Monday, September 16, 2024

“You have no moral right to issue threats to MMD MPs”, PF MP tells Nevers Mumba


MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba
MMD President Dr Nevers Mumba

Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament Stephen Kapyongo has said that MMD leader Nevers Mumba has no moral right to issue threats to the MMD members of parliament currently serving in the PF government.

Mr. Kapyongo said that Dr. Mumba needed to be reminded that he also abandoned his party to go and serve a Republican Vice- President under the late Levy Mwanawasa.

The PF parliamentarian has told QFM news that there is nothing wrong that the MMD MPs have done to accept their constitutional privilege of serving the people of Zambia at national level.

Mr. Kampyongo has since advised the MMD to give its decision a deep thought on its plan to expel the 9 MMD mps.

He added that expelling the 9 MPS will only weaken the MMD party adding that the MMD has already lost 2 seats that were nullified by the courts of law.

Mr. Kapyongo was speaking To QFM news in Lusaka today.



  1. It is true! I wonder how Nevers Mumba can respond to this in his individual capacity! Living in a glass house!

  2. Awe Never Never Never Movement for Mad Men Again uku ku zed.Nevers Muntu will never allow MMD to stand up again

  3. So chiwamila ukwa kuluma MMD, But not MMD kuluma chimbwi. Ba CNP have forgotten their own behavior when in opposition

  4. It is not easy to trade punch for punch with king cobra. He is several notches above in political skill. You will end up punching yourself Nevers.

  5. No 2,they have not forgotten.Actually we are doing this deliberately.Remember how MMD tried to weaken PF but failed.If MMD is strong enough,they will equally survive.period

  6. What business of Kapyongo would this be? Did Sata not sack Luapulan MPs for sitting on Levy’s constitutional review commission? The erratic, wayward, myopic, shortsighted, and plain stupidity of our MPs is shocking. Imagine this Kapyongo in parliament busy making laws for you and me? No wonder Bismark once said to retain respect for sausages and laws, one should not see them in making!

  7. .

    “” Dont hate the player, but hate the game “

    This is the test of time! In such situation, Mumba should not respond to what anyone says from the PF Camp, but focus on what’s best for MMD. The more he listens to PF loud-jaws, the more likely he will utter back something that will spoil his base.

    It’s not too long ago when PF played the same game…

  8. VIVA Dr. Mumba, do not listen to Kapyoooo………..who is probably as ugly and shallow minded as his name suggests. MMD MPs please emulate your principled UPND counterparts. Why the desparation??

    • But This kawalala has forgotten that he abandoned his flock to save as vice president and later chased & the like of you Mimi who have no background are busy praising the crook.
      If you must know this guy is a chancer & who will stop at another but to gain and the good lord is watch _he cannot allow his people to be led by crooks like NM & HH

  9. Hon. Kapyanga is right and being objective. If Nevers Mumba accepted the appointment and justified it on the constitution and respect for the President who requested him to serve the country, why cant he let those MPs serve.

    Truth of the matter is that MMD will not even get half of those seats if by elections are called, who wins in that regard?? Trouble with the MMD, and probably that is its curse, it is never led by true blues but Presidents on secondment or from retirrement.

    Nevers should not think he is playing hard ball, he is dimishing his members in parliament, that is all and his own chances in 2016, without MPs in those areas by 2016, he should forget about votes!!!

  10. Former Pastor Nevers Mumba, President of toxicly corrupt MMD, So according
    to you expelling MMD ministers is now a Zambian priority?? You need to be spending more of your time figuring out how we will solve high poverty levels, youth career deficit and high unemployment. And to save Zambia from the ever growing ‘get rich quick satanistic tendencies’ Are going to wait till you ‘maybe’ become republican president??? You need to be making a big difference as a man of God. Change or you remain main cause of Zambia’s leadership deficit.

  11. But What f—king business is it to PF what happens in MMD? Can someone shut this insect Kapyongo up. May be Nevers Mumba should get a plank and smash his arse. Sata did it, why can’t Mumba do it. Why should what happens within MMD bother PF? Do they want to join MMD? Does insect Kapyongo have any moral right to attack Nevers Mumba over affairs that do not conern him? What is going on in Zambia? Who told the PF that only what they do and like is right? If they are so intelligent why is the economy of Zambia tanking? There are riots and protests everywhere…maybe PF should concentrate on all these protests going on around the country instead of concerning their small brains on MMD. Even after banning pricing in Dollars the Kwacha is still falling! PF CNP – you only talk too much

    • The difference between sata and nervous is that sata never served in govt as opposition member. nevers did. And thats the diffference between the two people. period. For sata it nevber looked hypocritical at the time. for nervers, it does!!!!

