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Monday, March 10, 2025

Zambians in Diaspora don’t have to re-locate back to Zambia-Lubinda


MINISTER of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism Given Lubinda
Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda

THE call for Zambians working abroad to return home yesterday took a new twist when Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda asked Zambians living in Botswana and other countries abroad not to feel pressured to return home in what appears like a major policy shift.

“Our policy in the PF is not to ask people to come to Zambia even if they have nothing to do on return,” Mr. Lubinda said. “If you are doing well here in Botswana or anywhere else for that matter…our advice is that you stay there, earn money and build a place in Zambia because you can’t live abroad forever.”

Mr Lubinda was responding to Zambia’s envoy to Botswana Robert Mataka who disclosed that up to 6,000 Zambians are working and running their own businesses in Botswana presently.

“We have on our embassy records about 2,000 Zambians working as medical doctors, university lecturers,” Mr. Mataka said. “But we estimate that in total there are up to 6,000 Zambians also engaged in personal businesses that contribute positively to the economy here.”

Mr. Lubinda noted that given the size of the population of Botswana, the 6,000 Zambians living in Botswana actually could make up a small town but the main point is they should invest wisely.

In the past the Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) administration’s emphasis was placed on Zambians returning home from abroad albeit no tangible plan was put in place to soak them into the ‘new’ society they had sometimes left behind for more than a decade.

Examples of countries that have benefitted from an ‘intelligent’ diaspora abounds, according to UN studies and other independent studies that state that Ghana and Nigeria and most recently Zimbabwe are among top countries earning top dollars from citizens working abroad.

The Zambian community living in Botswana is expected to have candid discussions with President Sata when they meet him this week to test his government’s policies.

Meanwhile, President Sata this week embarks on a historical state visit of Botswana in a move expected to enhance economic and social partnerships between the two sister countries.

Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda, who is leading an advance party, described the President’s pending two-day state visit as unique and significant in more ways than one during an interview in Gaborone yesterday.

“President Sata has received numerous invitations from the SADC leadership and beyond for state visits but due to his busy domestic schedule he has always turned the visits down,” Mr Lubinda said. “He, however, accepted to take up this first state visit on invitation from His Excellency General Ian Khama.”

Mr Lubinda said one of the most significant historical factors that bind Zambia and Botswana is that “Zambia was the first country to establish bilateral and diplomatic relations with Botswana some 46 years ago in 1966 and relations have been growing since then”.

He said President Sata will hold various meetings with Gen. Khama aimed at enhancing economic relations.

This will include discussions on the construction of a multi-million dollar bridge over the troubled Zambezi River in Kazungula currently being serviced by a problematic ferry that has oftentimes led to loss of lives.

The bridge project is scheduled to be completed next year. The bridge, whose cost of construction approximately stands at about US$260 million, would be funded by the two governments, JICA and the World Bank.

“It’s a long-term project of humongous importance whose benefits cannot be under estimated, hence the reason President Sata has decided to get directly involved in moving it,” Mr. Lubinda said.

Once completed, border transit time will be reduced and it will also put in place improved procedures on trade facilitation plus improved border management operations.

Thousands of Zambian and Botswana jobs are expected to be created through the project plus increased economic activities between the peoples of the two countries.

The President will also commission a multi-million pula educational facility.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. ba LT be serious with your work.check what is written on the minister’s he minister of foreign affairs or information,broadcasting and tourism?

    • Mary, what do you think you yourself? When did Given Lubinda become Information, Broadcasting and Tourism minister? Check your facts before you condemn and publicly shame yourself. Given Lubinda is very much Foreign Affairs minister unless otherwise you tell me that in the night things have changed. Tell us.

    • Mary dear, go back to sleep, you’re just exposing how out of touch you are with current affairs!!
      Good Night!!

    • how correct are they? in the article it says minister of foreign affairs and on the photo it says information, which is which?

