY with the seriousness it deserves and take a position on the matter.
He says it won’t help the country for Government to keep quiet when the matter has kept on coming up from time and against.
He says the fact that the Secretary General of the United Nations decided to raise the matter in the country when he indicated that no one should be discriminated on the basis of their sexual incrimination, Legislators must open up debate on the same and give it the seriousness it deserves.
Mr. Chanda says there is need as a nation to establish how prevalent the practice is and what is leading to the same.
He says it must be realized that wherever the practice has been legalized, there is a background or history to it and that Zambians must question themselves what the background is to this practice in the country.
He says this would only be possible if the Government takes an interest in the matter and puts up a mechanism to establish what really is happening on the ground.
you guys must be very sick and purely immoral.
Is homosexuality an issue that requires dialogue in Zambia?
The answer is no!
Ban should be speaking to Ugandans who have physically expressed their displeasure at homosexual behaviour there especially that it has been openly practiced by their men. Zambia has had homosexuals from time immemorial but somehow we have lived with them. I do not see anything to debate here. Just let things be as they are, providing we do not hear complaints of sodomy.
Zimbabwe,Malawi and Uganda have passed the test and God is pleased with them and he will surely come through for them in their difficulties.
You know what I think??? These fools have been offered funding so they can’t resist it. Soon there will be sensitisation workshops, seminars on how to treat homosexuals and homosapiens, international conference hosted in Lusaka on human rights for homos, etc. Watch this space!!!!
You’re deluded
Leave the homos am i affected when someone is gay?i believe nobody chooses to be gay coz they knw nobody likes homos.Zambians are useless pretenders,they commit adultery and all sorts of sins yet you condemn homos?one sin is worse than the other right?this xtian nation statement is irritating,who declared zambia a xtian nation?isnt it that common thief called chiluba?or maybe God personally descended and made the declaration?it doesnt mean when they legalize homosexuality you will be seeing them doing the act in streets,be reasonable and rational..the bullshit of african culture is long gone the first time a white man stepped a foot in africa,even xtianity is western coz it was brought by white people ,hitherto,africans were worshiping trees etc.
Christianity is firstly not western, I guess you missed out on you RE classes, my forefathers were not out talking to trees like yours, don’t be ignorant. African culture is not bullshit you are, if you support homosexuality or are one you are free to be as it is your choice to sin, but don’t insult people who are against it. Zambians are not useless you are, Traitor.
Ati give this issue the seriousness it deserves. What seriousness should be accorded to a non issue like homosexuality? Gay rights are not even human rights. The western nations intending to impose this trash on us are destined to fail in their quest and may they die a thosand deaths. If Ban Ki Moons fore fathers practiced gayism and lesbianism, maybe it culturally is acceptable to his society but not on my African soil particularly Zambia. it will not happen. withhold your aid if you want, but let me tell you this that God who reigns eternal will not leave nor forsake Zambia.
And how about revoking visas for US residents advocating human rights abuses? How about taxing remittances from Zambians like you in the USA? By the way, thanks for the taxes you pay to the USA so that its’ government can advocate for Gay rights.
We are christian nation! Stop this…
No no no to homo, now may I lament low salaries at Ernst & Young. These young men came to audit my company and they couldn’t afford lunch hahahaha….the chaps are scruffy and smell of alcohol the whole morning.
It’s chaps like these Ernst & Young employees who turn to homosexuality due to poverty. Assholes, you qualified my company’s accounts now I was laid off, am exposing you little scambags. Broke peasants!
Forsake! Find another planet and migrate there. Find other ‘mistakes of nature’ to accompany you scumbag!
A look at priorities in Zambia rely puzzles me. Honestly, renaming of airports, realignment of districts, realignment of ministries, creation of new provinces, debasing of the kwacha,and now calls for dialogue on homosexuality? What about infrustructural development, creation of employment, economic vision for the country, health, education and shelter for all? Am i alone in this kind of thinking, hello?
It is a known fact that some “sponsor” countries will and are using so called NGO’s as agents for their activities. As for Ban Ki Moon, it is an open secret that the “sponsors” are just using him as the face of their ambitions. Let us not forget what he stood for in Libya and before that , the UN for the first time in history intervened in an internal conflict to side with France to oust Laurent. Shame on the UN and shame on Saccord. More like defending their priviledged rights as elites and not the masses.
Homosexuals don’t need rights,but spiritual and mental counselling.
