Thursday, January 2, 2025

Government bans the sale and importation of Tujilijili


Prof Nkandu Luo taking part in a Health Forum debate
Prof Nkandu Luo

Government has with immediate effect banned the manufacturing and sale of strong liquor sachets commonly known as tujilijili. Local Government Minister Nkandu Luo has announced the ban at a press briefing in Lusaka today.

Professor Luo also announced that government has revoked licences for manufacturers and importers of the liquor sachets. She told journalists that the decision has been arrived at after wide consultations and formulation of legislation to ban the sachets.

Professor Luo says any person that will be found guilty of manufacturing or selling the banned sachets will be fined or imprisoned for two years in default.



  1. Folish thinking, you don’t ban, you regulate and phase out slowly, what happens to all jobs, what happens to all stocks still available? What happens to the machines? Poor planning, if you gave pipo a license, you also need to give them time to re direct their businesses,meanwhile u increase on taxes to ten fold, so that the product become expensive immediately, that’s how we ran a country..

    • Great point,they should have given that opportunity to diversify,look at plant and machinery.unexpected policy shift under macro environment and this should be a shock to investors.plan B,uneployement nowwwwwwww

    • Firstly, I will slam your ideas because you miss the fundamentals of the economy. Distilling portable liquor is very cheap. Machinery is very cheap and the employment created out of this process is negligible because people that distribute this liquor sell many other products on their displays. Secondly, there is no legality to your assertion that producers need be taxed heavily because there is nothing illegal about making portable liquor. The illegality comes when and only when such liquor does not state that abuse is harmful and when it is sold to underage users, which is equivalent to the risk Zambian Breweries must face. Liberty is a right. Listen to Ron Paul!

  2. good move indeed because zed was slowly becoming a nation of drunks!its nt jst the call boys &bus drivers it was across spectrum,police officers teachers & students alike were highly affected.wat a relief bt we need it implemented effectively.congrats prof.luo & team bt the battle has jst began.take heed

  3. Absurd!, Zambia can make millions exporting Tujilijili to the world! What is needed is just improved packaging and certification. The same woman baning Tujilijili will be drinking imported spirits and alcohol ! Unbeleivable!

  4. not  a  solution!!  pipo  will  de  drinkin kachao  now  and  its  bad  for  thier  health!!

  5. Its not welcome. Tujilijili owNers employ people. They have been legally operating unlike the Kachasu brewers. Is govt going to employ these loafers from now? The manufacturers should sue govt for loss of business.

    • uli chipuba which Gvt should be sued? who is gvt? You the same ***** will start saying gvt is spending tax payers money. Bravo GVT.

  6. They are made locally. And honestly, they have contributed to people performing inferior jobs to feel motivated. If you analyse this from a neutral perspective, in a democracy, what must be illegal is underage drinking. A sachet has got 40% content, so does Jack Daniels or Jonnie Walker. What must be tightened are the laws on littering and intoxication at work. This move is a violation of the principle of liberty to person.

  7. I disagree on many fronts with this PF gov’t but this is a great move.There are three things that most distract zambians from productivity .They are politics,tujilijili and the english premier league.

  8. Why dosent our government think through these pronoucements, give the companies at least 30 or 60 days notice to wind up. As it is now all people employed in this industry are not getting paid this month end, mark my word.

  9. Get all of them punished: manufacturers, importers, traders and drinkers. I hope your prisons will accommodate them! But, surely give a grace period for people to wind up activities.

    • Under what laws? You are speaking from emotion, when you are debating national issues, look at them from the legal perspective and not an emotional one.

    • Sara,,, I would like to be able to attend tohignt but have other obligations Are you able to update for our next Board meeting individual boats in the dry storage area that are out of compliance for more than a year??? What action is your committee taking to get them off the SSS property or sold???

  10. Dear minister i hope you have agreed on this issue with your president.Hope he wont wake up tomorrow and reverse the decision.