    • Even the local tabloids are failing to catch up with the ever changing ministerial portfolios. How can you blame LT? Even some of us are now confused as to which department belongs where and what the ministry is called. Ni pa Zed mwebantu.

  2. Good thing Sata is coming to town. He could well learn a few things about consultation (through the ‘kgotla’) and having a professional civil service, police and diplomatic services.

  3. The other day a baby died while at some clinic in Kanyama waiting for medical service.Much as the country can earn from people abroad,there is need to retain suficient staff to serve the unfortunate poor and those who cant make it to go for greener pasture abroad.Otherwise zambia might end up just being a training ground but the countries that benefit are foreign states.Moreover,how much really has the country earned from people working from outside?

    • @zedboi,sorry i thought i used basic english.conclusion is that its a pity that your government is encouraging migration of its people after being trained at huge costs.kasama hospital is being manned mostly by Congolese doctors,reportedly not much competent.And your politicians continue treking to RSA whenever they fall ill.i hope this helps

  4. Yes, let them continue selling salaula in Botswana, we dont have anything better for them back home. Who said they should come back? we dont need them in the meantime.

  5. Well said bosses.Inkama is to build a ka bogade akakufikilamo upon return.My experience has taught me that it is even easier to bail out needy relatives while in the diaspora than when one is pa Zed.Mwela onse.

  6. Goodmorning.The other day a baby died while at some clinic in Kanyama waiting for medical service.Much as the country can earn from people abroad,there is need to retain suficient staff to serve the unfortunate poor and those who cant make it to go for greener pasture abroad.Otherwise zambia might end up just being a training ground but the countries that benefit are foreign states.Moreover,how much really has the country earned from people working from outside?

  7. Is Sata running away from problems he created?By the time he will be coming back there will be no more one zambia one nation.Is he running away from the Barotse National Council meeting due to be held between 26-28th?Or is he going to discuss the same with the Botswana guy considering that Bots has been invited to the Council meeting and is fully in support?

    • Sata is doing the smart thing.  Lubinda is wrong: formal interaction between Batswana and BaZambia started in the late 1900s when King Khama (President Khama’s grandpa) advised King Lewanika of the Lozi to seek protection from the British against the Portuguese.  Sata could learn something, for once, from a wise President like Khama.

  8. This is sensible. For sure I have seen uneducated zambians living a descent life with their children now speaking english here in Botswana. These pipo would be deep in poverty pa zed. Quality life is important, if they can find it here well and good as long as they do not forget that they will one day go back home. The only problem is that when such pipo start affording canned beers they think they are in haven…they piss me off these fellas at times you know.

    • I smell some jealousy in ur comment it’s not our fault you did  not have enough money to travel. Ps we are not economic refugees most of us where baaaxed up when we left Zed and we are earning top dollar here. 

    • Storm, storm, storm! If an opportunity fell your way to go and work there and earn three times what you are earning, what would you do. You would be an economic ***** if you did not take it up!

    • Sad that you did not have a chance to work abroad. You thought beeing a cadre and issuing illigal plots would make you become a cabinet minister. shame on you wenyo!! We will still come back. Zambia is for us all!! Just continue diging your own grave time waster.

  9. this is a clear sign and signal that the Dochi kubeba govt has no agenda to develop this country. there is also a chance that most people in leadership in this country do not read other countries progresses such a case as China which developed in part by attracking back the people who were making USA shine. How can a minister produce such a statement with no shame. He supply said there are no jobs and there won’t be any. What shame to have a govt with no vision at all with pride. Voters what have we done to our country? Some day this country will be a shell of uneducated people and those connected to the rulling elite Dochi kubeba. It would be nice if someone close can tell them to do the right thing creat jobs and use those in the diaspora. Does this govt have any policies?

  10. Sata has not been turning down the invitation because he is busy. He is a sick man and has been strongly advised to avoid frequent flights.

  11. mwalasa 100% basogoleli.The issue of coming back to zed shud be left to the affected parties,with immediate effect.

