Tuesday, March 4, 2025

17 Cattle Die After Drinking Contaminated Water in Mumbwa


Seventeen cows have died after drinking contaminated water near Bubanii Resources Limited and Ozone mines in Mumbwa District, officials have confirmed.

Central Province Permanent Secretary Dr. Milner Mwanakampwe reported that 14 cattle perished after consuming water contaminated with cyanide following a spillage near Bubanji Mine. The animals are believed to have drunk the polluted water from a natural grazing area.

Meanwhile, Mumbwa District Commissioner Namukolo Hayumbu stated that efforts to neutralize the contamination began yesterday, with experts closely monitoring the situation.

In a related incident, three additional cattle died after a tailings dam at Ozone Mine burst, releasing effluent into nearby cattle drinking ponds. However, Dr. Mwanakampwe assured that natural water bodies have not been affected, as the spilled tailings have been treated to prevent further environmental damage.

The government is also taking measures to prevent pollution from spreading to the Kafue River, which could threaten wildlife in the Kafue National Park. Authorities have advised residents in Kashiya, under Chief Mwinuna’s chiefdom in Ngabwe District, against consuming water from the river, locally known as Luwishi River.

Farmers in the affected areas have been instructed to keep their livestock away from the contaminated water sources until the situation stabilizes. The government continues to monitor developments closely.


  1. Where is the Mines Safety Department when you need them most? Looks like they’re fast asleep and unable to conduct mines inspections at least twice per year, as required. Resolving contaminations after they happen is way more expensive than preventing them from happening in the first place.

  2. we never learn and that is our problem
    then there’s the question of brown envelopes dont forget
    which thrives in all GRZ departments now and not only the police


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