  11. # 3 , on what happens to all jobs, what happens to all stocks still available? What happens to the machines:
    you seem to miss the point on your concern. I will excuse you: The macine they use are simple distillation equipement which can be re-directed to other functional use. There a wide variety of uses of the same equipment so, that may not be an execuse for allowing it operate. Employement look at it on a bigger picture, how many people did they employ in producing tujilijili? vs how many people were vitim of violance due to tujilijili? !

    • Do you understand the fundamentals of a democracy? Tell me what law they have violated by consuming sacheted liquor. Alcohol abuse is a choice and if these sachets have a sticker noting that, they can go on sale. Most legal spirits have 40% content, so do sachets. People have the liberty to consume such liquor at all cost. Actually, they need not be taxed excessively because sachets by priciple, are legal. All you must know is that this is not the last you will see people drinking portable liquor.

  12. This site has a bunch of dull fools. Anything and everything that posses health concern whether it employs or bring profit to the citizenary should be halted if not banned. Tujilijili are a social ill and should not be allowed. We further want to see hikes on liquor and banning of selling liquor on sundays. We need to start somewhere and banning Tujilijili is is indeed a good start.

    • cigarrettes also,they are a health hazard and a nuisance.we spend much onhealth care for lung and cancer diseases due tobacco effect.ukwa had the same problem after effect

  13. This is Zambia. Do not rejoice, Sachets have been banned before. The sale and consumption will continue for two reasons. Firstly, most PF supporters need sachets to act in the manner they do and secondly, if something as serious as heroin and cocaine can be distributed, why can’t sachets be? Moreover, the campaign lacks impetus to be thorough. I foresee a tough one week but these consumers have withstood many directives from government, why won’t this be like any one of them?

  14. sharon @
    I agree with you 120%! Especially on the point of making increasing the price of the commodity to reduce demand by heavy taxes. Jobs are at stake

  15. Nkadu Luo, next you should quickly address/re – visit the matter of street vending. This is a desperate matter that needs to be confronted with the urgency and vigor it deserves. You have been “pussy – footing” about it for far too long!

  16. Is this the ‘flip’ before the ‘flop’? All this will do is create a very lucrative black market for tujilijilis.

  17. @ 9, 21 & 24. All those talking about jobs. When were u last in Zambia to see the havoc wrecked by tujilijili by among school kids, workers, the unemployed youths and kaponyas. Zambia is now a country of drunkards. By the way the etahanol and flavours are imported from india. A robotic machine operated by the indian owner/businessman manufatures the sachets; . The only zambian job is that of a delivery driver. The few jobs to be lost are not worth the loss of productivity and direction, culture of intoxication / seeking the next high..The tuntemas can continue selling maheu and airtime

  18. You should now ban selling beer on Sundays. This is a standard thing in many countries. It will also improve productivity in the economy: More sober workers on Mondays!

    • Now that’s a thought. A serious idea that is even more practical than other suggestions given by many bloggers. Big up!

  19. Good move. Jilis did a lot of damage to bring Child deliquence. Yes, lets explore other sober industries to invest in.

  20. @ SAGE 25- Good evening. The matter of street vending is a serious matter that requires serious pondering over. Note that these street vendors support children at schools and afford meals on the table for their families. However, this problem happens to be ironing itself out to an extent because many modern companies are moving to the Great East Road area and moving away from Cairo Road. However, the face of Cairo road must be free of street vending. It’s a controvertial issue really.

    • It’s a shame that one who can write and presumably read can consume such liquor. Shame on you and your upbringing!

  21. Good move ba Luo. About time…tujilijili is killing people in Zambia. I was amazed at how cheap and accessible these sachets are. Now someone asked what happens to those who were employed at these factories? Eh. Have you not heard of lay offs? Ok, so consider this a ‘lay off’, they’ll have no jobs tomorrow and need to look elsewhere. It’s a double edged sword, but with good long term benefits. I support this move period!!!!