  12. Folks, Zambia is in a vacuum. It has no leadership but mismanaged by some parody. Nalumino Mundia, Reuben Kamanga, Chitambala, Mungoni Liso, Daniel Lisulo, Elijah Mudenda, Simon Kapwepwe, Gibson Chigaga, Anderson Mazoka, Den Mung’omba, Julia Chikamoneka, Ngwawe Kaunda and many patriots that fought for Zambia must be turning in their Graves This is not only visionless but a myopia of alarming levels. Lubinda just the other week in company of Malupenga in Washington, DC was there flaunting his ignorance publicly saying now Zambia to build need Giant of this world to flood in and today he is saying the future of this country doesn’t need its expert citizens in but giant corporations? LoL! Little education or lack of it is dangerous. Which country has developed without its skilled citizens?

    • ones which didn’t have it’s citizens running away? I guess you’re in the diaspora and plan on developing zambia from the luxury of your pent house in New York???

  13. Most Diaspora are highly skilled and have much needed resources if not good webs of networks to mobilize development resources with. They don’t even need those Government jobs now being stuffed with PF kaponyas. How do you expect a Zambian Diaspora with over >10 years of chemical engineering work or CPA to come work for GRZ’s $600/month salary when he can start his own or strategically partner with multinationals in championing Zambian interests at >$10,000/month take home salary? This regime has no plan for this country and Zambian must stand up and reclaim their country. Never head a leader fostering braindrain like Lubinda happy with the loss of 2000+ medical doctors and professors to Botswana.

  14. A look at Singapore, modern day Malaysia, China, South Korea and Ghana will show you that Diaspora are job creators not seekers. Learn from Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding father’s road-map to prosperous modern day Singapore from poverty and doom to success.

    • You write too much man!!!
      What is your action on this? What Lubinda said is not law. If you are outside Zambia, come back and put your money where your keyboard is!! If you are in Zambia, then you are not not doing much, you spend your time complaining.
      Telling us what people in other places did does not help your relatives here. Come and do it.

  15. The best way to see the road ahead for those of us in the Diaspora is to draw parallels with the experiences our forefathers went thru when they found jobs in the mines and urban centres of Zambia (then Northern Rhodesia). They moved from their Villages into towns. So the question is, at the end of their employment, did they all remain or did they all go back to the village? Were all their relatives at the Village happy and supportive with the decisions they made? Where the children born in town happy to go back to the Village? The answer is a no brainer. So there is a lot to learn from the past to see and plan the road ahead for those of us in the Diaspora.


  17. #18,19 S. citzn,
    I think your head needs some examination. What kind of jobs are those people selling groceries in Botswana creating? Also, life or happiness is not just about money, its a conglomerate of income/money and experiences. I would rather get $600/m while happily living with my family and friends, than getting $10,000 while leading a lonely life as a foreigner.

    • Sir Simunyola, that is what all failures say: “I am happy to wallow in poverty than be sticking rich – or even well-off”.  Oh really, do you believe yourself?  Any your “family and friends” will be harassing you every day because they think you are the rich one on $600/mth.

    • Sir Simunyola i hear. You would want to be with family and friends i get it. But imagine you having kids who have friends and are used to education system, health care, food just to mention a few. would really want to take them back to Zambia? If you gat kids you will understand why its not that easy to go back. we make sacrifises for our kids.

  18. HE Sata to see Zed’s Dr Mapara’s AIDS Programme that has been foundation of Botswana controlling AIDS. Set up in 1990 at Athlone Hospital. Now Mapara’s Health Resource centres are clinics for ARVs in Bots. Zed initiative successful in Bots. Why not in Zed?

  19. # 22 Simunyola, if you can you are offered a $10,000/month and settle for a $ 600/month job then there is somthing wrong with you man. If you continue thinking like this my man your wife will leave you for another seriuos man i tell you. For your own information, Botswana governemt is very strick with its permits (no corruption involved) and they give to well deserving expartriates. Do not belittle Botswana my brother we have lots to learn from this country…you can only compare it to SA. Zambians selling groceries in Bots? you are full of hate man and shame on you.