    • Boss, are you OK? Nevers wants to expel MMD MPs because they are working in PF govt. MMD MPs in PF govt? Does that ring a bell? What Mumba is forgeting is that MPs are working for the Govt not PF. The people alected them not MMD NEC. If Mumba wants to expel MPs he should seek audience with the people who elected the MPs.

  12. But What business is it to PF what happens in MMD? Can someone shut this insect Kapyongo up. May be Nevers Mumba should get a plank and smash his arse. Sata did it, why can’t Mumba do it. Why should what happens within MMD bother PF? Do they want to join MMD? Does insect Kapyongo have any moral right to attack Nevers Mumba over affairs that do not conern him? What is going on in Zambia? Who told the PF that only what they do and like is right? If they are so intelligent why is the economy of Zambia tanking? There are riots and protests everywhere…maybe PF should concentrate on all these protests going on around the country instead of concerning their small brains on MMD. Even after banning pricing in Dollars the Kwacha is still falling! PF CNP – you only talk too much

  13. Peepa Fwaka (PF) Party zoona always refering to the past, people voted for change. Whatever bad happened during the MMD, UNIP should not be repeated now other ways the change will be meaningless. Kapyongo are you all CNPs in this gvnt kanshi?

  14. Soon after taking over reins of any enterprise, every leader finds oneself in a situation whereby subjects’ behavior is characterized by or proceeding from instinct rather than intellect usually referred to as a visceral reaction. If that happens the leader doesn’t need to respond characteristic of dealing with coarse or base emotions commonly understood as earthy or crude in a visceral style.

    That is exactly what is happen to Dr. Nevers S Mumba (NSM) here. The fact of the matter is that they are MPs in the MMD who lost elections and are jealousy of those that actually won on the MMD ticket – normal human behavior. But they are even more jealousy of the ones that won and ended up being appointed as deputy ministers in the PF Government by MCS.

  15. Therein lies the problem, NSM being the new President of MMD may blindly endorse those instinctive rather than intellectual visceral reactions by sole losers of the last riptide elections who helped him ascend to the party presidency without properly analyzing their coarse motives, all to his own detriment. 

    If he does not act by expelling MPs, according to the desires of the sole losers no matter how crony their reasons maybe, he is seen as weak by instigators and squanders his newly acquired political capital while on the other hand if he acts, he hurts the nation by forcing all of us to go into expensive unnecessary by-elections with no guarantee of the MMD wining back those same seats if also contested under PF and others. 

  16. The sole losers don’t really care if the party wins those seats back because as far as they are concerned, balefilila musenga. This is actually the first true leadership test for Dr. Mumba. Leadership requires one to choose the greater good and the greater good is always in the gut check, so help you God. 

    When I took over as head of my division at one of the Fortune 500 companies, this happened to me and I learnt the hard way. For the first time in my life, I understood why US Presidents say, “So Help Me God” at the end of their inaugural speech. It is because the decision you make when faced with visceral encounters can make or break you but you have to act but when you do there are consequences either way. You win some, you lose some … it comes with the territory.

    • So Help Me God also means, its just me and God … I can take all the advice I can, I can consult all I can but in the final analysis, I have to make the decision with serious consequences either way, so help me God!!

  17. Too late Mr Kapyongo, the SG Kabimba already said he is happy with the decision as PF will adopt the expelled MPs.

    Do you ever read the POST , Mr Kapyango? it was headline yesterday and I hope you are not being insubodinate to Kabimba.

  18. All those despising Dr. Mumba’s move must re examine their stance honestly. What is the point of having people who are MMD by name only but PF in all thier activities?? Is that what you consider a strong MMD?? Any political party needs members who are loyal and advance its cause. Its better for MMD to know their real strength than hiding in numbers of MPs who have nothing to do with MMD. Dr. Mumba please go ahead and discipline these selfish nicompoops.

    • Nevers, the greatest hypocrite!!! The difference between sata and nervous is that sata never served in govt as opposition member. nevers did. And thats the diffference between the two people. period. For sata it nevber looked hypocritical at the time. for nervers, it does!!!!