Arrest these little homos. They hide in their offices claiming to be working yet they are getting shagged all day!
Our culture does not accept Homos, we never had Homos in our history the sickness came with them let them take it away twakana saaana. We know people have been doing each other from the back side but thats sick. Next the Americans will start killing themselvies and they will come to Zambia ati we shall give you money if you start killing each as well. USEESSSS
Ghosh,what is soo attractive about another hairy chest? Eeeww ,its so disgusting.
Pf, Human rights Commission of Zambia, some NGOs including SACCORD, and some Parliamentarians were targeted by USA, Europe, UN to support this abomination and they are just speaking for their pay masters. Zambians who abhor this evil are more than those who are supporting it. We shall prevail over these vocal minorities who are trying to teach us satanism through homosexuality. Away with it and those in it simply need to be delivered from satanic hordes. Chibuluma, you are very wickedman who should not be allowed to insult the wisdom of God.
Dora Siliya warned us about PF and Homos. We didnt listen.
Just like Kaunda warned us about MMD…
Each tym gays meet,I pray dat da “wife” just develops a suden diarhoea n so storong dt it shd flash on da “male” until they just repent of ts abomination on ds our holly ground!
Recognising gay rights is a serious matter that should be cocisely analysed before making final statements. We do not have to harass, mock, humiliate nor recognise homosexual rights. Doing this will be like legalising it yet it is precisely condemed in the bible like other vices. So all we can do is help the known homosexuals out of that bondage just like we would help prostitutes out of that kind of living into God driven lives. We don’t care if the un stop helping us as long as we are right with God. Did they help us win the africa cup?
Martin Martin…God be with you my dear…AMEN!
Obby Chibuluma you have no shame mister
What kind of Christian nation is Zambia, we are not a christian nation because if we were and follow the teachings of Jesus of love your neighbor as you love yourself some of you would not even think of saying bad words about our brothers and sisters who are gays. What kind of Christians who have already passed judgement on others, your holy bible tells you to leave the judgement to your God, the one most of you seam to cherry pick his love on certain issues. If you do not like gays, no one is forcing you to be one, if you are a man and you like women, no one is forcing you to like women, if you are a man , no one is forcing you to like men. If you dont like abortion because of your belief, do not force others, dont do it period
Was this the mission for UN Secretary? What about poverty alleviation? Must be noted that HIV & AIDSis more prevalent in same sex couples in the developed nations. In the UK there banned from donating blood. If such a practice has so much moral and health issues, why encourage it. Only a depraved mind can allow it.
Why do all these useless, nonsense topics begin from the western world? and someone in Zambia just follows blindly and campaigns for making an abnormal practice into a normal practice.
After Homosexuality, it will be Zoophilia (Bestiality). and again these so called human rights activists (Pixie Yangailo, Obby Chibuluma, etc) will start again fighting for the “right to have sex with animals”. just wait!!!!!!!!!
Iwe nambala #24, how did you come to a conclusion that one is normal practice and the other is abnormal.
Just because a group of people decided to do a thing a certain way does not mean that is normal or abnormal, careful what you think is normal to others is considered abnormal
#1Gundix – What is your problem? It is people like yourself who discriminate against other humans who should be eliminated.
You can see the ignorance and hate most Zambians have against this issue just from looking at comments thus far…people need to think deeper and deeper to librate themselves…they will say all sorts of ‘demonic’ desires gay people have yet we committ parallel sins ourselves, if only we would truly see life in the eyes of Christ…
#26, by abnormal i mean a disorder. it is a disorder to do what the Homos do. The order or normal is what the Heteros do. Nature tells us that each organ of the body has a specific function.
The normal thing to do is to enter a house through the opened door. Just because one person enters through a window does not make it normal, although of course it can be possible for some people to enter through a window. The person who enters through a window needs help: counseling.
