Friday, October 18, 2024

15 liquor companies take government to court over Tujilijili ban


FIFTEEN liquor companies have challenged the Government’s decision to ban the manufacture and supply of alcoholic drinks popularly known as Tujilijili in the High Court.

The ban announced two weeks ago extended to importing, exporting, selling or supplying of the drink in sachets.

The liquor firms have filed a notice of application for leave to apply for judicial review over the ban on the beverage.

Local Government and Housing Minister, Nkandu Luo on April 16, 2012 signed Statutory Instrument Number 23 of 2012 cancelling liquor licences of the 15 companies.

The minister prohibited the manufacture, importation, exportation, stocking, bottling, packaging, conveyance, possession, sale, supply or consumption of the applicants’ liquor.

AED Advocates are representing the companies which are seeking an order to quash the ban, charging that it is illegal.

According to the application, the liquor firms contended that Professor Luo’s decision to revoke the liquor licences was procedurally improper, illegal and was a breach of rules of natural justice.
The minister, they said, breached rules of natural justice when she arbitrarily revoked the licences.

They said they were investors who had legitimate expectation to continue running their businesses in accordance with the terms of their investment licences and agreements.
If leave to apply was granted, the companies would want a declaration that such grant operated as a stay.

They contended that they came into Zambia at varying times but between 2002 and 2011 and were given investment licences by the Zambia Development Agency after meeting the
mandatory minimum requirement of US$500, 000.

They employ 1, 000 people directly and about 10, 000 indirectly. The firms said the decision had far-reaching consequences of job losses, creditors losing their monies and loss of revenue on the part of the Government.



  1. We feel for the employees of these companies and their families, losing a job nowadays when life is hard and no more companies opening up is agony.

  2. Yes but, when you were given licenses to trade in these ‘poisons’, PF Govn did noy say they cannot cancel at some point in the future? You should have read (the small print), the rules and regulations pertaining to trading in such substances. Ask any Doctor worth his salt, he will tell you that these ‘drinks’ are poisonous and can kill. Please find a better way to re-start your processing of these so-calle drinks; change the packaging style, reduce the alcoholic contents, warn pipo especially the young and vulnerable in our society by way of advertising the ”dangers’ of drinking these drinks, just like they do with cigarettes etc. Unfortunately, yours it seems, is ONLY to sell and make money regardless, shame on you…

  3. These Tujilijili makers are rude with no love for the future of Zambia.They don’t warm or sensitise people on how best to consume this spirit.The distribution was also wrong every corner was selling them people without liquier licences were selling them.CHANGE YOUR PACKAGING,SELL ONLY TO LICENSED DEALER,PUT UP DANGER SIGN ON YOUR LEBAL,EDUCATE THE PEOPLE ON HOW TO SAFELY CONSUME IT IF ITS POSSIBLE,DO SOME CSR, not just compaining about job losses PF govt well done how I wished the opposition supported you on this one especially HH.

  4. These *****s should be told to go and invest in their countries. We dont need immoral investments. I support the PF on this one

  5. These ‘Infestors’ coming to Zambia and invest in Tujijili. Its only in Zambia that you call such as ‘Investors’

  6. You poor investors who are just interested in making your bank accounts big with little on no regard to poor Zambians. You yourselves called investors, do you drink the drinks you make or you just make those for other people? If the laws of Zambia were strong, those poor investors should have been fined for causing the lose of innocent lives who died after consuming tunjilinjili. Some companies are just in the name, what is $500.000 compared to the big population of Zambia you were killing every day because of your drinks? Doctors should find out what kind of mixture are found in those drinks. Here in America were everything is monitored, those guys in the name of investors cannot do their business because they can be sued and they can spend all their capital to pay the victims.

  7. Comot you evil investors. Have you told the people that consume tujilijili about the long term impact this toxic stuff has not only on their brains but also on their mental state and their livers? Take your stuff to your own countries and see what your own governments will say. who do you nthink you are by thinking our peoples lives are of no value.Nonsense!! In fact, they should also deport you and send you back to your countries of origin and stop the rot in our country. Shame on you ba mambala

  8. Spokesman Tujilijili Protesters “banning tujilijili is an ASSAULT on the poor drinking Zambian…what are the poor going to drink? don’t we also want to drink Whiskey??” serious Zambians place too much value on alcohol! do a simple Cost Benefit Analysis of tujilijili investment (or alcohol) and there/it damage!!! Let them package in 750ml bottles and standard 40 Alc Vol for spirits and only sell in bottle stores/bars Period!

  9. This is probably the best decision that PF government has taken since September last year, probably the only good one. Please don’t reverse it. And pack the tribunal until 2016, let Judge Nigel Mutuna handle the case, he has demonstrated sensitivity to the national interest.

  10. Health is not a politically justifiable issue. Whoever thinks this call to ban tujilijili is political is somehow morally bankrupt and has common sense deficiency syndrome. Can’t you see how poor ignorant people have killed their bodies addictively?

  11. No more tujilili please tapapata. Look for other means of raising funds you companies. It is not good for health of people please

  12. What I don’t like are radicale decisions like this one without much thought process. Why have these products become a problem? Perhaps they are within reach of ordinary people. Therefore it means government is not collecting enough taxes on them. If tax is increased they’ll become just like any other spirit sold in Zambia, usually too expensive for ordinary people to abuse it. Change distribution (licensed outlets) & packaging & the country will continue benefiting. With this rush decision, everybody has lost & she is supposed to be a Professor!!! Professor of what I wonder!

  13. Decision taken by GRZ to ban the stuff was not without basis! There was a daily outcry by ordinary people that the stuff be banned. These companies manufacturing the stuff should have “read the handwriting on the wall”, and should have anticipated this ban. Frankly speaking, this ban should have been effected by the MMD govt. No more tujilijili in Zambia! Never ever!

  14. I am repenting after this, Who are these ass-holes. I am sorry people Zambians can be dum at times, these foreign nationals set up alcoholic beverage making plants and we as Zambians don’t match with our government just this once to protect our people and future labor force. Why can they not change these companies into Soft drink making plants and advertise or apply for tender contracts with government to supply boarding schools, colleges e.t.c.

    Forgive me as I go and ask for forgiveness from Jesus I am mad right now.

  15. Forgive me, I feel like we are always to remain freedom fighters. For some of our people don’t see more than five years into the future objectively. Make an inheritance for your children children toiday. Invest in zambia and its moral uprightness. We are all sinners I know but God died for us so we can be saved and have evalasting life. Thus we need to build industries, houses, schools and have the church teach intelligence and all that God said. One of which is we should work hard always and develop as a family and a nation.

  16. You are fighting a loosing battle. The minister banned manufacturing of beer in sachets and not manufacturing beer in general, so find another recommended way of packaging your product.

  17. What Govt should have done in the best interests of Public and Investors was that Investors were given a grace period to wind up the things after all they are here to do business( good or bad )with legitimate licenses . Whoever wants to continue will remain complying to the new liquor act and others will pack up their things and say good bye

  18. No need of giving time to wind up operations for brewing Kachasu. Congrats Prof. Luo because you have saved the young generation from extinction. Just observe how young men are looking old when in fact not. Abash Kachasu. Atase!

  19. In real sence it should be the Government which should take this companies to court and make them pay for damages they have caused to the Zambian people not the other way round.

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