As we celebrate the energy, creativity, and potential of our young people, let’s remember the wise words of our Bemba forefathers: ‘Imiti iyikula empanga’ – The growing trees of today are the forest of tomorrow.
But as we look to the future, let’s not forget the foundation of our success. The Bible reminds us in Exodus 20:12 to ‘Honour thy father and thy mother, that your days may be long’ – a commandment that comes with both a promise of a long and fulfilling life and a curse of a life cut short if we disobey.
To all our young people, remember that your destiny is tied to your relationship and attitude towards your parents and elders. Honour them, respect them, and learn from them. For if you don’t, the Bible warns us that our days may be cut short.
This is both a blessing and a curse, a promise and a warning to any young person who reads it. Do not fall into Satan’s snare that pulls you into the level of insulting leaders, disrespecting your elders, and disobeying your parents.
And to those of you who are active on social media, let’s be mindful of how we use our platforms. Let’s not abuse Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp to insult and disrespect our elders, but rather to let us use it uplift and honour them.They are not for you to call them “Dinasours or Baby Boomers”! Aikona Man!!! You need to show them love, respect and honour!
They have sacrificed for you and for this country in ways you may never ever know. It may take you a life time to realise the depth of their sacrifices.
Let’s choose the path of wisdom, respect, and obedience. Let’s honour our parents and elders, and in doing so, secure a bright and prosperous future for ourselves and our nation.
By Dr.Nevers Mumba
The motive of the author may be questionable, but the message somewhat strikes a reasonable code!
This young lieutenant’s future should be assured in the military.S/he already qualifies for officer cadet
**officer cadet training