    • Well said street kid! Simunyola has a comlex. Even kids know that you are better off with half a loaf than with a slice!!!

  20. #20 Brabus, what a great example!!! After all is said and done … it all boils down to one thing. It is a personal decision, to go back or not. There are good and bad examples of both (those who went back and those who did not). 

  21. # 24 Street Kid,
    You will be dignifying a scalawag if you respond to him where he clearly espouses his failed ability to comprehend the discussion. Did South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia encourage their skilled citizens with resources earned from the silicon valley to avoid returning to their countries for development? Are the roles of expert Zambian diaspora only to fund election campaigns and not participate in the national future? 

  22. zambia is like a game of foot portponed indefinetly due to non availabily of a referee,but lets wait and see til they(PF) wake up

  23. policy shift??? I did not know that PF has a policy. in the spirit of donchi kubeba the  have kept there policy secret as far as i know

  24. What is the point of going back to Zambia when you can watch the Ukwa comedy online nowadays? Get rid of Ukwa at state house and you will be surprised how many people will come back and invest in the country.

  25. Lubinda ask yourself why Ghanaian and Nigerians are investing back home heavily it’s because they embraced dual nationality why should I be compelled to invest in Zambia when I need a visa to come to my only country my umbilical cord was burried shaaa!!
    Get serious you and Ukwa your foreign policy is crap

  26. KEKEKE, Chaps in Diaspora pretend as thought they are really doing fine, Ok guys, how many of you chaps:
    Have been visiting yo country every summer holidays?
    When was yo last visit ?
    What incomes do u have, lets talk of net Savings, consider yo taxes also…
    What jobs do u do? is it per hr jobs or u security chaps?
    What investments do u have both is Zambia and where u are?

    Guys lets not pretend, Zed is a good country with good pipo, socially we no match…Am happy with my income and the peace of mind that i enjoy………………Zambia is my Diaspora..

  27. Brace yourselves for embarrassment! Ukwa is going to shame us when he goes to Botswana. At least the trip will only be for two days. I hope he wont be dancing with the kitchen staff like he did in Uganda. I wonder how he is going to read the PREPARED speech at the state dinner which will be in English?

    • LOL!!  My concerns precisely.  The Batswana are well principled people, very much the opposite of the Zambian kaponya Bemba “catchya” of fintu fikaisoba, anything goes.

  28. # 4 Kgotla system is also used here in Zambia by Lozis. Its called Kuta in lozi and Kgotla in Setswana but it has the same meaning.

    • I know, but I’m talking about the President addressing ‘kgotla’ meetings in order to interact with citizens and consult on issues of interest rather than sitting in an office in Lusaka and making decisions affecting them. And I’m not talking about addressing party cadres.

  29. Returning is an personal choice basing on the potential comparatively seen but no responsible Government would be comfortable with its braindrain and discouraging its diaspora from considering returning home where they could invest and manage their interests hands on. 
    Most Zambian diaspora are people endowed with academic and financial wealth which could be harnessed to develop Zambia whose critical sectors have all but fallen. These are experts who can start or invest in national opportunities to create jobs and tax. The Diaspora is an important resource for Zambia and can provide access to money, technology and information that can be vital to the interests of the country.

  30. I have lived and worked abroad for more than 30 years now. I help my people better here than I could have done as a prof at UNZA.So I have no plans to return ” home” now or in the nearest future.

  31. People both in Zambia and the diaspora are capable of making the personal decision where to live. Geography will not determine the capacity to make a difference. The only problem I see is the mindset of people both at home and cough cough cough here on LT can be unnecessarily negative :)

  32. ………What sort of a parent urges his children to continue staying with their relatives because he cannot provide better meals at home?…..One thing he should realise is that we are using our skills to deliver these countries we are living in, while our own country lags behind…Its a shame and i must say i feel very abandoned……….