  19. @ Mr B R Mumba – the quality of a good leader is making a decision and sticking to it because he can read future scenarios and their relative probabilities. Nevers Mumba made that assessment and reached a decision. He has more information about what is going on insie MMD than Kapyongo and PF. Kapyongo has no business trying to look better than Nevers Mumba, when infact his party PF all it has done is under-perform and renegade on its campaign promises. The test of a leader is not on his fear of failure but on his defiance against fear to fail. Whatever PF and its cadres want to say about Nevers Mumba, his record is by far better than Sata’s – unless ofcourse you ignore history or are ignorant of it.

  20. Timing people. At the time Sata expelled his MPs, MMD political fortunes had started waning. So it played in very well. I don’t is the same with MMD who have just been ejected from office. They have not yet gathered enough momentum for a come back to afford such luxury of expelling MPs. I mean if PF plays it well they may stay on in power long enough to finish MMD. So MMD don’t finish yourselves first.

  21. Cannot comment further. B R Mumba has said it all. Just short of mentioning the names of the people who paid the piper to play the tune he is playing. Accurate analysis B R Mumba

    • Ba Theoretician: Natotela … I feel sorry for Nevers at this time, it is a tough place to be. It is always lonely at the top and I hate being put in that position but it is part of what you sign for when you throw your name in the hat. Follow your gut and let the chips fall as they may and whatever must be, must be.

  22. BR MUMBA Sr ( 9# )

    Well narrated!

    No Doubt! Nevers Mumba will lose some arguments or decisions and win some. But the test of time will always come how he resurrects himself when goes down to the dungeon either by his own mistakes or from those after his neck inside MMD and from PF.

    This is where, he needs to surround himself with guys who can be there for him when he makes mistakes and when the whole collective MMD team blunders too. As well as; when he rises to the mountain high without people within MMD feeling jealous of him.


  23. .
    I also hear you about leadership. It does come with its own price. I have been there; I have lost Hundreds Million $Dollars for Institutional & Private Investors as well as made Millions of $Dollars for my clients. You learn the hard way by taking some and loosing some as the direction of the wind can change too fast while you are taking a snooze.

    I guess the MMD-Zion-Train is moving and Nevers Mumba has to keep steering and making corrections on the way. That’s what it’s all about. He will win and loose some arguments.

  24. Mr kaponyoponyo, the MMD is aready weaked with its MPs siding with the Fisi alibe plan. Mumba were right when you said it is better to have a few loyal MPs than a bunch of 80 sell out MPs. PF survived without its rebel MPs, you can also survive

  25. Disclaimer: What I will say is not from a pro-PF viewpoint, so please try to take it that way. Now, it seems to me that many people commenting are over-looking the fact that when PF did what they did during RB/Mwanawasa’s time, the playing field was different, and so were the socio-political dynamics. To say we cn do it because someone else did it is to miss the point. New times and situations call for new strategies. Just because it seemed to have worked for PF at the time does not mean it is a tried an tested formula. Please keep on mind the changes in the atmosphere and come up with appropriate strategies. The idea is not to prove PF wrong. It is to win the support of the voters. That’s all I have to say at this point. Thanks.

  26. Oh, on the idea, it is not just to win the support of voters, but also to devise strategies and reactions that indeed help our people, and not just political expedience. Mr. B R Mumba is right about make or break. Nevers Mumba should really read the signs carefully before doing what he thinks best in this situation. Its not just his party and the Zambian people at stake but also his own political career and leadership position. And, I see nothing wrong with a PF MP suggesting something that might be useful to MMD, because, at the end of the day,

  27. I think Zambians need to learn to call a spade a spade. If it was morally wrong for opposition MPs to be appointed misnisters without consulting their respective parties during Mwanawasa’s time it is still wrong to do so now. The rational of the issue is that though the president has powers to appoint opposition MPs as ministers he should do so with the concert of their parties. This is how civilized democracies operate and if we want to develop our infant democracy we should learn from the best. It is important for us as Zambians to learn to appreciate the role of the oposition and not support those that are undermining it whether we support the govt in power or not.

  28. Ba Theoretician: Natotela … I feel sorry for Nevers at this time, it is a tough place to be. It is always lonely at the top and I hate being put in that position but it is part of what you sign for when you throw your name in the hat. Follow your gut and let the chips fall as they may and whatever must be, must be.

  29. he abadoned gods people and let his party down,he is a glory seeker in the west he would last a hot minute coz this would be brought up everytime as man who lucks character

  30. Stephen Kapyongo, you have no moral right to speak on behalf of MMD members. Dr. Mumba is right in issuing a directive and not a threat. Those MPs who want to eat with both hands should choose either to join PF and forfeit their positions in the National Assembly or remain in MMD and keep their positions. There is no threat in what the party President Dr. Nevers Mumba has said. The only threat is that of MPs who do not pledge allegiance to the party because what is discussed will be leaked to PF and MMD can`t afford to keep traitors if they are to bounce back in power. Dr. Mumba should never exhibit cowardice. PF has no direction and MMD will certainly bounce back. Dr. Mumba you have our support. Let those who think with their stomachs go.

