Friday, September 27, 2024

Statement of Concern Regarding Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s Public Engagements


As a concerned citizen, I am deeply troubled by the management of Former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s public appearances and statements. Certain individuals continue to exploit and expose him, inciting careless and damaging remarks that undermine his office’s dignity and stature.

President Lungu has recently been quoted in public suggesting a showdown of sorts with the incumbent that has nothing to do with any legal means and methods. I also understand that President Lungu and his team have set in motion a plan to remove three ConCourt Judges, a clear act of defiance and counterfeit to the Suspension of three judges by President Hichilema, which they repeatedly refer to as illegal. If this is not arrogance, then I don’t know what is. Name-calling has now become a standard feature of the former President’s speeches as he continues to shower nicknames on his successor.

Not only have recent media reports continued to highlight this disturbing trend, but a closer look at the characters who shamelessly continue to urge the former President on, clapping hands and waving fists in the air, shows, interestingly, that this is not the ECL we know. This is a new ECL who is being pushed and controlled by a group of handlers who know exactly what they want to get out of him and very quickly.
This sad scenario, although very different in circumstances, bears unsettling parallels to the final days of President Michael Sata when we saw a similar cartel of opportunists and similar characters take control of our former President. We vividly recall how our esteemed leader was unnecessarily paraded before the public, taken to parliament and other public appearances, despite knowing fully well that all the President required was love, care, and privacy.

Today, President Lungu just needs good advisors and people that love him genuinely to sit down with him and ask him to reconsider his ways. Regrettably, history seems to be repeating itself. The same characters, notorious for their self-serving agendas, are shamelessly taking advantage of Former President Lungu. They will stop at nothing to leverage his perceived political influence for their own gain, regardless of the consequences.

I urge President Lungu’s team to reassess their approach, prioritizing his dignity and our nation’s interest. If this trajectory remains unchecked, the window for correction will soon close.

President Lungu’s anger over certain things must not be taken advantage of by those surrounding him. Anger does to bring forth anything positives. We believe that some people are taking advantage of President Lungu’s anger over certain things and these people seem to embody a spirit of destruction and they are almost succeeding in pushing him over the edge into a pool that his dignity would otherwise not allow him to go into.

Let us draw lessons from the past and safeguard our former President’s dignity.
If not corrected soon,

By Dr.Nevers Mumba


  1. Although Dr. Mumba is often a sebana-wikute, this piece is on point and fully pregnant with love and wise counsel. Unfortunately, ECL appears to have crossed the rubicon and is unlikely to listen.

    Nipano tuli…

  2. Dr. Nevers Mumba, when are you planning to merge MMD with UPND and end the charade of acting as an independent pole?

    Your article serves as nothing more than a misdirection of the infringement of constitutional rights and due process by former President Lungu.

    Ask yourself how badly UPND has performed to bring back to political life ECL.

    Then ask yourself how YOU were captured by HH and are used like a mop cloth on the scene.

    Sadly, the mess caused by UPND in government is too large for you or HH’s miions.

  3. This advice is sound butbunfortunately too late. It reminds of how late FTJ was misled to this own detriment and that of zambian unity with the ill fated 3rd term bid by the likes of Dan Pule, Peter Machungwa, Warrant officer Chawinga, all sorts of political nonentities looking for money and relevance. All to the detriment of the former head of state and the nation of zambia

  4. You have continued to harass the man and his family, you have sponsored factions to break his PF party and you expect the man to continue acting as if all is well. Put yourself in his shoes. We need a strong opposition in Zambia and not opposition like MMD which does not even have a single MP or councillor and yet a leader of the so called MMD pretends as if there is a party behind him.

  5. I also understand that President Lungu and his team have set in motion a plan to remove three ConCourt Judges, a clear act of defiance and counterfeit to the Suspension of three judges by President Hichilema, which they repeatedly refer to as illegal. If this is not arrogance, then I don’t know what is.

    Pastor, you are wrong. This is not arrogance. it is the rule of law. Your bias is in not mentioning that 3 judges of the same court were suspended 48hrs before this hearing. Remember Mutembo Nchito and Justice Ngulube? Remember Judge Chikopa? Your voice should be balanced as it has so much value to Zambia. Guard it.

  6. MMMMM cheap outdated propaganda.. ECL has all the right to stand for presido again, he is Zambian for crying out loud you backward low-lives

  7. Brown envelops… yaba!!!!!! Religious leaders cmon…… I travel a lot around the globe and African nations & i always end so depressed when i visit ZED, so poor, worse than the colonial masters left it, for example the 2 water fountains at the 2 roundabouts on so called the best famous Cairo road do NOT EXIST, i am told they keep on stealing the water pumps.. imagine!!! No water fountains, who bewitched you?????


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