The Lusaka Magistrate Court this morning convicted former Community Development Minister Michael Kaingu’s Daughter, Iris on one count of making obscene material likely to corrupt morals.
Meanwhile, Lusaka Resident Magistrate Boniface Prince Mwiinga has reserved Ms. Kaingu’s sentencing for Thursday, October 25th 2012.
It is alleged that on dates unknown but between December 1, 2010 and November 23, 2011 in Lusaka, Ms. Kaingu jointly and whilst acting together with another unknown person, Ms. Kaingu did make obscene cinematography films that were likely to corrupt morals.
In his judgement, Magistrate Mwiinga stated that after having watched the sex video himself, there is proof beyond reasonable doubt that the video is likely to corrupt morals of individuals that may get their hands on it.
He further stated that it was established that the duo where aware of the laptop webcam recording the entire scene.
And in mitigation Ms. Kaingu’s defence lawyers appealed for the court to exercise leniency in discharging the sentence.
They further stated that Ms. Kaingu’s experience will haunt her for the rest of her life following the huge media publicity that the case generated both in the print and electronic media.
The lawyers added that Ms. Kaingu is a first offender whose accounting career has been dented due to the incident.
The former ZCAS student has since been incarcerated at Lusaka Central Prison till Thursday, the date of sentencing.
Her father should not have torn Sata’s speech. Now she is going to act real porn in jail.
and what is the relationship between her “actions” and those of tearing the speech if may ask?
which event preceeded the other?
…after watching the video… :d
The mistake that Iris made was denying the charge and wasting the court’s time. The sex-mate accepted the charge earlier. The consquences for wasting the court’s time may be harsh bearing in mind that there are so many people in prison waiting to be setenced and the time of the trial may have been used for other cases.
But why do they use the word “unknown person” if they know he is Nathan? Iris knows what she is doing. The man who uploaded the video is the one to be charged. Some of you do what iris did. Mmembe should also be charged for posting a link on the online post news paper. Iris did not intend to do as what Mmembe did.
Awe ine nshitemenwe.This is not fair bane.Hope the two nights incarceration before the final judgement are the only ones she will spend behind bars.The chap should be fined and let go.
poor girl
good this girl was sent to go and learn imagine spending million for her school fees and the ***** starts making pornoghrphy
Iris you made the judge act like a cheetah to his wife after he watched your state of the art porn. I can see the judge picturing Iris in the entire encount with his wife…I hope didnt call her Iris..!
My question however is, was the video made with intent to making profit or not..? Eish Kaingu the father must be proud of his daughter…!!
Where is the dad to tear down this judgment ?
So in Zambian its wrong to record yourself for your own eyes? I thought the law says “with intent to corrupt morals” how can you corrupt your own morals by looking at yourself, so clearly the intent to corrupt morals refers to a third party. As it stands, having s.ex in front of a mirror is illegal because what you are seeing is an image of you and your partner, and if that turns you on even more then your morals are corrupt so you should turn yourself in for prosecution?? Poor girl. I just think this judge has this one wrong. if Iris distributed that video, then yes, she is guilty of the charge but Obviously she made that video for herself. The one should be arrested is the person who stole the video from her laptop, because that is “distributing porn with intent to corrupt morals!”
shut up!!! do eyes have recording devices?Iris made video with intent to sale, how else did the video find itself in the public domain. If you say it was stolen, what proof do you have….why was the thief not tracked down all this time. Let her serve the sentence, by doing the video, she knew the prons and cones that come with it
My friend, your arguement wont hold… You are creating a lwa, being the judge, and executing judgement. Please quote the laws of Zambia exactly and the try to convince us.
That’s true she was just doing it to keep good memories. You people are all
actinv like pharices. There is nothing wrong with what she did. Your morals are
already currupted by your stupid monkey minds.
Now where is her partner, is he on the run? Am sure he was a master planner of this event. The court should send her to men prisons where she will be able to get 3 ways every day and she will like it.
What an *****ic response.
Hey buddy, you’re obviously depraved, and not as a result of you watching Iris’s video. Talk to someone, there are places you can get some help for it.
hahahahaha judge went bananas and am sure he had a wet dream….lol Your father must be really proud of u Iris
Lol Her dad will now tear Zed constitution,watch out for Kaingu in parliament.