  22. @3,11,21,24 FYI Jilijili factories are automated (distillation,packaging) loss of business/employment is not even argument compared to damage done, crippling to the economy (construction workers, pupils, police, bus drivers, conductors, marketeers etc) “cut rush” in the wee hours everyday 24/7/365. No need to wait till U get off work to hit the pub/tavern Jilijili being sold like “freezzits” or talktime at every street corner. lets not even talk bout social havoc they reek (death, violence etc)
    I my job I have had the privileged to travel full length & breadth of Zambia & the story is the same everywhere and am talking about rural Zambia kachasu brewers are out of business!
    Might as well promote shake shake first raw material is local (maize) unlike the  ethanol & flavoring!

  23. @3,11,21,24 FYI Jilijili factories are automated (distillation,packaging) loss of business/employment is not even argument compared to damage done, crippling to the economy (construction workers, pupils, police, bus drivers, conductors, marketeers etc) “cut rubbish” in the wee hours everyday 24/7/365. No need to wait till U get off work to hit the pub/tavern Jilijili being sold like “freezzits” or talktime at every street corner. lets not even talk bout social havoc they reek (death, violence etc)
    I my job I have had the privileged to travel full length & breadth of Zambia & the story is the same everywhere and am talking about rural Zambia kachasu brewers are out of business!
    Might as well promote shake shake first raw material is local (maize) unlike the  ethanol & flavoring!


  25. No one questions my reasoning most of the time because bloggers have discovered that I have my facts on my fingertips. I am flexible at response and I have it all figured out. That said, let me get back to my preparation of the speech am presenting to the Economic Forum on Development am presenting tomorrow. VIVA Anarchy!

    • I hear persons with smaller reproductive organs tend to mention several stupid things, you have proved the statement!

  26. This is a true dictatorship. You don’t just wake and ban a business like. The political risk of doing business in this country under the current government is way too high. This is retrogressive. Someone must teach these people how to regulate.


  28. Well done ba Nkandu ban forever tujilijili. Many of our brothers and sisters  have gone to inferno because of Tujilijili. 

  29. These politicians have no clue how small businesses are run and their importance to communities. When Europeans improve the packaging and quality of Tunjilinjili then we start importing into Zambia. 
    The solution is to improve the standards and quality of the product, not banning the whole operation, damn it. Do you know how many families relay on the manufacturing of the product for their jobs? Ah I forgot you’re just politicians with no idea what it take to work for a living. We know you’ve just taken a large Cheque from big brewers who have lobbied for some time for you to ban the product in order to get rid of their competition. Its appalling!

  30. cosmetic policy…and to think that most people who voted for the PF were high on Tujilijili…Abash PF and its recycled ministers.

    PF has no vision for the nation…no plan at all…working on emotions….and donor driven programmes…

  31. #47 Jili Squad, you sound like you where born under influence kachasu, or now days modern Tujilijili, I feel pit on people you and anyone who compare the KING to Ukwa, you are born without wisdom.

  32. Ba Luo dont you think you should just educate the people on Utujilijili consumption? What happens to the people who economically depend on companies that make Utujilijili?

    People die from HIV, why not ban HIV then(if you can)?

  33. Sad to ban a symptom instead of dealing with the underlying deep problems of the Zambian society. Tujilijili is a great innovation in marketing by packaging cheaply and in smaller quantities, thereby making spirituous beverages avaialable to a larger market including the poor, the idle and the unemployed. The ban recreates the classes: the rich who can afford a bottle at K 120 0000 per bottle or a tot at K 12 000 will continue to indulge in the luxury of spiris while us the poor will revert to opaque beer!!!!!!

  34. Great move prof, that shows that my government got teeth and can bite. Now I have you also planned for the injunctions, appeals etc that may come?

