Friday, September 20, 2024

More Cuban medical staff coming to Zambia


Given Lubinda
Given Lubinda

MORE than 60 medical experts comprising doctors and nurses from Cuba are expected to arrive in Zambia soon, out-going Cuban Ambassador to Zambia Carmelina Ramirez Rodriguez has said.

Ms Rodriguez said plans were underway to send Cuban medical officers who would collaborate with Zambia’s Ministry of Health to help deliver quality health services.

Speaking in Lusaka yesterday when she bade farewell to Foreign Affairs Minister Given Lubinda, Ms Rodriguez said the medical experts would come to Zambia either later this year or early next year.

She said Cuba would also explore avenues of helping Zambia to enhance the agriculture sector by starting to produce locally made animal vaccines to fight livestock diseases.

“I am confident that my successor would also continue to carry forward the cordial bilateral relations between my country and Zambia,” she said

She thanked the Zambian Government for providing a conducive environment resulting in the historic cooperation in various sectors.

Ms Rodriguez is expected to leave Zambia for Cuba in October this year.

And Mr Lubinda appealed to the Cuban government to enhance provision of various scholarships including journalism to enable practitioners to pursue studies in fields such as tourism.

He said the Government was grateful to Cuba for its continued provision of scholarships to the Zambian people, a move which demonstrated goodwill from the people of Cuba.

“As Government, we shall ensure this strong and conducive existing bilateral relation continues to grow. “We are happy with the many doctors and other medical personnel for coming to work and improve delivery of quality health services to Zambia,” he said.

The Minister was confident that the two countries would continue to collaborate in various sectors of the economy, citing the 40 years of unbroken bilateral relations.

Mr Lubinda implored the media in Zambia to take keen interest in the happenings in Cuba.

Meanwhile, out-going Danish Ambassador to Zambia Thomas Schjerbeck said Zambia has an impressive and well-performing economic growth which had the potential to trickle down and improve the welfare of citizens.

Mr Schjerbeck said Denmark was inspired with the Patriotic Front Government’s solid manifesto which contained various developmental polices that could move the country’s economy forward.

He was speaking in Lusaka yesterday when he called on Mr Lubinda to bid farewell.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Another conflicting statement hahaha..minister of mines just urged investors to employ local people for skills that are locally available, now lubinda is happy to bring nurses and doctors from cuba as if zambia we dont have nurses ..sure, anyway bring colored and white cubans we marry them

  2. #1 my question exactly? And they call them experts! everything foreign in Zambia is referred to as “expert”! Everytime we are the ones always “learning” from others no time have i ever heard any country talking about “We are happy to learn from the Zambian experts that have arrived in our country” NEVER! and we celebrate when we see foreigners coming to get our jobs in the name of experts. What journalism can we learn from Cuba, a communist country where journalist are oppressed, when we have “freedom of expression” and they are supposed to be learning from us? but no we still want to learn from them because ‘they are not Zambians’ so they are better. When are we going to gain the confidence to do things ourselves!

  3. “Mr Schjerbeck said Denmark was inspired with the Patriotic Front Government’s solid manifesto which contained various developmental polices that could move the country’s economy forward”. Diplomacy at its best. If you check the cables you will be amazed. Oh sorry Asange has his own problems.

  4. thats a good question #1.

  5. “Mr Schjerbeck said Denmark was inspired with the Patriotic Front Government’s solid manifesto which contained various developmental polices that could move the country’s economy forward”. The guy was just trying to be polite. I am sure while he was saying these words he nearly chocked because he knows this is not true. How can any person refer to the PF manifesto as “solid”? Every self respecting pig knows that the PF manifesto is the most hollow among all the manifestos in the histroy of Zambia.


  7. Yah this is as a result of doctors and nurses running away from their country Zambia in search of so called greener pasture. They come to UK or USA and they doing pupu dot com. So government gat no choice but to bring foreign doctors, so lets blame nurses and doctors who leave Zambia after government train them.

    • WE ALL HOPE you DIDN’T “RUN AWAY FROM ZED!” Which would possibly mean your kaponya friends posted you to a mission or something of the sort, or maybe sent you out to “launder” OUR MONEY on their behalf!!!!

  8. Biggest joke of the day… 50 years after independence nurses are coming from CUBA?

    How many nursing schools has Zambia got? Is it rocket science to produce a nurse?

    Indeed this country has gone to the DOGs. The minister is even proud to say it

  9. We are doing ExIm of human resources. Export our nurses to the UK/USA and Import others from Cuba. Balanced equation.

  10. Zambian doctors too much chipale. They are not on sight. It is had to find them at the hospital or clinic. I don’t know where they go. In Botswana patients like foreigners because they take good care of them than the local nurses and doctors. Zambian nurses ukuponta.

