Friday, February 21, 2025

Pentagon approves sale of military helicopters to Zambia


The US State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Zambia for Bell 412 helicopters at an estimated cost of US$100 million.

Zambia has asked to buy the medium-lift transport helicopter primarily to conduct peacekeeping, regional security, humanitarian aid and disaster response missions over long distances and in all weather conditions.

The contract also includes requests for qualification and transition training for pilots and maintainers, ground support equipment and contractor field support.

The purchase of the helicopters would be facilitated by a combination of foreign military funds and Zambian national funds, according to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA).

Bell will be the principal contract for the sale, based in Fort Worth, Texas.

The sale will also, according to the DSCA, help to “improve the security of an important partner that continues to be an important force for political stability and economic progress in South Central Africa”.

Zambia already operates eight Bell 412 helicopters in its air forces’ fleet, having announced an $80 million grant with the United States in September 2023 for four helicopters.

At the time, grant covered three years of service, parts and training.

The Zambian Air Force also reportedly introduced two Bell 412EP helicopters into its fleet, from this order, in March 2024.


    • We are!
      $100 million more debt. Oh my bankruptcy gods help BOZ which presides over bankruptcy!
      Tomorrow the Kwacha falls to its lowest

  1. The Nation is in a bad way for the majority and we see fit to buy Helicopters to look after others ?

    • For Piece keeping missions you must meet certain standards and when you go for piece missions, the country get paid a lot of money. All the countries that participate in these mission earn forex. Malawi sold its president plane so that they can buy weapons for their arm to meet the standards to participate in piece keeping missions.

  2. Zambia needs a modern fleet of helicopters………

    These are essential in local humanitarian and disaster operations within Zambia……..

    And for the protection of our boarders………

    Some would argue that there are cheaper options than American machines, but the USA produces the best flying dual use machines……..

    We have seen a number of crushers of helicopters in Zambia


  3. Stop lying.
    Russia and China feature more helicopters in the top 10 military list.
    The US top attack helicopter apache is the only one but doesn’t match the Russian ones in the top 10. The alligator kamokav especially is envied by all global armies.
    That’s why the US buys South Africa’s top ranked Rooivak. You couldn’t buy from South Africa because you prefer being yanked to Western money markets.

    • You don’t know what you are talking about……

      You are mentioning purely military choppers…….

      who told you we are buying purely military choppers ????……..

      The Bell 412 helicopter is a dual function work horse with proven design functionality from the Vietnam war………

      You can’t beat that chopper

      FWD 2031

    • South Africa is not in that position to give out a 100 million dollars loan to Zambia. Besides Zambia is not paying that money now and we do not have that money. Of course it would be great to buy from SA if we were even able.

  4. Are we at war with our neighbors. So why waste money on those birds? I hope these will not be used for rigging elections.

    • The government requests the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) to perform various functions at short notice. ZAF personnel advizes the government on the most appropriate equipment to work with on certain tasks.

  5. Of all the reasons given for buying helicopters, someone chose to concentrate on peace keeping. Besides, we should be asking on how much of that is from our pockets and how much is from co-operating partners? Sometimes we should be worried that we don’t ask the right questions as citizens. Let’s just call for transparency in these transactions because some are indeed essential.

  6. Someone has accused the Zambia Police of sexual harassment and Kawana as usual jumps in DON’T DISCREDIT GOVERNMENT. Is ZP government? The chap is pointing out an abuse and we accuse him of discarding Rae Hamoonga government or an employee of government. And what can Kawana say about police officers appearing in our courts for sexually abusing female detainees….. isn’t this that’s discrediting government? Too much bootlicking by this gentleman.

    • Like all dictatorships, UPND identifies police as part of the party and its government. Kawana is typical of that Sadam Hussein spokesperson

  7. Buying arms and helicopters to move troops to intimidate and kill Zambians? Is HH really a Zambian? Does he care how Zambians are suffering? Where does he want to take Zambia? Zaire with Mobutu? Zambians, wake up! This guy is up to no good.

  8. Whilst a new breed of disciplined military leaders in Africa’s Sahel region, i.e. Mali and Burkina Faso, are paying off their countrys’ foreign debts and taking control of their countrys’ mineral wealth from. foreign mining companies, the indisciplined corterie of civilian leaders of Zambia want to continue mortgaging the country to debt whilst giving away the country’s mineral to foreign mining companies in exchange for personal kickbacks.

  9. Yesterday, the majority of you were shaking in your plastic sandals at the thought of a cyclone devastating Zambia. Your fears were fuelled by the apparent lack of assets to combat such disasters. Today you are screaming out against pur hase of helicopters. What are disgruntled bunch. Shame on you Natives. You are very intelligent people. Show it

    • Tikki

      The bell 412 is a dual utility purpose work horse chopper………

      It is such a vital dual use chopper that clearance is needed from the US government


  10. Zambia is a country of voting regularly, so the helicopters will be used to facilitate smooth voting and prompt to avoid suspicion of vote mismanagement.

  11. They better do the transactions ASAP because in a few days time Trump will be sworn in…..all such contracts will be invalidated

  12. The US always has to find a way to keep dominating other countries through monetary contracts, Zambia does not even have this kinda resources and the need for Bell 412 helicopters. What we need is to improve the lives of citizens and these machines will not do that. Have we already lost our priorities? This govt is equally wasteful just like the previous administration, getting lucrative contracts tha have no signaficance benefits for the populace.

    • I fear the elections will not be peaceful. Sorry to say this; why are all provincial police commissioners almost from one tribe..(almost because the Livingston one seems to be on way out for the….?)
      All these are in preparation for eventuality where total loyalty is required.

  13. That’s the cost of buying what about maintenance costs all in US $ if there is a problem you cant just pull off on the side of the road like a bus look what happen in Malawi recently with that plane crash killing govt officials

  14. Zambia Airforce needs F16s , Saab Grippen or F35 fighter jets not these slow death traps.Zambia needs to become a major non NATO ally like Kenya to get the best tech weaponry.


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