…after watching the video himself…
Yaba ba Judge aba,ati after watching the video……….. Poor girl,you have suffered a lot.
She should be jailed. These young ladies can even sell their souls to the devil for money. She did it purely for monetary gain and therefore must pay the price.
Ba Chilombo lets hope one day you never commit a sin, cause the same measure of grace will be used against you.
Ba Chilombo, she was with her lover having fun and no money was involved. Its unfortunate that this case had to come to this.
Ba chilombo, i am sure the next time you stand in front of your mirror, look at how well built, maybe not, thereafter you’ll walk to the nearest police station and say “i have corrupted my own morals” by looking at me in the mirror,,,
You aren’t just making baseless statements and do actually have proof she intended to sell the video for money right? Obviously, your generalization of ‘these young ladies’ selling their souls for money is strictly factual because from your holier than thou position, you can make grand statements.
This is the most ridiculous conviction I have never seen. Two adults made a consensual intimate video, why the hell should they go to prison for it?
How inferior are Zambian laws seriously? Concentrate on convicting child molesters and fat looters of government coffers. Many of you have impregnated family children and yet you all bristle at such a petty thing as to adults taping themselves having a good time. Shame on Zambia.
Dont u know tha porn is illegal in zed?Even those tu ma porn videos on ur mobile phones can land u in jail,wat mo making one????
Now this is the Nubian Princess i once enjoyed her views on issues….i cant agree with you more on this issue…
Its really unfortunate to destroy someone like this. Iam saddened and i really feel for her. Who ever licked the video nimbwa sana
No, no! Shame on You Nubian. You should only comment when you know full details. The key to the conviction is the phrase “with intent to corrupt [other people’s] morals”. All you should have asked is: how did the prosecution prove the “intent” of the video production? Zambian laws are not inferior – you are (by making a very wrong assumption and putting that ignorant assumption on the net)!
That Nathan Guy who bonked her must be arrested. he was vividly clear with his ugly face and big dick in that video.
Alice can name him and the evidence can be deduced by his face and comparing with that BIG DICK. ala Iris u have gone through a lot. i pity u.
Your dad is always annoyed and sad due to this publicity.
Dr. Micheal Kaingu will now be raging with fire as he is likely to hold a solidarity match around the prison with or without permission with a hode of MMD and UPND sympasysers.He will tear every peace of legislation which condems sodomy.
@ 11 come on man,maybe I should courier u a copy of the video, plus the chap denied the charge thus, made the judge to watch her state of the art video,he subsequently condenmed himself..hence the judgement.
kikikikikiki please bloggers give the sitting judge a round of applause..!!!!!
What do u expect from a dota of someone who behaves like that in paliament? As a parent of two grown up dotas, I made sure I introduced them to Christ at a tender age. My mother also help us alot the area of teaching them to respect our good traditions.
Dont bring up children like village Chickens, free range children.they can go anywhere and make boy friends and even bring them home becoz you think it is a modern world. Modern to who?
One thing I have discovered is that most parents fail to educate their children abt good morals becoz parents themselves do not have good morals. Thy dont even know what it means to have good morals.
What are you saying ba Kwekwe naimwe. Sometimes parents try their best but the children end up on the wrong side. But they still need to be brot back in line when they make mixtakes.
You are wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.Think about this: God told Adam to not partake of the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden, popularly known as the Forbidden Fruit.After hearing the word right from God himself Adam went and did the very thing he was told not to do.So can you say God was not a good teacher or had no good morals that’s why Adam sinned?
Can we have the video on ZNBC may be 23:00 hrs so that most Zambians can see it including #11.
Not to support the circulation of cinematography that can likely corrupt the morals of young people, I would support Iris and insist that this phase will go away maybe not as soon as we wish it to go but it will pass. One day you may look at all this and be able to turn the other way to pave way for life.
What I don’t understand is the hype this case continues to generate, I mean everyone seems to be labelling the young lady I think people should be sincere before the pick up a stone and throw it at someone before they think about their life styles. I urge you Iris this will definitely pass Be strong and I hope the judge could consider the fact that you are a first offender.
