Saturday, March 29, 2025

President Michael Sata creates another District in Southern Province


President Michael Sata has with immediate effect created Zimba as a new district in Southern Province. This is contained in his letter to the provincial minister Hon. Obvious Mwaliteta.

The Head of State has advised Hon. Mwaliteta to liase with all the stakeholders, political parties and their Royal Highnesses in order for them to establish the centre where the district headquarters will be located.

Zimba is the second district to be established by the President in Southern Province within seven days. Last week, President Sata created Pemba as a district in line with his campaign promise to decentralise government operations for the effective and efficient delivery of services to the people.

The creation of Pemba as a district has attracted praises from various stakeholders in the area including the traditional leadership.


  1. hallucinations everyday… bugdet nothing..choma is still the same no activities going on in terms of bulding provincial structures……

    • There is a lot happening in Choma my dear. The place has already been allocated where the new Town will be. The council has already been funded the first installment for servicing the place and surveying. Do you follow events dear?

    • Kapitao, tell him. These are typical Zambians that believe that one day they will wake up to find everything have been built. No; its bit by bit; stepwise in the right direction. With a decentralised system, money would easily start trickling down to the common person involved in development; hence the increase in the tax base, and eventually the economic activity. Its like the issue of electricity; some people still believe Zesco will resolve it in a month or a year; no chance, it will be 15 to 30 years “if the right plans” start being implemented NOW. else, forget it.

  2. Is there any budgetary allocation to support the infrastructure development, paying packages for these new offices, recruitment strategies for recruiting officers? The last the budget was presented in parliament all these were not in place. It seems this is not well planned development and chances of failing to have a true district are high. Mr President you have four and half years to plan and alter the Six National Development Plan to have all these included so the nation can have a balanced financial statement to meet all these dreams. It is not possible to dream while driving, llok for a bed and sleep (foundation for dreaming) in other words plan, budget, implement, monitor and evaluate so that your projects can be admired.

  3. I think now we can see more jobs coming; because with new Districts u need new education Distric office, health, labor,etc and other local jobs. Devlopments follow up, this is the way to go. Those who see it negative Please change your lenses and u will see more money in your pocket

  4. That’s the donchi kubeba you itched about, so deal with it countrymen and country women, lolest!

  5. Chibombo was made a district a long time ago but the DA’s office and home are still in Kabwe. When are they going to be bealt?

  6. UKWA is completely sick. He keeps making pronouncements which he can’t sustain. Of all the created nonsense which on has taken off?? The man is a serious headless chicken.

  7. Why can’t the President sit down with his advisors and come up with a comprehensive review on this matter so that he does it once for all? One would be forgiven for thinking that the Executive has nothing better to do… but hey, wait a minute…. is there a bye-election in the vicinity soon?

  8. This is all this man knows, he cant work on the economy……..Now i support – A president should have a degree minimum period ! Months in office and nothing really has been done to give us hope that things will happen…..i miss Levy…

  9. His Excellency is simply implementing policies that were spelled out in his manifesto, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Its sad how people are just looking for small excuses to criticise the President. 

  10. this way of doing things is not effective: Why can H.E. MC Sata not review the whole country and announce all the new districts? Piecemeal tackling of issues is not progressive. I am sure the Provincial Minister also can not plan when things are happening unexpectedly. Zambia needs a scientific approach to management of affairs. This is like the so called PF judicial reforms where you just deal with judges and the chief justice without looking at the big picture.


    • Botswana is richer than Zambia. That is why. Even in developed countries like UK, villages are more advanced than whole towns in Zambia.

      Poverty is bad.

  12. your excellency job well done but don’t concetrate too much to s/province these fools they don’t appreciate your good work.keep it up. man of action

  13. Viva your excellence. Zimba deserves that status. The district offices for Kalomo were once in Zimba before being transfered to Kalomo. This has retarded developments in Zimba. It did not make sense for me for Zimba, whose land is so vast to belong to Kazungula and Kalomo districts. Good move your excellence, this is what the people of Zimba have always longed for.

  14. How many Districts do we have now, please? Can somebody help, i have been changing the figure in my thesis and now i have lost count.

    Creating districts is another way of openning up rural areas or bringing services near to the people. It means the surrounding areas around that District will have access to facilities that districts have: Hospitals, DEBS Office, Police etc..

    Next year Budget can take care of that. The DEBs Office, Hospitals and a few Government offices can be constructed at a cost of K8 billion. By the number of Districts established, say 10, all we need is K80 billion and we have a minimum District with structures (K4bn hospital, K650M DEBS office, 350m Police, and the rest can share K3bn).

