Thursday, October 24, 2024

ZDA Has Not Given 6 Million Hectares Of Land To Any Investor


Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) would like to clarify misinformation currently circulating on the purported allocation of 6 million hectares of land to the Vietnamese investor, Viet-Zam Diversified Operation Limited on various media platforms.

ZDA is the sole agency responsible for promoting and facilitating trade and investment in Zambia and as such receives investment proposals from a broad range of local and foreign investors.In addition,ZDA registers investors for investment which entitles them to incentives as provided for under the Investment Trade and Business Development Act No 18 of 2022 and other relevant pieces of legislation.

We wish to categorically state that ZDA does not approve or issue land to investors as this mandate is not under the jurisdiction of ZDA. Therefore ZDA has not approved 6 million hectares of land to Viet Zam.

The correct position is that,in line with its mandate ZDA facilitated a consultative meeting on the 18th June 2024 between Viet Zam and the stakeholders where the investor presented his proposal.The investor presented various scenarios of investment from one hectare to 6million hectares with an indicative investment amount of USD 72 billion over a period of 20 years.The law mandates ZDA to facilitate meetings across sectors at the request of the investor without discrimination or bias.

ZDA in consensus with the stakeholders guided the investor to apply for smaller piece of land in line with the already existing farm block concept where a domestic or foreign investor could apply for 1 to 20,000 hectares of land for their project.Surely this guidance is not in any way approval of 6 million hectares of land. ZDA has no legal mandate to allocate land of any size let alone the purported 6 million hectares.

With regard to incentives proposed by the investor,ZDA provides incentives in accordance with the ITBD Act and any request outside the law is null and void.For avoidance of doubt,we wish to advise that ZDA has not granted any incentives to the investor in question and has no intention of granting any incentives outside what is prescribed in the law.

ZDA is therefore encouraging all investors and the general public to get in touch with the Agency to obtain factual information regarding investment matters of this nature.

ZDA takes this opportunity to inform the nation that the investor confidence under the New Dawn Government is at its highest ever and as a result the country is experiencing alot of interest from both local and foreign investors in the country.In this regards ZDA will continue to provide guidance and handholding investors to grow our economy.

Issued by

Prof Biemba Maliti
Board Chairperson
Zambia Development Agency


    • Our chief Marketing officer is working. Remember that guy can sell anything. I mean anything as long as his commisions are safe in Panama or Mauritius.

    • Bill Gates is investing $2.3billion in Konkola . Lumwana is investing $2billon. Vendata is promising $1billion. The Arabs also $2billion. Then this ka little Viet tells you that he is bringing $72BILLION??????? and our govt falls for it? Who does That?

  1. With the lies suddenly appearing over ZESCO and ZNS Milling their own maize
    MAYBE its not 6 Million ?? but only 5.5 Million ??? WHO KNOWS ???

  2. Of course we all know that ZDA doesn’t have the mandate to issue land but this is their approved project. These choncholi are using their name to solicit for large tracts of land from traditional authorities. They just left Mpika and reports have indicated that they’re already mining in the mineral rich swamps. This is a scandal of untold magnitude. It’s not ZDA alone involved. They’ll all excuse themselves from responsibility but the fact will remain that natives are about to lose large tracts of land

    • ZDA may not have the mandate but like the Jay Jay’s saga… the president ordered his arrest during his last press conference….they could have been instructed by the same authority.

  3. We know Zambia is being sold to the hands of foreigners. It started with PF selling to Chinese. It has accelerated under UPND to unprecedented levels

  4. 6 million hectares is 60,000 square kilometers, or about 7.9% of Zambia’s total landmass, bigger than Eswatini, Lesotho, Burundi or Rwanda! taking such information is not only wild but also foolishness to the core…. that would require over 100 chiefs in each province to offer over half of their ancestral land to the Viets.

  5. For me the vice is that govt even had time to entertain such a charlatan. One wonders if they have real work to do. Are they serious about developing the country or they are chancers

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