Thursday, March 20, 2025

Two Chiefs skeptical about the benefits of ZESCO’s power project to their subjects


Chieftainess Nkomeshya

ZESCO’s hope of building a new hydro power station has suffered a major setback after two traditional leaders have asked the company to formally apply for the land to accommodate the project.

Chieftainess Nkomeshya Mukamambo and Chief Sikongo, who are the custodians of the land, stressed the need for wide consultations before allocating ZESCO the identified piece of land.

This came to light when the two traditional leaders were taken on an aerial survey to see the extent of the proposed 750 mega watts project within their areas in Namalundu on Tuesday.

25 families are expected to be displaced if the land that covers over 6100 hectares is given to ZESCO.

Chieftainess Nkomeshya notes the project is going to benefit the nation, but wondered what benefits the people and the chiefdoms will get once the area was surrendered to ZESCO.

Meanwhile, ZESCO managing director Cyprian Chitundu has assured the chiefdoms that once completed; the project will create jobs for the locals and increase trade opportunities.

He is also optimistic that the Kafue gorge lower hydro electric power project will contribute in mitigating the power deficit being experienced in Zambia.

And ZESCO generations director Victor Mundende, who read the speech on behalf of Mr. Chitundu, revealed that the 25 families have already been counselled and informed of the compensation packages.



  1. By the way, are those solar geysers that were availed by RB still available? I understand it is no longer possible to access them. Can someone advise, especially from ZESCO…?

  2. I congratulate the two chiefs..ZESCO doesn’t appreciate..look at what they did in Siavonga when they built Lake Kariba..the people were kicked out and haven’t been paid upto chiefs..let them compensate the people and electrify all the villages nearby!!

  3. They should be carefull though, this issue might end up with the president realigning the area in question.

  4. This is the right way of conducting business that affects many stakeholders. The people need to be engaged and buy into the idea. Perhaps PF can learn one or two things from ZESCO about Stakeholder Management. To the PF govt, do not realign ZESCO. Leave it as it and infact it needs more capitalization for which govt must help. From what I can judge, this project will required at least $2 Billion.

  5. Chitundu is a liar like his boss at plot 1.Employment for locals,my foot.Maybe he means locals from Lusaka where they want to attach this part of the country.Much as ZESCO would construct all those energy stations most of power will be exported while another big chunk will go to the mines who contribute only 3% to GDP.And the common man?Load sheding as usual.Monies realised by power sells straight into PF account.That is why PF has taken the movement of Chirundu and ITT as a matter of life and death against the will of Southerners.This is a FACT,well informed.

  6. This is what happens when you conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment and you dont implement it after the project is completed. The Gwembe-Tonga project in Siavonga is a good example and the people there werent compensated in the 60s and 70s, except for a dummy project in 90s which didnt effectively reach the people as previously intended. These chiefs have every reason to be skeptical about this compensation to there people. Now they need assurance. 

  7. This is a big project and will employ alot of qualified people in the surrounding areas.25 families can not stop the gvt from undertaking such a project. The land belongs to the president no chief can stop the Gvt from undertaking a project of this nature in this country. What consultations is the chief talking about? The power blackouts currently being experienced in Zambia will be minimized once the project is completed. Consultation,what consultation when the GVT want to give you power and employment. Very F00lish. Consult on what and who? All Zesco needs to do is carryout environmental impact assessment, relocate and compensate affected families.Nothing more. Locals will be employed on merit. How do you employ a grade 2 in a power generating plant?

  8. the local people will not benefit anything. Managers will be employing their own relatives at the expense of local people. There is need for a written and signed document that will compel ZESCO to be employing a certain percentage of their work force from local people. It will be ZESCO’s repsonsibility to train local people. That is development deliberately meant to benefit local people. These national projects usually end up frustrating local people just like the Baroseland agreement.

  9. Chitundu shud monitor the HR department they ll make him fail, these chaps are the most corrupt tribalists and nepotism! Temprols and casuals cnt see change they voted 4 on 20 sept and this is nw March nothing new is coming out 4 these workers, most pipo in managemet they neva evn supportd PF we knw them!! Chitundu and Morecome do something b4 its 2 late….

  10. Yes ba chief those who will benefit from this project will definetly be Bembas from the kolwestan,they will infest the area just as they have done in in Solwezi where they are been kicked out now.So bravo chief at least you know these liars now.

  11. Most of zesco customer services depatmnts re run by incompitent n unqualified permanent workers, tok of southern div these quacks mrs malonda & BK Mumba,brot in alot of unqualified relatives n family friends some without evn G12 papers bt were gven permanent jobs wit bigger grades. Chitundu clean up the mess.

  12. Zesco security and the OP in monze, u re not helping the fight against corruption? in monze the centre manager with tha help of some chaps @headoffice, have employed da guy as CSO, who plundered donor funds 4 Monze mission hospital, and he wz posted to eastern region. Investigate this issue carefully..

  13. bAMUCHINGA leave Malcome Muba alone. How many kolwes has Cycle ,ata appointed at the expense of southerners and weaterners. Remove your log from your eyes first. Mayoko.

  14. For real Tongas do not trust Sata over land, as such they need signed documents. In this part of the country whatever happens to them, it becomes a lesson for them and generations to come, hence they are skeptical on every move taken by the government of the day, untill the president convince them that there is nothing sinster.

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