Bata bashi Chilufya moneni eko tuleya nomba twapapata wesheni amashiwi landeni pamulabasa kutila twakana ukwangalilana pamputi. Thats aborminable ba presdo get advice from BOB MUGABE why nabena batata bashi Panji bali fye tondolo pelyashi ilyi kulibena is it NO or YES. My fellow country men dipping your ntweno kani into shit. the bacterias in the ntweno kani plus those in the shit is equal to what? Be ready for another killer virus germinating from this kind of love making. its true if Mugabe say you are dogs his dog will ask him what have I done mwe finangwa mwe veshikulu bakwa lucifer open your eyes and see the outcome of this IF you dad married a man were you going to be there. God made Eve for Adam two different sex to enjoy each other without thoughts imputi ukununka mwe mbwamwe
Deeper thinking tata…we DONT KNOW THE RULES OF CHRISTIANITY…WE DONT KNOW CHRIST…PERIOD. That is why Zambia is sooooooooooooooo sick, thank God we have a man who has been seeking God for a long time as the leader of the country…i pray that HE in heaven gives wisdom to Sata to put to bed this issue…we need to see the sin in Zedians today, adultery, molestation, uloshi, corruption, abuse of drugs…whitewash Christians we are…we have no ethical reasons to deny these people committing their sin (my opinion as a Christian-which is nothing to non Christians!)..African culture my foot-we should then deny Christianity…if we want Christianity then we should embrace gays…and their sin should be committed to God..we cant have it both ways…its their sin and not mine.GOD HELP US! AMEN
This is a good move , we must embrace the practice to avoid HIV/AIDS because the instruments of sex are not targeted on the actual spots. Even prostitution will be a thing of the past. I wonder why people should resist when zambia is a christian nation, christianity talks about love and embracing each other so lets legalise the practice and Issue marriage certificates.
Say what you want, Gay rights will come to Zambia. If you don’t like it, go and live on the moon!
God was not stupid to make a man and woman, so no homos in zambia. infact Ban ki moon him self is married to a woman.
Zambia a christian nation? God help us. Christianity is a western phenomena just like Homosexuality. Why do you accept the other and refuse the latter. Shame on you Zambians. African culture is not christianity, its African Traditions. So stop pretending to be christians.
Nobody is forcing you to be gay! I am gay and I don’t see why you are so mad with me. When I am in Zambia, I pay my taxes. What is the problem? Please leave us alone.
Homosexuality is not a human right and should not be condoned in Zambia. If God had wanted men to have sex with fellow men he was going to make Adam and Steve.
Jesus how did our nation arrive at this point, forgive us for slumbering as christians for not interceding every minute for our country now the enemy planted weeds whilst the christians were sleeping forgive us Lord and restore everything the locusts and cankerworm have eaten for your mercy endures forever.Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’ “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
Good evening
If someone told me this was happening in Zambia some time ago, I would have said “Never!” but now that I read it for myself, I’m beginning to believe that there’s an evil conspiracy by external forces to destroy our heritage and culture. And I still can’t believe that the UN Secretary General can come to Zambia to call for homosexual and lesbian rights. How can he be so presumptious? Can he dare to say the same thing in an Islamic country?
contd “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
Now the true christians will be separated from the false christians and the patriot Zambians who cherish and protect the Zambian culture and traditions will be separated from the ones that do not love our land, traditions and cultures and do not cherish what our freedom fighters fought for and what our fore fathers stood for. Let the sifting begin in the end God’s righteousness, holiness and kingdom will prevail. We know who has won, revelations is very clear, Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
In Zambia we have never denied anyone health care based on their sexual orientation. We have never stoned anyone to death. We have never abused anyone who abided by the law. It is illegal for a man to sleep with a man or woman with woman. Thats all, but we have never treated anyone extremely. ho remembers the man Josephine from Kaunda square? Used to work in a bar? Who remembers the Greek guy George Memigus, who built the incomplete Carrousel building near Kafue round about? These are homos we lived with and never harrassed. When they start pushing us is when they will get a serious backlash. Say no to cultural imperialism. They should negotiate with us, not force us by conditions or threat of sanctions. Will they allow is to be polygamist in Europe or America?
“When you see ‘the abomination that causes desolation’ standing where it does not belong – let the reader understand – then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” Mark 13:14. Prophet Daniel talked about what you are now witnessing in the world. If you are not saved, you may not know what the scripture is talking about because your face is covered with a vail. My advise to you is to REPENT because the end is near. It is an abomination before the LORD for a man to sleep with a fellow man or woman with another woman. Do not defile the temple of the Holy Spirit. God will bring judgment very soon like he did on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Hey #27. Next stop is bestiality. Are you for that as well? Don’t say it won’t happen. That’s just how slippery this slope is.
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.Proverbs 14:34
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?Mathew 16:26 what will Zambians profit to get aid tied to abominations and loose their souls.Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.Hebrews 12:16 Zambia do not sell your birthright for the sake of aid tied to abominations at least Zimbabwe and Uganda have passed the test and God is pleased with them and he will surely come through for them in their difficulties.