  33. In all developing countries where embraced with vision,Ev the Diaspora has emerged as a major 
    developmental actor in an increasingly interdependent and globalizing world. Except in our country under this circus regime risked with, everywhere in Africa it is now widely acknowledged that as trans-nationalized individuals, groups and communities, the Diaspora mostly with their accumulated financial resources, as well as acquired human and social capital – are capable of making significant contributions to the socio-economic development of the country which Zambia desperately needs today than the daily drivel from motor mouth cadres. A good number in the Diaspora have worked or are working in skill sectors that are of critical importance to Zambia’s success. 

  34. Eventually we will relocate back to Zambia. This will be done at our own time. However, the minister’s statement is worrying in that it clearly shows that the PF government has no clue as far as job creation is concerned.

  35. No one is saying blindly return home but open the mind to consider home not where you are made to believe GRZ said i should not consider returning. The country needs these people more than Lubinda and his Ukwa. A good number of these people have acquired -requisite entrepreneurial ability and knowledge, both of which are needed for the successful establishment and management of business enterprises that would give prosperity to Zambia.These people have good contacts with business partners and potential investors in their host countries and are capable of facilitating investment in trade and production outfits in small- and medium-scale factories. Certainly, a number of them are in the influential drivers of prosperity. 

  36. People are doing well in diaspora has no time or interest in reading anything about Zambia. Therefore what Lubinda said is close to nothing but useless.

    Where a minister can cut a ribbon and commission a shop.

  38. Lubinda and Ukwa are now playing too much. We have on our embassy records about 2,000 Zambians working as medical doctors, university lecturers. That is too much for Zambia – Brain drain. A man who cannot provide for his children will tell his children to stay at his friend’s house and bring the little home. Ukwa is even spending a night (two days) abroad on one bridge. Ukwa should go back home and work.

  39. We can go on and on debating this topic but the fact is, Zambia has failed over the decades to look after it’s professionals. There is no way I can suffer in Zambia when I can use my skills and qualifications elsewhere ( where they are appreciated ) to make a decent living and provide for my family. That is what matters and it’s not being unpatriotic.

  40. Okey, not Botwana. Anyway other countries like UK America Canada and Europe and austrilia, they are mostly clinning toilets besides small jobs of running around. Thats why the policy is that you don’t bring people to compete. Boswana its only place where serious doctors are from Zambia are found.

    • True; we clean our toilents and those that we work for sir. Truth is, on the currency, it never says “these Euros were earned through clearning toilets”. And thats what matters to us in diaspora. At the monthend we create an “economy” for Zambians, just go see what happens at the nearest western union in the city centres and you will understand my point. anyway, its only in Zambia where jobs are laughed at; you have 9 out of 10 people unemployed in Zambia; but you find people taking a mick out of hardworking families abroad. However, its your opinion, and it must be defended even though its not right.

    • In Europe, the cleaning job is a good job and many people that work in offices in Zambia can give up those jobs and do it. Typical rate is $30 per hour before taxes here were I am. How does that sound? So next time you go around disrespecting other people, know that the joke is on you. Also cleaning in Europe requires special training and a guy like you will not be accepted right away.

  41. #50 Mwinjipaya,
    Could you please clarify what you mean by ‘Botswana its only place where serious doctors are from Zambia are found’ and also ‘clinning’ toilets and ‘small jobs of running around’?
    I can tell you that here in London for example I know some highly quaified Zambian doctors in senior positions and doing extremely well. How would you rate the standards of Zambian doctors in South Africa where you are?