  31. Folks don’t forget that Sata marginalized all his MPs that were on the CRC. Remember the way Machungwa and others were demonized by their party president a while back. Malabishi.

  32. @31 Tiyeni, you must be also exhibit manners of prostitution by supporting this Mumba man. Firstly, What does he mean disciplined MPs? Are MPs voted for so they can listen to their President or are they voted for to serve? I really do not understand Mr. Mumba’s behavior – does he own these people as a president? this is why we have puppets in parliament and not MPs. Anyways, like I said before and correctly said by Mr Kapyongo, Mumba as the chief political prostitute has no moral right to demonize others when he did the same more than once. as for 29 President Sata cannot be compared to Mumba on this one – his record is way better     

  33. Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament Stephen Kapyongo is just confirming and publicly admitting that he himself and the rest of PF MPs are endowed with empty brain skulls not worthy of being appointed to Ministerial postions. Hence the PF empty buckets criying to retain MMD MPs as their Ministers. A confirmation of the phenomenon of CNP as he formed his Govt.

  34. Come on people, let’s not be dumb! The PF and MCS needed to play the game smarter. It is obvious that the way the appointments were made smacks malice and spite for the MMD and other opposition parties it has nothing to do with enhancing democracy or the president’s constitutional privilege to appoint any MP to serve as minister! I would further wish to know why appoint them only as deputy minister’s? Any street wise person knows that a minister is one who sits in cabinet! Let MMD clean their house the way they want!

  35. I am enjoying this politics; MMD “discovered” a strategy which they thought would weaken the PF. PF is using the same strategy to weaken them. Next, MMD will expel the rebels and then injunctions will follow; after that it will be court cases until 2016 and by then MMD would have paid through the nose for the legal fees. Ba MMD, do you think PF will play soft ball with you? It will be Gentile Kapambwe Mulenga.

  36. The position of a Deputy Minister is almost a useless one. One cannot even act as a Minister. Why has Sata not given full ministerial positions to some of these MMD MPs if he feels they have invaluable service to offer? The whole move was meant to weaken the MMD. It is very easy to weaken the opposition in a country such as Zambia where politicians think with their stomachs. The question is, will the nine MMD MPs be able to stand up to Sata when they do not agree with him? I do not think so. You need principled people like Peter Mulder to do that.

  37. kampyongo shut your bloody dirty mouth up!! nevers mumba resigned from his party to join mmd;let the mmd mps working with pf do the same.nevers mumba is the mmd president and he has every right to discipline mmd members.the pf made a lot of wild statements while in opposition politics including denouncing the chinese whom they re embracing now.

  38. Enka Rasha @@ Don’t spoil the day by just looking for spelling mistakes. Good thinking guys are seriously debating on this thread. I have read your comments in the past and they have contained a lot of spelling mistakes. Just think logically.

  39. This is the problem that i have invariably said that Mr Mumba’s just speaks without first analyzing the issue at hand.I think i do agree with my colleague who said ,”this is what happens when you abandon God.” Victory Ministries was a famous church then and took Mr. Mumba to different countries on top of that winning more,more souls in the kingdom of God. What more would someone surely need than what he had.This church now would have been the biggest. Its Sad that the big Man has even started punch to punch with the president instead of preaching the Gospel to them.The Bible in Proverbs 3 says when words are many sin is not absent. Regards

  40. @ Nameless
    ; his boss, the man who had powers to appoint and dissappoint went to New York for a UN general assembly. Mr. Mumba held a press conference accussing Congo DR of funding some oppostion parties in Zambia. This annoyed his boss who fired him instantly on his return at the airport

  41. The PF was against their MPs being on the constitution review commission because they supected that nothing good was going to come out of that commission. They, therefore, did not want to be associated with the failure of the commission to deliver a good constitution to the Zambian people. And true to their concerns, the product that came out of that commission was not worth the time spent deliberating on it. This is the reason why the PF asked its MPs to rescind their decisions to be members of the commission. Those that refused to do so were expelled from the party. Contrast this with working with a governemnt that is trying to uplift the living standards of the Zambians. They may have made a lot of mistakes in trying to implement their campaign promises but at least they are trying.


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