Bigge umwela wonse 8-|
@ Bigge, we all make mistakes and face the consequences of our wrong doing, and learn from it. Whatever Iris did landed her in trouble and I hope herself and all of us have learnt from it. But condeming the poor girl to the lowest pit is hypocrisy at its best, some of you have done worse things than this girl, the difference is, yours is not yet exposed!! So before, you open your mouth to critise, examine yourselves, if you are as white as snow, then that is good, we will learn from you but if you find that you have a tiny blemish, then learn from this.
@Bigge, I meant to start by saying I concurr with you, before I could continue, sorry.
If Kaingu is man enough let him go in court and tear the final judgement like some blogger has said. Shame ba vice president of political fimofimo…..Go and ask your president to pray for you and your family.
Keeping up the crazy, nonsensical talk huh? Must be tough being this thick.
Mailoni brothers?????? Wasting tax payer money pali Iris. Let them catch proper criminals
She is safe, the father will just tear the Judgement ! \:d/
Again, spot on #11..This is really petty!
Question is: Was morals of the Judge corrupted after watching the tape? If the answer is yes, then this judge will not be fit to adjudicate this case..Hypocrisy pa zed is getting out of hand..Need I say more?
Good question frankly. But I am guessing the judge thinks he’s infallible such that his judgement is sound. The court should have sought to prove her intent to distribute the video. When this story broke, I believe the link to the video was posted online by one or some of the news papers and other websites. That’s distribution and indirectly, these media outlets made money from the increased readership. Are they being charged? Of course not.
So the judge when passing the judgement and looks at Iris you mean he has an upper hand..? he sees and knows exactly what shape it is..whilest everyone in the court room including her father will be just imagining what that thing is like..? am just asking folks
why waste time..release the gal…she must have been under the influence of some drug..!what happened to the man ..who was having sex with her..?
Ok on a serious note: Iris do not corrupt your fellow inmates in jail, they are trying hard to change…
This is indeed a sad day for zambia. Where is the boy in the video – has he also been convicted?? If he hasn’;t then all the women of zambia are demonstrating topless tomorrow – justice must be fair. Jail the girl then also jail the boy and give them both the same sentence!!! Otherwise, please free Iris kaingu
#31. The boy simply admitted his guilt. For not wasting the court’s time, his case was dispensed swiftly and quietly. Ba start ba Iris on other hand thought that she probably had ‘powerful’ lawyers to help her talk her way out of this one. That is why publicity around her is bigger than the publicity that went around her sex-partner’s own. Sometimes the justice system is fair. Confess your sins and you will be forgiven. Try to make the law-giver a lier and you will face the full procedures!
Poor Girl zoona
@2. Voka. How can she admit to a crime she didnt commit? Magistrates in Zambia are shallow. There is no evidence that this girl deliberately filmed herself having sex and the proceeded to post it on a website hosted in Zambia for the consumption of Zambians! You have to prove this in court beyond any reasonable doubt! Unfortunately for our lower courts the bar is set very low that is why I think a higher court we see her walk free!
You need to see the video bwana! They are fully aware of what they are doing. At some point she even hits into the laptop with her leg. It’s still available on some sites if you want to prove for yourself.
The disgusting point about this case brought on by backward thinking individuals is the Iris seems to be taking the entire blame, when there were actually two people involved in this act. Magistrate Mwinga who says he watched the video must have had his finger stuck in the rewind button . Just another dull judge. If Iris is to be sentenced then in all fairness bring her boyfriend to book and give him the same sentence. Who is next, Mushota?
The father ll burn chimbokaila now
srprising how a women who hasn’t actually committed a big offence can be on all the national media.
she will experience the real one in side
What’s the evidence that she did it with intent to distribute the film, or to show other people? How can there be a corruption of morals from filming yourself doing something that’s perfectly normal (i.e. sex), if the intent is only for your own personal viewing pleasure? I understand that people are trying to preserve traditional values, but I don’t see any evidence that Iris was making this for anyone else beside herself. If the police actually care about morality, the people that stole the video and distributed it should be charged, not her. She’s the victim of invasion of privacy; have the police looked into that?
Okay this girl has been scarred for LIFE. I mean for LIFE!!!! Stuff can stay on the internet for decades. Probably her kids ( if she will have that is) will watch the video many years from now. We all do crazy shit in our lives but i just guess she was unlucky. Hope the magistrate will be lenient with her.