  42. The guy is talking sense, how can you tell people just “iwe come home” when there’s no plan? If you are doing well outside then why stop? The guy is just being realistic

  43. It does not mean all of us in the diaspora want to become business owners. Some of us are out here just to have a decent living. Proper healthcare, good education for our children and just life worthy living. How can you even boast of owning a car if you park it a mile away from where you live, at a Police station because one might steal a radio or the whole car if you are unlucky. How can an educated person who spent more that USD $60,000 in college doing an undergraduate program, and another USD $50,000 doing a maters program come and settle a for $600 job per month? Get serious and learn to respect others people`s lives. The least thing we expect from PF govt is to pass dual citizenship period! Don`t educate us on what we know better  – BUILD HOUSES????

  44. Lubinda is right; going back is a personal decision that needs to be weighed against the “current state affairs”. For any policy implementation that the PF is putting in place, results may only be realised in the next 6 to 10 years; so rushing back to Zambia can be succidal if you have not planned things well. all in all, going back, in my own personal view, is right if you cannot rely on anyone for work, medical bills, transport, accomodation and the like. If not, chill, and work hard to reach that financial freedom.

  45. By the time President Sata reaches three years in office, he will have travelled more than RB. Last week I was bemused when a Cabinet Minister said in Parliament than Government had reduced expenditure by K120m or something like that because they have two less cabinet ministers and about 6 less deputy ministers. Now is that a saving to be proud of, especially when you consider the cost-benefit of the confusion and inefficiency that have been created, and that quarter of a deputy minister is appointed per day, i.e. one every four days!

  46. The minister is a let down.he appears not to have depth to me. And one laughs when u hear that he is presidential material .our country is suffering from lack of ideas, and these ideals can come from people who have a chance to live in countries full of ideals like uk, america, SA etc.I think that’s common sense.

  47. I can NOT go back to my old salary which is 15% of my currnt one in England. Obviuosly i am always in touch with home. I even remind Zambians in Zambia bout Zambian current affairs……my family are really happy as i can now afford to give them some cash on a regular basis and i can afford to do some minor investements in Zed.

  48. Iwe ci Senior Citizen who said citizens in diaspora can’t contribute to our nation’s development from whereever they are based? When you thieves where running the country what policies did you ever put in place to cushion the stress of returning citizens? As far as am concerned the 2000 Doctors currently in Btswana havent left within the past 6 months PF has been in power, they left in droves during the reign of you hyenas and you have the audacity to fire at innocent people that never contributed to the brain drain you today drumming about.

  49. Uli shilu we. @ 58. Its about the diaspora that have lived outside of Zambia or Africa, both recently and for millions of years. Those who left 3 million years ago have become white and we still plead to them to come back as investors. There are a few who left more recently even those, we should try to create a conducive atmosphere for them to come back and create jobs and wealth for the country. We can’t just watch this guy propound policies of hide and seek. Himself came from bangladeshi in testicles and this is exactly what we want for our brothers.

  50. Lubinda is partly right. No need for some diasporas to come back to a sticking country where every place is used as a toilet and market including streets. Most diasporas are investing in their families and and in other sectors of the economy. The clever ones have also bought or built houses. But to come and settle they’ll wait until there’s dual citizenship and the streets are clean.

  51. I agree with distant drums. Professionals are not appreciated in Zambia. This will keep away many well meaning professionals. The next best thing is dual citizenship. That way people will feel compelled to do more than just visit or help out relatives

  52. Digressing a little from the subject-the High Commissioner, Mr. Mataka, how old is her? I mean is there a shortage of young men and women who can get these positions? I have noted that most ambassadors/high commissioners are ancient men and women, what seems to be the problem? Ain’t there young civil servants groomed to fill these positions? I have been hearing about some of these men/women since I was in secondary school and I left secondary school 25 years ago. When will the young people get jobs if ancient men and women still hold on to those jobs without shame? In Zambia jobs are limited so please give chance to the young ones.

