Monday, March 3, 2025

Trump- Zelensky Heated Row A Big Lesson For Africa. Let Us Take Heed


I would like to refer to the extraordinary meeting between the President of the USA, Donald Trump, and the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky which started with smiles and friendly handshakes, but soon turned into a big row. The meeting, which took place in front of journalists and live television, between Trump and Zelensky was about Ukraine’s war with Russia and a possible peace deal which was being put forward by the United States.

While I shall not get into the details, the merits or the demerits of the Oval Office clash between President Trump and President Zelensky, I am confident that the two leaders and nations will eventually find a middle ground and resolve their differences in peace.

Ukraine, US, Russia and the European Union are all old civilizations. They have faced more dangerous disagreements and moments than this. They will soon resolve this.

Nonetheless, the lesson we draw from this is the need for Africa, which is laden with rare earth minerals, to learn to stand on its own and avoid over dependence on any other power. To protect our people, and our resources, we must quickly wean ourselves from the breasts of the powerful while in times of peace. This is an important and timely lesson.
Once someone funds your existence, they will reduce you to a mere child and he shall both perceive you and talk to you as such. If you try to stand up for yourself or the people you represent, it is interpreted as being unthankful or arrogant.
As long as US feels they are the ones funding the war in Ukraine they will do and say things that no one else can do or say.

I noticed that one Journalist even went as far as asking why Zelenskyy did not come in a suit to the White House. A question that has never been asked to Elon Musk who comes to the White House many times and even attends cabinet meetings wearing a T-shirt.

Zambia must lead the way in initiating the weaning process on the continent.The events of the last 24 hours in Washington announces a new era in world history. There can be no louder warning bell than this. Let us take heed.

Dr.Nevers Mumba


  1. Ba Nevers nabena, so childish. Why discuss that ?
    Do you expect an African president enganging im any aguiments? Maybe Museveni and Kagame can try for 1 minute, not 3 minutes ka Zelensky put in.

    • @Nostradamus come on, you are calling him ka Zelensky! Zelensky has been dealing with a bully for 3 years. Go to Moscow, and see the damage he has made on egos. The fact is that Ukraine is REDEFINING Morden warfare. Suddenly, he has to deal with another bully who has been stoking him for some time. What would you do, start clapping? Which president would allow aids to be questioning another leader about putting on a suit. Worse, at a time when his country has been invaded. Have they ever asked the Arabs or Indians why they don’t put on suits when they visit them?
      – continued

    • – continued
      Anyway way, baMumba, get ready to receive your brothers and sisters from Harare who were insulting you over the SADC Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM) report. Things are heating up in Harare, some have already fled with billions of dollars and gold reserves. Does anyone remember the lyrics of KK ‘s song – bambe ba lelela ma suit.
      Time Is The Mother Of Everything!

  2. South Africa is leading the way in this regard. South Africa has refused to be bullied by the US as a result the US has cut aid to South Africa immediately with South Africa showing the US a middle finger.

  3. Zelensky is in hot , and he is to blame for everything……..

    Instead of remaining neutral and negotiating with Russia……….

    He chose to fight , conned by the west that he can defeat Russia…….

    The prize……..

    Unlimited cheap energy from Russia for Ukraine and the west once Putin was out of the way……….

    Only the KGB man is smart and his people stood behind him……

    We are here


    • Dont talk nonsense Ukraine was invaded by a tyrant and Zalensky is fighting for the rights of his country to exsist.
      I suggest you start thinking of what excuses you are going to put forward when 2026 comes around

    • There are two strategic issues that European nations and world mainstream media are ignoring.First,Trump blames the European and US neoliberals for starting the Ukraine war thus, all his decisions, wrong or right, are made from that premise. Second, Trump, thinks Europeans are dunderheads for targeting the wrong enemy in Russia.He is demanding that they man up and weaponize their armies to prepare for war with China and possibly Iran
      Like him or loath him,he is the guy with the bigger stick in the room.In such situations Mr, Zelenskky, you just bend over and present your backside and pray the spanking wont be hard.

    • Tikki

      You are brainwashed by western propaganda.,……,

      You obviously don’t know the Ukrainians have been suppressing the ethnic Russians who voted for autonomy since 2014……

      The dictator Zelensky, who has banned all opposition to his rule and banned Russian language and traditions while ethnic Russians make up 17% of the Ukraine population…..

      You also obviously don’t know the real reasons for the war……….

      Find out about Siberia ,more particularly about the wealth of Siberia , and you will know the real reasons for the war………

      Don’t believe everything on the BBC and other western media……..


    • Ba Mwamona Nomba
      Dont forget why Zelenskky accepted the summon to Washington.He knows what will happen to him by Putin if left alone by Trump

  4. So Nevers Mumba just spends his time watching US Politics….and he is on Government payroll…wow what a beautiful life….getting paid for doing nothing….just leave US politics alone….just concentrate on stealing from the Zambian Government and stealing fake gold in DRC…because that’s what Nevers Mumba knows best….theft…Mwanawasa fired him for stealing Embassy furniture in Canada

  5. At times, if one does not want to read an article or disagree, please keep quiet. No need to demean a man above you. His credentials deserve respect. His free advise is timely. Don’t always react from your hatred heart. He has not done anything to you personally. Please this is a Christian country and elders must always be respected.
    Dr Mumba, thank you for the service. You don’t know how many people were served through you. For that God will always have a favour on you.

