Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lets avoid stereotyping the Lozi though we do not agree with Resolutions of BNC -Dr.Fred Mutesa


Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) President Fred Mutesa
Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) President Fred Mutesa

Statement by the Zambians for Empowerment and Development (ZED) on the Resolutions of the Barotse National Council held from 26-27th March 2012

We note with grave concern the resolution by the Barotse National Council to break away from Zambia. We wish to appeal to all Zambians to avoid letting run unrestrained emotions that can only compound the issue at hand.

In particular, we hope that the PF government will show true leadership as it works on preserving the indivisible unity of our great nation. At the end of the day, there is more to be achieved if we remain a united, stable and peaceful nation. But we are also conscious of the fact that lasting unity, peace and stability, can only be built on a firm foundation of justice, righteousness and compassion.

All parts of our great nation must be proud to belong to Zambia because they are treated with equity and respect.

We take cognizance of the fact that the PF government of President Michael Sata has a constitutional mandate to govern Zambia until the next elections due in 2016. This mandate was legally acquired through democratic elections conducted in every constituency of Zambia,including those in Western provinces.

The people of Western province,like their brothers and sisters in the rest of the country, chose to exercise their constitutional right to vote for leaders and political parties of their choice. That is why every constituency in Western province is today represented by Members of Parliament in our National Assembly.

We are also conscious that every political party that took part in the 20 September 2011 tripartite elections entered into some kind of social contract with the electorate based on pledges of what they would do for the people if voted into office. We are aware that in Western province in particular, some political parties, including the PF, among other things, promised the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement 1964.

It appears that the resolution of the Barotse National Council to break away from Zambia stems directly from the perception that the PF in government has made a u-turn and reneged on this promise.

One lesson to learn from what has transpired regarding the Barotseland issue is that politicians must not make careless statements which they have no intentions of keeping for the sake of gaining political mileage. There is also a lesson for the electorate, which is that every promise given by politicians must not be taken at face-value.

Going forward, we wish to remind the nation that the Barotseland issue did not begin with the PF government of President Michael Sata. In as
much as we do not agree with the PF’s lack of policy consistency on the issue, we wish to take note that President Sata has taken some positive steps on this issue which have given hope that dialogue can still succeed to resolve the matter amicably.

President Sata unconditionally released the Barotse activists who were detained by the previous MMD government. He also invited the aggrieved parties
over Barotseland to state house to discuss the matter. He also constituted a commission of enquiry to investigate the reasons that led to the riots of January 2011.

We disagreed with his off- the cuff remarks when he received the report of the commission of enquiry that he would be reluctant to implement the recommendation to restore the Agreement of 1964. In our view he should have allowed his cabinet to study the report before stating his opinion on the matter. All the same, we believe that President Sata has not come back to the nation with his cabinet’s official position on the matter.

We therefore find it difficult to sympathise with the resolution of the Barotse National Council. In our view, they have not exhausted all the avenues of dialogue open to them to find an amicable solution to their problem. We therefore regard the resolution to break away as a mere bargaining stance by the Barotse National Council. We feel that the resolution to break-away falls short of addressing important realities that have taken place since the Barotseland Agreement was signed in 1964.

Many Lozi speaking people have intermarried with other ethnic groups in Zambia. Many others do not even reside within the borders of Western province. Many more others have been key architects of the Zambian political system which they have contributed to construct at the highest level. We need not remind the nation that Lozi speaking peoples have served in high-ranking positions in successive Zambian governments, including three times as prime
minister of Zambia.

At one time, even the Litunga was a member of the central committee of UNIP. Simply stated, Zambia has evolved and we have become one people, though speaking different languages.

Moreover, we are aware that Western province is not ethnically homogenous. It consists of many groups that add to the richness of our linguistic and cultural diversity. Some of these groups spill into other provinces, particularly North-Western province.

Therefore,breaking away from Zambia by any of its constituent parts can’t be a viable option. It fails to take into account the fact that Zambia of
today is very different from the Zambia of 1964. The challenge for the representatives of the people is to address any perceived injustices
and redress inequities within the system so that we create a just and fair society.

