Sunday, September 15, 2024

Rwanda Donates Relief Maize To Zambia


The republic of Rwanda has donated 20,000 by 50kg bags of relief maize valued at 370 United States dollars in response to the drought that Zambia is currently experiencing.

Speaking after receiving the relief maize at the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) sheds in Lusaka, Vice President, Mutale Nalumango said relief consignment will make an immediate and significant impact on the government’s efforts to alleviate hunger and provide relief to the needy.Ms Nalumango said the relief maize will ensure that food-insecure households across the affected districts, have access to the relief food, bringing hope and sustenance to families who are grappling with the challenges brought about by the emergency situation.

The Vice President indicated that the donation symbolizes a bond of friendship between the two countries and speaks volumes about Rwanda’s commitment to standing by the people of Zambia during times of crisis.

Ms Nalumango said the donation of maize from Rwanda to Zambia, is not merely a transfer of food but is also a lifeline extended from one nation to another as a symbol of hope and togetherness. She further expressed gratitude to the Rwandan government saying, their solidarity reinforces Zambia’s belief in the strength of international cooperation to bridge distances and overcome challenges.

“Let us remember the importance of unity in times of crisis. Let us continue to support one another and work together to build a future where no one goes hungry or feels abandoned during their time of need,” she added.

Ms Nalumango further directed the Disaster Humanitarian Operations Management Directorate to immediately facilitate the dispatch and subsequent distribution of the relief maize to the needy households.

She urged that the directorate should utilise the structures already in place, at district level for a transparent and accountable distribution.

And speaking when handing over the donation, Rwandan High Commissioner to Zambia, Emmanuel Bugingo, assured of his country’s continuous support whenever its capacity allows.

Mr Bugingo said he is confident that the donation will contribute to feeding the most affected Zambian families.
He expressed gratitude to the Zambian government for allocating 10 thousand hectares of land to the Rwandan government for agriculture, adding that once the partnership is intensified, it will be one of the sustainable solutions to addressing the food security issues in the two countries.

The High Commissioner noted that Rwanda is ready to share the knowledge it has gained in the struggle aimed at addressing the problem of food security and technology applied which yield results in fixing food security in the world.


    • With the current good leadership under HH,
      Everyone now wants to be friends with Zambia.
      There is no shame on accepting donations, just as the church has no shame to accept donations from the starving members.

    • Rwanda bought maize from FRA to donate to DMMU.
      There was no trucks coming from Kigali to Lusaka. And there is no Zambian truck driver who has balls to drive to Rwanda.

    • Bushe the Maize that was sold a season ago was it going to last us forever? What would we do with the current drought which has affected the whole SADC region?
      Our neighbors had a similar effect and Zambia had to help them. Nomba imwe lyonse kula bwatabwata fye with no solution. Atase.

  1. How shameful, at least purchase the maize to stock up.Receiving donations is a Zambian illness. These vipubas would rather waste money on extravagance and materialistic things for cheap headline grabbing news of donations. This president needs to audit himself.

    • Still. African solutions to African problems are better than holding your breath for the Global North to do the right thing!

  2. It is a big shame indeed, this is what happens when you have a personal hatred towards someone.. HH has a chronic hatred for ECL & he cannot associate himself with anything good ECL did. That is why he had to get rid of the maize he found

  3. Chronic hatred blinds you that you cannot see that you are actually hurting yourself.. see hh now & see see how unpopular he has become in the society. Will upnd accept the defeat at the next polls.. i wonder.

    • Me ,my family and friendswill still vote for him in 2026
      We don’t want the panga family back.
      We don’t want gassing.
      We don;t want institutionalised corruptions
      We want CDF,Free education, freedom of speech.

    • @Katana you mean free miseducation. For something to be free it must first be available. In Zambia there are no classrooms, no textbooks, no desks, no chalk but all this is free

  4. Cluless and visionless leadership. I wonder why people want to run the country when they know nothing about how a country should be governed just to be in leadership for personal gains nothing else and make citizens suffer because of your carelessness God will judge you because your time is coming.

    • I think the problem is not poor leadership, it is bad and gullible voters. They went in numbers to vote for a snake oil salesman!!

  5. We appreciate Rwandas donation of 1000 metric tons ( 20 000 x 50 kgs) although Zambias maize consumption per month is 190 000 metric tons. Sometimes i feel we need a practical minister of Agriculture in Zambia trained in Agriculture with exprience. people like Chance Kabaghe, Edify Hamukale or Given Lubinda can do a better job than Reuben Mtolo who spends more time seeking for personal business contracts and exporting maize carelessly. Up to now Food Reserve Agency has no Board since Kelvin Hambwezya board was dissolved so that Mtolo can freely control FRA and cut deals in the absence of the Board. HH please open your objective eye

  6. Murakoze cyane Rwanda, many thanks for this Pan African solidarity and let us remember to help others after the coming good rains. We should be ashamed but do everything we can to mass produce for local consumption and export plus support to others like we have been supported. Kudo to Rwanda. We must take agriculture very serious

  7. This is shameful..its like being head of a house and your neighbour donates mealie meal to feed your family…yet Rwanda has no minerals just grit and brains to transform from a middle income country to a first world country…

    • Because it cant manage its abundant resources. They are too much for its weak human resources

  8. I have a pragmatic plan to make the soil in the 116 districts amenable to water retention, thereafter, they will cope with droughts. I tested this method at my Kalende farm near Baluba in 1989. Pictures available on request

  9. And very soon Bukina Faso will be donating Medicine to Zambia….Bukina Faso will be donating computers and donating Electricity to Zambia…Ibrahim Traore is no joke

  10. A country that has vast arable land and water bodies is receiving food aid from a country with very little land! What is wrong here? 753 000 square kilometers Vs 26 000 square kilometers , Anyhow thanks Rwanda for the assistance but the problem here is poor decisions

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