  15. Mwe mbushi mweee!! What President Sata is doing is laying a frame work and when it comes to implementation, it will be a walk over. He himself is practical person and he is indeed a hard worker. Viva pa Bwaaatoooooooooooo…!!!

    • Imagine!! And they call themselves educated!! They probably have studied strategic management but know nothing about how it works to “strategically steer” an organisation or a nation to great prostects by laying the framework or foundation. But, never call them “imbushi” they are stuborn, yet they are people.

  16. Each district should have a university. Why not just develop the places than naming as districts. How many districts ar there in the USA or South Africa?

    • The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in the USA has 315 small towns with bigger ones being Dallas and Fort Worth. From the east, Rockwall on I-30 to Downtown Dallas you have several small cities on that 28 mile stretch and from Dallas to Fort Worth another 26 mile stretch you have several with Arlington (Home of Dallas Cowboys – NFL) to Weatherford on the west another 24 miles. From the north in Denton on I-35 to Hillsboro on the south to I-45 down to Houston and 75 into Oklahoma within a 60 miles radius and you have 315 towns all with their own mayors, school districts, hospitals, police departments while colleges fall under county admin and universities run by the state. You can fly over the metroplex and not tell where one city begins and ends, I lived there 15 years, I can attest to that.

  17. United Party for Non thinkers and Demostraters (UPND) have your cry again. The president has shown you that he is not a tribalist by bringing development to your province.were is your osama or obama ka hh kachililalila.

  18. Ba kolwe imwee lekeni Sata ateke! Pambi imwe ba under5 tamwakatekepo.You just wash dishes in the hotels in diaspora. Please come back home!

  19. This is the greatest gift Zimba people have been waiting for.There is Council Chamber,Hospital,High School,Basic Schools ,railway station,Post Office,Guest Houses already.Previously we used to have Finance Bank and Filling Station.Good road network and telecommunication.It wont take time to develop this place which will cater for Chief Nyawa,s area ie Nyawa,Kauwe and Nguba and part of Chief Sipatunyana ie Chuundwe,Muzya,Mapatizya even part of Chief Mukuni like Manyemunyemu.I Suggest that the District headquarters should be centrally located at Zimba.I think this is the base for decentralisation.

  20. @ 1 to 13…. Thank you @14 to 25 for explaining to these Extremely dull, clueless and mentally weak frustrated UPND bloggers that just make noise anyhow. Do some reading, reasearch and think before you open your empty mouthes. You have no clue about decebntralisation and basic framework for rural industrial development.. If you have no knowlegde of the area, shut your mouthes, sit back, open your ears and watch. Its not a crime not to know anything.. we all learn..

  21. #16 Mpangula Mputyu,
    You have made me very home sick, Maun is my mother’s village and I was there on holiday recently. I grew up in Kasane. My dad is Zambian. Next time you go to Maun you should lodge at the Sedia Riverside Hotel, our family enterprise and even go on a safari. I’m so excited you were in Maun. Of course Botswana villages are just fabulous.

  22. Ukwa shall leave those new districts as white elephants.At least RB left a plan for a new State House to be built.So when we say a degree clause is important,people are disputing.

  23. Stupid *****s just supporting all the nonsense blindly. He wont do anything tangible to develop those areas. Its been over seven months and the id.iot is just wallowing in ignorance and you are busy supporting that. Marubbish of a cursed clan.

  24. It is strange that some bloggers are saying we implement first and look for the budget to support the implementation later. what kind of development is this. We are not in the 17th but in the 21st century please, where management is through proper planning and matching resources to achieve the set go within a set time frame (short term, medium and long term). This sounds like we have another Chiluba approach. Sell the council house firts and we shall think of building later….shame

    • @Zed Poor People… Iwe kwindi iwe… who told you this hasnt been planned? You are sitting in that ka country totally divorced from whats cutting in Zed.. Roll out is always a phased approach, with easier districts set-up first in each region and so on.. When the President announces a decision in line with policy just know that funds / resources have been put in place for the project koswe iwe… Zam Watc do mis not a source of information for whats happening in Zambia… its a little propaganda site for the ignorant and lazy..the rest of us are zambians fully confident about Zambia.. mortgage rates are now @ 13-14% down from 21% before elections. The banks have increased unsecured lending limits in kwacha to K200m at rates of about 16/17% down from 24/25% before elections. Lobe