In conclusion, we wish to appeal to all Zambians to refrain from making inflammatory statements that can only serve to worsen an already bad situation. Let us avoid stereotyping our Lozi-speaking brothers and sisters because they are not any worse than any other group. There are many Lozis speakers who are capable of so much good.

Many Lozi speaking people fought for the freedom of Zambia and many others have served this nation with distinction. Statements such as,

“they can go, besides they have no resources to make it on their own,” only serve to fuel hostilities. Every people are proud of their ethnic identity and homes, regardless of what they have or do not have. Such statements have the effect of stirring up strong emotions that obscure rational thinking and drive even level-headed people into extremism.

The only people who profit from such situations are opportunists who don’t care whether blood is shed as long as they profit from the arising chaos. The nation must watch-out for such elements and not give them an opportunity to unleash their evil upon the nation. They may be found among the Lozi speakers, as well as,within the ranks of non-lozi speakers in government.

With this, we would like to caution the government of President Sata to avoid falling into the trap of those who would like to disrupt the ethnic
harmony and peace which we have enjoyed since independence. The PF government must be tolerant, firm and fair in the discharge of its mandate to govern Zambia with justice.

Dr. Fredrick Mutesa
President, Zambians for Empowerment and Development


  1. whatever! i dont give a sh*t…let them keep western province and recruit all their countrymen from all over zambia…Nonsense!!!!!

  2. this is a good piece dr. there is more to gain in unit than in division. the unit that has been achieved runs through our blood as Zambians. it goes beyond political cultural and tribal differences. It is spiritual and divine: their destine is Zambian destine and their concerns are every zambian’s concerns. If this is the bargaining position, then many other kingdoms in zambia should take the same position and push PF to be serious and not lead like street kamponyazi.

  3. Dr Mutesa you are right.. Well articulated. In short Dr Mutesa is saying lozis have screwed up on this one. So lozis shut the f up and get to work. Lozis have miscalucated by 47 years… This was supposed to be done in 1963. Now NO NO NO..

  4. This issue has been pending for more than 40 years, what exhaustion of dialogue is mutesa talking about. These guys have chosen to take their destiny into their hands leave them alone!!! Inter marriages do not arase boundaries and there is no country without foreigners so let it be!!

  5. well spoken Dr. & thank-you for reminding us that the PF government under President Michael SATA has given them a chance to dialogue with government…has been diplomatic with them & peaceful with them. the MMD shed blood during the Mongu riots & capturede prisoners. President SATA was linient with them & released them & now that the Lozi’s have have taken advantage of the Presidents good guesture for a weakness & have now committed a treasonable offence, Zambians should not blame the President of the outcome…!!

  6. At long last a voice of reason. Well summarised summarized Dr. I agree with you on this one. Emotions should not blur our vision and resolve for a happy and prosperous people.So lets desist from making inflammatory statements on either parties henceforth. 

  7. They are now saying Sata will be like that Nigerian president who died. Read this:

  8. Good article by Dr Mutesa, infact when I went to town this morning I met a Lozi man who was greeting another Lozi man and said today is sad day for Lozi Peace loving people because of the utterances of BNC.He failed sad because as a Lozi on the copperbelt where there’s no tribalism he felt ashamed that he might be perceived to be a triblistic. I just overheard them discussing with another Loz man and i was standing nearby.Therefore pls remember that its not All Lozis who agree withBNC resolution. May God deliver BNC and give them devine counsel.

    • Mary,
      To you as a Kolwestan there is no tribalism in CB because your people are the oppressors. To us who are oppressed we feel the oppression in the air every day. Do you believe a Lozi can become president of Zambia, honestly. We have had 3 Kolwestan presidents in Chiluba, Kaunda and now Ukwa. Tribalists try to be tricky by claiming these were not Bemba’s but you can’t cheat us we know what we are talking about. Let my People Go!!

  9. Dr. Mutesa, I like your mature and hoslitic view of this issue. Thumbs up to you. Wish the Nationals of Barotseland and all stakeholders could consider this matter with sober minds.


