Thursday, October 24, 2024

Of President Hichilema consulting Lungu; what a dumb suggestion!


Over the weekend, the United Kwacha Alliance camouflaged in Harry Kalaba’s political outfit finally had its first rally in Kitwe’s Kwacha Township where the New Dawn Administration recently introduced waterborne toilets after many years of neglect

Ordinarily, one would’ve expected Edgar Lungu, the main speaker at the event and of course the potential Alliance’s presidential candidate in the 2026 general elections, to have unveiled his blueprint to what he considers the country’s socio-economic malaise.

But what transpired instead? We saw an entire former head of state, who seems still reeling from his shock defeat in the August 2021, not only becoming petty and personal, but going ballistic and desecrating the very sanctity of the institution of the Presidency – a citadel of authority in our motherland!

He went to town describing the President in the most unpalatable terms: “mambala (crook)”, “umwaiche wa chunsu (young man with an unkempt afro)” and “chimbwi no plan (hyena without a plan)”

Now, since Lungu is hell-bent on referring to his successor as mambala, which adverb is suitable to describe him since he’s on record “chewing” money for a widow that made the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) strip him off of his practising licence? A heartless kabwalala?

President Hichilema, you were wrong to hastily expunge the defamation of the President from our statutes. We’d have been the first ones to call at Police HQ to report Lungu for insulting the President!

The recent conduct on the part of Lungu is clear testimony that most of our politicians aren’t yet ready or mature enough to conduct their politics with respect and utmost civility! Next time the police are going to grant these characters a permit to have another rally and they resort to insults, we wouldn’t be surprised to see UPND cadres invading the venue to defend the President. No wonder Graphel Musamba, the hard working Inspector General of Police is reluctant to approve permits for political rallies; they’re a source of anarchy, we shouldn’t allow the so-called imperialists school us on democracy.

One of the most ridiculous suggestions Lungu made is that if HH was consulting him from time to time, our country wouldn’t find itself in the current crisis.

What sort of dumbest reasoning is this imwe faza? What you’re suggesting is akin to expecting Joe Biden in America consulting Donald Trump or indeed the Conservatives in England calling on the Labour party for advice; who does that?

UPND and PF are like water and oil; the two can’t mix! Whereas the former is a liberal social democratic party, the later is a social democratic party.

Lungu says the President should at least reduce the price of aka bungu to K100 without necessarily taking time to explain how this can be achieved. Considering where we’re coming from, he’s probably thinking of reckless borrowing to subsidize the cost of mealie meal so that he can plunge the country deep into another debt crisis!

Aikona man!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Polical/Social Analyst


  1. In Bemba we say amano yafumine mwifwesa yaya muculu. It’s not wrong to get advice on HIV from the HIV positive person. If HH had bothered to ask why the previous administration was rationing power we wouldn’t be in this situation… and it’s going to get worse…. but HH instead ordered Zesco to stop this and supply power 24/7. Lungu is not one of the most intelligent people but his mistakes would be a good teacher to any humble person. Asking doesn’t make you a lesser person.

    • Lungu’s advice will always be self-serving.You should know that.But then again,you are Deja FOOOOL

    • @MuZambian. To start try to be polite when you reply…some of us know how to insult so much that you might rush home to check if all is well.
      Coming to your comment. My friend advice can come from anyone. We have lost people in mines simply because the one warning them of danger is a drunken workman. But since your mind is set I won’t waste time on you.

    • RUBBISH! Lets say go ask for marital advice from a divorcee or please make an appointment to get advice about stealing from a thief, its dumb!

  2. Rationing of power started in 1953 and this is why adjustable turbines with the level of water were installed. These adjustable turbines were sold without thinking by Lunguu.

  3. What is wrong in consulting ecl? But kwena, no wonder you are where you are.. crying and complaining about the higher cost of living… pride will kill you sadists

    • Just look at the above I*d*I*o*t instead of reading and understand what I am trying to say he rushes to insult me. Upnd is a confused party. Fat Matambo has been cheating HH on his popularity on CB but now he has to explain why a hastily arranged UKA rally attracted so many. He’s scared… you can see it in his eyes.

    • what economic advice can you ask a Eurbond defaulter? ECL just want to protect his family from money laundering cases in court if he got any chance of bouncing back.

  4. If I were a Zambian I would not hearken to this demonised crook. He doomed the country in his time and today says he can solves the problems zambians encounter! Do you see how this creature fools arround you! Just becuase he sees no man of high capacity in the midst. Open your eyes folks, dont be fooled by this diabolic man.

  5. No one is a fountain of knowledge a wise leader listens to everyone and then separates the chaff ..hh used to visit RB and consult…ECL himself learnt alot from RB mhsriep…KK continued to be counsel for many including Fred…so yes let not the detest that exists between the two mar the bigger might not like ECL and yes he did a lot of damage to this country with his poor policies and lack of respect for public property…but he may have one or two ideas even of you don’t accept them.

  6. Deja Vu ..even that is not new ..civil service examinations were there in KKs time . They included examining the General Orders, Financial Regulations, Administration and Law, Humanism Part 1 and 2. We also had Departmental Papers, High and Lower those tested your understanding of the Ministry you worked for…well enter FTJ he decided to infiltrate the system with cadres so he scrapped the exams and the rest is history…leakages, incompetent Controlling Officers and getting worse by the day..

  7. Deja FOOOOL.EdgarLungu as president, paid top dollar to that consulting firm to help him restructure the mountain of debt.Then he begged Turkeye to help pay Zambia’s debt.I repeat”You are Deja FOOOOL”


    • Yes his articles don’t seem to heal anything. The last few days when we had some “tribal differences”, the prince pretended to attack those guilty but deeper he took chance to express hatred for other people.

  9. Deja FOOOL.Dont bother tracing me because you might be arrested as the stalker who failed to debate. However,if you behave like a man,I might just avail you my co-ordinates. Meanwhile, my question is :Can you consult a president who paid US $5 million to a foreign consulting firm to do a job that was done by another Zambian president at no cost.The same president begged another foreign president to help pay the same Zambian debt….Ati”Amano yafuma mwifwesa……”My foot!.Drunk Lungu cannot explain in detail who and what debt restructuring involves. Try him. He will just refer you Back to Sender

  10. The “know it all syndrome“ of Hakainde has landed us in this mess. Whatever pay check Kapinga gets to write this crap it is not worthy it because it only serves his narrow interest. While millions are admittedly wallowing in worse abject poverty than before, Hakainde has full daily meals. Hakainde sold the maize because it was produced under ECL what kind of hatred is this that you can be willing to subject your people to such unholy poverty just to punish one person? And yet you claim the Kazungula bridge that was 8built under ECL’s rule. Hakainde must seriously consider joining Peter Sinkamba’s “Green party” because this behaviour seems to be reflective of the consumption of the green stuff.

    • The “Maize Gate” f@&k up on its own is enough for a sane govt to resign. How much more torment should Zambians be exposed under this govt? Those Zambians that will survive until 2026 should be given medals for their endurance. This govt is a disaster!!

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