Sunday, March 16, 2025

Message For Today: Grateful for the Partial


Today’s Scripture

But Jesus said, “You feed them.” “But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.
Luke 9:13, NLT

Friend, when Jesus needed food to feed five thousand men plus their families, the disciples brought him five loaves of bread and two fish and said, “This is all we have.” Jesus could have looked up and said, “Father, are You kidding? Is this what You expect Me to use to feed this multitude? ” Instead, He saw it from a different perspective. His attitude was: “Father, I could have nothing, but thank You that You blessed Me with this small amount.” He saw it as a partial victory. Because He was grateful for the partial, God released more.

Are you complaining about the partial in your life, or are you celebrating the partial? Are you so focused on your flaws and how far you have to go that you’re taking for granted the small victories along the way? Find the good in right now, in the progress you’re making, and thank God for the improvement. It may be small but that’s okay. When you celebrate partial victories, that’s what gives you the strength and encouragement to keep going on the way to total victory.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for Your faithfulness and love and mercy in my life. Thank You for the partial victories that You have given me, and I know that You are working to bring them to completion. Help me continue to be grateful and see every promise fulfilled. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”



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