Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Faz Goes to the Poll


The Football Association of Zambia goes to the polls on Saturday at Moba Hotel in Kitwe during its annual general meeting.

Faz president Kalusha Bwalya is seeking reelection for a second successive term.

He arrives at the Faz AGM armed with the Africa Cup in an elections a lot of watchers have handed him victory before the vote is cast against his former pal and vice president Emmanuel Munaile.

Munaile’s eligibility has been a bit of a controversy with Faz barring him after claiming he is not affiliated to any club but despite that, Munaile will stand against Kalusha.

Meanwhile, three candidates are standing for the position of vice president and they include incumbent Boniface Mwamelo.

Mwamelo is being challenged by ex-Faz committee members Henshel Chitembeya and Andre Mtine including Mofya Chisala.

Co-opted executive committee member Kelvin Mutafu on the other hand hopes to retain his seat via the ballot box after he was roped in during the 2010/2011 Faz impasse.

He will be up against Mufulira Blackpool chairman Zakeyo Mbao and ex-treasurer under Teddy Mulonga Rix Mweemba of Mazabuka United.

Meanwhile, 41 candidates will battle for the six executive committee positions up for grabs.

Pivoty Simwanza and Violet Bwalya who quit in October 2010 together with Chitembeya and Munaile are contesting their former positions.

They will be up against firebrand Keith Mwewa, Alex Mambwe and Richard Kazala including Afrisports supremo Gabriel Kaunda.



  2. Another term for Kalu’s corrupt administration on plate why bother with formalities…here is a FAZ president who owns a U17 club in RSA and resides in RSA  and spends the national team to camp and train in RSA doesn’t that ring bells and you seriously expect him to develop the league in Zambia…lets get serious with priorities.
    Say goodbye to the $2million from AFCON these crooks will chew every cent watch this space, they will be asking for Tax money come 2014. 
    Wake up people.

  3. This FAZ stuff have been distrusted by damn Lozi and their new country. What are they going to call theirs FAB?

  4. Kalusha is just up for making himself rich , the bagger has to go and allow new blood to take up the leadership.

  5. Kalu is the man . What else do we Zambians want if not a winning team? This is a straight forward matter, Kalu continues at football House period. Brother Munaile sorry try also next time, this time naile nifey ba Kalu.

  6. As much as the kalu admin should be applauded for winning the afcon trophy, the gaps in their administration are apparent. the main argument for Kalu is despite all the dubious dealings he has managed to galvanise success on the pitch with the national team. He has however done very little for our league which now seems to be lagging behind Tanzania and Zimbabwe and they are not exactly good cuntries to benchmark against. We need serious surgery in the management of the league which Kalu based on current systems of management and also his living in SA will not succeed. Why not employ an SA style CEO dedicated to the management of the league alone? whatever happens today much needed change should come to FAz because without it we are going no where fast.

  7. AFON mwasenda, Zambia is back on the football map….ninshi mufwaya mwe fipuba imwe kanshi…mwaba pantwenkane penu..GO GREAT KALU

  8. Kalu bits Munaile 178-73 votes difference of 105 votes. Munaile try Malole Seat again maybe your tricks only works in politicts. VIVA KALU

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