Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Former President Lungu Calls On SADC, AU, EU, UK, US, SA, UNDP to stand up for Hon JJ Banda


Former President Lungu has alleged gross misconduct and urgent health concerns for Hon JJ Banda. In a facebook message Former President Lungu said Hon JJ Banda, MP for Petauke Central, is currently undergoing or about to undergo a surgical procedure at Chipata General Hospital following a severe deterioration in his health.

Former President Lungu said he along with Hon Banda’s family had earlier feared that the parliamentarians health and life were quickly declining every day with no signs of improvement under state captivity.

“We remain doubly and immensely saddened that our MP has never been given any chance to mentally heal and physically recover from the brutal abduction and torture he suffered between May and June 2024.From the day of abduction to date, the life of Hon. Banda has been under arbitrary state siege, as well as consistent and present danger, as the state keeps him captive in chains, disregarding his health and human rights—a strange situation in the 21st century. Hon Banda’s life is at high risk as we speak today because his political tormentors are determined to crush and decimate it. Should Hon. Banda die, we shall place the entire blame on President Hichilema. His blood will be on President Hichilema’s hands,” Former President Lungu said

The former President went on to say it broke his heart to see the people Hon. Banda mentioned in his abduction walking freely without any warrant or caution statement or indeed arrest! Among the alleged named suspects are President Hichilema’s State House aides, Mr. Clayson Hamasaka, Mr. Levy Ngoma, as well as UPND Deputy National Youth Chairperson, Trevor Mwiinde.

He questioned why the named abductors fare free while the victim is imprisoned, now with his life threatened?

Former President Lungu demanded fpr justice and the rule of law for all, and called upon the state to arrest and detain the named abductors immediately. He also called upon all Zambians and cooperating partners including SADC, AU, EU, UK, US, SA, UNDP, and other Ambassadors in Zambia to stand up for Hon JJ Banda and his family, as well as put him in prayers during these difficult times.


  1. The brutality and inhuman treatment that Jay Jay Banda has been subjected to can only come from ruthless psychopaths. It’s disgusting

    And if this Lungu thought otherwise cant he dip in his pocket ??
    or is he scared to reveal he has the bucks

  3. Lawbreakers should be punished for their crimes. Whilst I sympathise with his reported health problems, it is absurd and illegal to short circuit the court process. The president can offer clemency after the court has done its work. On the other hand, the people he wronged are also yearning for justice. The poor journalist he assaulted and urinated in he mouth, the policemen he beat and robbed at a POLICE STATION, the family of the woman he is alleged to have murdered etc. Sometimes I wonder how an entire head of state would have associated himself with such a person. Anyway, we cannot choose someone’s friends. But my conclusion is that we are a “sick” nation/society

  4. At times I wonder what type of national leader ECL is. He is busy pretending that he is concerned about the condition of JJ Banda. However he says nothing about the cold blooded murder of Muleya. It is clear that that his action are aimed at gaining political advantages. I suspect that if there is anybody the police should question regarding JJ it is ECL himself.

    • Swahili what are you talking about? HH was released from prison by Lungu after international pressure of course. The records show it was a court that released him but we know it was state house.

    • And he wants to involve FOREIGN entities in JJB issue. These are the people who insulted Ms Patricia the SG for commonwealth and EU when he put HH7 in maximum prison on TREASON charge for an alleged traffic offence (we know HH has never driven himself for a long time).

  5. It would appear that JJ himself is a violent person; the alleged assault on the policeman and beating of a journalist including urinating in his mouth. He has to answer to these alleged crimes. In the meantime, he can receive medical treatment from hospital. The rantings from the former president is just politics and should be ignored.

  6. And we call apon all those organizations to make sure that the journalist he urinated on gets justice. We call apon them to make sure he is arrested for storming into a government police station and treating it as if he owns it without any repercussions from the then government just because he was above the law.

  7. Its not only JJ Banda who has been brutalized by this govt. There are many others in prison today due to dissenting views. We have many political prisoners but many are poor and people have forgotten about them. Why Me and Jackson Chama are some of the prisoners in jails in Southern Province.

  8. ……..

    If JJs abduction had any facts……..

    JJ would have come on social media to tell all, tell the nation and let the people who vote decide……….

    But he is scared to mention anyone and being sued for lies…….

  9. Clueless, visionless Lungu. How this thieving, hypocritical, visionless, tribalistic, brainless, useless drunkard became president is a modern-day miracle. I have no respect for this peasant. Go somewhere you will not be missed by right thinkers.

    • Racism: You didn’t want a white president so you scavengedon the rubbish dump for anything black. Vote for humans not colour’s. That includes you Americans out there

  10. ……..

    Why is JJ relaying on hearsay and third parties to tell about his abduction ????

    Why is he not telling it as it happened , to the nation ….,???

    Because his porported abuction is a pack of lies………..

  11. This man Edgar Lungu is sick. He feels sentimental because Jay Jay is from that same area where he originated


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