Tuesday, February 11, 2025

UPND Dissolves Eastern Province Party Structures


The United Party for National Development (UPND) has dissolved its Eastern Province party structures in a bid to address internal conflicts.

The UPND Secretariat, Secretary General, Batuka Imenda disclosed that the party has dissolved its Eastern Province Provincial Committee, the district committee and community ward committee in Petauke.

ZANIS reports that Mr Imenda says the decision comes after prolonged divisions within the party, which have hindered its progress in the region.

Speaking during a press briefing, Mr Imenda said the party had been plagued by serious differences since the last election, resulting in the formation of two rival camps.

He said despite efforts to reconcile the factions, the divisions have persisted, affecting the party’s performance at the district, constituency, and ward levels.

Mr Imenda emphasised that the party’s rules and regulations must be adhered to, warning that failure to comply would have consequences.

He stated that the Secretariat decided to take measures to restore order and discipline within the party.

He noted that the dissolution of the Provincial, District and Ward committees will not affect Lusangazi and Kaumbwe, which are part of Petauke.

Mr Imende added that all district structures will be reporting directly to the Secretariat, which will work to fill the vacancies created by the dissolution.

And Mr Imenda congratulated the Tonse Alliance for its victory in Petauke and the UPND in Pembanshe, Mpongwe, and Nalikwanda by-elections


  1. Start admitting that the other party did better than UPND, that is democracy. If you take such descisions and since there are more loses to come, will you be dissolving committees with each loss. Disolve yourselves as national leaders for failing to reconcile them. Further more, the leader of UPND whilst in opposition lost elections 5 times, and yet you did not dissolve him and his campaign team each he time lost.


      You have nailed it.
      People can not live on promises any more. Tangible results matter. What is UPND exhibiting to the electorate? Sontapo is better than empty promises. Before saying and promising more, mention what you have done for them and why they must continue walking with you. Propaganda does not work. The effort rendered fighting the opposition must be directed solely to addressing people’s needs. Dismantling PF won’t help Zambians, but it may spell, I think, doom to UPND’s survival.

  2. If you want votes, start working. Your wins in other areas are being questioned and blamed on un ethical issues by what we hear from the opposition. If you start working and economy improves, you will not have to dissolve any committees but people will be genuinely voting for you. Just friendly advice, your economy is a complete mess and do something, and immediately stop this self praise of saying such things like over 10 billion dollars has been invested in the mines and so much millions of dollars in other sectors and yet people are struggling to make ends meet, just stop it please. If such is happening, why doesnt the comon man see even just a little tinkle in his life, This advice is being given in good faith

  3. Eastern province refused to rig the Petauke elections and fingered out the individuals who were tasked to rig the election. These fellows were arrested by the Zambia Police….so this executive is a failure in the eyes of the Upnd big wigs.
    Luapula province allowed the rigging even allowing illegal voter registration.

    • Where naimwe………just sit down……..

      Zambia is now have free and fair elections, no intimidation, no corruption, no rigging……

      Congratulations to the TONSE alliance, they worked hard for the win………

      that is democracy………..


  4. People in Petauke are unhappy of they way the bye election came about. Their son being abducted, torture and now living a political refugee in Zimbabwe. Petauke has opened the eyes for people in provinces were bye election are being forced on people. People now know that it can be done.

  5. The Eastern committee did not install itself there. Starting from the campaign manager, that cabinet minister, going upwards, they did not get the job done. Even the PF turncoats must be dissolved alongside and the solvent thrown to the trash bin. Rigging is done at Polling Station and the elections chairman at the UPND secretariat takes that responsibility too. Anyway, time to lick those deep wounds. This other group’s win must be credit by the collective oneness of the opposition who were glued together than they were scattered in Luapula.

  6. Demagoguery won’t increase votes.
    Why should it bother the UPND if either the Tonse or the PF will field Lungu in next year’s general election and pronounce it unlawful for anyone proposing that? Is it their concern about who other parties have as president? The whole lot of UPND making a presser only to talk about Lungu’s candidature? The country does not revolve around Lungu and he must be left alone. He is not Zambia. Stop Lungu this..Lungu that. Zambians are matured and can not survive on daily Lungu talk. Halt making Lungu your campaign shout out.


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