Am dooomed, please pipo pray for me…I will never repeat my mistake but I enjoyed it…………where is my partner?….
finally someone who makes sense out of all the comments
You seem to think your comment is spot on; it’s not. Immorality is common everywhere, even in Zambia. Your claim that it is accepted in America, also useless babble, that’s so not true Peter. If you’ld like to preserve “the moral fabric” of Zambia, start by telling the truth. Find a news article from a news source in the US that glorifies immorality, I will give you a whole 365 days to do that.
let-he-who-is-without-sin-cast-the-first-stone john 8 vs 7 ,these words came to my Heart after reading magerstrite MWIINGA’s verdict on sister iris kaingu’s case. This left me without any doubt that her case may be politically motivated, i have said this before i do not support iris’s
irresponsible actions but to demonise her is being inhuman i have seen senior govt officials who have abused teenagers , school girls at botswana and mozambique hostels pa Hone and same thing at Unza some have raped children and some are hard core criminals, others have rooted our national treasury yet they are left scot free. Why destroy a teenager’s future by expelling her from college and still give her such a hash punishment. Why is society so gender biased iris never committed that act alone where is
all of us. Its a pity she is a victim of her own enemies who offloaded that video on the net. Imagine u borrow a friend your laptop and you forgot to in-script your files and the evil guy decides to upload your images on the net that were just personal. THese things do happen as you
may be reading this article your mind may be taken into your cellphone folder think of the vedeos and images that are on your mobile phone if one fool decides to upload them on the net will that make you a morally bankrupt person certainly not. May God have mercy on her. Jail is not good for anyone.
Why have they refused to grant her bail? Is she an armed robbery or murder?
Where is the women movement to give solidarity to iris or you only make noise when politicians have buttered your bread???
Uyu judge ni mbama.
‘In his judgement, Magistrate Mwiinga stated that after having watched the sex video himself, there is proof beyond reasonable doubt that the video is likely to corrupt morals of individuals that may get their hands on it”. PONYOPONYO ba judge….we all know why you’re too “hard” on this girl. And why is the media acting oblivious to the boy friend who was f.u.c.k.i.n.g. her in the video? Why should she remain in jail and he’s walking? Sh!t. I think, they should just give her 49 lashes to that juicy a.s.s of hers. She’ll NEVER video tape another s.e.x. ever again. Uluse! I hope she’s not going to committ suicide in the cells. Zed cells are as filthy as they get….si vintu mu ma cello guys. Shame! But, this should now be a lesson to all you fast Zed girls. Kukonda m.b.o.l.o.
Where is her father? He would just tear the judgement into pieces kr kr kr kr! That is a very good example being set by the courts. We do not want our morals to be corrupted by those corrupt chaps brought up by the MMD!
What a sheer waste of court time and taxpayers money…how do you punish someone for something that was not meant for public consumption anyway..imagine if the things we did at college and university suddenly became public.
This judgement is bull crap. I believe that the video was made by two young people who where madly in love and loved to make love. The boy, of course like most boys, wanted to brag about his “work” to his friends and ended up putting it on the net. If they had made hundreds of dvds for monetary gain then the judgement would have made sense.
Let this be a warning to all girls and women out there no matter how much you love him do not ever, ever do a $ex tape with anyone. Be it your boyfriend, your fiance or your husband. You just never know where it will end-up.
Pono is prohibited in Zed. Fullstop.
This is quite an unfair judgement. A few questions her lawyers should be asking: was the video made for the sole purpose of distribution with intent to corrupt society? Give a proper definition of a porn star- is it Iris?. The video in question was personally filmed; there was no third party filming them was there? She was NOT by her self in the video was she? And when did it become a crime to film your most intimate moments in Zambia? Did we all come to know about this video? Where’s the friend who posted the video? Iris and Nathan are both ADULTS. Speaking of Nathan, WHY is he NOT in jail too? Isn’t justice equal? Do you not see gender discrimination here? Can the judge prove that his morals are now CORRUPT after he personally watched the video? I need Iris’s lawyers please!
This is quite an unfair judgement. A few questions her lawyers should be asking: was the video made for the sole purpose of distribution with intent to corrupt society? Give a proper definition of a porn star- is it Iris?. The video in question was personally filmed; there was no third party filming them was there? She was NOT by her self in the video was she? And when did it become a crime to film your most intimate moments in Zambia? Did we all come to know about this video? Where’s the friend who posted the video? Iris and Nathan are both ADULTS. Speaking of Nathan, WHY is he NOT in jail too? Isn’t justice equal? Do you not see gender discrimination here? Can the judge prove that his morals are now CORRUPT after he personally watched the video? Her lawyers need to be serious.
