Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Politics of Convenience, Hichilema’s Contradictory Stance on Former Presidents Lungu and Sata


A Case of Shameless Contradiction: The Political Posturing Surrounding Former Presidents Sata and Lungu

By Sean Tembo – PeP President

The 22nd of October 2024 began like any other day. I was in a meeting where phones had to be left outside, but I could hear my phone ringing incessantly. This unusual persistence eventually forced me to step out, only to find eight missed calls from the Cabinet Office. It was the week of Zambia’s independence celebrations, so I assumed the calls were about an invitation to the event. Despite receiving these invitations in the past, I never attended because I feel they lack genuine inclusivity — one invitation is hardly enough for my team. Nevertheless, I collect invitations to glimpse the program and observe how the events are organized.

To my surprise, this year’s program included former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, marking a stark contradiction by the ruling United Party for National Development (UPND). This was the same Lungu who has faced relentless harassment, including being barred from traveling and stripped of state security, leaving him vulnerable to attacks from UPND cadres. The same former President Lungu, now under de facto house arrest, was suddenly embraced for his symbolic presence at the independence celebrations. Could this be the same leader that President Hakainde Hichilema and his administration routinely undermine? This about-face seemed a shallow gesture, aimed solely at fulfilling political optics rather than genuine respect.

This contradiction brings to mind the words of Hon. Chishimba Kambwili, who once said, “Insoni ebuntu” — a phrase that translates to “shame is human.” However, President Hichilema appears unbothered by such principles, carrying out contradictory actions with impunity. His interest has always been self-serving rather than patriotic, as demonstrated by his treatment of Lungu, and now in his convenient inclusion of him at an independence event. This blatant disregard for decorum shows a level of narcissism that seems to surpass even the mythological Narcissus himself. Today, Hichilema may humiliate a former leader if it suits him, but tomorrow, he unashamedly invites that same leader to bolster his image on a public stage.

Fast-forward to the recent 10th-anniversary memorial of Zambia’s fifth Republican President, Michael Chilufya Sata, a pivotal figure whose legacy deserves dignity and honor. President Hichilema now seeks to align himself with Sata’s memory, seemingly to improve his own public image, particularly among those who question his commitment to national unity. But this attempt raises a glaring question: which Sata does Hichilema intend to honor? Is it the same Michael Sata whom he mocked when illness took a toll on his health? Or the same leader whose legacy Hichilema has sought to erase by distorting historical narratives? Today, Hichilema’s government suppresses Sata’s legacy, targeting his Patriotic Front party and prosecuting many of its senior members, from Ronald Chitotela to Nickson Chilangwa. Yet, for the sake of optics, Hichilema now postures as Sata’s mourner-in-chief.

Mr. President Hichilema, I address you directly here. In the short span of your tenure, you have reversed Zambia’s progress by decades. The economy, national unity, and rule of law have deteriorated under your leadership, and our nation’s standing among neighboring countries has suffered. Many Zambians share my wish that you had never become our President. Your relentless persecution of political opponents through manipulated law enforcement and judicial channels only underscores your disregard for democracy. The damage to Zambia’s democratic credentials has been profound, erasing progress painstakingly achieved over the past 30 years.

In stark contrast, President Michael Sata, in his brief tenure, implemented an ambitious agenda focused on infrastructure, building roads, schools, universities, hospitals, and more. Despite his limited time in office, Sata left a legacy of unity and tangible progress. He was a patriot who genuinely loved Zambia, and his impact was far-reaching. To think that his 10th memorial anniversary might now be overshadowed by a leader who contradicts everything Sata stood for is nothing short of an insult.

Thus, I urge you, President Hichilema, to honor Sata’s legacy by respecting the intentions of those who genuinely loved and revered him. Instead of organizing a competing memorial at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross, join us at Pope Square’s Cathedral of the Child Jesus, where we will gather in unity to remember the late President with respect and reverence. It is not a mandate that all national events be held at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross. In 2019, the funeral of the late Vice President Lupando Mwape was held at the Cathedral of the Child Jesus, in keeping with his Catholic faith, just as Sata’s would be.

On Monday, the 28th of October, I hope that Sata’s memorial will be peaceful and untainted by political friction. We, who truly valued his leadership, want to mourn him with dignity, devoid of the confusion and conflict that a parallel program may incite. It would be a disservice to his memory if this event, marking a decade since his passing, becomes a stage for unnecessary clashes. We call upon you and those loyal to your administration to respect this occasion by abstaining from imposing a narrative that suits political gain. Let us, instead, pay homage to a man who symbolized unity, patriotism, and a commitment to Zambia’s progress.


  1. Ah, what did Sata do to his predecessor Rupiah Banda? If I remember correctly, he stripped him of legal immunity and arrested RB, his wife Thandiwe and sought the arrest of his son Henry. What Lungu is going through is nothing compared to what RB went through under Sata. Lungu has his immunity intact. Lungu could be enjoying the benefits of a former President if he did not return to active politics. Bwana Tembo, it is the law that stripped Lungu of ex-President’s benefits, not HH. The State invites Lungu to state functions because he is innocent until proved guilty. His wife and children are on trial, not Lungu.

  2. During the elections of 2021 to things happened in two distant locations in ZAMBIA…in Kawambwa Luapula province Chitotela and Chilangwa are reported to have set some place on fire while in Solwezi NWP Upnd members murdered Mr Konga PF provincial chairman. Fast forward Chitotela and Chilangwa are in prison and being treated differently… being paraded naked and being denied most of the prisoner entitlement. … those who murdered Mr Konga were in remand but shortly after ushering in the Upnd government these people were released and are no longer in Solwezi. Arson is a serious crime but now I see that murder is like shoplifting… not a serious crime.

  3. Its true some people forget easily, the writer is he not the one who was bitten badly by the panga family less than five years ago? Now today the panga family is an angel? I challenge all panga family members to use those pangas among themselves if they were meant for good things for the people of Zambia. Its much better to go through these natural disasters caused by lack of rains than man made panga family thuggery. Have shame on you panga family, just look at Tokiyo road can you tell us whether that trash is what you call infrastructure sure check also society house.


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