  11. It is not up to the PF Government to preserve the unitary composition of Zambia as it has been up to now.

    The seven districts of Western Province have decided to leave Zambia. Let them go! That is the only way. They have not left any room for dialogue. Therefore, how do you expect any government to persuade them to stay? Give us insight and wisdom how we can do this. 


  13. Well spoken Dr. Mutesa. Good counsel indeed. There is more to gain in unity. PF so far so good with dialogue. The off the cuff statement by Presido is a human error that must be ignored. Otherwise ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION. So UNDER FIVE dont celebrate.

  14. I can only say well summed and balanced article Dr Mutesa.
    Another online site has distorted this with their usual alarming statements.
    Well done LT as we need peaceful and reconciliatory messages.

  15. If all bemba wanna-bes could stop insulting the Lozi’s then will could live in harmony again, Coz pure Bembas like me have no beef with either Lozi’s or Tongas, But its the wanna bes.

  16. sata created this problem by promising the lozis during elections that he would let them secede once he wont the election……..i guess he never really knew what he was talking about. eritria broke away from ethiopia and hey! they are a happy small nation…..GO mbuyas Go

    • Are you sure Eriteria is a happy nation. Please do your research before you give false examples. One Zambia One Nation!

  17. What I believe about marriage is that it is a contract/bond between two people driven out of feelings for one another and cemented over time by their personal attributes. It has very little to do with boundaries. In these modern times the people we take for our life partners tend to be those we associate with for a given period, most often very far from our ethnic homesteads. Only a bondless marriage would be disturbed by division of a state. Such a union would have been a marriage of incoviniency from the very begining. As for the fact that there are many lozis leaving in other parts of Zambia we should not forget that they are a minority compared to those in Barotseland and the interests of the latter cannot be overriden by those of the former. There are many Zambians in the diaspora but

  18. I meant to say the number of Zambians in the diaspora is not small but they can never be an incoviniencing factor when Zambians make decisions affecting the country.


  20. President Mutesa, This is indeed a very objective and candid assessment of the situation with sound recomendations. When you hear talk about constructive opposition politics offering checks and balances, we mean just this. It is not just the rantings of some perpetual opposition politicians, you have made a point and zambians dont forget. As for HH, I feel very bad for you each time I listen to you or read some of your comments, they are always off key, tainted only with emotions and naked hatred. Please take a leaf from Dr. Mutesa, offer solutions and stop attacking others!!!!

  21. Next time we should vote for people like this.thumbs up Dr.Mutesa.You have stepped in to the leadership vacuum prevailing in the country to calm our nerves.

  22. LOL! I am already feeling like an expatriate, WOW!! I hope this will be a lesson to the Politicians to learn to keep their mouths SHUT. They should ask why KK has remained MUTE all this time. Lozis unfortunately are not stupid neither do they have short memories! No one asked SATA to go and smoothe them over the Agreement that they have been fighting to have restored for sometime now – Let him sort out his mess.

  23. #23 I like your comment…… 73 tribes and all what we hear is either BEMBAs, LOZIs or TONGAs are you suggesting the rest are stupid…… lets avoid this tribal stereotype as advised above…. what happened in Western Province by BA of 1964 conclusion is unfortunate but can be resolved….no wonder Mwanawasa never lasted long and Banda only one term….balanced diet yakosa

  24. I even said this earlier, to hell they can organise themselves and take all their relatives from zambia, because once we see them around zambia we shall be killing them, that’s the resolutions we have made from the private meeting we had this morning. wait a minute lozi’s are very few to overpower us, we will be following them in their homes.

  25. This whole confusion started when the bemba monkeys got the money which was in LIMULUNGA BANK and banked it in Lusaka. The monkey tricks u are trying to use wont work. Minungu za mina, monkeys.