Ba L T show us the video kaili.
In as much as I agree with the fact that the production of obscene material is a moral offence and has the ability to cause social and spiritual harm, I think imprisonment is not a lasting solution. In trying to reform cases of a sexual nature like one the above lady was involved in, a well-organised and strict counselling is needed. This will help her to, not only reform, but be integrated once more in society to live a normal life. Otherwise, if care is not taken, one may end up committing suicide or lose all meaning in life due to rejection from the family,school mates, and society at large. I plead with the judge to consider all the factors mentioned.
Whatever the judgment will be on friday but for the judge to detain and deny bail to the poor girl shows how horrible the Zambian constitution is. The whole video was only leaked by some jerk in school and not out of the couple’s concern, detain the burger that leaked it and leave Iris alone. The important issues about GBM and Kabimba at hand not such nonsense. Our judges should move away from the grudge mentality and bring justice to people for Christ’s sake.
Send this woman to Thailand,Philippines or California where they can legally do it for public consumption as a form of “job”.
The next thing you’ll hear is that, IRIS HAS COMMITTED SUICIDE. The judgement by this judge is not fair from a moral perpective. Yes, she can be identified in the video but so is her boyfriend. Is he being convicted too? Come on…where are Iris’s lawyers please???
The punishment is too hush…being that, this will be her first offence and the first conviction period! I don’t agree with the notion that Iris is a “porn” star. I know people who really do this to get paid. Those are porn stars not Iris. Like I said before, anything but jail time should be appropriate punishment here. I hope this stupit judge reconsidered his ruling while he jerks off in his chambers. Very dissapointed Umupondo!
On this one we need to be serious. What was the intended goal?? was it for commercial or for personal use?? The judge should reflect logically without bias or prejudice. For sure the interpretation of the case by the Judge was not professionally done because of political influence. In this way, the judge must Humanitarian theory. If the Judge is wise the girl must be taken for rehabilitation, finish!….Let me warn you don’t destroy the life of this young lady for the sake of gaining fake popularity. Leave the girl alone please!! please!!
Ba LT, you could’ve also put up a better picture of Iris ala. I can send you a nice one if you like. She looks far better than this crap here…she’s a beautiful young woman indeed. Kuti
nalya naine…
we mu pondo, kanshi am morals yobe na ya ba corrupt, kanshi kulanda fye ati naiwe ulefwaya ukuba mu part-2.
i agree, ka gelo kena ni mbama, she is so so so cute,,,,,,,,,,, ati judge limbi nao alimona ati oke ka suma!
hahaha, waishiba ka.
Foolish judgement! Wasting time on such petty cases instead targeting criminals in government who are crippling the nation with institutional theft.
IRIS’s lawyer did not defend her well. Iris did not post that video on the internet.iris herself said once that it was friends she left her laptop with who published the video. The whole issue is that this is a way of sorting out Mr Michael Kaingu who is coming out a hard nut to crack in the opposition.
The First Amendment is not an altar on which we must sacrifice our children, families, and community standards. Obscene material that is not protected by the First Amendment can and must be prohibited.We all agree that parents have the primary responsibility of filtering the material that reaches children. However, children are often lured onto websites containing obscene material through the devious manipulation of search engines. Let her be punished she was fully aware of what she was doing !!!
Some of you guys saying the guy should be arrested haven’t been following the case. The guy pleaded guilty and was given a fine which he paid. Iris pleaded not guilty and wasted the courts time that’s why her sentence is like that. For those of us condemning her, i really hope our garments are blameless before God. Judge not so that you too shall not be judged….
Mmmhh, let’s just say she should be strong enough to endure her jail term. Why make a video anyway? The video was meant to be watched! By who? Whichever person can stumble on it or the video falls in their hands, like it surely did! A video is a record. It is an archive and the foolish girl popped her face inside the camera. Folks, some guy earlier confessed to a similar charge and was fined K10m.
:((:-?:-\”:-w poor girl sorry for that….