Sad day for Zambia, but God is still on the throne.
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.Proverbs 14:34
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?Mathew 16:26 what will Zambians profit to get aid tied to abominations and loose their souls.Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.Hebrews 12:16 Zambia do not sell your birthright for the sake of aid tied to abominations at least Zimbabwe and Uganda have passed the test and God is pleased with them and he will surely come through for them in their difficulties.
Sad day for Zambia, but God is still on the throne and he is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Why are the opposition parties and all churches silent while evil wants to sneak into Zambia who is going to speak out for those who have no voices who cannot speak for themselves; who will ensure justice for those being crushed.Jesus you are Lord over Zambia and nothing can ever move you or catches you by surprise you are still the King of Kings and you will still see Zambia through this dark moment and Zambia shall overcome all wickedness and evil planned against it in the mighty name of Jesus to which every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.
To all God fearing christians please take time to seriously fast and pray for our nation like Esther did, God hears and answers prayers, the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective.
We are part of the global community. The scourge has finally landed. Lets deal with it. We can’t continue to pretend that it doesn’t exist. Tolerance, baba, is the key word. Do not discriminate. They may be sick but they are still categorised as humans and the sooner we accept that, the better for all of us. We live with them here in foreign lands but be least assured that we don’t see them doing it. We just “hear” about it. Do not fear comrades, hahaha. All will be fine.
I am not surprised that PF is inviting Satan, the Anti-Christ and his demons to cast spells on mother Zambia. Be warned that the Hand of God is on that nation. The proclamation of Zambia as a Christian nation is not in vain. I call out all believers to join me in 7 days of prayer and fasting starting Wednesday, February 28, 2012. We shall hear of testimonies next week. Do not lose your character because of money.
We will stand for our beloved nation in prayer with you. Infact if you can also start a facebook site for prayers for Zambia against abominations and perversions if it is possible on your end we will also join you.
am in lets pray
I would like to submit that human rights should only cross a culture if a given culture has traditions that pactices acts against humanity. Otherwise imposing what is known as acceptable behaviour in one culture on another is failure to respect human rights. if one as a right to make noise and the other has a right to live in a quite place. The right of the noise maker should not contrvene the rights of the one who requires silence. In order for them to co-exist, introduction of maximum amount of acceptable noise is put in place. In my culture, a man sleeping with another man is taboo and unacceptable. To strike a balance, i shall not go peeping in other people’s bedrooms to see whom they are sleeping with and therefore, I do not want any sexual acts to be put on paper or discussed.
Prophecy is being fulfilled. Let all God`s people stay awake!
What poverty can do to a poor country? Any fool can show up and speak nonsense and you all will be nodding you dull head accepting anything from them whites. like someone rightly put it. We have priorities that need attention and homo’s isn’t one at all. We are suppose to be talking about employment for the youths, housing, infrastructure development etc. look at the state of hospital that need agent attention. Infact that’s even a human right abuse that need help more than anything, patient are dying at helm of negligent doctors.
Homosexuality is an issue better left undiscussed–if undiscussed is the word–as a Zambian opposition politician has found out for seemingly suggesting that he would allow the practice if he is elected president in this year’s forthcoming presidential, parliamentary and local government elections.Leader of Zambia’s biggest opposition party, the Patriotic Front, better known by its ubiquitous initials, PF, Michael Sata has been linked to meetings with some diplomats from western donor countries accredited to Zambia where he has allegedly pledged that if and when he is elected president, he will recognise the rights of gays and lesbians in the country.Ever controversial, Sata, a veteran politician who rose to prominence as the capital, Lusaka’s governor under first Republican
Dr Kenneth Kaunda’s administration in the 1970s and went on to become the present ruling party, MMD’s national secretary and minister without portfolio, arguably the third highest ranking Cabinet position under second Republic president Frederick Chiluba, has attempted the presidency three times since 2001.Sata formed his own party in 2001 when Chiluba anointed an outsider, Levy Mwanawasa, a former Vice President who resigned his position on account of his differences with Sata between 1991 and 1994, to contest the elections that year, by-passing him after he allegedly hounded out eligible members who had opposed Chiluba’s unconstitutional shot at an unconstitutional third term of office.For his statements on homosexuality, Sata has been under fire from current Vice President and
and Minister of Justice George Kunda who attacks the practice at every opportunity including in parliament. Kunda’s incessant attacks of the sexual practice recently attracted a write up on the Zambia News Features website by an American-based Zambian, Henry Kyambalesa.On Kunda’s continuous reference to the issue of homosexuality against Sata, Kyambalesa wrote:
…the learned Vice President and Minister of Justice needs to take a neutral position on issues which are likely to incite some segments of Zambian society to rise against other citizens. He needs to take the lead in ensuring that whatever he says is not based on his own opinions, or on innuendos, speculations or on promoting hatred for a particular politician or group of citizens.