  26. Prime minister Takanawa of Japan promised the people of Japan that he will close an American military base if elected prime minister. After he won, he started dragging his feet and failed to close the base. He apologised to the Japanese for lying to them and resigned. HH is right. Politics must come with responsiblities and principles. Sata must say sorry. Its not too late

  27. That is a lie if I ever saw one, @Analyst #24! BA 64 is not akin to secession. IT DOES NOT SAY SECESSION IN BA64!!! Pathetic! Have you ever read the agreement yourself? Those Mongu guys have set the BA64 aside and are actually going offtrack!

  28. Without our skills, zambia can not survive on its own. We used to go to UK without visas til u came u monkeys. You are bad monkeys. KINAKOOOO!!!!!!!

  29. NO one has declared what was said in Limulunga under the theme BRE as correct until proven to be right! One Zambia shall be One Nation, not even a single of land shall be cut nor removed to be isolated from Zambia, not at all

  30. The BNC rasolution to ‘ quit Zambia is the country’s second greatest tragedy the first being the carelles killing of the Lozi by one MMD governement. My advice to my brothers and sisters is to hear from all Lozi in Zambia and the diaspora through a refrumdum. They will end up being foreigners in their own home. This issue is not a President Sata nor KK issue but falls squarely on the laps of ou r’ friend’s the British. Their divide and rule policy is coming home to roast. Advice to HH your arrogance and hatred of President Sat will come back to haunt you. PF and Sata were elected in Zambia’s first free elections. And HH speaks for a club called UDND of which a lozi called Sakwiba was supposed to be President. You insult people who voted for President Sata whn you talk carelessly.

  31. HH, i thought you had characters of a national leader.

    How have you lost Mazokas vision of this country.

    Please HH stop embarrassing yourself.

  32. this so called lozies its a bushit thing and most pipo who attended the occasion were even not there, why cant you ask KK kanshi KK is the one whi signed on behalf of all zambia not only lozies

  33. “All parts of our great nation must be proud to belong to Zambia because they are treated with equity and respect”. Really? I think here Fred has goofed. It is not true that the PF government treats all parts of Zambia with equity and respect. The government should improve in that area otherwise serious problems will mushroom all over the country.

  34., and this is treason. Personally am disappointed, I was expecting their resolution to demand for education, health, road and other development, not these nonsense.  

  35. really ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION untied to stand strong divided we fall Zambia has always been a peaceful nation why not let the peace be as it has always been its a blessed country why divide it please let it be as it is a country of luv. 

  36. Where is the King Cobra himself?Is Zambia on autopilot again?Is the Presidency vacant?God help us.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  37. Good advise from Dr. Mtesa pipo let us stop insulting each other despite having different views over this matter.Now things are making sense why Kauda used to say: “ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION AND ONE LEADER AND THAT LEADER DR>. KENNETH KAUNDA FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT. I CAN see light at the END of THE TUNNEL.” He Knew behind his mind that two territories came together and there was a co-ruler through the BA64 Agreement. Sata, Rupiah, Chiluba, mwanawasa have nothing to do with this problem, KK is the schemer of all this He must be put to task why it was necessary to sign this BA64 thing. which he never believed in. His immunity should be removed so that  he is taken to court for signing this agreement which is now dividing us.

  38. @51 I agree with you. What our colleagues from the “western world” should have been talking about in the kangaroo council was supposed to be educational, health infrastructure, and general development of the province than this trash we are being fed on. Mind you, not all commentators here are bembas or tongas. If you say Western province should break away, then we might as allow all other ethnic groups to break away from the main Zambia.  

  39. Well what is equally true is that NO PROMINENT LOZI PERSONS have ever said NO to these calls to break away from Zambia. Remember Silence means CONSENT. Ask Mr Milupi, Mr Mabenga etc none of them is saying NO to these resolutions. The current Ngambela who speaks on behalf of the Litunga was in Govt only a few months ago and never said or advocated for what he currently says he believes in strongly and is even prepared to die for it. To me it shows lack of principles on his part. Why did he keep quiet all these years when he was a Govt Mininster and only to advocate after he is no longer in Govt. Well am waiting to see what their MPs will do since it was resolved by the BNC that they should resign from parliament. And why should Lozis always be CRY BABIES wanting special treatment?

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