While I did not expect the outcome to be a jail sentence, I suppose the saying that, “we will all reap what we sow has come to pass”. All the young lady has to do, is do her time and at the same time seek God’s face in her life. God is a God of million chances, unlike man who always want to look hollier than thou. As long as you repent, confess your sins and invite Jesus into your life as your God and Saviour, fear not what all your adverseries may say or plot. It is a pity that often times, we have to learn the hard way when if we paid attention to advice from elders we could avoid such calamities from befalling us. Good luck and stay strong.
#64 Dre 101. ok so you’re saying the chap paid a fine? When did this happen? What was the fine? And you’re saying because Iris pleaded not guilty so, she has now been found guilty? Your statement doesn’t make much sense. Please, elaborate, maybe I missed something. Truth is, she doesn’t deserve to go to jail either way you look at it. If you follow how it all begun, the video was illegally leaked to the internet by someone (a friend of Nathan) who had access to the laptop. This is what started it all. The court should also charge that person responsible for posting the video on the internet if that’s the case…in addition to the boy in the video being charged as well.
ITS was unheard of in the eighties, we realise alot of young pipo calling the filming normal,it shows how degraded morals have become,Lets condemn such productions and acts for there are also well behaved children we need to preserve, jail not the best though,judge please help the young girl.
The Magistrate himself felt immoralised while watching what was not meant for public viewing. Iris will appeal and she will be acquited by the High court. This Magistrate has misdirected himself and erred at law. The video was made, that’s a fact, but the Prosecution has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that it was meant to corrupt morals. The Lawyer was poor.
Please people don’t blame the judge blame the law:
Chapter 87 Act 177 of the Laws of Zambia.
177. (1) Any person who-Obscene matters or things
(a) makes, produces or has in his possession any one or more obscene
writings, drawings, prints, paintings, printed matter, pictures, posters,
emblems, photographs, cinematograph films or any other object tending to corrupt
morals; or
(b) imports, conveys or exports, or causes to be imported conveyed or
exported, any such matters or things, or in any manner whatsoever puts any of
them in circulation; or
(c) carries on or takes part in any business, whether public or private,
concerned with any such matters or things, or deals in any such matters or
things in any manner whatsoever, or distributes any of them, or
or exhibits any of
them publicly, or makes a business of lending any of them; or
(d) advertises or makes known by any means whatsoever with a view to
assisting the circulation of, or traffic in, any such matters or things, that a
person is engaged in any of the acts referred to in this section, or advertises
or makes known how, or from whom, any such matters or things can be procured
either directly or indirectly; or
(e) publicly exhibits any indecent show or performance or any show or
performance tending to corrupt morals:
is guilty of a misdemeanour and is liable to imprisonment for five years or to a
fine of not less than fifteen thousand penalty units nor more than seventy-five
thousand penalty units.
Maxwell, no offense brother but what about the so called boyfriend and also the “distributor”? In my opinion, the biggest culprit is the person who went ahead without prior consent of the parties in the video and posted it on the internet thus “sharing” the video or distributing the video. That’s really person the courts should be looking to prosecute. Yes, perhaps Iris and her boyfriend were ignorant of the law and if so, the punishment shouldn’t be this extreme i.e there shouldn’t be any jail time for Iris. My point here is, she was NOT alone in the video. So, if the boyfriend was fined as one stated, why can’t Iris be fined as well? Let’s look at it for what it’s worth guys. Even a hefty fine plus community service would be enough punishment. Politics aside ***Free Iris***
She has not done anything more immoral than the rest of us,the only crime Iris has committed is being a daughter to a fearless opposition vice president and strong MMD leader. How on earth would you send a young girl to prison with such bright future? what is even more immoral is a party leader who fathers children outside marriage, a DPP who swindles the state and stands in a court to and try to convict others. what is immoral is maintaing two senior cabinet ministers in govt while under corruption investigation. This girl must be freed she hasn’t done any more harm to society than any of these criminals.
I have never seen a govern so quick at handing out severe punishments to its people than it is at responding to their plight. Earlier this year two civil servants convicted and sent to prison on flimsy defamation of CNP. Ethiopian illegal immigrants given disprortionate sensences. Catholic bishop deported, RB’s family roughed up and attempts are made to drag them to court on mere suspicions. HH constantly pushed back and forth between court and investigative wings of gvt. DR Michael Kaingu this sentence is meant to unsettle you and not what is being claimed as a motive. reasons are not convincing and so many holes remain unfilled. We are behind you, so do not be shaken by these thugs as their is limited.
