There’s a voice note of Seer 1 currently trending on social media in which he observes that it will be a landslide victory for President Hichilema whereas it will be an uphill battle for most of his Members of Parliament (MP), including some of his cabinet ministers.
You don’t have to cry into a crystal ball or indeed consult a Sangoma crouched in a cave in the mountains to steal a sneak peek of what to expect in 2026!
First and foremost, a few challenges not withstanding here and there, this particular President has delivered to the best of his abilities: there’s jobs galore in the civil service – thousands of youths are being employed as teachers, health workers, police, military and security personnel; thanks to the enhanced CDF – schools, health facilities, bridges and feeder roads are being constructed everywhere; the plight of vulnerable people is being mitigated through the social cash transfer and cash for work whereas university and college students are enjoying bursaries and meal allowances. Caderism which was a nightmare for many of us has since been nipped in the bud while the precarious Lusaka/Ndola road is now being upgraded to a dual carriageway, not forgetting free education that has seen a record number of pupils being enrolled in schools, the list is of course endless. Secondly, there’s no formidable opposition to speak of that can easily eject Hichilema from power!
But lo and behold, most of his MPs, particularly those that have overstayed in the August house face a Herculean task of making it back. Seer 1 has made things easy for us by clearly spelling out reasons as to why this may be the case. Some of these cabinet ministers and MPs have neglected going back to their constituencies, worse still picking up phone calls in the mistaken belief CDF has already campaigned for them. This is wrong bwana, the credit on this goes to the President. We saw this happen to Mwanawasa; he won a second term but most of his MPs lost lamentably. At times, the masses just desire the presence of their representatives to share their concerns and grievances and not your ‘tuma change!’
Seer 1 speculates that part of the Plan B is to move a motion on the floor of the house to impeach the President in case Tonse amass enough numbers in Parliament. We’ve every reason to believe the veracity of this. Tonse will be more than happy to see the President expressly stripped of his immunity, even on flimsy grounds and send him to Mukobeko Maximum Prison in a van littered with human waste on bogus charges!
The President is better advised not to leave anything to chance. He must not delegate the responsibility of adopting aspiring MPs to anyone, but take it upon himself to identify saleable candidates! We are privy to disturbing reports that some party officials are seeing this as a golden opportunity to sale adoptions to the highest bidders…..opportunists who do not stand any chance of winning the elections!
What happened to Health Minister, Elijah Muchima in Ikeleng’i recently is very unfortunate. As Seer 1 observes, some ministers and MPs have been ‘sneaking’ into their constituencies accompanied by a few people to avoid giving a ‘ka sumfing’ to the local officials. We can assure you, even if some these MPs bullied their way into being adopted as Muchima was bragging, we don’t see them making it. Who is going to campaign for them when they’ve neglected the very structures that are supposed to go door to door convincing people to vote for them?
To ensure that UPND adopts credible candidates that are going to easily win the elections, the party is left with no choice but reintroduce the primary elections. This is the best option to get rid of the dead wood. Mulekutika?
Prince Bill M Kaping’a
National Coordinator
HH Mpaka 2031 People’s Alliance
Keep dreaming. Force an individual on us and we will force all of you out.
LT is now Zambia Watchdog.
This Kampinga dog chasing its own tail need jailed for real. Why is he paid to write these articles?
And what is very sad is the ignorance of thinking that employing people in civil service is real jobs, the reality is that the economy does not expand by employing people in the civil service. What is required are industries to come up and for people to get employed there. Then you will see the positive movement in the countrys GDP. Can’t you see for yourself that after employing all these civil servants the economy has not been improving an inch. The economy has even been contracting and this started even before the drought which is being used as a lame excuse.
The civil servant only consumes he doesn’t create wealth.
Nostradamus pssst..he is not paid. At least not by LT. UPND I think
@Baptista Jos, Be truthful to yourselves and to fellow Zambians.
Ask yourself this question.Why is the economy not doing well?
Did the UPND find a vibrant economy with no external debt ?
pf took over from MMD Wwhen the economy and the foreign reserves were good. 11 years down the line .the Country is highly indebted from external loans mainly from China. Now you expect that debt to be paid in 3 years, then improve the economy immediately.
Check the national value chain and you find that at the end of it everyone here is a small time consumer
They take away the raw materials cheaply and produce to sell you at high price
What’s there for us to produce at a profit
Is it maize
Because there is no credible opposition to turn to. I fighting in PF, Disorganised SP, A mess in UKA .. disjointed Tonse etc
You ganged up in 2021 to stop HH, and what happened? The Zambian people will have the final say. They know where they are came from. There is freedom in the streets and MaeketsandThey were not allowed to demonstrate, they were killed in broad daylight.