  53. Given u are a fool When Ukwa went to Addis for the sumit he clearly said he doesnt want people to be in diasporra.You fools are busy contradicting each other

  54. 66 MC SAKA you are so right!! On may 20th 2011, George Chellah who is now the presidential Aid for the president wrote an article in the post whe sata titled” Stand up and be counted, Sata Urges zambians in Diapora”. On Jan 27th in Ethiopia, Sata said Zambians abroad should emulate those in other countries. My question what is the clear cut policy they have? If they even have one. My Advise, Zambians in Abroad, keep doing what you are doing, Solidfy your communities, figure out ways of doing things back home without the government. Its a challenge, but we can atleast get somewhere.

  55. .
    Minister Lubinda message is very conflicting and he should be embarrassed, especially that we cannot keep our own trained doctors as a small nation.

    That said, you can create wealth from any part of the world. Money is a currency which moves like wind. Creating wealth is not based on were you are. It’s based on how you use your mind. You do not need a Dual Nationality, a British passport to make wealth if you live in UK.

    Having a UK Permanent Resident Statues or a Green Card in USA is just about enough.

  56. In addition, Lubinda attended the Ethiopia function, he must have attended the one in the UK too. We will meet you when you come for the UN summitt in NY

  57. .
    I am a living example having just come to the UK for studies so are the other 9 Zambians that are £££ millionaires in the UK, who have made it from Advertising, Property, Import & Export, Investment Banking, Information Technology , Broadcasting, Medicine businesses or careers. I believe they are some that are on the verge of becoming millionaires in the UK.

  58. .
    I am talking UK Zambian millionaires, men & women who are between the ages of 32-45 years and have just taken a very low profile in society. Some I share debates with them on Lusaka Times so often. However, mine is to encourage everyone to reach the sky.

    Anyone that lives in UK will tell you that Mohamed Fayed is not British but Egyptian and owns the most prestigious department store in UK called Harrods. Gatwick Airport in London was bought for £1 Billion and is owned by an African Black man who just worked hard in his life.

  59. .
    I also know a lot of people that are millionaires in US Dollars in Zambia and did not come from privileged families but just worked hard. I have preached about this GOSPEL though too often you get people that just answers with insults, which just portrays that someone is very frustrated in life.

    I encourage everyone to have a positive and objective mind set. Wealth starts in your mind. We have too many Zambians that want success but are not willing to work hard & and come out of the comfort zones.

  60. The minister is supposed to talk about dual citizenship for Zambians living abroad. Dual citizenship has untold advantages for countries like Zambia. Their Citizens abroad can freely make investments at home while working abroad. Ghana has encouraged their citizens abroad and given them incentives to build homes in Ghana. Given then credit facilities to easily access loans since they are much better paid abroad. It is an issue of development for Zambia. Zambians abroad work very hard and are doing well financially.

  61. People really want to criticise for the sake of it. Lubinda spoke sense. Us in the diaspora should be feeding Z with forex. He is giving advice not instituting statutes. Its up to you to either go back or stay. Zimbabwe survives on forex from British based immigrants. So do many countries in West Africa.

  62. I live in England and the truth of the matter is: most of us (men ) depend on our wives who are in employment.We may boast of degrees but no jobs what a shame.We are better to return home than pretending.Most Zambian men came to UK as dependants(depending on their wives Salaries).The truths hates.

  63. #67 Zambia for life-Ukwa told the zambian community in Addis that diaspora mwailasha just like that.Ask any zambian living there

  64. .
    What matters in the UK is to have a good Credit File. You start small and build on it.

    A have a female Zambian friend who has worked as Business Development Manager for Lloyds Bank & Barclays Bank in London. She often complains that she has not come across a Zambians going to the bank applying for Business Start Up Loan but has often seen Ghanaian, Egyptians, Moroccans, Kenyans, Algerians & Tunisians & Nigerians over the 15 years she has worked in the these two banks. And these are people that are just residents and not UK citizens

    That either says Zambians have are got hungry to have access to information or are just not courageous to make headways and break the barriers – because we do have ten thousands Zambian Residents in UK with Indefinite Stays.

  65. Correction – last paragraph I meant …

    That either says Zambians are NOT hungry to have access to information and or are just not courageous to make headways and break the barriers – because we do have ten thousands Zambian Residents in UK with Indefinite Stays.

