Friday, March 7, 2025

Government not committed to improving public financial management, agriculture and roads-Donors


The Zambian flag flies along the Presidential flag characterised by the Coat Arms

Cooperating partners are concerned about Zambia’s declining performance in the Poverty Reduction Budget Support process.

Poverty Reduction Budget Support chairman, Mike Hammond says government is not committed to improving public financial management, agriculture and roads.

Mr. Hammond has since called for open discussion on government priorities and strategies for development.

He was speaking during the Poverty Reduction Budget Support review meeting held in Lusaka.

But Governments has reiterated its unwavering commitment to address the issues raised by cooperating partners.

Secretary to the Treasury, Fredson Yamba says government will constructively engage cooperating partners in dialogue to ensure it meets targets set in the Poverty Reduction Budget Support programme.

Mr. Yamba also thanked cooperating partners for their support to the Poverty Reduction Budget Support which he said would impact positively on improving the live standards of Zambians.

Poverty Reduction Budget Support programme is a vehicle through which cooperating render financial support to government poverty reduction programmes.



  1. It is the deeds that matter, dear Fredson aka Christine kaseba’s brother in law. People are not interested in your empty commitments and fake fight against corruption. You can fool some people some time but you cannot fool all the people all the time. You’ve been found out ba chimbwi no plan. Welcome to the real world….you pack of lost hyaena!

  2. This decline in poverty reduction is yet to be felt, PF is running this country using a manifesto which was written by politicians. Mwanawasa and RB ran the affairs of the country using Development plans which were written by economists and other experts. It is good to know that donors/partners have started noticing that the PF has no plans. 

  3. It seems this govt does not understand what is being asked of them or it is just too complicated of what is being asked of them to do. It is not the committment only but provide the road map or plan or framework running out of simple terms for these people. Pls once more can you put your house in order ask for help even from the tribes you do not like. You seem to be leading this country in no direction. What are your plans and implementation timelines (not the 90days lies of yours) and the resources required to achieve this (not the district creation without budget support)? who are you going to get the resources? One feels like providing a free lecture to these people, that is if they will pay attention at all.

  4. Such matters only become important when elections are around the corner. May I suggest we have elections every day? Or some kind of performance monitoring with the possibility of removal of offending non-performing individuals?

  5. An exponentially growing army of dangerously hopeless unemployed youths, disillusioned mothers daily dying in stampedes over none existing casual jobs, removal of bursaries in tertiary education pushing out our intelligent youth on the streets, increasing cost of living with declining income levels, wiped marginal propensity to consume or save, wiped national reserves, stolen national jewelry of elephant tasks, irrational creation of unsupported districts, declined agriculture output, failure to articulate or formulate and confidence building measures in policy direction to mention but a few all. The country is in a hurry to emancipate itself from the curse of modern day Pharaoh that has delivered us CNP.

  6. Zambia is in matrabulo maningi-(sana-sanafye) and its hopeless and marginalized majority youth must stand up and claim their destiny quickly. A bit of support they would claim their dignity because they don’t deserve living in this abyss of poverty without a way out. Are our youths condemned prisoners of life time poverty in the land of all resources they hardly see benefits from?  Empirically all CNP can offer is make militia training deals with Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir? What a lamentable failure. Without vision people perish.

  7. A country in trouble. Her hopeless and marginalized majority youth and women must stand up and claim their destiny quickly. A bit of support they would claim their dignity because they don’t deserve living in this abyss of poverty without a way out. Are our youths condemned prisoners of life time poverty in the land of all resources they hardly see benefits from?  Empirically all CNP can offer is make militia training deals with Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir? What a lamentable failure. Without vision people perish.

  8. on the contrary PF has well outlined plans and aspirations for Zambia.
    CNP is just a mask, because even PF manifesto says how they wan to be superior throughout the land and have PF cadres in charge everywhere … very simple plan, PF needs to enjoy and reap all benefits at the peril of all other Zambians.
    pledge allegiance and you will be on the jet to Rio De Janiro 

  9. By the way PF constitution states that heads of parastatals and even judges are to be answerable to PF disciplinary committe under Summer Kabimba

  10. Only Participation of Zambians in the running of our Country will end poverty and not Donors.This is exactly what PF is doing. For example any road being constructed for amount less 20 Billion Kwacha will be given to Zambian gvt(PF policy), Buildings being constructed for less 20 Billion kwacha will also be given to Zambian companies(PF policy), Maize inspection services thru out the counrty has been given to Zambian companies by FRA (PF policy) in the affected areas. Mining Companies have been engaged to give contract to Zambian companies (PF policy), 350 Hosipitals are being constructed in the country (PF in action) etc….What more do you want mwebantu?

  11. Ba Kweke mwaliluba! You have outgrown in your utopia with such a degree of protruding ignorance. Not mentioning your lack of conscious in freely parading yourself like this way, point at us one such hospital or pit latrine PF CNP is putting up. Next you will tell us cities such as Lusaka have been cleaned Don’t kubeba market don’t exist all just because you are clueless on the mess in Zambia today. Where are all those things you are dreaming about which we the people on the ground don’t see? Learn to be patriotic because you will never forgive yourselves for cheerleading such unparalleled dangerous incompetence which no patriot can do. CNP. 

  12. Nawakwi and Chipimo Know that PF is working best ever. People are being murdered in all Zambian towns daily and no arrests being made since 20th Sept. Why?

  13. Sata will be remembered for two things 1. being a betrayer who lived in London during indepence struggle after being a police shushu for British colonialists. He is no where near the likes of VJ and RB who worked as young men then to fight for our liberation. It is only in Africa were a person who betrayed you can claim to be patriotic and even become President. 2 He is the most failed president. He started by telling blatant lies, we will honour Barotseland agreement in 90 days, Chinese will leave this country, we will bring Sanity as all will be employed more money in your pockets and Zambia will turn around in 90 days. No Woman will day when giving birth and the list of lies goes on. He is being controlled by the Homo on Bwinji Mfumu road. He is simply not up to the task.

  14. Well, it looks like when the ordinary Zambian citizens call out the PF Government on their flaws, the Govt has been silent. Let’s see how his issue is handled now that even Donors are calling them out. Wake up PF government and get to work!! Honeymoon has long been over and people are fed up with your antics.

  15. PF is not even a year old in government, but people are still speaking the way we all bloggers did before the elections….. we were negative used unfortunately bad words but this is because MMD ruled 20 years doing the same thing expecting different results…. let’s contribute positively and recoup our energy to give way to PF government then cry foul play, otherwise with time we might just be proved wrong…lets be prudent…..Viva PF

  16. Ba Kwekwe PF is not building 350 Hospitals but 350 Health Posts. I hope you understand the difference. A health post is lower in rank to a Rural Health Centre. No one is against the PF but the PF is against itself by not meeting its promises. If they could even meet one promise people could see sense in them. My advise is that they should at least outline the road map for the development of this country. Right now it is very difficult to know which direction this Government is taking. Ba Kwekwe you can help your Party by insisting on them developing a road map. Insisting on the shortness of time you have been in Power is lacking ideas on how to move forward. Every President in the World is judged by what he does in hundred days of him or her being in power. Please direction is needed!

  17. One of the biggest mistakes people make when buying blood pressure monitors is buying the wrong instrument. That’s why a lot of people get frustrated and annoyed in just a matter of weeks of use.

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