After all, our country’s constitution does not recognize same-sex unions, same-sex marriages or same-sex adoptions. What Comrade Kunda needs to do is to introduce a Bill in Parliament which will address issues relating to sexual orientation, particularly with respect to whether or not there should be a ban on discrimination of any individual on the basis of his or her sexual orientation.But what has landed Sata in political soup for which some sections of society such as the church and the media have threatened to de-campaign him for the elections just a few months away, is an interview he allegedly gave to a Danish newspaper in which he stated that Zambian laws in fact recognise homosexuality. He, however, did not specify which parts of the law recognised it.
The only laws that talk about homosexuality in Zambia are those that seek to punish it.The church is very vocal on this issue simply because Zambia is a Christian nation, having being declared so by President Chiluba in the first few months of his presidency in 1991 and is now encapsulated in the Republican constitution.
Part of the interview quoted on one website, Afrique en ligne, Sata is alleged to have said the following:Mr Sata: “Some people are saying I am talking to you people because I want to bring back gays and sebians, I mean the lesbians, and I tell them that listen, the laws of Zambia recognise(s) the gays. The laws of Zambia recognise(s) the lesbians.
The laws of Zambia recognise(s) the lesbians.
And the Laws of Zambia have provided restrictions and when you go all over the world, there isn’t any single country which has not provided restrictions for those things. But those are cheap propaganda. The laws are already there what we need is to implement the laws.”
Question: How do you think the current Government is doing their job in enforcing the law? Mr Sata: “Well the Government, the current Government is so corrupt, when you are corrupt you can’t do anything right.
Where you are corrupt you can’t do anything right because in English which you and I have learnt, he who pays the piper plays the tune. That is the problem of corruption. That is the problem of corruption.”As usual, netizens have been thrashing the issue out both in support and against homosexuality. These reactions are especially from an article quoting the Vice President saying that homosexuality is illegal in Zambia. The article appears in one of Zambia’s leading online news site Lusaka Times.Source globalvoicesonline dot org.
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MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya has described as shameful and disgusting the support rendered by Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata to homosexuality and urged Zambians to reject his denial because the information is already in the public domain.
Meanwhile, Ms Siliya said Catholic priest Frank Bwalya and Citizens Forum executive secretary Simon Kabanda’s move to launch a campaign in favour of the 50 per cent plus one threshold to be put in the draft constitution is aimed at diverting attention from Mr Sata’s support for homosexuality.
She said the transcript carrying Mr Sata’s interview had rested the matter and urged citizens to understand that the statement issued recently was his true position but hidden over a period of time.Mr Sata in an interview with foreign journalists was quoted as saying Zambia had laws that protected the rights of gays and lesbians and that such laws required to be implemented.Ms Siliya, who is also Minister of Education, said Zambia was a Christian nation and should not condone such activities.
She also said the MMD was surprised that The Post Newspaper which did not carry the original story about homosexuality was at the centre of defending Mr Sata when his own words were clear that he wanted homosexuality should he be given chance to rule the country.Ms Siliya said Catholic priest Frank Bwalya and Citizens Forum executive secretary Simon Kabanda, who is also a former Catholic priest, had ignored the thorny issue on which their preferred candidate in this year’s presidential election had taken a stand.
She said Zambians should avoid being used by the two failed priests because it was clear that they wanted focus to shift from Mr Sata to the protests.She also condemned Mr Sata for telling Mandevu Member of Parliament Jean Kapata to undress in public in protest against Government’s suspension of Lusaka City Council for land mismanagement and financial scandals.And Ms Siliya also said people debating the issue of parallel vote tabulation were wasting time since the law was clear that the exercise would not be allowed in the country.
Meanwhile, the preparations for the MMD national convention taking place at the Mulungushi Rock of Authority from April 5 to 7 have advanced and President Rupiah Banda will address a public rally in Kapiri Mposhi on April 4 as part of the programme.
