Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Builile Traditional Ceremony In Pictures


Former Finance Minister Katele Kalumba at the Builile Traditional ceremony



    • Richness of culture or stagnant in the stone age. Elsewhere others have been to space and back, others are building aerial unmanned vehicles, others developing AI

    • @Intercity Vigilante olo Ng’wang’wazi as we know you: Who says to go to space, develop AI and build unmanned vehicles you have to give up your culture? Niye narrowmindedness iyo.
      The Chinese havent abandoned their culture because they have flown to the moon. Nor have the Japanese, nor have the Arabs. Some of you think that to progress you have to abandon your identity. Are you ashamed of being an African?
      Wanting to abandon your culture because you want to join those going to the moon is having an inferiority complex arising from colonial mental enslavement


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