I remember the time i was young,i thought the conductor is the drivers son.
A UPND member recently refused that they don’t have such a title as national coordinator for 2031 and advised people to desist from coming up with titles that are not in their structures. Well here is one fighting to be recognised. UPND MP for sesheke has rightly advised them that the ground is wild, so where will 2031 come from
It’s time to wake up, they are going together, President and MPs. Going out as a total package. Even the guy writing these articles is hungry but has to keep up appearances
Short of rigging, tampering with the constitution and using police brutality on the opposition, HH and his lackey MP’s won’t see government offices after 2026.
Unfortunately, you are describing what you want to see and what was prevailing with your small god ecl.
The Constitutional draft hasn’t yet been drafted and thereafter it will be discussed in Parliament. Nomba kanshi what is this panic?
Is it not better to vote in a new leader that can control the MP’s and is more mindful of the people than himself
A President at variance with people, boasting, bragging, self praise but zero delivery on the ground. Ulendo ulipo….
Aikona Jakabalo there’s Bill Kapinga praising him and Nevas Mumba too and and and……his wife??
When your heart is filled with hatred, malice and jealousy, that is what you will see. Clear your heart from hatred, jealousy, and tribalism, and then you will see properly. Oh, please put on a green T-shirt and go to any Bus rank. Tell me if you are going to be attacked by any UPND cadre. I bet you are not going to be attacked. Why? The President has spoken against cadre violence.
Some police officers’ misbehavior is the result of unvetted recruitment that took place in pf era. Now you want to blame HH?
Seer 1 becomes their trend setter and opinion leader now. But what desperation can do mwandi, unbelievable. Problems kwao fulu fulu sure, then you should agree that he should set the tone for you here Surely.
People dtill believe in fake prophwta and fortune tells
seer1 is a fake and nothing more when are we going to mve on from this nonsense
When your tribesman and Ikelen’gi mp and UPND cabinet official was refused entry into his constituency, he accused the local chief of being a PF cadres. That is an example of lost votes for both mp and president. A silent approach of voter change mind is trending everywhere.
HH 7 mpaka 2031 you’re a good president hurters will commit suicide.
Commit suicide for who? Nobody hates anybody, the failure is visible and evident. Pali na nkhani ya hurt apa?
Delusional or related or in his employ
@Gambino, the UPND is clutching at straws. There was one Mark Simuwe who plied his trade as a lecturer but was a staunch supporter of the UPND and initially failed to muster courage and say he was a member. He gave himself the title of UPND Consultant. Fast forward, media team is fired (they have absolutely nothing to defend) and Simuwe takes charge. UPND, maintains self made position and place Shalala there, lol. So let’s allow Auntie Bill this strategy, they may just adopt if she makes enough noise.
@ Auntie Bill, often I ignore your articles after browsing the first paragraph.
But allow me to address you my sister. Starting off with Seer one as an authority shows why you are not published in any news media worth their salt.
Secondly, because you are like the rest of us in some way or another (no government political job and now giving yourself a title) you can see that things are really tough on the ground. Your last few articles touch on the reality that there are a lot of things going wrong. You wrote about agrofuel, you wrote about police treatment, praised Kalimba for jobs to cadres and now here you are admitting that MPs will not make it.
It is a fallacy that MPs will be voted out but their President will be retained.
Wow !!! You go as far as a parafraph I’m on one liners
Political Propaganda should be banned in newspapers and internet publications. Political parties should have their own pages
Why not declare “its 7% GDP growth mpaka 2031” instead of politicking 24/7 ? Or its working towards the goal of being cholera free beyond 2031 and beyond?
To begin with, this Seer1……..
Why is he so concerned with Zambians…..??
Let him concentrate on his country, deporting him was one of the best jobs lungu done…….
All of you who think HH is done until 2026, you have a long way to 2031……….
Don’t listen to disgruntled tribal supremacists……..
The majority of Zambians know where we came from and know where we are going………
We are here
Oh so now we a nation of disgruntled tribal supremacists ???
I say this as everyone i meet says he is going !!!
It has been said numerous times somebody else must lead the party
Can someone please summarise this article for me? I have not read it; I just checked the writer
So say all of us
Zambians beware of toxic characters like Bill M Kaping’a whose vision/values amount to politicking 24/7. Let’s stick to those who’ll uplift us with ideas of eradication poverty,cholera ,better healthcare and education.