    • THAT’S WHAT IGNORANCE BREEDS!!!! INFERIORITY COMPLEX, so someone “foreign” should somehow be superior because THEY COME FROM FAR, JUST LIKE THE “WISE MEN FROM THE EAST!!”

    • Ichipale!! Yes why not if, you have spent a good part of your life busting your ars.e, mu masomo(I.e.studying!!!!)

  11. We have seen them & worked with them before!! Some of them were just “cooks”, who went on to amputate a guys dick instead of circumcising him!! GOOD ON YOU GUYS!! WELL DONE!! CARRY ON!!

  12. ”Mr Lubinda implored the media in Zambia to take keen interest in the happenings in Cuba”’-Lubinda
    The Post is already taking care of that,some ministers speak like they don’t live in Zambia,gosh!

  13. Please, as a Zambian student here on the island I implore the Zambian government to bring students to study Medicine and Sports…Sports, because going by the just ended Olympic games and the past ones,Cuba has always been among the 20 countries!
    As a matter of fact, they have Medicine schools and Sports schools in every province and you silly cows wonder why they send their doctors to poor countries and have more medals at the Olympics than Brazil and the all lot of Latin and Caribbean countries!
    STOP bringing Zambians here to study shenanigan courses like teaching,accounts,economics,law,journalism…

  14. I’m a Zambian and I have lived here in Cuba for 20 years now.
    Kaponyas no.3 stop believing the propaganda you are being fed by CNN news and its cohorts. Pick up a neutral tabloid and read it, formulate your own opinion. Mostly, stop being
    an ignoramus.Hera are the facts about Cuba the communist state:
    1.Despite being under a blockade for half a century,Cuba offers FREE education from kindergarten up to university level.
    2.Cuba offers scholarship to poor students from Caribbean islands,Latin countries,Asia,some European coutries,Middle East and the biggest capitalist country of all The United States of America!And what do Zambian Ministers do?They grab those scholarships and give them to their children,leaving the vulnerable but viable students out…

  15. 4.They have atleast one medicine school in every province and in Havana the capital city they have five medicine schools(There are nine provinces in Cuba)
    5.They have the same popultion just like that of Zambia and yet ALL their houses are electrified
    6.They export their human resource to all over the world,not just in medicine but other fields as well to the so called capitalist states
    7.Health care is FREE and far much better than in the so called capitalist countries
    8.The infant mortality rate is as low as that of developed countries if not better!(Don’t even mention the infant mortality rate of that banana state called Zambia)
    9.They have no dealings with IMF or Wold Bank -multilateral financial Institutions that have messed up the world economy…

  16. 10.Journalists here are as free as the birds in the sky and to crown it all they have beautiful women not those ugly Zambian women who smile ‘mitundo’ urine
    Don’t believe everything you read in the media,stop talking crap about communism -morons abound on this site.

  17. Makaveli, we have heard! However, from your ranting it is difficult to place where you stand!
    20 yrs in Cuba – take it, you have been in Cuba since your kindergarten yrs – cos you tell us you are studying, whilst if you have only been there for tertiary education, we should be calling you “Prof Makaveli” the professional student!!! – just what are you studying, that makes you think we are si.lly cows & Zambian women are so ugly (I take it, that includes your mum, whose tits you suckled for, I guess some years, & your sisters!)

  18. Can one simply declare that of a reduction to discover someone who actually understands exactly what theyre talking about on the net. You actually discover how to carry a worry to be able to gentle and earn the idea important. More and more people have to see this and see why side of the tale. My spouse and i can’t consider youre not more popular as you certainly hold the gift.

  19. @no 15 MAKAVELI well said…..
    Indeed people can be silly,this is what we call (intercambio) of experience.Cuba is among the countries which has been sending doctors almost all over the world including those which are far better than Zambia like Brazil,South Africa,Venezuela,Eygpty,Ghana,Bahamas,Russia and Germany first world country E.T.C so the doctors are simply going to Zambia to share the experience infact started sending boxers so we can perform in the next olympics ,and students to study medicine in cuba coz even UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have there students studing med on this Island.

    • American Students come to study there because IT IS DEAD CHEAP TO DO SO!!! The human Organism doesn’t change much from Cuba to the USA! So in other words, they come for cheap practice, just as there are many medical students in poorer African countries, but who eventually make it to work in the best of Western institutions! Try to understand issues rather than dance to the tune of headlines!

    • In fact, it is the basic sciences of medicine that they come for, then complete their CLINICAL PLACEMENTS IN USA!! Cuba just happens to be only one of the islands they use, there are many other islands around offering the same to American students – its all about money, & nothing really about advanced medicine!!

  20. Ba Makaveli stop talking crap, Zambians are beautiful people. Zambia has shortage of health human resource so any initiative to beef up our human resource is not a bad idea. So shut up and stop speeting sheet.

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