    • As for budgeting, as much as I hate to say it I don’t think we are going to see budgeting for these districts with Honorable Alexandra Chikwanda in charge of the Treasury. MCS and him belongs to the expansionist group(s) in the likes of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower who created the Interstate Highway System (covering over 41,000 miles of dual carriage way across America), estimated cost of construction – $425 billion making it the largest public works program since the Pyramids and US President Thomas Jefferson who borrowed money for the Louisiana Purchase adding over 820,000 square miles to present day America. The US government used $3 million in gold as a down payment, and issued bonds for the balance to pay the remaining $12 million they had borrowed from France in the 1800s

  25. And Chikwanda said they were going to create 1 million jobs in the next five years. Why do you doubt? More jobs for you… DEBS, police, national registration, council, agriculture, helath, water ZESCO, etc officers. More jobs leading to more money in your pockets. Just watch and marvel. Sata, man of action.

  26. @Zed Poor People… Iwe kwindi iwe… who told you this hasnt been planned? You are sitting in that ka country totally divorced from whats cutting in Zed.. Roll out is always a phased approach, with easier districts set-up first in each region and so on.. When the President announces a decision in line with policy just know that funds / resources have been put in place for the project koswe iwe… Zam Watc do mis not a source of information for whats happening in Zambia… its a little propaganda site for the ignorant and lazy..the rest of us are zambians fully confident about Zambia.. mortgage rates are now @ 13-14% down from 21% before elections. The banks have increased unsecured lending limits in kwacha to K200m at rates of about 16/17% down from 24/25% before elections. Lobe

  27. @digga u sound like a typical cadre,all Zed Poor pipo is saying there is need to be a budget first.I dont think in your house u just bear children and say school fees and shelter fikaisova.Dont b myopic and if u have nothing to say its better to zip it

    • I disagree; you start by engaging the stakeholders once you annouce to them that the place needs to be a district. Then they prepare their land, proposals and a plan of how to get the district up and running; you cost it and give the government a budget. The other way wound, as you propose would be wrong; I presume; but I may presume wrong.

    • @Lolamwana I agree with you but pronouncements are only made after you secure the land and other resources as u said.But he announces and tells Mwaliteta to liaise with stakeholders, the complete opposite of what u said

    • @ Chanda chimba .. Land is owned by the state, vested in the president.. What securing of land are you talking about.. You think you are more intelligent that the 300,000 man strong GRZ.. and all thos at MoFin, BOZ, MoCom, MoWorks, ZESCO & all quasi gvt institution and the private sector eager to move in and exploit Agric opportunities in those countries??

  28. “Digga”. Are you Ukwa to speak like that. Anyway like his president like his carders.No surprises.What Ukwa is doing is grade 4 planning whicj his carders are ever agreable.

  29. @34 Chanda and friend @35 epolitics. I dislike and get very irritated by Non patriots. Zambia is a sacred place 4 real Zambians. I have worked in at least four other countries.You know what I invested every penny back in my country and came back every 3 months for at least 2 weeks to supervise and run the projects. Who the hell wants to be a FOREIGNER?. In one project Ive invested about $300,000 so far on a site where there was bush. I have accessed a bit of finance at times to support this in kwacha and know of the massive impact of the Fiscal and monetary policy changes that have reduced rates and spurred lending. Zambia is moving. there are projects everywhere. participate or you find everything taken instead of listening to lies. Who wants to be an immigrant na ka pasprt mu tumba?

  30. @Digga I think u missed the point,the issue is about budgetary implications of the newly created districts.Is it just a pronouncement for now or the districts will start running without the budget lallocation.there are a lot of issues to be looked at b4 u announce that a district has been created.Nowonder we have districts like chilanga with lees than 4000 households when there are bigger districts which could have been sub-divided.Moreover creating of districts shouldnt be priority,I want medicines in hospitals,clean drinking water,good education,proper housing and salaries for the zambian worker and above all a system which promotes good governace.

    • But @chanda chimba the hero, you are not part of the president’s advisory and planning team, so how would you know they have not put everything in place. The diplomacy by the president to use his provincial minister who is also very conversant with the tribe affiliations in southern province, is being done to alleviate misinformation and so that even the chiefs who sometimes react irrationally are put at ease by explaining to them the benefits. You can not just assume there’s no planning team like you have an ear to the ground. You plan first, resolve conflicts and misunderstanding and finally allocate a budget to the projected programs.

  31. is education vital in leadership ?? decentralisations means making provinces more powerful by giving then rights and authority to conduct business. not making disticts LMAO kasama, choma, solwezi, mongu chipata can be empowered to run pensions, have big hospitals , banks with out people. noe even Kaunda made so many districts wen he kicked bazungu out.