    • Don’t be silly, Der-Shing! Anyone that has a problem with your updtae schedule seems to be pretty quiet about it here (Unless they’re flaming you in secret little one-on-one flame wars? I think you’d win, anyway.) The way I see it, it’s a pleasure to be able to see new pages it doesn’t matter when they’re posted. Your health is far more important than when you updtae! It’s not like you’ve hit a wall and just stopped, you have a reason to not updtae. AND a new job, congratulations! That’s really exciting news!Anyway, I hope everything works out for you. Don’t let it get you down. As for jaw problems well, as long as you aren’t growing excess skin around your mouth and speak ing in sin gle syl la bles. :)

  35. The number of people affected in terms of loss of jobs is less than the social and moral damage the Jilis have caused the young generation. School boys and girls are now drankards. They caused fights, divorce, accidents and death! Good move. What about decency and morals of our society? Young ones should allowed to think and dream soberly about life. Let’s stop tolerating mediocrity. MMD may have used Jilis as lullaby to sooth the senses of the energetic but jobless youth. But it is equally true that this was killing their sober judgement and innovative spirit.

  36. The issue is to promote carpentry, mechanics, bricklaying, faster return farming like poultry and Sport for the youth as the govt is trying to promote other industries. Build us more trades schools and stadia. Not ba drank youth who can’t even run in the military.

    • The ban s aleady there including uriating in public but its being disregarded.noone has been ocnvicted so far on uninating n public after consuming jilis or shake shake

  37. The selling of these alcoholic products on the streets and around every corner was totally unacceptable. An immediate ban is in order…The public good over rides the the interests of the the ruthless “business” men who are producing the products

  38. Enough is enough. We are tired of experiencing scenarios where bad business ventures are being peomoted by a Republican President at the peril of the peoples’ health. Time has come when Govt. Ministers must be seen and allowed to perform their duties in accordance with the prevailing Laws. Those pleadidng to President Sata to continue selling the poisonous alcohol (Kachasu) must go to hell. If Sata tries to legalise the sale of TUJILIJILI as he did to allow street vending, then he is signing a Certificate of His own oblivion in Zambian political spheres. AWAY WITH TUJILIJILI. Away with promotion of illegalities in Zambia. This beer has ruined many young lives and lowered productivity to the detriment of the Zambian economy. Enough is enough.

  39. Most drinkers of this brew are kabovas who voted massively for pf and sell in the streets and definitely had high hopes for jobs to look after families. Whereas the ban makes sense, the guys need jobs. So what is the way forward madam minister. Just out of interest, can parliament debate on how many jobs have been created since the new government took over? Statistics would help to clarify issues. That would be like bla bla jobs in construction industry, bla bla in mining, bla bla in education, bla bla in textile, bla bla in brewery etc. We need data.

  40. @16 Enka Rasha, I agree with you on English Premier League.
    Watching English football should be banned with emmediate effect, people wasting too much time watching football. It’s unproductive and unnecessary! People should work, work, work and work! You don’t have work to do? Find one!

  41. This is great move Professor! Please start from the source. Who supplies this useless beer that has killed a lot of teenagers?

    • Make sure you dont write a check for more than your credit limit and also look at what the rate goes to after the intro rate. Also some have a unforpt fee of say 3 percent of the cash advance

  42. Packaging of this liquor in sachets is just a marketing strategy. We’ll still have the same products on the market with the same alcoholic composition and quality in 750ml bottles and the like. Moreover, in Zambia talking is one thing and implementation is another. Just as there are many bars operating without trading licenses, so will consumers access these products in the same bars in the evenings.

    The biggest problem is that we spend a lot of time on talking than implementation. For instance workshops after workshops where we do nothing, but talking at the end of the day yield nothing.

  43. Whast’s the difference between jilis and Tota Packs from DGM or a 750mls bottle of Chateau Brandy which costs K15,000.00 at COMESA market? Am only thinking outside the box.

  44. First of all we should look at what causes these youths to drink Jilis. Am working and i seem not to find time to drink because am preoccupied with work. If these boys had jobs then we wouldn’t have had this problem. They will find ways of making enough money to buy other alcoholic drinks so that they get drunk and time passes by. You will see a sharp rise in crime. They ill turn to dagga smoking now.

