Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Scramble for Southern Province: Diangamo, Ila-Batwa chiefs call for creation of Kafue Province


Siuthern Province Current Districts
Siuthern Province Current Districts

SOUTHERN Province is slowly turning into a political hotbed following yet another suggestion that the region be split into two. The proponents of the provincial divide are chiefs in five districts that lie in the Kafue Flats, who suggest the creation of the country’s 11th province to be called Kafue.

This new province should encompass Kafue, Itezhi-Tezhi, Mazabuka, Mumbwa and Namwala, the chiefs say. Among the five districts, Itezhi-Tezhi and Mazabuka are economic hubs, the former having a power station; the latter a sugar plantation.

The chiefs’ council chairman, David Diangamo, who is no stranger to Zambia’s political and economic landscape, has since written to President Sata (left) to buttress the proposition. In his letter, Mr Diangamo highlights issues which the chiefs believe would improve service-delivery if Southern Provinces was divided.

The letter, dated March 8, 2012, reads in part: “In order to foster development and improve the social conditions of these people, it is our heartfelt submission that your Government considers creating an additional province – Kafue Province.”

The latest twist to the tale comes against the backdrop of a vehement refusal by some stakeholders against President Sata’s re-alignment of some districts in the province. Earlier, Senior Chief Mukuni and Chikanta proposed a new province in the Gwembe Valley to be called Zambezi Valley. Senior Chief Mukuni’s proposal which was submitted to the MMD administration last year has Gwembe, Kalomo, Kazungula, Livingstone, Siavonga and Sinazongwe districts.

The letter was also signed by the secretary to the Chiefs Council Reuben Shikabwali. But Mr Diangamo now says consultations with a number of stakeholders who include chiefs in Mumbwa, Namwala and Itezhi-Tezhi districts have already taken place.

He says the majority of the people in the five districts have welcomed the direction Government is taking by way of improving socio-economic service delivery. “Your pronouncement in respect of the re-alignment of Itezhi-Tezhi and Chirundu is aimed at sharpening the provision of services to these disadvantaged areas,” he writes.

Mr Diangamo says the people of the Kafue Flats are mainly the Ila and Batwa who share the same traditional and cultural background. The former secretary to the treasury in the MMD government says over the years, the plateau Tongas have championed the political, social and economic direction of the people of Southern Province at the expense of those in the Kafue Flats and Zambezi valley.

“Even after attaining independence, the Ila/Batwa-people have not gained much in comparison with the plateau people. The political landscape has been dominated by the Tongas, mainly under opposition leadership,” Mr Diangamo writes.

He says the domination of others by the plateau Tongas has seriously retarded development in Southern Province and affected the people of the Kafue Flats who have been marginalised since independence.

“Our traditional rulers and other opinion makers are being consulted on this matter and hope that they will find time to confer with Your Excellency prior to the Choma meeting,” the letter reads.

President Sata recently re-aligned Chirundu district to Lusaka Province and Itezhi-Tezhi to Central Province, a move which has seen resistance from some sections of society in Southern Province.

Yesterday, various stakeholders met in Choma to discuss the re-alignment of districts in the province.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Wishful thinking. Diangamo is an agent of the Devil, thats why he was clobbered at the meeting yesterday. We in SP we deal ruthlesly with traitors who put self first. I am confident this issue will be sorted out amicably. If the mighty people of SP feel that is the way to go, then its fine not an outsider to come and impose himself. No bwana we are not easily cowed. Diangamo what a bootlicker, you will eat shit on those boots you like licking.

  2. Check that Map above and see where ITEZHI-TEZHI is located (completely surrounded), you will see that the President never looked at the Map when he made part of Central Province. There is noway,Central Province can stretch from Serenge all the way to boarder KALOMO, CHOMA, MONZE CUTTING THROUGH NAMWALA…. We need another reason for reallignment…

  3. Will soon have a civil war in Zambia. Sata should have left the provinces and districts just the way they are. 

  4. Sata is a spirit of confusion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we’ve never had such confusion in our country before, why now….

  5. Ba LT, if you can send us a map of how Central would look if ITEZHI-TEZHI is attached to it. I now some of you guys can do it and then send us what will remain of SP

  6. I wish we could go back back to the time when Zambia had nine provinces only, it was so peaceful in the country. The Govt should have just improved on the operations of the respective districts and provinces and not these demarcations heading to nowhere.

  7. I think the concept of Diangamo is good to avoid so many confusions in the province. Dr Sinazongwe in ZWD accused MCS for saying plateau Tongas marginised Valley Tongas but here you are from the horse’s mouth. Are going to implicate this man also.

  8. Itezhi-Tezhi is nearer to Monze, why take it to central province where administration is in Kabwe, one wonders what will come next.The things happening in Zambia are worrying.

  9. Southern Power-Shaping Zambia’s destiny.Sata thinks this is stone age when he can scramble for resources for his clansmen.This whole issue is un-expectedly working for the advantage of the province

  10. I think the southerners are troublistic even amongst themselves. Triblism is now so embended there.They are so inconsistent in their recommendations.shame.