Ms Siliya said the people of Kapiri- Mposhi would like to listen to the president ahead of the convention and that all political parties registered with the Zambia Center for Inter-Party Dialogue had been invited.Source allafrica dot com
Vote of no confidence in Sata and his friends should start …maybe he will learn
a lesson.
Iwe SACCORD, what seriousness? This is rubbish, the government has bigger and unfinished business fulfilling their 90 day promises e.g. Barotseland, more money in your pockets, etc etc rather than wasting time on such issues which were conclusively debated in the run-up to last year’s elections. PF then denied supporting homos and their position has remained the same, unless it was merely for winning votes?
That Ban ki-Moon shouldn’t set the agenda for us, he does not go to bed on a hungry stomach, he certainly doesn’t start his day without breakfast. Tell him in no uncertain terms that Zambia has more serious issues to attend to than this unbiblical and un Zambian abomination. As a people Zambians have a cultural and religious heritage and have refused this nonsense, what does Ban ki-Moon think about respecting our cultural rights?
chibuluma u and your satanic friends will soon die…
Mwe Bantu beniko serious. Ilyashi lyakutungana mu mputi elyo mulefwaya ukuleta pa Zed! Ehe.
Mwe Bantu beniko serious. Ilyashi lyakutungana mu nyelo elyo mulefwaya ukuleta pa Zed.
No need for dicussion. We have a few homos here and there in Zambia, and thats ok we can deal with them. Having a discussion is opening up a can of worms.
sata and lubinda are part of them
I down for prayer and fasting as well. As Christians this day was coming it’s time we acted on it. God showed that he loves Zambia with the AFCON victory; that’s was to show that Jesus is with us. Let’s stand firm people of Valor.
Our culture started going down the moment we accepted Christian as our religion, forsaking our ancestral spirits.
Zambia a christian nation? God help us. Christianity is a western phenomena just like Homosexuality. Why do you accept the other and refuse the latter. Shame on you Zambians. African culture is not Christianity, its African Traditions. So stop pretending to be Christians.
We told you Michael Sata was gonna bring homosexuality to Zambia and you refused. Here it is now coming in slowly through the back door (pun intended).
Bushe bwima shani to see your fellow guy’s back?? Abnormal
We blacks have no brains except Robert down south. he is the only man in Africa. how can we allow abasungu to impose homoxesuality on us when they can’t entertain polygamy in their countries? Zambia is a finished country with finished leaders
The only right that homosexuals have is going to jail for a crime against commonsense and practicing unnatural sex which not even lower creatures practice. There must be no dialogue over homosexuality. I fact parliament must pass laws to stiffen the penalty for this crime. Our constitution states that Zambia shall be a Christian nation. A christian nation is one which is guided by the teachings of the Bible. the Bible is very clear about the issue of homosexuality. In the old testament, it was punishable by death, in the new Testament, the Bible teaches that they shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Issue is closed.
People in Africa Should wake up and see that our leader are using the issue of homosexuality to destruct us from their incompetence, corruption, mismanagement of resources. issues like poverty, economic development, are on hold while we are debating about homosexuality. look at South Africa they recognized gay people, now they don’t have to waste their energy and money on such petty issues, that why south African in the most developed In Africa.
A true Christian follow in Jesus’ footsteps and teachings, Jesus knew we were all sinners,he never judged or discriminated, rather he loved us all the same nomatter how many times you had sinned. I challenge all Christians to be more like Jesus and love everyone as they love themselves, and please leave the judging to God that’s his job don’t do it for him.
I absolutely agree that fighting for the rights for same-sex marriage is going too far. If Parliament enacts law that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest and you have the right to underage sex, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.Those of you fighting for lesbian and gay liberation have plainly gone too far. We are opening the floodgates…next I will not be surprised if they demanded the right to be naked at work and we would laugh in their faces and tell them that there are special camps at which they can flash themselves.. Gay people seek special treatment rather than equality.
