Thursday, July 4, 2024

HH refutes reports that UPND and MMD wants to form a PACT


Hakainde Hichilema
Hakainde Hichilema

UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has refuted President’s Michael Sata’s claims that his party wants to form an alliance with MMD. Speaking in Ndola over the weekend , Mr Hichilema also said that his party is not only for Tongas but for all Zambians.

“I am surprised that some media reports are suggesting that we want to form a pact with the MMD. We as the opposition are just working together to provide checks and balances to the government,” he said.

Mr Hichilema said the opposition is just consolidating to provide checks and balances to the government and that his party has no intension whatsoever to form a pact with any party.

MMD president Nevers Mumba also refuted the claims saying that he had big party to run and Zambians to serve.

On Friday, President Sata said he was disappointed that his predecessor Rupiah Banda is allegedly using a tribal card to determine who should rule Zambia.

Meanwhile, Mr Hichilema said that he was not shaken by the over 700 members of his party who defected to the ruling PF in Ndola over the weekend, saying they are not decisive people.

The UPND members were led by former UPND parliamentary candidate for Ndola Central constituency Moses Newa. Others who defected to the PF are UPND provincial information and publicity secretary Nelly Shanzi and youth chairman Lucky Mazuba, among others.

Mr Newa said he and other UPND members had decided to join the PF because the party embraces everyone, adding that he is unhappy that UPND has started interacting with the MMD which they fought hard to remove from power.
“I have seen that the PF is on the right track to develop the nation and there is no need to keep opposing every time, even when what is being done is right,” he said.

Receiving the defectors at Eagles Club Ndola, PF district chairman George Chisulo said the former UPND members were welcome to the ruling party.

Mr Chisulo said the PF has embarked on a mobilisation campaign in readiness for the 2016 general elections.
At the same function, MMD losing councillor for Nkwazi, Derrick Lwanga and Ndola Central MMD chairman Martin Ngosa among other MMD members, also defected to the PF.

And Mr Hichilema also received over 200 defectors from United Liberal Party (ULP) who were led by former ULP vice-president Charity Katilungu.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. This is the tip of democracy. Zambians have done alot in changing the governments; now let Zambians concentrate on changing the governancy system. They are same leaders who were in UNIP, MMD and today are in PF. We are just changing the Political Party’s name and yet the attitute and system of governancy is the same. e.g. it is the same SATA who was in UNIP government and did alot for Lusaka as Governor; He is the same SATA who was the Secretary General for MMD whilst acting together with others never paid dues to Registrar of Society for 10 years when he was a Secretary General; It is the same SATA who was a Right- hand man to Chiluba when arresting KK without following legal procedures for a former head of state; its the same SATA who is the now a President under PF ticket. Good Luck.

    • Watch and see! This is true. We need alot of capacity building and a benchmark for electing quality leaderships

  2. Quote of the day : He said it was sad that the president was in the habit of putting unprintables on government stationery.

  3. Please tell the people about development programs by govt. and not these monotonous political prostitutions by members of one party crossing over to another.

  4. Whether they form a pact or not is still irrelevant. they are bot under five. they have to start from the grass root of councillor, mp before they embark on the presidential route. sata was all the titles i have mentioned and they are condemning him that he has failed. what about them who have never been to kindergarten, reception, grade one, grade nine? you dont aspire to go to university by just sitting for grade 12; you will flop.

    • Not to worry yourself,, Sata and his govt are working hard and will soon put these failures to shame,, Zambians will soon appreciate this govt as they realise it’s working for its people 

  5. Sata and his pf don’t care for Zambians. They are only looking after their “own”! They are definitely delivering for their “own people”. If you don’t belong you will wait for eternity because what we have is not a national govt. It is a nepotistic and tribal govt with narrow ethnic and regional goals.

  6. people who write this stuff on LT makes me wonder if some training is done before they are engaged, give us some organized piece of work please!!!

  7. I have nothing to say against HH on this story except to encourage him to go further north and integrate more northerners if he can. Let’s be fair to the man. These are fair statements from him.

  8. Anderson Mazoka was NOT better than this man. HH is a good man… I wish we had 10 leaders like him in Zambia and less leaders like Sata.

  9. #15 The Bricklayer you have lost your mind.Andy was far much better than HH,do not be disrespectful just because he is late.Oops I wanted to forget one thing,do not just campaign using this site and Zambia Watch Dog only.You also do physical campaign,otherwise the pact will not win elections in 2016,most people who visit these sites are in the diaspora. 

  10. Iam very convinced that PF will marshal 51 plus one percent of election victory, come 2016. PF’s growth has been exponential since inception. Any doubting Thomas will live to believe my conviction.
    Testing the hypothesis
    UPND: 26.76%, 25.32%, 19.70%, 18.17%; 
    MMD: 28.69%, 42.98%, 40.09%, 35.42%;
    PF:  3.35%,  29.37%,  38.13%,  41.98%. 
    Check the trend above and tell me what the trend has been. I am basing my reasoning on these data of election results. Facts and trends analysis have taught me a lot. Unless a rare event like sunami or vocalno happens. PF will rule for at least 10 years.

  11. @Nameless, Please take a look at HH’s resume (CV) and compare it with Andy’s. I knew Andy very well and I actually organized a few campaign events when he was running. He was OKAY, but not great!! HH is great… He has good leadership skills and his experience and academic skills speak volumes about him. I don’t know how you can come to the conclusion that Mazoka was better, I just don’t. Now granted he was the founder of one of the greatest opposition parties in Zambia, I give him that.

  12. haha pact with MMD and UPND can work only if HH becomes president which cant happen coz Mumba will not accept it, so there can be no pact between the two. Its likemixing water with oil. Malabishi.

  13. The PACT btwn MMD and UPND is not possible. Who wants to a vice preisdent between the two of them? One thing for sure is “kolwe” is very crafty, but the time you wake up he is already in the branches and urinating on you heads. The only thing you can say is “KANITUNDILA”

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