  45. Hope it will not become as illegally available as dobo cause it will be expensive and shrewd people are gona make dwa out of it. Should have changed the packaging.

  46. @ princess you buy chateau or red wine can do.or just let me knw when you i will send you more jillies thank you very much now we also have to look on defliement issues its like its not stopping so we have to find a solution too.

  47. I wonder how this will impact on the outcome of the 2016 Elections especially among the votes from low income households who not only are losing an opium but also jobs. Any advice fellow bloggers?

    • Moves like this have cost PF elections. Keep in mind that it is jili consumers who make up the bulk of PF supporters.

  48. Listen guys, this is a great move by govt.
    Those youths cannot have any excuse whatsoever for taking tujilijili.
    Youth unemployement is not a passport to drinking.
    Why is it that one youth says he drinks because he does not have what to do while the other youth in the same disadvantaged position looks for something and makes it.
    What about the youth in School, is he/she also drinking jilis because of unemployement?????
    Do you want pupils also to be provided emeployement by govt???
    In Africa we have justified wrongs and problems for too long – that is why we have remained at the bottom amongst all races in the world!!!!!

    Govt, I salute you on this one – JOB WELL DONE!!!
    I do not support most policies and actions of PF, but on this one, WELL DONE PF!!!

  49. The problem with Jilis is that it is so portable that people carry them in pockets and can be taken ANYWHERE ANYTIME. People drink in offices, at bus stations, and in buses. There is no problem if people go to drink in designated places at the right time!

  50. I am still wondering why the MMD government never did this very simple thing for better safety of peoples lives on the roads and better work performance. Anyway, it has ben corrected, thankfully


  52. I do agree with the ban of tujilijili.However,would GRZ not have considered:-
    a) Giving a grace period in which available stocks particulary with traders should be exhausted.

    b) Allowing the tujilijili dying a natural death by imposing very high tax demands so that it really becomes unprofitable to to buy it. For example if the tax levied would make the price of a sachet say K5,000 or more.This would kill this trade and GRZ will not be accused of banning it.

  53. Deep Throat, Sharon and everyone talking about regulating Mufisushi, …. think through issues and be wise …. whats there to regulate and what jobs are at stake??? have you ever been in a tujilijili factory??? have you equally seen how our societies are polluted with this cheap beer?? think!!!!!

  54. When a nation is led by blind men everyone goes astray. This scourge in the name of Tugiligili who ever allowed it to take root in Zambia God will punish him or her in one way or the other. Families have been ruined because of this cheap but potent achohol. It has spread even to rural areas where there has been no development since independence. Any way better late than never. We do not need jobs that are self desrtuctive, just like we detaste the armed robbers this beer has robed the nation of mothers, fathers, brothers sisters etc. Am not a fan of PF but this a good will gesture i hope it is done ingood faith to protect the Nation.

  55. According to the promises of PF, “more money in your pockets” means more people employed. I saw on the news today … one jilis factory owner was complaining that she has employees on a payroll, most of whom have running loans, support their families etc on jilis. 
    GRZ needs to realise that this is a real sector that needs support and … regulation. Standards for jilis need to be set to make jilis legal again. Do you think Zed is the only country that makes jilis?
    We need to embrace challenges and do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard.
    Regulate, not ban. People WILL continue to make them as they have done in the past. 

  56. The manufacturer of tujilijili can now use their industrial experience, skill and talent to diversify into beverages, confectionery, mineral water, distilled water using the same machinery.
    Govt well done keep it up. I hope some of these ideas, comments or statements are taken into consideration as they constructive and educative both to government and private institution.
    They [public] should serve however as some comments are too childish and the language is unpalatable.
    Am able to determine the author’s age, fatness, thinness, decency, tribe, gender, IQ, level of education, non-working class, working class, short, tall, sarcastic, drunkard or smokes Haile Selassie

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