Zambians are indeed in the Stone age. In this day and age people have multiple passports. People wonder why we can not develop and yet we embrace unrealistic views about life. BTW this is 2012!!
@ Bigge, sorry I meant to say I agree with you..then continue with my bluh bluh…
Tigress (#54),
The guy who was accused with Iris also appeared in court. But unlike Iris, he pleaded guilty and apologized for his actions and was released. In contrast, Iris was in my view wrongly advised to plead not guilty by her lawyer Christopher Mundia who I suspect just wanted to make money out of her. I am sure if she had also pleaded guilty and apologized, she would have been set free as well. The lesson in this sad saga is: choose your lawyer carefully.
I think this is political, the PF Govt should face real issues. The Mailoni Brothers, Ruth Mbandu case, Rotting maize @ FRA etc. Its not a happy independence.
This is crazy. If her boyfriend got away with a lenient sentence, why not extend the same to her, since it was the same video that produced this case?
i watched the Video, and i should say the girl has skills, i surely wouldnt posting bail for her to give me one of those sessions..she’s hollywood standard and the judge should have lauded her for that
The father has 2 wives, the second wife’s name is Iris. This girl here is arrogant in nature just like her mother who went to wed a married man. Its really a family of lunatic; the first wife was the matron during the wedding of her husband to a second wife
But, the father is an innocent man his just a lost ship,but iris and his boy friend must be taken into the court of law as an example to us because its too much in this country like Kitwe and Lusaka.
You Mr. judge didn’t I tell you to leave my wife Iris alone. If you abuse her sexually in jail there, I will kill you.
Please leave the girl alone. She is young and a future ahead. Ama politics nayengilamo for real.
like father like daugther capwa
If it was not for the father, Iris would have been free by now. Now pantu ba wishi bakali mu political circles satana nao ati treat the girl, so that her shuts up. Let Iris come out of jail one, she will become a politician.
while chansa kabwela was freed for distributing obscene materials this girl is in for it. Yaba, even you girls of nowdays you should be avoiding sex before marriage.
finally the case will be disposed off! i guess her bally will now offload the dvds for sale on the streets alongside the cabbages and fish from mwandi.
she has some mad skills, she should get an award for special olympics. her father just sealed the deal when he tore up the presidents speech… good luck iris.
politics is a dirty game, she will be hit hard just to get to her father. they should arrest any one who has a video enabled cellphone, imagine how others have such videos on their phone. they should take her pa woodlands police bamufake mambama not jail ka mushe so sure… iliko bad alimbe mufana…
Not worse than a goverment which into power through deceit of 90 days lie.
She just wanted to record her good memories.:((
When you watch the video, you can tel it ws Nathans idea thats why he kept on looking at the camera, showing off his skills. Iris sucked his private parts after which he rushed in completely, no kissing her on the private or mouth at all. The gal tried her best but the guy was all over her tryig to show off. I would not be surprised if he Nathan Silenga posted that video online to humiliate the gal.
If he indeed pleaded guilty he too must go to jail.
I wish I was a prison warder.
I believe she won’t do any more time than she already has. I believe she’ll be fined heavily and that will be it. But if she does any jail time after tomorrow, I swear, I’ll go and look for that judge!
@rodrick, I can’t agree more with you. Most comments are of primitive nature and very ignorant.
Iris must be forgiven. We all know what she did was bad. Let her be heavily fined and ordered to perform some form of community service for an extended period of time. Jailing her is not the solution and it wont help. This ordeal will haunt her and may result in suicide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Amanda_Todd
In the first place the parents her to that college to study not engage herself in sexual activities.
Those are the consequences. They allowed the devil to use them and expose them. This sends
a message to other students.
Your comment sends a mesg, too, you’re an *****.
The girl is not remorseful i believe she has continued the ”act”’even her dressing during court sessions suggested otherwise.Now that she is free am still convinced she will continue tho this time around no cameras will watch her but God will.
The comments here reflect mostly, hypocritical, narrow minded and retrogressive mind sets. I needn’t have to, nor will, point them out.
guys from which site can i get the video?