But the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy; just because one thing is changed does not mean that necessarily all others will be changed. And at least for underage sex, it does not fall under consensual sex because if you are underage, you cannot have informed consent. Polygamy and bigamy are a bit different, because it has to do with how you define legal marriage in the country, and the discussion is not the legalization of gay marriage. Adultery already is legal, and it’s up to social norms (and divorce laws) to reduce the cases of it. Incest, well, is illegal, because the children of incest are at such a higher risk of genetic defects and because it is often not consensual (one person tends to have power over the other, such as the parent over the child).
dialogue and debate all for the sake of money..sick NGOs..useless..anyways,..your govt relishes it!
homosexuality has been received with mixed feelings adding that Zambia is a christian nation.The president should show leadership on this issue.During his inuguration ceremony as head of state ,he categorically told us that Zambia shall be ruled under the twelve commadents of the bible,henceforth,the president should be not consider this Ban Kinmoon message.
Discussing this issue is immoral. Lets give it a blind ear and it will die a natural death. Zambia should not accept homosexuality to be a human right. its inhuman! period.
PF is playing on our minds,Sata knew that if he introduces the subject himself it will rain hell fire, so he had to call his sponsors to float it so that we start the debates and they will observe from far the debates that will be going on in the process assessing and strategizing how to champion their motives.
Very surprising how Zambians can get drifted to silly things, we have serious issues to deal with than this Homo nonsense. Let people live with ZAMBIAN NORMS AND VALUES. Some acts are Taboo in our ZAMBIAN Societies including “BLO.W.JOBS, THREE SUMS, KISSING (ATI ULENDISHA AMATE?)PU.SS.IE EATING etc.”? yet some of you do them ? So why tell the whole world that we suck each other with My Wife, husband, girlfriend, boy Friend or your own sisters???? WHO HAS COME IN PUBLIC THAT I WANT TO BE DOING UBUCHENDE??? People do it in silence so Crup your publicity on this homosexual matter, and don’t worse ZAMBIANS time.
What you do in Darkness only God will Judge you. “IFYA KULYA UBUSHIKU FIMONEKELA KUMALUSHI.”
Zambia is a Christian nation and Christianity is against homosexuality final!!!!!!!!
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon says he knows that the Government of Zambia has formed a principled position in promoting and respecting the human rights of everybody, regardless of age, religion or sexual orientation, in line with the fundamental principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which Zambia is a party.Ban Ki-Moon made this revelation when he met president Michael Sata at State House on Sunday
According to press statement issued by Eimear McDermott of the UN Communications Group, Ban Ki- Moon added that human beings are born with equal rights and that he has been urging the world leaders of many countries, in particular those where people have been discriminated against, and even punished and criminalized, based on their sexual orientation, to form and uphold principled positions that protect the rights of all.
Following his official visit to State House, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a statement to the press emphasizing that he was happy with the discussions and extremely impressed by the progress being made in Zambia in promoting democratic governance. He also commended Zambia’s progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), noting that the discussions with President Sata had touched on how the United Nations can continue to work together with the Government of the Republic of Zambia in realising the MDGs.
The Secretary-General added that he had invited President Sata to the Rio+20 Summit in June. The Summit will provide an important opportunity for world leaders to discuss sustainable development, climate change, water scarcity, food crisis, energy shortages, gender empowerment, and global health issues.The Zambia government has not yet responded to the statement by the UN on the rights of gays.
During the run up to the elections that brought the PF to power, the issue of gay rights became a hot issue. Famous journalists Chanda Chimba repeatedly explained that if the PF won, they would legalise homosexuality in Zambia because they have been sponsored to do so.Chimba was demonised and even sued.When British Prime Minister David Cameron said in November 2011 that British international aid will be tied to respect for gay rights, Zambia’s foreign Affairs minister Given Lubinda reacted sharply and told off Cameron.
But it was the same Given Lubinda who was escorting Ban Ki-Moon when he was promoting gay rights in Zambia.Lubinda has also not said anything probably because he knows his cabinet has since resolved to support rights of the game community. ZW
A warning to the PF Govt you are not fighting against Zambians but against God and his word and he will fight you back he will cause your ways to be slippery and remove you from power, Zambians will not even do anything but Jehovah Nissi will fight you. Like Nebuchadnezzar you need a writing on the wall and dreams from God to speak to you strongly not even soothsayers will be there to help you, God can do anything when you provoke him through your your evil and wicked intensions.
Thank God what is done in secret and darkness is being brought to light.God indeed will fight for Zambia and for his name in Jesus name. Watch out PF this is the beginning of your downfall and how great your down fall will be, you will lose favor with Zambians and you have already lost favor with God.Who can ever win against God, learn from Nebuchadnezzar.Zambia shall be saved from wickedness and evil in Jesus name.
