Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Bravo police spokesman Rae Hamoonga!


Yesterday, we wrote about the plight of a woman who was recently arrested and detained by the police for allegedly assaulting someone. When the husband went to sign the police bond for her, he was asked to pay K400 for reams of paper by some officers.

When the matter was brought to our attention, we immediately called the police spokesman, Ray Hamoonga to alert him about the same. Mr. Hamoonga wasn’t a let down; he in turn called the relevant authorities in the jurisdiction in question.

Praise be to God, the lady was released on police bond Sunday otherwise she could’ve remained in custody till Monday. How do you keep someone with a breastfeeding baby in custody for three days?

This morning we had a fruitful meeting with the top police command. An inquiry has since been launched, we expect some heads to roll.

The President is working around the clock to resuscitate the economy which was destroyed during the Patriotic Front (PF) misrule, and further exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine as Commonwealth Secretary, General Patricia Scotland has rightly put it. We therefore don’t expect anyone to rob our people of the little they have to their names, particularly in the shanties.

Bravo to Mr. Ray Hamoonga for being down to earth and maintaining an open door policy! He chose to pick up our call on a Sunday when he should have been resting and did the needful. My his shoulders be adorned with more decorations in years to come.

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. ???? one down maybe only through knowing the right people what about the other 1,000’s lonely soles
    who’s pleas are not heard
    I’m sorry not impressed

    • That’s right..an ordinary John would actually end up in cells for trying to bring the police in disrepute. Kaping’a is a Upnd member so he can easily talk to anyone in the system. Nothing to write home about.


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