Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Zambians Deserve Better Than The Toxic Mealie Meal


The main job of a government is to improve people’s lives, especially when resources are limited. This can happen when a government puts the nation’s needs first in their decision-making. Unfortunately, there have been some doubts about the direction of UPND government’s policies lately.

Zambia is currently facing challenges with the high cost of living, making it difficult for poor households to make ends meet. Despite the overwhelming negative effects of electricity load shedding on the people of Zambia, the government is shamelessly raising domestic electricity tariffs. The prices of mealie meal are unaffordable for average households throughout the country. To add to these difficulties, the government has allowed a milling company in question to supply meal meal and animal feed that may be harmful to health.

This government’s actions in allowing milling company to supply the nation with toxic staple food can be seen as a serious lack of responsibility. The said “Toxic Mealie Meal” affects us all, without exception, making us potential victims.

It’s hard to understand why a government would put its own people at risk like this. It seems to stem from a focus on greed, selfishness, irresponsibility, and prioritizing business interests over the well-being of its citizens.

The government has warned that there is mealie meal on the market containing toxins, but they have not revealed which brand or milling company is involved. It would be helpful for us if they were more transparent and shared this information with the public. Knowing the name of the milling company would allow us to avoid purchasing the affected mealie meal. Unfortunately, we are currently left to speculate. Zambians deserve better, especially during these tough economic times.

I can’t help but wonder why the UPND Government haven’t mentioned the milling company and brand yet, considering the potential political repercussions. Are you thinking the same thing? Just something to ponder. End of thought!

The Struggle Continues

Sensio Banda
Former Member of Parliament
Kasenengwa Constituency
Eastern Province


  1. Ba LT Contact Muzala Samukonga in Switzerland where he is running in the IAAF Diamond league. We want to hear his side of the story. Why has he decided to remove the Zambian flag from his campaign? Has he gotten citizenship in Europe? Or ask that Mpondela guy to explain

    • ‘These brands are Pembe Roller Meal number three meal, Africa milling- Roller meal and breakfast, Farm Feed-Super Dog meal,Shabco milling, Continental milling, Girad Milling, Busu Milling and Star Milling.’ Source Mwebantu

  2. The leadership is more preoccupied with self-preservation and trivia like chasing j j Banda to worry about what we the damned eat.

  3. This is pure politicking; are you too lazy to read? And this is no time to start peddling lies that the government is “allowing” milling companies to supply toxic staple food. As a former MP, you should learn to be a team player by throwing out helpful suggestions. No wonder they deem your type as bitter!

    This is a national disaster requiring concerted efforts from every citizen. Not politicking.

    • And who’s to blame. Yeah even the water in the Kariba Dam wasn’t politicking, but now it is. Your government naisobana they don’t even know which string to pull to untie the knot.

  4. So far no human life appears to have been lost, thank God.

    What I’m trying to understand is how the owners of the 400 dogs decided to cook nshima only for the unfortunate dogs, and not for themselves.

    Did they all have suspicion about the toxicity of the mealie meal, and all of them decided to try it out on the dogs, all of them at about the same time, leading to the death of the dogs within the same time period?

    • You are an !diot. Humans and animals do not react to toxins the same way. We are lucky the dogs opened our eyes otherwise a few years from now we would be having unexplained diseases due to this irresponsible government. Previous governments left tones of maize in reserve and what does Hichilema and his clawns do? Now they are desperately begging for neighboring countries to donate maize. That is what you get for free food. Poison. Just admit that we have failures running the country. Everything is in a mess. Talk about electricity, fuel, mealie meal, mining, agriculture all mess up by the muzungu loving president.

  5. upnd government is doing job on training ,we need serous leaders not these on experiment ,recently it was 71 container of medicine scandal and now it’s poisonous mealie meal , shame

    • Please include
      Corrupt police force
      Zesco Disaster
      Dodgey Judicial system
      Proposed zesco subsidised tarrifs for the poor then taken away by all commodity prices to rise
      We in trouble

  6. i regret for voting for hh , never will i vote for upnd , all my hope i had for them is lost and all i have is tears

    • FRA, Consumers Association of Zambia, Public Health Department and ZABS should be able to tell the Nation the truth. There are lots of questions we need to ask as consumers;
      Was the contaminated maize locally procured or not?
      Do storage facilities meet prescribed standards?
      What are the quantities involved? etc

  7. @ kODI
    Ba LT Contact Muzala Samukonga in Switzerland where he is running in the IAAF Diamond league. We want to hear his side of the story. Why has he decided to remove the Zambian flag from his campaign? Has he gotten citizenship in Europe? Or ask that Mpondela guy to explain

    If that is true then that is very unfortunate, we work very hard daily just too ensure that our national flag keep on flying high, the national flag and national anthem give us hope both in defeat or victory its not just the money that matters most its the identity.

  8. Too much self praise but totally disconnected with the peoples feelings on the ground ends in tears. Just improve on this to try to regain our trust. Off tangent for now surely. I mean well, no politics involved here

  9. We are worse than a war torn country under UPND. Everything is a mess. Electricity, fuel, food, mining. exchange rate, medicine all messed up by the so called economist. He is now keeping us like animals on his farm.

  10. Lungu talks too much for a failure – Hichilema by ZambianObserver. Kikikiki HH still believes ECL is a failure…look who is talking kwena. Everything is gone to the wire bcoz of hh & his goons


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