  11. Diangamo is a liar. Kafue flats Tongas (Ilas and Lundwes) have never been marginalised by plateau tongas. You go anywhere in the province and the country at large, you will find that kafue flats tongas are more prominent. it was only the Munkombwes, Mudendas and VJ from the plateau who were prominent in those days. HH, Anderson Mazoka, Mungoni Liso, Diangamo, and many other successful farmers/ ranchers around southern province and further are all kafue flats tongas. Actually people like VJ had little to do with southern province politics and development. his political base was maybe on the copperbelt. Diangamo is just looking for a job thinking he would either be minister or permanent secretary if the kafue province was created.

  12. What ‘s going on in our country honestly. Can’t we have a more civilised way of conducting business in our own country. How I miss Mwanawasa.

  13. God save zambia. This is not good for the country, fighting all the time. The bible says in the last days brother will fight withbrother , sister with sister. Thats is what Diangamo is doing.

  14. ‘Partnership of the Willing’ in the making!

    Zambians must understand that there is no Province in Zambia that is exclusive to one tribe therefore people must expect different opinions and ideas from all stakeholders in the Country.

    We hope that the PF Leadership will consult widely with an open mind so that the right solutions can be produced for the development of the country. Let democracy prevail.

    Viva Kafue Province , Viva Zambia.

  15. @ the 1geographer LT is correct about the map. You are on the internet and you can’t even make an effort of Googling it. Research before you yap out anything you chap. This explains why we are not developing as a country because of having confusionist Chaps like you.

  16. David Diangamo is a disgraced crook. He should stick to satisfying his many concubines instead of fanning confusion in Southern Province.

  17. David is just a dimwit! How can one suggest for a river to be a province. All the towns and places he has mentioned are on the banks of Kafue. I know David as a good mathematician, but he has failed to ascertain the area to be called Kafue Province. He hasn’t included Monze as part of the province. You can walk from Monze to the river under 9hrs and that’s where we take our animals. Nkotuwila swebo to ba ku Monze. Shut up! the real issue is econmic development for all. All this rubish of new provinces and district realignment is bull….t, dung!

  18. David is just being used & he is used to that. In my view the chief architect of politics of Southern Province was old Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula, an Ila. Why is David claiming Ilas are marginalized politically? Since when??? I fail to understand what is going on in Zambia these days. Why are becoming a people who like to entertain falsehood?

  19. why this issue of chirundu and iteshtesh has become a big issue when the mcs divided eastern and northern districts to create MUCHINGA PROVINCE ,there was no such cries as we are witnessing from the tribal tag tongas,these people are very backwards to say the lest.you will still remain tongas wheather u go to central province or lusaka.focus your attension on how to develop your respective areas.very soon u will see big infrustrctures being built in chinsali and the same pipo will complain,its too much ,talk something sensible and move on with the rest of the country.we are all zedians and poverty has no tribal tag.so if mcs feels he will do better by re-alignining the towns ,let him do it,ask him how you be better than the current scenario.

  20. This is a fake map. Mumbwa does not border with Namwala but itezhi-tezhi. There are roads that directly link Namwala with Monze and Choma. Are you telling me that they pass through Itezhi-tezhi?

  21. I propose Lucky Beene – Former President of Bankers Union of Zambia as Kafue Province Minister. The man has intergrit, sharp etc. A great Leader of the third generation. Very courageous indeed. Look for this guy, imwe

  22. pray that Zambia doesn’t go to war with such kind of utterances..leaders who are so evil..let Zambia be the way it is for now!!TB Joshua ..is April 16th coming..?

  23. David Diangam is speaking through his anu, he his being used by evil spirits from muchinga, remeber he stole and Mwanawasa showed him the door, He is looking for a job in the govt of kolwes from muchingsa who legalise stealing , kolizinda wamana kunia David, wamvwa dad?

  24. The Kafue Province is coming thanks to the Nkoyas and others who have spearheaded this campaign for national development.

    The PF government now has a clear mandate to create Kafue Province and other provinces if needed.

    Viva PF, Viva Kafue Province, Viva Zambia.

  25. We do not support relocation of ITT to central. But map supplied appears wrong. From Monze and Choma one passes through Namwala before crossing the Kafue to head to ITT. As you drive to Mungu from LSK, after Nalusanga check point, you find a road to ITT. It is ITT that is closer to Mumbwa

  26. The mapping seems misrepresented. From Monze and Choma one passes through Namwala before crossing the Kafue to head to ITT. As you drive to Mungu from LSK, after Nalusanga check point, you find a road to ITT. It is ITT that is closer to Mumbwa

  27. No province in Zambia is exclusive to one tribe as the Tonga sees it, and it is foolishness to think that one province is better than the other. If the people in one area do not want development, they should be left alone because what is gold to a pig?

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