    • Nevers Mumba is a thief…ask him why he was fired by Mwanawasa…ask him what he did with the money meant for renovating the Zambian Embassy in Canada…ask him why he stole Zambian Embassy furniture in Canada…ask him why he sneaks in DRC in the middle of the night to buy fake gold…ask him why is still on Zambian Government payroll

    • Its not hatred or being vindictive it’s about listening for the last 60 years to this sort of dribble from our so called leaders and politicians are you advocating for another 60 years of this ??
      I suggest we start calling a spade a spade

    • Naimwe………..

      Everyone is allowed an opinion……….

      And Zambia is part of the global community……….

      There is no harm in commenting on global affairs, it is actually good to educate some of you brainwashed caders about global affairs………

      We are here


  6. @Joseph Mwansa
    You guys preaching about zambia being a Christian nation are the same people involved in corruption..theft and all the ungodly activities….Pastors raping other mens wives every day….you go to Zambian courts and 80% of adultery cases involve Pastors in the so called Christian Nation

  7. There’s nothing to learn in that exchange that the discerning ones dont already know: Trump is a bully who rose to high wealth via exactly those gun-to-your-head tactics. Just imagine the White House even told this ka Ukrainian not to wear his T-shirt because it was disrespectful. He refused saying he was at war and didnt need to wear ties and jackets

  8. Strange that bloggers are even discussing Nevers misplaced priorities of watching BBC and CNN. This is a man who is supposed to be leading a political party and be in serious mobilisation gear. But here we are the guy is discussing issues in the US. Hey Nevers, are you talking to your fellow weak alliance partner – the upnd, what’s the progress on loadshedding, huge youth unemployment( not tuma civil service jobs, not these tuma drop in the ocean jobs), I mean real jobs in industries that can grow Zambias GDP. Nevers, talk about bread and butter issues, the cost of living is currently the highest ever since the birth of this nation

    • You are right Mutelo, this government has not created an enabling environment for the private sector to create jobs. SMEs are closing due to load shedding and a volatile exchange rate.

    • Hazemba
      Nevers Mumba took less than five mintes to draft and post his writeup.He has the rest of 20 months for his political campaigns.
      Whats wrong with you people,Kanshi.We are gettig tired of teaching you how to think.Dont join Dejafoool.He is too much for us, already

  9. How do you learn to stand on your own when you are busy giving out your secrets to the very people you want to stand against? Africans must understand the beast they are dealing with by now after more than 400 years of hell. We should have been secretly creating our own path instead of openly giving away our resources for free in the name of investment. Our biggest problem is lack of vision and self love from our leaders. These muzungus are able to pick us off one another so easily. Lack of consistency and self destruction of our institutions of higher learning. We are not teaching our kids anything other than setting them up to be failures and consumers.

    • But the inflation being felt in Zambia and the wider world is partly fuelled by this war ,
      no ???

      What is wrong with debating something that affects us. ???


  10. Zambia lives in a global economy , not in a bubble…..

    Things that happen around the world can affect us, like this war in Ukraine……..

    There is nothing wrong in debating things that affect us……….

    One thing I have come to learn is western media is highly manipulative , in that they only say what they want you to know………

    Western media is highly cherry picked, same as ZNBC and sometimes hide the truth or tell outright lies……..

    Like how they push the Narrative that Russia is the bad guy , just to sell western arms to nations they have spooked into believing Russia and china are about to attack……..

    In this war , zelensky was conned into believing he could defeat Russia, an ancient civilisation, with western money and arms,


    • Russians were forced to invade Ukraine by the relentless expansion of NATO to Russian boarders despite privous agreements……

      And the treatment of ethnic Russians in Ukraine……..

      NATO needs to expand to sell western weapons, this is big business for the western military industrial complex, worth hundreds of billions………

      Every new member of NATO is told their army needs to align to NATO standards, which means buying western arms…….


  11. He who pays the piper calls the tune. The song has to end now because the payers of that jukebox have not only stopped slotting in the coins, they also want their hard spent money back from the same orchestrion. They call him to WH to ask him about the UK’s Money or Box programme: Deal or no Deal. His response was, like that of Schwarzenegger, I Will Be Back. By next week on return, heads will roll and then the row will be over.
    The biggest lesson is that the guy was used and later dumped by the US. It’s over.
    Mumba was whipped and spanked by LP. Africa has been humiliated for years, but we still go back for more spanking, though. Some spankers are here as headmen in Bweengwa village!

  12. Mum-ba was whipped and spanked by LP. Africa has been humiliated for years, but we still go back for more spanking, though. Some spankers are here as headmen in Bweeengwa village!

  13. He who pays the piper calls the tune. The song has to end now because the payers of that jukebox have not only stopped slotting in the coins, they also want their hard spent money back from the same orchestrion. They call him to the WH to ask him about the Money or Box programme: Deal or no Deal. His response was, like that of Schwarz, I Will Be Back. By next week on return, heads will roll and then the row will be over.

    • @zambia, sometimes yu write well. many times yu don’t. if ure the same you, then am happy 2 follow yu.

  14. Zambia has slums, flooding ,high inflation ,a debt crisis ,lack of jobs and 60yrs of not developing. Lets focus on our own chaotic dirty house.

  15. @Jackson , i’ve not heard of cholera coming out of New York or Singapore .And please have context :New York and Singapore have ghettos not slums (ghettos are planned/approved formal housing with plumbing,electricity,tarmarked roads and weekly garbage services).Do you GET THAT in Misisi,Chibolya or Kalingalinga ?

  16. Trashmp and Zelensky don’t even know nor care whether Zambia exists or its condition.Yes ,better we focus on the fart and upset stomach we have .

    • @Mlevi Kachasu
      Imagine….spending sleepless nights worrying about Ukraine war and yet we can’t even keep our surroundings clean..Garbage all over Lusaka..


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