The dismissal of Joe Kamoko as Permanent Secretary -Technical Services was long overdue. Joe was fortunate that, despite his excessive love for pleasure and leisure, he served the government of HH for over two years in the same capacity and same ministry. His conduct on Sunday Interview was unfortunate, unfortunate and ridiculous. His natural liking for pleasure and the bottle of alcohol has earned him a shameful and embarrassing dismissal. He has dropped from HH’s grace to grass and I can imagine how he is regretting now as an individual with a family. Joe may not be the only lover of alcohol caught napping during a television Interview. There are so many senior civil servants who are ever drunk but ignored and saved by superior officers in return with some kickbacks. The civil service requires a complete overhaul in order to serve the country with honesty, hard work and individual discipline.
It should not take the President’s axe to cut down irresponsible top civil servants. Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa has done his very best to ensure that the country is served by selfless, dedicated and morally upright civil servants. The like of Joe Kamoko have been a disgrace and require to get into the school of moral rearmament and spiritual infilling of integrity and piety. Joe is such an intelligent fellow who just needs soul-searching and critical re-examination in retrospect as he sits down and examine himself on what made him to behave the way he behaved in the public media in full glare if television cameras.
It is not too late for him to work his salvation with fear and trembling which will enable him to come to terms with His Creator. May the Almighty God pardon his irrelevant behaviour which earned him the embarrassing dismissal.
By Shaddon Chanda
The author is a Luanshya based Historian and Academician
Such is the nature of public appointments; they also come with disappointments.
That’s the problem of drinking alcohol when your boss doesn’t. Anything about it is an irritant!
It appears like beer drinking stinks more than corruption, is that not so?
He was accused of embezzling lots of dollars. Calls to drop him fell on deaf ears. The authorities showed a blind eye and defended him. He looks drunk, the authorities give him a critical eye. Is it only because the boss does not drink? In defence, did he not say that he has a medical conditions?
I feel sorry for the man. Sometimes it’s not recklessness that leads to drunkenness but there could be something deeper. Wishing him quick recovery.
I watched the clip. He wasnt drunk