Monday, September 16, 2024

Masumba shies away from MMD displinary hearing


FILE: MMD Mufumbwe Member of Parliament Steven Masumba showing his diploma to the media
FILE: MMD Mufumbwe Member of Parliament Steven Masumba showing his diploma to the media

MMD Mufumbwe Member of Parliament (MP) Stephen Masumba has snubbed the party disciplinary committee which convened in Lusaka yesterday to hear his suspension case from the party.

Mr Masumba, who is Local Government and Housing Deputy Minister, opted to go to his constituency to inspect developmental projects.

MMD deputy national secretary, Chembe Nyangu confirmed in an interview that Mr. Masumba did not appear before the committee.

Mr Nyangu, however, said Luampa MP, Josephine Limata, who is serving in the Patriotic Front (PF) Government as North-western Province Minister, appeared before the disciplinary committee.

He said Ms Limata appeared before the Kabinga Pande-led committee to answer why she had not relinquished her ministerial position after a directive from MMD leader, Nevers Mumba.

The disciplinary committee will make the recommendations to the National Executive Committee (NEC) which is meeting today to decide the fate of the 10 MPs serving in the MMD Government.

But Mr Masumba said in an interview from Mufumbwe that he could not appear before the committee because he was not served with any notice.

He said he only heard that the party wanted him to appear before the disciplinary committee on news saying there was no way he could take that as official notification.

Mr Masumba added that he could also not appear before the committee because he was attending to serious Government duties in his constituency.



  1. My heart bleeds, this chap is busy exhibiting forged certificate to the world and law enforcing are waiting for CNP to tell them to arrest him. Hasn’t NIPA confirmed that this guy did not complete his studies. Ladies and gentlemen where are we heading to. Can you imagine if it were an ordinary person on the street with this certificate? May God really deal with this Government. This is total disobedience to the electorates. Amen

    • Baba Jojo(mj), this guy did not forge. He was awarded this. and by the power confers to whoever issues the NIPA certificates, he did not commit any crime. It is upto NIPA to correct the situation. Study law my friend..then you will understand this issue. Who forged it? Who wrote the certificate? Mr Masumba is just a recipient….


    • They are both questionable and I will not believe that this disgraced minister did not know that he flanked on the course. And in the corrupt state of our nation, I will not be surprised if corruption was at play in the subsequent award of the said diploma.

  3. Natech nangu ZICA is not regulated by colleges like NIPA, ZCAS or Hone, but ZICA itself. Even if NIPA confirms that he never finished his course there, he could finish through otha means. Am a ZICA & I have private tutors, so that can happen to Hon Masumba too.
    Appearing before the disciplinary committee issue is actually laughable. I can assure you all that, legally none between Hon Masumba & President Sata is wrong. To prove on this case, I would love to see Hon Masumba not to resigned on his own but if expelled, then file a petition restraining MMD from sacking him until when parliament will be dissolved

  4. This MP will not resign from his ministerial position. He fears to be punished by PF becoz of his forged certificate. And we calling him ‘ Honourable’, what a misuse of terms in africa?

  5. To me masumba indicates the kind of leadership we have in zambia… we should not complain that zambia is not moving forward. I really dont expect masumba to deliver to the people’s expectations. Please zambians, lets wake up and start voting wisely

  6. These Kaponyas-as ministers are extremely lucky that am not in Zambia, nga nabafimba sana ku nkonya..

  7. Ithink its indiscipline Musamba not to listen to your party leaders. Iam also worried why are we having people in government with outstanding cases? Corruption will not be fpught in Zambia

  8. I taught this boy at Primary school (grade 6)  level in Mufumfwe, together with his twin brother, while doing my pupil teaching just after my GCSE. He and his brother where average pupils in class-it makes me happy to see that he is now an MP and a Minister at the same time. His father was then a police man who happen to be my neighbour-a very good man indeed. About the certificate, if he studied at NIPA and at the end of the course was offered a full certificate, then he can not be blamed, can he? It is NIPA to blame for creating this confusion-it means the College is a house of confusion which must be taken to task and not Masumba.

  9. I taught this boy at Primary school (grade 6)  level in Mufumfwe, together with his twin brother, while doing my pupil teaching just after my GCSE. He and his brother where average pupils in class-it makes me happy to see that he is now an MP and a Minister at the same time. His father was then a police man who happened to be my neighbour-a very good man indeed. About the certificate, if he studied at NIPA and at the end of the course was offered a full certificate, then he can not be blamed, can he? It is NIPA to blame for creating this confusion-it means the College is a house of confusion which must be taken to task and not Masumba.

  10. This chap must ve been brought up in a broken home. Barely eight months ago he was pleading to the leadership of MMD to be adopted today he is so arrongant. To me i think PF shld be careful with this VAGA BOND.

  11. With allegations like this it doesn’t surprise me that the honorable deputy minister is reluctant to relinquish his position. But public positions should never be treated this way in my humble view, they should be a call to service not an opportunity to break out of poverty 

  12. Such characters MMD should not even waste time but expel them to see ifmthey will defend their seat under PF in the first place to see if pf will adopt them since they are fradulent and certificate forgers…..crooks. just go and pass your exams and get genuine certificates.

  13. If MMD is a serious party this kaponya should be history after the disciplinary hearings. Howard Mulenga @6 above is right, titles such as “Honourable” should not apply to such kaponyas. Africans, with the exception of South Africans, are crazy for titles.

  14. i think you did well hon. masumba. in my opinion, you went to attend to more important issues & without official notification, your actions were justifiable! on the other hand, had u been given official notification, yes you should have attended & then go about with your business. so i dont understand y people are castigating your actions when in fact if it were them, they would do exactly what u did

  15. Brother Masumba you were elected by people and not that stupid group calling it self disciplinary committee, forget about it, we will adopt you on PF ticket.

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