  32. Tongas cannot be bribed. This is tantamount to bribery. Infrastructure development is more important than pronouncements.

  33. Some bloggers are narrow minded. Development is multifaceted. All those things you are mentioning are to be addressed. You people scorn innovative Sata just like Noah was laughed at when he said a flood was coming. Jump into the boat before it is too late. He creates in Luapula ati he is only doing it in kolwe republic. He does it in your land ati ni bribe. Dullness

  34. #24 Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in the USA has 315 small towns with bigger ones being Dallas and Fort Worth. From the east, Rockwall on I-30 to Downtown Dallas you have several small cities on that 28 mile stretch and from Dallas to Fort Worth another 26 mile stretch you have several with Arlington (Home of Dallas Cowboys – NFL) to Weatherford on the west another 24 miles. From the north in Denton on I-35 to Hillsboro on the south to I-45 down to Houston and 75 into Oklahoma within a 60 miles radius and you have 315 towns all with their own mayors, school districts, hospitals, police departments while colleges fall under county admin and universities run by the state. You can fly over the metroplex and not tell where one city begins and ends, I lived there 15 years, I can attest to that.

  35. Dull Zambians I urge you to rejoice creating more districts is status will be improved why do you settle for short term projects Sata is a visionary man he is like KK. We work and then receive our pay.Sata wants to bring development in this country.A district will have senior Govt. Officers and will be allocated a budget.Viva PF 

  36. As for budgeting, as much as I hate to say it I don’t think we are going to see budgeting for these districts with Honorable Alexandra Chikwanda in charge of the Treasury. MCS and him belongs to the expansionist group(s) in the likes of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower who created the Interstate Highway System (covering over 41,000 miles of dual carriage way across America), estimated cost of construction – $425 billion making it the largest public works program since the Pyramids and US President Thomas Jefferson who borrowed money for the Louisiana Purchase adding over 820,000 square miles to present day America. The US government used $3 million in gold as a down payment, and issued bonds for the balance to pay the remaining $12 million they had borrowed from France in the 1800s.

  37. Now don’t forget that Zambia just issued our own bonds for €500 million a month or so ago … this almost $634.37 USD million available to the government that was not included in the budget when Alex presented the budget. So, we expect some of these funds to be put to good use right away while the rest would be in the next year’s budget.

  38. Is it just me or does it seems every time  there is pressure on the President, he creates a new district. 

  39. Na Juda walipena. Maybe it’s a strategy. But a president must be one who can perform multi tasks. While you are discussing judges he is thinking new districts. Isn’t that cool?

    • @52 Twalya K, B R Mumba is no fantasy. He’s an economist by profession who has worked in Zambia before and currently owns a multi million new energy company here in the USA. Why don’t you, google his company Microplus Energy before you question the integrity of a fellow Zambian who is just offering his opinion based on his professional experience. It’s people like you that keep dragging the country down because you are afraid of to learn from fellow zambians. If you do not understand his economics language, I would urge to avoid commenting on it because it shows your myopia on the topic.

  40. Twalya K: Please define “fantasy” for me or if you cannot advise me as to what talk fantasy-talk Zambian is, elaborate based on my previous postings. Thanks a trillion.

  41. @Twalya K, what BR Mumba is saying is very good. He is suggesting how we can raise funds to do all that we are craving. His are possibilities. He is even drawing parallels with American presidents before from the Sata mould. You should believe. Can we do it? YES WE CAN!

  42. …ex american Presidents from the same mould as Sata…I meant. Sata is not afraid of making decisions, right or wrong. He is very decisive. DECENTRALISATION is surely coming! Zambians let’s debate its modalities. I expect analytical journalists to throw in such articles. Alas pa zed, it is all event reporting. Ati Watchman went to toilet at 16hrs.

  43. Yes we appreciate for such new changes…Zimba District!! I hope next time “Chuundwe” will be a District as well

  44. What matters this time around is the management of a few available resources to benefit the Zambians. Creation of districts will not put food on our tables after all the already existing ones are in delapidated condition.

  45. DRAMA at its peak,Districts on papers literally with nothing.Why more Districts when even the existing ones does not qualify to be called Disericts no hospitals,no motuaries,no police posts no feeder roads no nothing.Joke of the year!!

  46. Is there a law or regulation that states that for a town/village to have a health center/ bank/ school (essential infrastructures) it needs to be upgraded to a district? I want to know so that I can contribute constructively to the debate.

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