Sunday, March 9, 2025

MMD MPs in parliament as usual despite the party’s de-registration


Members of Parliament

Business in Parliament proceeded as usual despite the de-registration of the MMD as a political party by the Registrar of Societies.

Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Mkhondo Lungu said he will make a ruling on a later date, regarding the position of the MMD in Parliament.

He was responding to Mfuwe member of Parliament (MP) Mwimba Malama (Patriotic Front) who wanted to know why MMD MPs were in the National Assembly when their party has been de-registered.

He asked whether it was in order for MMD MPs to participate in parliamentary proceedings when their party was no longer in existence.

“I would like to know whether MMD MPs are in order to come to this House when in fact there is no MMD party, are they in order to occupy these seats when their party has been de-registered?” he asked.

And Monze MP Jack Mwiimbu (UPND) also raised a point of order to find out whether Government was in order to allow MMD ministers, serving in the PF, to de-register their own party.

The Deputy Speaker, who is also MMD MP for Lundazi, said he would only pass a ruling at a later date.

[Daily Mail]


  1. Thats why Zambia can never develop,there are a lot of empty tins up there.The making of the Monster in the process.Somebody is allergic to criticism.

  2. Hon Mr Deputy Speaker: Better declare interest in the matter. As an affected MP you cannt be objective in deciding the matter: ‘Nemo jdex in causa sua’.

  3. This will not be good for demoncracy, but again MMD must pay thier due. if monies are not available immediately work out a payment plan.

  4. can liato come to mmd’s rescue?mukondo will never forget this point of order,one of the kind he will live to pf niba kali,am mauless.

  5. Africa can never develop. They want to blow up billions of kwacha which could have built many schools because Sata wants to be in state house for two terms as the masses continue wallowing in poverty and illiteracy.

  6. Am surprised that bloggers are taking this issue as drama. It just shows how shallow bloggers have been on this page. The proceedings of MMD deregistration just show that no party is bigger than the country. MMD had it coming but ignored the warning shots.

  7. This iz just a wake-up call to the party in power not to take everything for granted. Am sure nothing will “happen” to the MMD, it will be buziness az uzual, so the no need to get excited and all.

  8. MMD was over taken unconciouly by corruption fight fear,which led them into forgeting paying their returns,they were socket into pride forgeting that only GOD can rule forever.good move registrar of is UPND.

  9. I don’t know if this time around they will stay for 4 yrs in parliament thru court injunction as it was for PF rebel Machungwa and Sinyangwe MPs!!!! Let the law take it’s course. If it is true they were not following the requirements for the law of the land regarding the club, then let it be! Moreover, we don’t need them. The useless UPND, and the credible upcoming NAREP will keep PF on it’s tails.

  10. narep is a coward how can they keep pf busy. the only party talking now is we need to frustrate them so that we can have a one party state. hh is too sharp for me…..chipimo is a sleeping donkey so no worries but for upnd even in parliament they make to much trouble for me and my government.

  11. King Cobby needs to show more humilty instead of using draconian methods to try and silence the opposition. If late Levy had Cobby’s satanic attributes, he would have never evacuated him to RSA when he suffered from that near fatal heart attack. Pls take a leaf from great Statesmen like Madiba and stop being petty, or else your ending will be worse than a second heart attack.

  12. For crying out loud stop the Rubbish and start working.. People are starving , businesses are grinding to a halt , the forex is out of the roof, we have strikes,our GDP has dropped, our economic future outlook is negative, people are live in fear , civil servants cant make decesions ..

    All you can think of is Dividing Zambias people and fixing your political opponents? Use the energy to create jobs and improve the economy. Work please!!!! Can Mr. Sata prove to the 58% who didnt vote for him wrong..I think at the moment if a popularity poll had to be conduced this figure would be around 70-80% voting against..

  13. Guys can you blame me if I were to become British? This drama is making our executives look like jokers. The point of order makes sense, however, the all episode is an intricate one. I love Zambia and I hope this is just part of politics. Yes!

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