The world including Zambia are for the devil and if prophecy has to be fulfilled, then world governments will have to bend to the desires of lucifer and the zambian govt inclusive. What we can do as a people is simply ignore this foolishness and spell doom in its face. All men in support of homosexuality must be canned so their folly is driven out. Pamatako paku nyela amafi noti ukutungapo ubwamba ala
only stupid pipo and bastards will open dis foolish issue for dialogue…Wat NGOs dey jst want 2 feed they back thru supportn wat can not be supported. Rubbish
Zambian’s let me tell you. if you dont know wat is good for you or not better be careful,atherwise God is going to punish Zambia. Zambia has rule and laws that we do forlow so no outsider will tell us wat to do in our christeane nation Zambia not even Obama period.
Zambian please please please, let me hare you toku please dont let this nosence get out of hand
One suprising thing about the so called gays, they always look forward to having children, how. ” If you refuse to fish, dont eat, so the saying goes”. If they want to marry from the same sex, they should as well stop admiring or ever thinking of adopting babies. In my whole life I have never seen a male dog going for its fellow male or a hen jumping on top of another hen, never! Now how the hell should a human being with all the senses think like that. I mean its not about being christian or not, it doesnt make any sense. Fyabupuba! Imagine the entire world were gays, Filekeni fikalalwala ama cancer yamu NTWENOS, feaces will just becoming out without warning.
The laws are clear, no homos!! what is their to talk about? This is the problem with Zambian NGO’s, a few years ago everything was about AIDS and the money kept coming. Now it is gay rights which is attracting donations and everyone is jumping in the band wagon to win donations from the perverted west. Zambia is having a bad time from AIDS, if we factor in homosexuality, the statistics for HIV infections will rise at an alarming rate. AIDS and homosexuality are very closely linked, just check at what happened in New York when AIDS was discovered there and what it did to the gay community.
One thin we must realise is that the western leaders are all satanists now. this is why when you go to england, you will only find very few english people in the holy churches. They are spiritually being led by the Devil and the day will pay them any price to have people doing all sorts of evil. Before we know it, zambia will be producing porn. Unfortunately this is inevitable because in millions of years from now the world can only become an evil place to dwell in due to the last days when the devil we actually come and live on earth. this is why these people are working tirelessly to make this happen quickly. It seems the Devil is still achieving to manipulate man even up to now.
#75 – I have been using this blogging name for a long time and you have stolen and dented it with your weird philosophies. Careful with copyright laws. You cant impersonate me.
@Ricky Bobby- Go and screw your dad, it appears you are a grey private part.
SACCORD chibuluma you are an *****. What rights are you trying to teach us? You are just interested in the moneys you and your masters are chewing from Homos. Shut up your dirty mouth, and you and Pixie yangailo won’t teach us to accept and support gay rights.
please give us a break with the christian nation is imposing homesexuality on you. He just said people should be allowed to be themselves and respected the way they are.If you are straight enough it doesnt matter who is gay coz you know it doesnt bother people who are making noise here are the gay ones actually so just shut and let the gay be free as human beings. they were born this way there is no need for them to hide who they are..Chirstians should know better actually coz God gave man free will to choose what he wants then God him self will judge not your human constitution,,
Only 5 states in the US allow gay marriages, but they’re hell-bent on imposing this $hit on us like we’re criminals.
Please leave Africa alone, let us make our own mistakes, we let you make yours in peace.
Leave us alone!
am gay lesbian and enjoying my rights here am happy bcoz am far from home i ve been in and oot of police when am in zambia but now am facinf deportation due the fact that the right are about to be legalised as i know my country will not allow thse gay right soon but thus my home i have live and hide from being stone to death or raped i wish the gvt could just help us out because one 1 can employ a gay person in zed stuck in the middle of nowere
this gay rights nonsense must not evn be an issue up for discussion! as an LDC we hv more important things to worry abt like poverty allievation,women empowerment,health,education issues,et cetera…we dnt evn need govts opinion in dis issue or ny public dialogue cz dat will js blow things out of proportion nd make an issue out of sumn dat shudnt b an issue…Ban ki moon nidsta grow up nd stop tokn nonsense!we’v made it quite clear dat we’r not intrsted in gay rights nd ny such rubbish,cn he plz let it go nd focus on the core issues dat need to b addressed! some leaders can be soooo annoying!mxxm!