Wednesday, March 12, 2025

ERB gives ZESCO another 3 months for extended tariffs


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has extended the ZESCO emergency electricity tariffs for an additional three months, from February 1st to April 30, 2025, as the country continues to struggle with a severe power crisis.

ERB Board Chairperson, James Banda said that the emergency tariffs were first introduced in November 2024 after ERB declared an emergency due to ZESCO’s inability to meet national electricity demand, which remains affected by low water levels in major reservoirs.

Mr Banda said a review by the ERB confirmed that the power deficit still exceeds 1,000MW, necessitating the extension.

He noted that despite the tariff hike ZESCO has not met its revenue target of $15 million per month, raising only $2.4 million in November and $7.6 million in December.

The ERB attributed this shortfall to delayed billing for postpaid customers and prepaid customers purchasing electricity in bulk before the tariff adjustment.

Hence, the extended tariffs would continue to apply across residential, commercial, and maximum demand categories.

“ZESCO has also been directed to provide weekly updates to the ERB on power generation and imports from suppliers such as Eskom, Electricidade de Mocambique (EDM) and Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC),” he said.

The ERB emphasised that ZESCO should adhere to the published load-shedding schedules and update the public of any changes as well as energy- saving tips.

He advised ZESCO to enhance commercial and operational performance in line with ERB’s key performance indicators.


  1. The estimated 500MW from net-metering remains a pipe dream. Just who is standing in the way of this? Meanwhile, the president keeps singing about it amidst the continued crippling blackouts.

  2. ERB will continue extending until it will become
    The new tarriff,While zambians continue waiting for loadshedding to end.when will the
    Inter connector be commissioned?

  3. Plain and simply we need outside help to run zesco as their management is not up to the task
    Political appointees have proven over the years not to work It’s time to get rid of this archaic thinking
    who cares who runs these institutions as long as the run economically and efficiently.
    There is no shame in admitting our failures or weakness

  4. They’re always looking for excuses. The emergency tariff hasn’t improved power supply. It’s likely it has just made for difference between the cheap power being exported to Namibia and the expensive one being imported from Mozambique. Effects of the policy of exporting in order to import

  5. These extensions will continue until elections that’s when they will refuse another extention but once elections are over the extentions will resume. Just take this as the new permanent tariffs now an average increase of more than 100%.

  6. People will invest in solar and abandon zesco and its connection. Money for cadres will then stop. And only then will government wake up because somebody’s fat pockets are now empty

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