  66. it’s not about money or education
    It’s about living in country which is clean. But the trueth is our Zambia is so dirt Lusaka doesn’t look like a capital city. Period

  67. No person can think of relocating to Zambia with the type of government and leadership we currently have. We hear accessing opportunities in Zambia is now based on political connections, tribalism and neptism. In the USA i don`t need to be PF or belong to Sata`s tribe, all need is to be smart, invent a product that is acceptable on the market and am a millionnaire! If the current leadership does not improve ——-Zambia is headed for worse times.

  68. 82 # Blago

    That’s the way to go. The Human Mind is POWER, FORCE, CREATION and ENERGY that makes everything come into the Physical World

    And if you FAITH that you can do all things – it’s simply adds Icing on the Cake.

  69. I did not come to UK on wife’s visa? I earn £40,000 per annum and happy. I visit my brothers and sisters pa zed every summer. I have some investment pa zed. What is your problem? Personal choice to back to Zed, end off!


  71. When European nationals migrated to the Americas, they left Europe with a one way ticket; they had no plans of going back home. They came here for a better life. That’s what I came here for.

  72. # 85 Kwanjula P, careful exposing the figure of your salary. That is not a lot of money my bro. there are people back in Africa earning more than that. if that is what is keeping you in the UK think again. You are earning peanuts my man. You get 3,333.3333 pounds per month thats little.

  73. In fact the PF policy should be to send as many qualified zambians abroad. Thats way they will be creating jobs for the zambians who have just completed and the zambians abroad can send dollars back for development. India and Mexico for example earn 20 of their GDP from overseas remitances

  74. Dual citizenship is the answer of all questions above…This government should effect it and then what will follow is a self propelled chain reaction, but maybe they are scared of being challenged politically by intelligent Zambians in the diaspora hence the dilly dally talk.

  75. You jealous Zambians like #50 who lied to you that we clean toilets! Don’t you clean your toilet yourself when you poo at home. So you tell me those who clean your toilets at work are fools! Mulekwata amano! You are the same guys who keep stealing our relatives’ parcels and claiming there is no money at Western Union. Be mature and think! You are just scared you backward thinkers. Here we are getting money my friend! 

  76. It does not make sense for anyone to be calling people to come back home. Come home to what? Migration has been there since time immemorial and some chaps found themselves in Lusaka beause their parents or great great parents migrated. A person can stay anywhere as long as he or she is happy. If people are in diaspora doing stupid jobs and they feel they are happier than they were in Zambia, leave them alone just like if someone is in Zambia and happy there is no need for going to stay abroad. Pull Him Down wont work for anyone besides migrating or not migrating is a personal choice but pa Zed if someone goes abroad, those who remain behind have a problem with this. IT IS A PERSONAL DECISION BANE

  77. I hate the term ‘diaspora’. Its got this connotation of slavery which I find insulting in this day and age. I don’t subscribe to a class of people called ‘Zambians in the diaspora’ but ‘Zambians living abroad’. You never hear of ‘Americans in the diaspora’, ‘Englishmen in the diaspora’, ‘Chinese in the diaspora’ or ‘Indians in the diaspora’. The term, which I find ‘derogatory’ is mostly applied to Africans living abroad. Living abroad is a personal choice. You live where you find milk and honey, period!

  78. Good advice, but the companies you mentioned have put in place proper policies that support their citizens in Diasporas to invest back home. In Zambia, it is so difficult to even get land/ plots??  Full of corruption. To open a Bank account is such nonsenses, they would want someone to go to ZAMBIA? RUBBISH. Botswana friends can open Bank accounts; get allocated land by government in a much easier way. MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THESE POLICIES ELSE WILL FORM A DIASPORA PARTY??

  79. Magnificent points altogether, you just received a brand new reader. What would you recommend in regards to your post that you simply made some days ago? Any positive?

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